Monday, 2013-10-28

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mckoangood morning08:04
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bluelightningmorning all09:18
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bluelightninghi JaMa09:30
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volkerSome recipes (e.g. the ti-dsp-link) have problems with "out-of-tree" build directories. I had chosen the tmpdir to be at ${TOPDIR}../../build/tmp that leads to errors during build. When adding a python function that calls os.path.abspath on the TMPDIR those problems seem to be fixed, so I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to always run abspath on the tmpdir before starting building09:47
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bluelightninghi otavio11:27
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LetoThe2ndhowdy! is there some documentation on the best practises concerning a project workflow and SCM?11:56
LetoThe2nde.g., what do i best keep in my companys SCM, and what is considered throw-away on the developer machine?11:56
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jackmitchellLetoThe2nd: how do you mean, the best way (tm) is to push anything usefull upstream, and keep everything company specific in your own custom layer12:04
LetoThe2ndjackmitchell: sure, but i'm not yet sure of the totally pragmatic way how to SCM a sppecific product12:05
jackmitchellLetoThe2nd: if you mean how do you keep a specific yocto configuration, then the way I do it is to host a local.conf somewhere which everyone can download, then point them to the right versions of upstream layers, plus the company specific layer12:05
LetoThe2ndthats what i meant - just keep the local.conf, and have each developer again set up the layers for his own machine?12:06
LetoThe2ndsounds like pretty much could go wrong there.12:06
LetoThe2ndor rather use something ripped out of angstroms setupscripts?12:07
jackmitchellLetoThe2nd: indeed, that's why you usually have someone who controls the build, and dishes out SDK's to the developers12:07
jackmitchellyou could use an automatic script like the Angstrom one sure12:07
jackmitchellunless your devs are doing build system changes, they don't need the buildsystem12:09
jackmitchelland if they are doing build system changes, they should really be able to manage downloading and setting up a few layers12:09
LetoThe2ndof course, but reproductibility is always important12:09
jackmitchellif you get the right commits, for all of the layers then it should be reproducable12:10
kmacleodLetoThe2nd, as I understand it (I'm in the same position as you, but haven't yet actually started), the "company layer" also goes in scm, separate from upstream12:10
LetoThe2ndkmacleod: thats obvious, yes.12:10
jackmitchellbut you're never going to get it complete deterministic unless you use a single build machine12:10
jackmitchell^^ that's probably a bit exaggerated, but on the whole every machine is slightly different12:11
LetoThe2ndyes of course, but basically anybody who needs to be a holiday repleacement or successor of the build system dev should be able to reproduce the functionality without hunting down layers, configs, and all that.12:13
LetoThe2ndIMHO that should be like a checkout - go.12:13
jackmitchellLetoThe2nd: in that case, write a small shell script, or use a custom git repo with submodules12:13
jackmitchellthere is also a combo-layer script in oe-core which does something like that I believe12:14
jackmitchellcombo-layer is used to build the yocto git repo with meta-yocto + oe-core etc...12:14
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LetoThe2ndwill look it up, thanks12:15
lpapphi, does one need to explicitly specify IMAGE_BOOTLOADER for a distro? It looks a bit strange at first, but I see something like that in distro config files.12:15
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StygiaHey, does anyone here know the perl recipe intimately?13:19
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StygiaIt seems to me that many core modules, f.x.  Time::HiRes, even when RDEPEND'ed upon, does not provide all of the files it should.13:20
StygiaSuch that I need a bbappend for perl that adds PM and .so files to FILES_${PN} for perl in order for core perl modules to work, even when RDEPEND'd upon.13:21
bluelightningStygia: there aren't automatic dependencies between the core perl modules, no13:21
Stygiabluelightning, I don't understand what you mean.13:22
StygiaIf I, say, depend upon perl-module-time-hires, and .so aren't included, unless I manually append to the perl recipe.13:22
StygiaThat'd strike me as a bug, that the perl recipe needs a FILES_${PN}-time-hires += "..." somewhere?13:22
bluelightningthat sounds wrong to me yes13:23
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StygiaHmm, okay.13:23
StygiaI'll test it, but I'm trying to clean up the recipes I have, so I can commit them without my fudgly perl bbappend.13:24
bluelightningStygia: er, perl-module-time-hires contains here13:24
StygiaDoes it also contain auto/Time/HiRes/
Stygiapackages-split, of course, implying that it would be part of the image...13:26
StygiaWell, alright, weird. It must be something on our end, then.13:26
StygiaYou have 5.14.3?13:26
StygiaNevermind, I saw your pastebin, you do.13:26
StygiaPR=1 too.13:27
StygiaWell, okay, thanks bluelightning. I'll look into what's wrong on my end, but that at least implies I should be able to just sub in the core modules where necessary and it should work.13:28
Stygiabluelightning, Been fighting a rrdtool recipe for a week, so pardon me for yet again being delayed in pushing those recipes.13:28
lpappwhat does it mean IMAGE_FSTYPES += "tar.bz2"?13:29
lpappwhat is a tar.bz2 filesystem?13:29
lpappis that for backup?13:30
Stygiabluelightning, Maybe you have some advice? The rrdtool recipe has --disable-perl as a EXTRA_OECONF flag, and I happen to need the perl binding.13:32
StygiaBut the perl binding is in a separate Makefiel.PL, which gets called by make during do_compile (making tampering with the Makefile.PL and the makefile  it generates difficult).13:33
StygiaAfter setting PERLCC and such, I finally got it to actually compile, but I am having trouble using it, at it fails in a way that - as far as I've found - implies improper versions of lbiraries, i.e. my perl binding from rrdtool and the CPAN module that calls it having different version of libraries.13:34
StygiaNow, I've copied the env variables from the cpan.bbclass and related recipes, to try and get a similar build environment, but I've been failing at this rather dramatically (And am now trying to build the perl debugger).13:34
StygiaIn such a complex situation like this, any idea as how I fruitfully go about debugging it? It passes all the QA checks, so the correct arctitecture is used, and it's also using the same perl version. Further, I removed all HOST include paths and such, but still no luck.13:35
StygiaAlthough the module loads fine (i.e. can be 'use'd from perl), it fails once RRD::Simple (A CPAN module) tries to use, which is provided by the rrdtool recipe once you remove --disable-perl13:35
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StygiaThe actual error I get is "Bizarre copy of UNKNOWN In scalar assignment", but from what I've found this implies incompatible lib versions..13:39
bluelightningStygia: don't think I can help with that, sorry...13:43
bluelightninglpapp: it's just a bzip2-compressed tar archive of the filesystem13:43
Stygiabluelightning, Quite fair.13:44
Stygiabluelightning, Thanks for reading it, though, and for writing me back. :)13:44
Stygiabluelightning, On another note. I'm still seeing the issue with perl core modules not having their files follow along, as I added perl-module-term-readline to my -dev image, and don't see it's PM or so files.13:45
bluelightningStygia: if you look in packages-split for perl are the files in there?13:45
Stygiabluelightning, So something is up, but it could be our end. Bit fishy, though, as this has been like this since pretty much day one of our perl + yocto workings.13:45
Stygiabluelightning, Yes, they're in there for perl-5.14.3-r1, but not in the image.13:46
lpappbluelightning: that is not a filesystem13:46
StygiaThey're currently found in IMAGE_INSTALL_append, but a similar situation I've seen when adding them in RDEPENDS for packages.13:47
bluelightninglpapp: the files that were to make it up if it were to be an actual one, then...13:47
bluelightningStygia: it sounds like those packages aren't really being installed then13:48
bluelightningStygia: are they mentioned as being installed in the log.do_rootfs for the image?13:48
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Stygiabluelightning, Yes, they are mentioned as "to be installed: ..."13:50
Stygiabluelightning, I grep'd for "term-readline", and the only mentions of it seems to be in perl/perl-rdepends..., where it mentions its dependencies.13:50
StygiaNo mention of which files should be included, which does seem to be my issue - the PM and .so files don't get included (Although Term::ReadLine doesn't seem to have an so file, but still).13:51
StygiaWe have been "fixing" (or working around, at least) this by adding the files to FILES_{PN} For a perl bbappend13:51
bluelightningStygia: you mean pulling the files into the main package?13:52
Stygiabluelightning, Do the files wind up in your actual image, and not just perl's own packages-split?13:52
Stygiabluelightning, What? I'm not sure I understand.13:52
StygiaI have a FILES_${PN} += ... where I add the files I need for perl, yes.13:52
StygiaAs one big blob, this is awful, I know.13:52
lpappbluelightning: not sure what you mean.13:53
bluelightninglpapp: I'm not sure what your question is either...13:53
StygiaIt should be FILES_${PN}-term-readline AFAIK, but still, the point is I don't see the PM files and such getting into the actual image when depended upon, only in packages-split for perl.13:53
bluelightningStygia: if the files end up in packages-split that means they will be in the package in whose directory they appear13:53
bluelightningStygia: if they aren't in your image it means that package is not being installed13:53
Stygiabluelightning, Hmm. They're shown in packages-split for perl.13:54
bluelightningStygia: you mean packages-split/perl ?13:54
Stygiabluelightning, tmp/work/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/perl/5.14.3-r5/packages-split/perl-module-term-readline/13:54
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Stygiathe 'r5' thing is my fdault, so never mind that.13:59
zaifHi all, Any idea how to get v4l2src working. Previously I embed v4lc(, but when I do gst-launch it says no element "v4l2src"14:00
zaiftypo v4l2*14:02
Stygiabluelightning, Another thing I noted, actually, is that it doesn't seem like perl here RPROVIDES all of the core modules.  For example, it only mentions the RDEPENDS of ${PN}-module-term-readline, but trying to using in another packages RDEPENDs gets a complaint that it's not found in the base feeds.14:03
bluelightningzaif: I would suggest confirming that v4l2 support is enabled in gstreamer (or whichever gst-plugins-* is meant to provide it) and that the appropriate plugin package is installed in your image14:03
bluelightningStygia: the perl module packages are dynamically generated, and the perl recipe does PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += "^perl-module-.*"14:05
bluelightningStygia: which means that perl-module-<anything> should be provided14:06
Stygiabluelightning, Ah, yea okay. So why, when I add perl-module-term-readline to IMAGE_INSTALL_append do I get told it's not in the base feeds? Because it really isn't, since it's dynamic?14:06
bluelightningif you get that error it means that the package manager can't find it14:07
StygiaPresumably because it's dynamic?14:07
bluelightningit just means it doesn't exist as far as the package manager knows14:07
bluelightningthat usually means it ended up empty14:07
bluelightningyour FILES_${PN} += hacks would actually cause that situation I think14:08
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Stygiabluelightning, Oh? How so?14:10
bluelightningwell if the files were forced into the main package they couldn't be picked up by the dynamic packaging14:10
Stygiabluelightning, It's supposed to add the files dynamically, and never will since I'm touching FILES_${PN} at a higher PR?14:10
bluelightning-> no package produced14:10
Stygiabluelightning, Huh, alright.14:11
bluelightningbut the failure doesn't occur until do_rootfs because the perl recipe has promised, through the PACKAGES_DYNAMIC statement, that that package will exist14:11
StygiaI'll try and look into removing this bbappend completely, then, and see if maybe we won't have to maintain this anywmore.14:11
Stygiabluelightning, And right. Thanks! Hopefully we'll get out of this mess, so I can fix my depends to perl-module-X without problems.14:12
StygiaI wonder how it dynamically knows which files to include, then, but I could read the bbclass, no worries.14:12
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StygiaThe perl recipe I know.14:12
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bluelightningStygia: there's a section in the manual on how it works here:
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Stygiabluelightning, Sorta weird to see a 'python' function delimited with braces. But, thanks, I"ll read up on that and get to cleaning my env perl-wise.14:16
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Stygiabluelightning, Hmm, right... yea, okay, I definitively see how this works now. Thanks for that link.14:21
Stygiabluelightning, I don'tget 100% why my own FILES_${PN} would interfere with this, but I'll cut it out either way.14:22
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lpappbluelightning: tar.bz2 is a backup image.14:24
lpappit is not a filesystem, like jffs, ext3, reiserfs, ubifs, btrfs, etc.14:24
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bluelightninglpapp: it's not a backup at all14:33
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lpappbluelightning: what is it then?14:34
bluelightningit is a bzip2-compressed tar archive of the files that are in the image14:35
bluelightningit is quite frequently used when you wish to install the image onto a device that already contains a filesystem, e.g. a pre-formatted SD card14:36
zaifbluelightning: got some hints from this( regarding v4l2src. Will try these steps and get back for any help.14:36
lpappbluelightning: but why is it exposed as IMAGE FILESYSTEM?\14:40
lpappit is not a filesystem as the rest.14:40
bluelightningthat's not important14:40
lpappwell, for you.14:47
lpappit caused a few hours thinking, and it just seems to be a bad API.14:47
lpappbad as in confusing.14:48
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mbeliskohi all14:50
mbeliskoif I define my own var e.g. USE_TEST = 114:51
mbeliskocan I use for "${@base_contains("USE_TEST", "yes", "xx", "yy", d)} ?14:51
mbeliskoto add list of files to FILES_${PN} ?14:52
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bluelightningmbelisko: certainly14:53
ant_workbase_conditional maybe?14:54
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mbeliskoant_work: thanks14:57
ant_workthough you probably want to create a separate package instead14:58
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darknightehalstead: did you get a meeting invite from me?15:19
darknightefor this week?15:19
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jackmitchelldoes anyone know if there is a good reason for i586 to be the default 32bit target tune, rather than i686?15:28
jackmitchellor even, why i686 doesn't seem to exist as a tune at all?15:29
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kergothgoddamnit, even with my latest sstate reuse fixes, i'm still seeing cases where a massive number of setscenes run, but it runs the real tasks anyway16:36
* kergoth grumbles and digs16:36
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lpappjackmitchell: IMO x32 should be the default 32 bit target, but we are far from that ideal world.16:43
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jackmitchelllpapp: are there any architectures that can't build for x32, atoms for example?16:46
bluelightninglpapp: that wouldn't work on 32-bit hardware16:46
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lpappbluelightning: that is why I said ideal world.... I do not think there is much point in 32 bit processors.16:48
jackmitchellok, I was referring specifically to the default 32bit tune16:49
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zaifI am using gumstix-console-image. After build is success, is there any way to run it with qemu?19:11
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crunchexWhat's the logic behind incrementing the self-referencing PRINC variable by a value other than 1? I apologize if I missed it somewhere in the docs.20:16
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zaifcrunchex: PR increment is just for keeping track of any updates/patches.20:26
zaifcrunchex: Explanation:
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crunchexzaif: I understand the purpose of it, but I see that in some recipes, it increments by 2, for example:  PRINC := "${@int(PRINC) + 2}"20:39
crunchexWhy would that number need to be anything but 1?20:39
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kergothcrunchex: in the past, PR had to be bumped manually. when the metadat changed, they bumped it21:09
kergothcrunchex: it started as 1, then got incremented to 2 when the content was changed again21:09
kergothpretty straightforward21:09
BCMMi'm sure i've had this question answered here before, but can't seem to find it in my logs: how can i find out which recipe created a given file?21:13
BCMM(in this particular case, it's /etc/init.d/networking)21:13
kergotheasiest to just use the apckage manager on the target21:17
kergothso it depends on what the package manager is21:17
kergothalternatively, on the build side you could look at buildhistory21:17
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BCMMkergoth: like, the PM on the device? don't think i've got one (certainly haven't intentionally)21:28
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crunchexkergoth: thanks. so it really doesn't matter, but that was where it was at when it became automatic.21:29
BCMManyway, found my answer for this time by doing grep -r on the recipes tree; turns out the forked rpi BSP is the problem21:29
kergothplenty of images include it by default :)21:29
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #333 of nightly-x86-64 is complete: Failure [failed Building Images Running Sanity Tests Building Images_1] Build details are at
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BCMMwhen i connect a USB cd-rom drive, no /dev/sr0 device appears22:33
BCMMdmesg shows that it's been recognised, by usb-storage, but no device file appears22:33
BCMMhow should i go about fixing this? something to do with udev's config?22:34
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SorenHolmHow do I get a patch included in 1.5. Does stuff get backporte automatically or should I specify in that patch that the patch is suitable to be applies to dora ?23:00
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Crofton|workSorenHolm, gett the patch in master, the ask the dora maintainer to backport23:06
SorenHolmCrofton|work: ok - where can I find the list of maintainers?23:08
Crofton|workI was afraid you would ask that :)23:09
SorenHolmCrofton|work: :D23:09
SorenHolmI'll ask as a reply to my patch. Thanks.23:10
Crofton|workthat would be best23:10
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