Tuesday, 2025-02-04

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RPsmurray: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/79409461/yocto-layer-meta-browser-depends-on-scarthgap-rust-mixin/79410953#79410953 - can we list that layer in the layer index?08:01
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smurrayRP: sure, I'll fill out the form later today08:13
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TyakuI finally understand my problem with the interfaces and UDEV rules, but don't know how to solve it, this is related to interface order + "interlocking":08:20
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TyakuIf I configure my UDEV rules to put physical ethernet device on "ethernet" ifname and usb-ethernet to "lte": This is OK, on startup they have these names08:20
TyakuIf I configure my UDEV rules to pyt physical ethernet device on "eth0" and usb-ethernet on "eth1": It's not OK08:21
TyakuThe reason: On startup (dmesg) I see that usb-ethernet starts first, (before the physical phy), so it takes eth0, then the physical ethernet takes eth108:21
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TyakuWhen UDEV want to configure "physical ethernet" to "eth0" and "usb-ethernet" to "eth1" it can't because the interfaces are already in use (maybe).08:22
TyakuMy objective is to get the "physical ethernet" on "eth0" and "usb-ethernet" (LTE Module) on "eth1".08:23
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mcfriskrunqemu is not parsing conf/local.conf for things like QB_DEFAULT_BIOS? that feels odd11:09
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RPmcfrisk: you'd have to be more specific. In general runqemu would pull things from the qemuboot conf file in preference and tries to avoid querying bitbake11:14
smurrayRP: done11:14
RPsmurray: thanks!11:14
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mcfriskRP: thanks, qemuboot.conf did not get regenerated after rebuilds and that's why my changes in local.conf were not effective11:20
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RPmcfrisk: sounds like we need to improve the dependencies that go into the hashes for those tasks :/11:24
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mcfriskI can try to dig into that. additionally there was some build failure related to initrd license data which was failing rebuilds of core-image-base. wiping tmp fixed that for me but I should maybe dig deeper when that happens again..11:32
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RPmcfrisk: please, it would be good to get to the bottom of the issues. Your runqemu leftover process fix looks good btw, thanks!12:42
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LetoThe2ndmcfrisk: I actually ran into the qemuboot.conf not being regenerated problem too some weeks back, and if you find the cause/fix plz ping me.13:41
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RPLetoThe2nd, mcfrisk: even if you could open a bug just saying what you changed which didn't make it through, that would be useful14:09
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygène 13 ♫14:43
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adrianalinHello, I am using yocto scarthap with the meta-lts-mixins recipe for rust (1.81.0);15:03
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adrianalinI generated an SDK for another x86 machine. Now I am trying to build a simple rust project with:15:03
adrianalin- build.rs (which starts cmake for configuring/compiling cmake base `hello world` app)15:03
adrianalinuse cmake::Config;15:03
adrianalinfn main() {15:03
adrianalin    let _dst = Config::new("test_cmake_cpp")15:03
adrianalin        .define("CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE", "TRUE")15:03
adrianalin        .define("CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME", "Linux")15:03
adrianalin        .define("CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR","x86_64")15:03
adrianalin        .define("CMAKE_CROSS_COMPILE", "TRUE")15:03
adrianalin        .define("CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE", "/opt/weos/1.0.0/sysroots/x86_64-weos-linux/usr/share/cmake/OEToolchainConfig.cmake")15:03
adrianalin        .define("CMAKE_C_COMPILER", "/opt/weos/1.0.0/sysroots/x86_64-weos-linux/usr/bin/x86_64-we-linux/x86_64-we-linux-gcc")15:03
adrianalin        .define("CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER", "/opt/weos/1.0.0/sysroots/x86_64-weos-linux/usr/bin/x86_64-we-linux/x86_64-we-linux-g++")15:03
adrianalin        .define("CMAKE_SYSROOT", "/opt/weos/1.0.0/sysroots/x86-64-v3-we-linux")15:03
adrianalin        .very_verbose(true)15:03
adrianalin        .build();15:03
adrianalin- I also have the test_cmake_cpp directory which contains CMakeLists.txt and main.c (simple "Hello world")15:03
Sauradrianalin: Please use pastebin when pasting multiple lines.15:04
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Scotch - Plus Plus ♫15:04
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adrianalinHi, this is the message with pastebin https://pastebin.com/raw/EAaC9J6015:06
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Queen - The Miracle ♫15:09
RPadrianalin: that looks like the glibc we include in the SDK is not working well with the glibc on the host system :(15:09
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RPadrianalin: is that using the latest uninative (and latest scarthgap)? If not, you could try updating those15:10
adrianalinhmm but running cmake/make for the test project with yocto SDK runs ok, no issue;15:11
adrianalinrunning cargo build for a simple rust project also works good;15:11
adrianalinjust when putting them together i got that issue15:11
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Depeche Mode - People are People ♫15:14
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Gary Moore - Still Got the Blues ♫15:21
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adrianalinseems like my build passes if i use a docker container based on the generated yocto root fs, and installing the SDK in that rootfs; hope there will not be big problems in the future16:10
adrianalinthank you RP for the hint!16:11
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RPadrianalin: if you have a way to reproduce it might be worth a bug report in bugzilla. I worry there may be issues in future :/16:21
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rburtonwhat the hell linux-kernel-libraries i can't decide if i'm horrified or impressed16:49
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RPrburton: definitely fun. Would be interesting to connect it to user mode qemu :)16:50
rburtonor pseudo!16:52
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RPrburton: hmm, yes :)16:53
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RPrburton: instead of wrapping libc lets just reimplement it :)16:53
rburtonRP: also https://github.com/yasukata/zpoline16:54
rburtonok i need to go and crash16:54
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vmesonzpoline: system call hook for Linux -- 100 times faster than ptrace. !! and the LD_PRELOAD trick is not enough because it cannot exhaustively hook system calls.16:56
RPrburton: "assumes Linux on the x86-64 architecture." but it would be interesting as an alternative to pseudo's LD_PRELOAD16:56
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Adolphson & Falk - 1-0-0-1-0 ♫16:58
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rsalvetidenix: https://paste.debian.net/1348382/17:03
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denixrsalveti: I'm getting "This operation is not supported for this device type."17:17
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rsalvetidenix: which command, cryptsetup?17:23
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rsalvetiwhich version / distro?17:23
rsalvetiwas running it on ubuntu 22.0417:23
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neverpanic"In a nutshell, zpoline replaces the syscall and sysenter instructions with callq *%rax, and crafts a trampoline code at virtual address 0 (zero); this is why this technique is named zpoline."17:30
neverpanicOK, so now nullptr derefs actually work. This is a nice hack, but it's a hack.17:30
denixrsalveti: host cryptsetup, ubuntu 20.04. but I also build cryptsetup-native from scarthgap inside a container with ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04 - that errors out with "Cannot initialize device-mapper, running as non-root user."17:30
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rsalvetiI also have this same logic running with cryptsetup-native on kirk and scarthgap in an ubuntu 22.04 container17:32
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denixrsalveti: do you need to pass --privileged flag for the container?17:39
denixand which container engine?17:40
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denixthe difference in cryptsetup parameters is not too huge and I tried matching them, still nothing18:16
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denixhuh, on latest openSUSE Tumbleweed it seems to work, so ubuntu 20.04.6 might be showing its age... now to figure out why it fails inside a docker container18:33
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rsalvetidenix: just tried on an ubuntu container based on 24.04 (ubuntu:latest), not running with privileged, worked fine as well18:49
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rsalvetiwith docker18:49
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rsalvetiubuntu 22.04 as host, container based on 24.0418:49
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denixrsalveti: thanks. I wonder if it's host-related and my ubuntu 20.04 host causes the issue, even though the container is ubuntu 22.0418:52
rsalvetiwonder if kernel related somehow18:52
rsalvetisince the kernel is shared18:52
denixand 20.04 runs kernel 5.4.018:53
denixeven though it has all the latest security fixes of an LTS, it may lack some features18:54
*** Saur is now away: ♫ Heart - You're the Voice (Studio Version) ♫18:54
denixlate 2019 vintage - wonder if device-mapper gained some special abilities since then18:56
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Unknown - Pianot - The Heart Asks Pleasure First - The Promise ♫19:02
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rsalvetiyeah, I know it got some recent development in there19:18
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*** Saur is now away: ♫ Ashford and Simpson - Solid ♫19:25
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khemdenix: kernel 5.6+ have new namespaces e.g. time which we needed for time testing in isolation, so its likely you need new kernel22:21
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