Saturday, 2013-07-27

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lpappwould it be acceptable to at least put the required packages on arch into the documentation even if it is an unsupported platform?06:37
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lpappndec: which mailing list to send a patch to, about removing the deprecated x-load for beagleboard?07:06
lpappyocto@ or poky@? I guess the former?07:06
lpappis there a guideline somewhere about the separation?07:07
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lpappwhat is perl used for in Yocto?08:38
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lpappkergoth: did you get the chance to reproduce the /usr installation issue?09:45
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lpappcan I instruct bitbake to build a certain layer? I mean the packages inside ... say, my meta-qt5 layer.16:33
nerdboyi think the way to do that might be a package group16:50
lpappyeah, but how to do that?16:51
nerdboyactually, you could probably just make a meta recipe16:56
nerdboymeta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/  <=  like this16:56
nerdboyhaven't tried it yet...16:57
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lpappnerdboy: bluelightning:
lpappwhat is this python issue?17:40
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nerdboyjust what it says, but i have no idea why it's trying to open fstab17:49
nerdboywth is smart/
lpappnerdboy: I do not know.17:51
nerdboyis fstab not publicly readable on arch?17:52
nerdboyall i see in the traceback is open() so i assume it's a read-only open...17:54
nerdboywhat are the perms on fstab?17:54
lpappls -l /etc/fstab17:58
lpapp-rw------- 1 root root 386 Jan  5  2013 /etc/fstab17:58
nerdboythat would be it...17:59
lpappwhat is your permission on that file, then?17:59
nerdboyworld readable17:59
nerdboy-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4476 Oct  7  2012 /etc/fstab18:00
lpapp544, ok.18:00
nerdboyon gentoo/debian/ubuntu18:00
nerdboyall the sane18:00
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nerdboynot sure why it cares about discovering media on the build host18:01
lpappk, it is built now, thanks.18:03
nerdboyseems potentially risky depending on what it's trying to do...18:03
nerdboyi'm pretty new to yocto, but do you have something in your config that enables automatically deploying to an sdcard or something?18:05
nerdboyif so, that would be a feature i didn't know about...18:06
lpappit is vanilla poky18:12
lpapplatest master.18:12
lpappJaMa|Off: oh, it is you maintaining the meta-qt5 layer.18:19
nerdboyi'm building off poky master also18:22
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nerdboydepending on what's in your configs, image recipes, etc, it could be very different18:22
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lpappnothing special really.18:30
lpappexcept the external toolchain, it is pretty much the default.18:30
* nerdboy is enjoying his new arm chromebook hack18:43
lpappnerdboy: :)18:46
lpappenjoying things is fun.18:46
lpappnerdboy: shouldn't the layer document how to build the layer?18:49
lpappor is it just generic for any layer?18:49
nerdboythe layer doc i inherited in my fork is a readme that tells you what other layers it depends on18:53
nerdboythat plus a few image features is pretty much it18:54
lpappyeah, but the interesting question is how to build the recipes in the layer.18:54
nerdboyi used some "getting started" web page for that part..18:54
nerdboynormally you just add the package names you want to an image recipe18:55
nerdboyyou can inherit other images add packagegroups, etc18:55
nerdboyfirst thing i did was build existing (albeit bare-bones) pi images18:56
lpappok, so people usually create their own image files.18:56
nerdboyor "borrow" from other layers...18:56
lpappwell, I mean they have their own image files.18:57
lpappwhatever it does internally.18:57
lpappso they do not usually use exiting ones off-hand.18:57
nerdboyi also made the sato image before i decided to make my own18:57
nerdboybeyond the basic oe-core images, it really depends18:58
nerdboythere are gnome, xfce, qt and efl images in various layers18:59
nerdboyi didn't like the dependencies or bloatiness of the above, so i kinda needed to make my own minimal X image18:59
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nerdboythus, was born19:01
nerdboywhich you could easily build for other machines if you remove the one or two-rpi specific packages19:01
nerdboynormally you would refer to virtual/kernel so even that should be fine in another machine config19:03
lpappI guess there is a description somewhere how to build your own custom image.19:03
lpappI have always used this core-image-minimal.19:03
lpappwell, we have our own custom kernel.19:04
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lpappalongside the custom u-boot, busybox, et cetera.19:04
nerdboyminimal is pretty minimal...19:04
nerdboyi had to stop inheriting that to get what i wanted19:05
nerdboytry core-image instead if you want a more "normal" environment19:05
lpappI personally dislike the meta-foo naming.19:05
lpappwhy cannot it have its own dedicated meta folder?19:05
lpappno no, I wanna have a minimal, really.19:06
lpappwe have a very small nor flash.19:06
nerdboyi'm assuming that was discussed ad nauseum19:06
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* nerdboy wasn't involved in that discussion19:06
lpappnot much to discuss about it.19:07
lpappsmall nor flash is small.19:07
nerdboynot the flash...19:07
lpappyou cannot physically put a lot of stuff on it.19:07
nerdboyfor that you would probably want to stick with core-image-minimal19:07
nerdboy*the naming scheme discussion...19:08
nerdboyhow much flash do you have?19:09
lpapp32 MB19:09
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nerdboywe don't have the NOR flash option on our TI board, but i think we have 256 MB of NAND19:13
nerdboy,ultiple redundant kernels and rescue rootfs's19:14
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nerdboysince we're now running off an ssd the normal kernel has to live in nand too19:15
lpappnerdboy: well, it would be nice to be able to build the qt5 packages without an image.19:21
lpapp"bitbake qt5" or so.19:21
lpapponce the layer is cloned properly.19:21
nerdboythat would take a meta recipe19:25
lpappnerdboy: that is bad19:25
lpappwhy two separate layers?19:25
lpappwhen the qt5 layer could define it on its own.19:26
nerdboyyou need one or the other  as a bitbake target19:26
nerdboyyou have to bitbake something19:26
lpappit should be only a meta recipe19:26
lpappnot a separate layer for one particular recipe.19:26
lpappyou bitbake packages, not layeres.19:26
nerdboyyou can add recipes wherever you like19:26
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nerdboyi had to add several layers to my config because the packages i wanted are spread all over the place19:27
lpappyeah, but a qt5 layer is dedicated for that, don't you think? :)19:27
nerdboyregardless, to get what you want you need an image or meta recipe to bitbake19:27
lpappalso a recipe in a layer can depend on a recipe in another layer as far as I understand.19:28
nerdboyyeah, but i would hope that's not *too* common19:28
lpappwell, look at meta-qt519:29
lpappthey do not have any other chance than depending in oe-core19:29
lpappand recipes inside meta/19:29
nerdboyit makes sens for meta, but not so much for random layers...19:30
lpappwell, it makes sense for meta-xilinx, too.19:31
lpappwhich depends on meta-sourcery; it is just one of those.19:31
nerdboymy expectations about loose coupling are probably off19:32
nerdboybetter if there's not too much coupling between ad-hoc layers, but maybe that's normal19:33
lpappI think it is normal to have many layers.19:34
lpappand build softwares on top of each other.19:34
nerdboyyes, but in some cases it's more of a sideways pull rather than a logical layering19:38
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nerdboyat least for my "lite" xorg image i need about 7 layers...19:39
nerdboyand that's without building any kind of xfce/gnome/qt/efl desktop19:40
nerdboyit parses recipes much better than old versions of bitbake/oe-classic so it's not painful or anything19:42
nerdboybut it does seem funky...19:42
nerdboyparses and caches19:42
lpapptoo bad Yocto does not support pacman.19:47
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nerdboyi'm using opkg19:56
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nerdboynot sure the other package support is fully fleshed out19:57
nerdboyi tried the deb package support but it didn't seem to be working correctly19:58
nerdboythat was when i first set it up, so it may have been my config20:00
nerdboyi might try it again after i pull all the master branches20:01
yoctiBug 4929: normal, Undecided, ---, dvhart, NEW , Add support for pacman as package_pacman/xy.bbclass20:02
nerdboyoops, 9 layers now...20:02
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lpappnerdboy: what are you working on20:43
nerdboya no-systemd bbappend for gpsd atm...20:52
nerdboyotherwise qa yells at you about unpackaged files...20:52
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sgw_lpapp: I saw your earlier question about maintaining a list of Arch packages for the Yocto Porject, since you seem to have a keen interest in it working, would you be willing to maintain such a wiki page?  Since it's not a supported distro, the team does not really have the installed base, this was one reason I asked you about the package list once before.  Your help with this would be greatly apperciated.21:00
lpappnope, I dislike wikis.21:02
lpapppackage list is useless21:02
lpappit is bloated21:02
lpapppeople need more self-contained stuff.21:03
lpappI believe you did not go far with the package list.21:03
lpappsgw_: besides, I am not that motivated as arch has been voted down by 1-2 people on the mailing list.21:11
lpappso I only put as much effort into this as really needed.21:11
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sgw_lpapp: sorry, I had to step away, well your help is the area would be valuable to others, and you reopen the bugs requesting documentation, some of that documentation has to come from users of Arch, not all, but some.22:20
lpappunfortunately, I am not in a position to help if arch is rejected.22:28
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waltersreally oe needs a way to declare host dependencies22:36
waltersand emit them in a distro-independent way, like pkgconfig(zlib) instead of hardcoding zlib-devel22:37
walterslike we did for jhbuild22:37
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lpappnerdboy: I meant what project at the company23:01
lpappwhat the embedded end product is.23:01
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