Wednesday, 2015-01-14

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kimo_hi all, Im looking for a thrift recipe, does anyone have tried to cross-compile it for ARM?10:42
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kimo_rburton : I saw it but its a python binding not the thrift package itself11:16
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rburtonthe layer index is fairly comprehensive, so that's a fairly good sign that you'll need to write the recipe yourself11:17
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rburtonotavio: <— ever seen that before?11:22
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chankit1how do I setup multilib in yocto?11:35
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chankit1bluelightning: thanks...will read it up11:59
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mansanderssonrunning a daisy qemuarm build trying to communicate over serial between host and guest. Works fine at first but once I've disconnected and then reconnected minicom on one side I can only send from guest to host. Anyone knows somethings about this problem?12:15
mansanderssonI'm using the '-serial pty' for qemu btw.12:15
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otaviorburton: no; never.12:52
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darhorsebluelightning: one of my recipes has SRC_URI that points to a local directory which is an svn working copy. when i run the recipe, do_fetch() copies the contents of that directory under my recipes $WORKDIR. the problem is that it also copies over svn metadata (.svn) directories. how can i avoid that?13:27
LetoThe2nddarhorse: sounds like you want EXTERNAL_SRC13:29
darhorseLetoThe2nd: thanks that is useful. But can I still build under ${S} instead of the external directory itself?13:34
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LetoThe2nddarhorse: i don't know actually, your question just triggered the keyword in my head. sorry.13:39
bluelightningdarhorse: yes you can with externalsrc - see
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hugovsis it possible to include a .tar.bz2 image inside an .hddimg image? for example, if i want to use the .hddimage as an installer.14:07
hugovsor is there any other more clever way to do it?14:08
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LetoThe2ndhugovs: well after all its just another file in your image. have a recipe that installs it (something has to use it anyways, and that something has to go into the image too probably) and be fine.14:17
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hugovsLetoThe2nd: but then i would have a two step process, right? first, build the .tar.bz2 image and put the result somewhere, and then have a recipe included in the other image that finds the result and installs it.14:27
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hugovsLetoThe2nd: i was just wondering if we could make an image to depend on another.14:27
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darhorseI have a custom task in a recipe which runs fine after a cleanall. but when i run it again, it doesn't execute setscene tasks are executed14:29
darhorseit doesn't execute as one of the setscene tasks imean14:29
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bryanhas anyone tries running metacity with oe-core15:34
bryanI am trying to replace matchbox with metacity but after doing the changes I am getting schema not installed error15:35
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darkhorse_bluelightning: i have a custom post-processing task that takes the output of the recipe from DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE and generates a 'processed' version under DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE/processed. this works find after a cleanall but when I run the recipe again setscene tasks are run. In this case my custom task doesn't run at all. I am missing something but don't know what15:59
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bluelightningdarkhorse_: how do you define that task?16:01
bluelightningspecifically, what is your addtask line?16:01
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darkhorse_do_process () { # task body} addtask process after do_deploy before do_packagedata EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_process16:02
darkhorse_bluelightning: o_process () { # task body} addtask process after do_deploy before do_packagedata EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_process16:03
darkhorse_and as i said it works okay without setscene16:03
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darkhorse_bluelightning: read do_process instead of o_process in previous message16:05
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bluelightningdarkhorse_: I think you may be better off doing this as a do_deploy_append and doing the changes in DEPLOYDIR; then your changes will be incorporated in the sstate archive for do_deploy16:11
bluelightningunless you have a compelling reason to do it in a separate task that is16:11
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darkhorse_bluelightning: my task is fairly modular and i want the user to choose whether they want to process() or not16:21
bluelightningdarkhorse_: how would they make that choice?16:21
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darkhorse_bluelightning: lets say recipe name is ; they could say "bitbake mykernel -c deploy" for unprocessed version and "bitbake mykernel" for processed version which would be the default16:32
darkhorse_bluelightning: also, the same process() will be required by quite a few recipes and i don't want to replicate do_deploy_append() everywhere16:34
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bluelightningdarkhorse_: I see... well at minimum you will need do_build in your list of "before" tasks in the addtask line16:41
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darkhorse_bluelightning: ok. I will try it now. Do you think i need to create a do_process_setscene task on the lines of do_deploy_setscene() (deploy.bbclass) ? BTW i have tried it already but it didn't work however that could be because of the input/output dirs that i provided16:45
bluelightningdarkhorse_: that's only necessary if you want the output to be saved to and restored from the sstate cache16:46
darkhorse_bluelightning: OK. but what I don't understand is that originally I thought that i could just set do_process[nostamp] = "1" and it should be fine because it will not create stamp files and hence will run each time16:47
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bluelightningdarkhorse_: when you do bitbake <recipe> what you are saying is effectively bitbake -c build <recipe>16:48
bluelightningdarkhorse_: so your new task will only run if the build task depends upon it16:49
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bluelightningnow, in the first instance it does indirectly via do_packagedata as you do currently (not entirely sure why you have that in "before" though)16:50
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bluelightningbut when restoring the do_deploy output from sstate, that covers any tasks leading up to that point, including do_packagedata - thus your task isn't run16:50
bluelightningadd do_build to the before list and it will do though16:50
bluelightning(and possibly remove do_packagedata)16:51
darkhorse_bluelightning: AH!! thanks a ton :) you just saved a silly newbee's day16:54
darkhorse_bluelightning: adding do_build in the 'before' list works16:54
bluelightninggreat! no worries16:59
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darkhorse_bluelightning: is it possible to just populate sysroots from a state cache as the first step of the build? I am thinking of a mechanism to allow application software developers to get hold of necessary OS support without actually building18:52
Aethenelledarkhorse_: I believe that's what ASSUME_PROVIDED is for. You just have to be careful that it has what the recipe is expecting... might be a specific version or patches...18:54
Aethenellethere's also something that'll get rebuilt from sstate but i don't remember what... might actually be the sysroots18:55
kergothno, assume provided is for stuff that's already available on the host and won't be built at all, sstate or otherwise18:57
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darkhorse_Aethenelle: hmm.. ASSUME_PROVIDED is mainly for the native tools. what i am thnking of is that let's say you build an arm or mips kernel and a base image that would populate mips or arm sysroot. now we have another team of software developers who are interested in that sysroot directory and they don't care about the kernel and filesystem image18:57
frayFOO := "${@savemyvar('TARGET_OS', d)}"18:57
Aethenelleif they're working off the same temp dir, everything from the original build should still be around and the compile step for it skipped18:58
Aethenelleiirc, it can even be recovered from the sstate if the sysroots are deleted18:59
kergothdarkhorse_: the sysroot is for internal build use only. no one should be poking at it extrernally. if you want to ship a sysroot to your developers, build an sdk (meta-toolchain, or -c populate_sdk)18:59
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darkhorse_kergoth: sdk - that sounds great. I suppose there's already documentation about generating sdks..? is it trivial?19:04
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darkhorse_kergoth: i mean to generate sdk if you already have a working image + kernel19:04
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kergothbitbake -c populate_sdk <your image> will create an sdk whose contents mirror what went into theimage19:15
kergothbut yes, it's in the yocto project documentaiton19:15
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dRbiGhello. are there any simpler alternatives to yocto?22:58
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dRbiGi've started with angstrom but nothing that i've built was actually able to run on real hardware23:02
dRbiGnow i'm trying poky, maybe that'll actually run :)23:02
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rburtondRbiG: i'm literally going to bed but you might want to expand on "unable to run on hardware"23:18
rburtonlike, what the hardware was, what the errors were23:18
rburtonwe're all running angstrom/poky/whatever on real hardware, so it does work :)23:18
dRbiGhanged on 'Waiting for removable media', or couldn't mount root, genericx8623:19
dRbiGrburton: it's late here too, no rush23:19
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rburtonthere's a known way to trigger that bug - building a sysvinit image and then a systemd image without deleting the tmp/ first23:20
rburtonif you change distro features, always best to wipe out tmp23:20
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dRbiGrburton: that sounds like it might have been it23:21
dRbiGi'll leave the poky build running overnight and check tomorrow23:22
Crofton|workwhat hardware?23:23
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dRbiGCrofton|work: target? old via c3 board23:23
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fraydo you have your MACHINE and tune set properly for such an old system?23:23
dRbiGnow - hopefully; i'm using genericx86 + self-configured kernel23:24
dRbiGif i've done the latter part right23:25
fraymost likely the compiler is defaulting to core2.. which means it won't work..23:25
frayyou need your DEFAULTTUNE set to i586 most likely23:25
dRbiGmhm, another useful bit, noted down23:25
fraythis is a very old part that you need to make sure the compiler is set to match.. otherwise you'll get binaries with instructions that are incorrect for your processor23:26
fraythere is a 'tune-c3' as well.23:26
dRbiGTARGET_SYS        = "i586-poky-linux"; TUNE_FEATURES     = "m32 core2"23:26
fraythere ya go.. thats defaulting to core223:26
frayit won't work23:26
fraypretty much all modern CPUs (Intel and AMD) can handle core2 instructions.. the c3 is much older23:27
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frayyou will likely need to generate a custom machine confgiuration file..23:27
dRbiG^C it is then.23:27
fray(look at meta/conf/machine)23:27
frayor whatever BSP layers you are using..23:27
fraythe key is in the machine '.conf' file you need to change the tune 'require' line to be something like: require conf/machine/include/tune-c3.inc23:28
dRbiGwell i'm confused as to how the layers are supposed to work (order for starters)23:28
dRbiGbut that's another topic23:28
frayand then set: DEFAULTTUNE ?= "c3"23:28
fraylayers are a mechanism to provide new recipes, configurtion files or augment existing components of other layers..23:29
fraythere is a load order established int he conf/layers.conf file23:29
fraya BSP layer will provide (at a minimum) a board support package, machine configuration file for a specific board23:29
dRbiGoh, ok. that makes sense23:29
frayit often provides additional recipes specific to that board, possible compiler (tune) settings, etc..23:30
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dRbiGi have a tune-c3.inc23:30
frayfor the Via C3, there is an existing tune the ''23:30
fraythat needs to to be required by your amchine .conf file, and you also need the 'DEFAULTTUNE ?= "c3"' line..23:30
fray(many of the tune files add that line for you automatically, but the file does not for some reason)23:30
fraywith those changes, after your parse you should see that it's building for the c3 processor core23:31
dRbiGyeah, the overall infrastructure makes sense. the details are the devil23:31
dRbiGlast general question: what would be the main difference between ansgtrom systemd-image and yocto's core-image-minimal?23:35
dRbiGexcept the init system23:35
fraydifferent systems..23:35
frayPoky (yocto projects default distribution settings) and different from angstrom.. (not sure how, but they were different in the past)23:36
fraycore-image-minimal is a small busybox based system.. just enough components to create a small embedded systems..23:36
fraythe minimal has to do with command line support..23:36
fray(I don't know what the systemd-image has)...23:36
dRbiGafair the angstrom systemd-image that i managed to run inside qemu was also busyboxed based23:36
frayyou can run core-image-minimal with systemd as well..  I've not done it -- but it should be possible..23:37
fraychoice of initscript system is a distribution confgiuration option.. either sysvinit or systemd23:37
dRbiGaye. ok, thank you for the guidance23:38
frayno problem23:38
dRbiGi'll put it into use tomorrow23:38
dRbiGgoodnight all :)23:38
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