Thursday, 2016-09-08

davisbluelightning: thanks for the help. I appreciate it.00:01
davisim going home for the day, i can pick up with the cmake again tomorrow.00:01
bluelightningno problem, have a good evening00:01
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daviswhen I got this code, it had screwed up dependencies and it seems as if its now a problem yet again.00:02
davisbtw, before I go, if I do nativesdk, will bitbake be able to build some code using cmake and then be able to run this code as part of its build?00:03
davisi was able to do that when it was native and in the x86_64-linux work fs00:03
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bluelightningdavis: if you need to do that it's best to rely on the -native recipe to build those and then depend on that01:51
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zero_notehi guys, I've googled a lot about my yocto-sdk problem without luck, so I am asking here08:07
zero_notewe're developing some custom apps and libraries, which will be part of the filesystem generated using bitbake, in addition to that we have "bitbaked" a sdk08:10
zero_notethat will be used by a 3rd part developer, which is not allowed to use our sources, but instead will use only binaries and libraries as provided08:12
zero_notebut the  problem is that the SDK contains, in /usr/src/, all the apps/libs sources08:12
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zero_noteis there a simple way to avoid sources of a given package from being installed into the sdk?08:14
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LocutusOfBorghi, question: I would like to exclude some source files from the SDK, because the customer shouldn't see them (e.g. the dbg packages have the c files too), what is the best way to achive this?10:13
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LocutusOfBorgdo yocto have a way to exclude files in a nicer way?10:14
rubiccubeHello there, I am trying to build an image using yocto. My host machine's cpu has 64 threads, when I start building and it fetches packages, tasks are done  using 64 thread, but in compilation it just doing 8 by 8. What should be the reason ?10:16
LocutusOfBorgrubiccube, BB_NUMBER_THREADS10:16
LocutusOfBorgis different from PARALLEL_MAKE10:17
LocutusOfBorga good result is achieved by PARALLEL_MAKE ?= "-j ${@oe.utils.cpu_count()}"10:17
LocutusOfBorgeven if somebody tells to use cpu number +1 or whatever10:17
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rubiccubeLocutusOfBorg: I am newbie, where should add this line: PARALLEL_MAKE ?= "-j ${@oe.utils.cpu_count()}"10:19
rubiccubein conf/local.conf ?10:19
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LocutusOfBorgyes, the same place as the other one?10:19
zero_noterubiccube: exactly10:19
LocutusOfBorgI usually end up in having both point to the same value :)10:19
rubiccubezero_note: LocutusOfBorg Thank you, I am trying10:21
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TaZManiAcnaber ?10:22
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rubiccubeWill anybody attend to Yocto Developer Day Europe ?10:22
rubiccubeTaZManiAc: Sagol abi10:22
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LocutusOfBorgrubiccube, yw10:23
rubiccubezero_note: LocutusOfBorg Nothing changed...10:23
LocutusOfBorgPARALLEL_MAKE := "64"10:23
LocutusOfBorgtry that one10:23
rburton1cpu count is the default for num threads and parallel make10:23
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TaZManiAcilker geldim10:24
TaZManiAcne ayak bu salaklar ?10:24
rubiccubeLocutusOfBorg: Should I write BB_NUMBER_THREADS also ?10:24
rburton1rubiccube: its possible that it can only manage 8 because of dependencies10:25
rburton1ie until glibc is built. you can't do anything else10:25
rburton1but the default for BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE is cpu_count()10:26
rburton1so start by checking what that value actually is :)10:26
rubiccuberburton1: As I said, when tasks are just fetch, It fetches using all threads, I mean fetches 64 packages at a time. So I got, you are right for the dependencies :)10:27
rubiccubeAnyway thanks for your help all.10:28
rubiccubeAnd another question, when I build "bitbake fsl-image-multimedia" the fonts are in my application is not seems when I install it to my board. I am adding qtbase-fonts to IMAGE_INSTALL_append, it not finds this package.. By the way I am using the master branch.10:34
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LocutusOfBorgRDEPENDS_${PN} += "qtbase-fonts"10:53
LocutusOfBorgit is a runtime dependency10:53
LocutusOfBorgso, pick who needs the fonts and add the dependency in the recipe10:54
LocutusOfBorgor override it10:54
LocutusOfBorgand use meta-qt5 probably10:54
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rubiccubeLocutusOfBorg: thank you, Now, when I try to bitbake meta-toolchain-qt5 I got this error qt5/ failed with exit code '1'11:02
rubiccubeLocutusOfBorg: And lots of undefined references11:02
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rubiccubeLocutusOfBorg: any idea >11:07
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neverpanicUlfalizer: If I set SUMMARY_${PN}-dev ?= "${SUMMARY} - development files", add ${PN}-dev to OVERRIDES in a copy of, and run localdata.getVar('SUMMARY', True), shouldn't that always throw an error because it's self-referential?12:27
neverpanicMaybe I'm misunderstanding something here, but that exact thing seems to work on master12:28
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Ulfalizerneverpanic: yeah, seems that should trigger an error. having ${PN}-dev in OVERRIDES sounds weird though. that might break stuff like FILES_${PN}-dev = ..., because it'd incorrectly get interpreted as an OVERRIDES override on FILES.12:39
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* Ulfalizer did an experiment with FOO_pn-${PN} = "${FOO}", python () { d.getVar("FOO", True) }12:41
Ulfalizerthat triggers "Exception: variable FOO references itself!"12:41
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davishello neverpanic I hope you are doing good12:53
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neverpanicUlfalizer: What I described seems to happen in meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass 336 and following, though. (link for convenience:
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neverpanicI agree it would break FILES_*, but those variables aren't used in this branch of the code12:59
Ulfalizerohh... they're using the OVERRIDES mechanism to handle those variables locally13:00
Ulfalizeryeah, shouldn't be a problem13:00
Ulfalizerdunno why it doesn't break with SUMMARY though13:00
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davisok, so I am confused13:09
davisi was talking to kergoth and bluelightning last yesterday13:09
davisi changed around my build and now I have a problem with the files I'm building.13:10
davisi run this incredibly long compiler setup to build a c program but I can not run it.13:11
davisI'm guessing it needs to be run in the context of the compiler's sysroot.13:11
davisso this does not seem to be what I need to do.13:11
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davisis there anybod out there?13:30
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rburton1davis: no13:41
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fragfutteri have a recipe using autotools. It checks for lsb_release, so i added a dependency on lsb (DEPENDS += "lsb"). But the recipe still can't find lsb_release. Am i missing something?14:01
rburton1fragfutter: why is it looking for lsb_release?  sounds like something that is worth patching out14:03
fragfutterdisregarding this valid note, why is the package lsb not installed in my sysroot during buildtime?14:04
rburton1if you depends on it, then it is14:04
rburton1oh, the target sysroot strips out /usr/bin as you can't run anything anyway14:05
* rburton1 thinks14:06
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fragfutterhm. now that i think of it. How should autotools work, are they using the build-hosts programs during configure?14:14
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rburton1mix of host and native sysroot14:19
rburton1and configure knows to look in the target sysroot for libraries etc14:20
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zeenixhmm.. something is setting -Werror and i don't know what :(14:32
* neverpanic still doesn't understand how OVERRIDES .= ":foo-dev"; SUMMARY_foo-dev ?= "${SUMMARY} - text"; d.getVar("SUMMARY", True) works in packages_rpm.bbclass14:35
rburton1zeenix: gnome-common?14:36
neverpanicI'd welcome any insight into Yocto's override handling; I've looked into the code, but I don't understand how overrides (aka the cookie monster, apparently) work14:36
zeenixrburton1, it does that?14:37
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rburton1zeenix: it used to14:37
rburton1zeenix: fairly simple to figure out where it comes from by grepping the build directory of the recipe to see what variable introduces it14:39
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joshuaglneverpanic: did you read the docs?14:45
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neverpanicjoshuagl: I'm familiar with that, yes; unfortunately it doesn't help me to understand whether an override can reference the non-override version of a variable14:49
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davisrburton1: so my step 1 passed. I was able to build this massive cmake project for the host again.15:04
davisi've laid out my entire recipe and the results here15:05
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davisim trying to build the sdk now, I am pretty sure these tools are not going to be in the sdk. but what do you think?15:07
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neverpanicdavis: "inherit native" and "BBCLASSEXTEND = native" are somewhat mutually exclusive15:09
neverpanicWhile you notice that it doesn't immediately crash, it will probably only ever give you host builds15:09
neverpanicI think BBCLASSEXTEND = "native" and not inheriting it explicitly is closer to what you'd need15:11
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davisneverpanic: ok15:15
daviswhen this sdk build completes. i'll remove that.15:15
davisahh, neverpanic I did try that before. I'm pretty sure if I do this:15:18
davisinherit native15:18
davisinherit cmake15:18
davisthen it will fail15:19
kergothwell, that's the right thing to do. failing or not, manually inheriting native and using bbclassextend will not do what you want15:19
davisit will try to build the code for the target. it will build in the corei7-64-oe-linux and then when it tries to run the exe to build the lfotool and gnerators15:19
davisit will not run since its geared for running on the target.15:20
davissigh, i'm so confused.15:20
kergothso patch its buildsystem to run the binaries from pcmx-native and add that as a dep15:20
kergothobviously you can't run the binaries you're building when crosscompiling15:20
davisi am terrible at describing what I'm trying to do15:20
rburton1my step 1 and step 2 above are still the right thing to do15:21
rburton1one detail is that the recipe should be and use BBCLASSEXTEND=native, not inherit native15:21
davisim trying to listen to you folks, truly.15:22
davisbut i feel like i have not explained it well.15:22
davisthis code which is huge, has this complication where it needs to build some code, run this code to generate additional code, then build the final executables from the generated code.15:23
neverpanicYour problem still seems to be that you need to tell your CMake buildsystem to run the generators from the sysroot of ptmx-native, not the ones it just built15:23
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rburton1davis: from your pastebin step 1 works, you just need to patch the target build so that it doesn't try to build the tools but will use the ones in the sysroot15:24
davisthat sounds spot on.15:24
davisrburton1: yes.15:24
neverpanicIt might be easier for you to split the generators and the target stuff into separate projects, that would immediately make it clear.15:24
davistrust me, this collection of cmake files is terribly ugly and filled with macros. i dont want to touch it more than I have now.15:25
davisi had to add dependencies in the macros and turn off multicore builds and it finally builds.15:25
rburton1so the important thing is to get whoever wrote them to understand that this isn't a problem they can ignore and they should support cross builds15:25
rburton1(ie they fix the cmake lists)15:26
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neverpanicIt sounds to me like your biggest problem is the terribly ugly CMake stuff, and you might be better off fixing that than trying to work around it in bitbake15:26
davissigh, the guy who wrote these are no longer here. hence why i'm here.15:26
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rburton1personally i'd rip it all out and replace it with autotools ;)15:26
davisyes, but its not an option.15:27
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davisi honestly think someone thought this will be easy but has created such a mess, now its hard to fix. dependecny problems, installs as part of make, generators, etc.15:27
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davisbut anyway, enough whining. I know that if set what is in the pastebin it does build.15:28
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neverpanicBut it builds for the host architecture, unless you remove "inherit native", at which point it probably will no longer build.15:32
davisneverpanic: i'm trying to see what happens when this sdk build completes or fails15:33
daviswell that was kind of quik. it failed.15:34
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fragfuttercan i tell an automake based recipe to not use a seperate build directory?15:39
rburton1fragfutter: inherit autotools-brokensep instead15:41
rburton1brokensep because the proper resolution is to fix the upstream makefile15:42
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fragfutterrburton1: :) thanks.15:42
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kergothrunfetchcmd really sucks in a number of ways15:51
kergothcan't handle a cmd that's a list, can't retrieve stderr unless the command fails (problematic since stderr isn't just for errors, but anything out of band), etc15:51
rburton1kergoth: fetch3!15:52
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kergothrunfetchcmd should really have just been a light wrapper around subprocess / bb.process which adjusts env per the fetch env var list and raises fetcherror, anything else is unnecessary15:53
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markajoeythesaint: just saw your email now regarding samba, I haven't looked but suspect it is possible to do an arch specific blacklist, if I put together a patch would you consider applying it?18:42
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joeythesaintmarka: If it's justified, sure, but the pam auto-detection / packaging error thing doesn't seem like it should be that hard to fix, and that's across the board, AFAICT.18:49
joeythesaintIf it were just binutils and it were limited to 32-bit arm, I'm happy to blacklist it for one arch.18:50
markaalright, I will try to take a closer look at it18:50
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a1cypheranybody know how I can figure out how to specify the ethernet phy in the kernel dtb?    If I dont have anything in there it detects the phy just fine, but if I add a phy-handle and corresponding section in the dtb then it doesnt detect or do anything19:58
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jmesmonIs haveing '@' in the path to COREBASE still totally broken? I'm trying to build in jenkins, and it uses '@' in it's workspace paths21:16
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joshuaglI'd be surprised, plenty of OE/YP users are using jenkins21:19
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Guest80168what is the simple way to add something which is built native to the sdk?21:53
Guest80168ie. just has inherit native. no bbclassextend mods21:53
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Ulfalizedavis: if the recipe has 'inherit native', then it's a native-only recipe21:55
Ulfalizethat might be a mistake by the recipe author though, if there's nothing else that limits the recipe to being native-only21:56
davisyah, i'm writing it.21:56
Ulfalizeif you want the recipe to provide a target and an sdk version too, then do BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk" instead21:56
davisi'm doing some experiments based on reading, but these books dont say anything about nativesdk21:56
Ulfalizethe recipe must be "generic" enough for that to work, but if you're lucky, it might already be21:57
davisBBCLASSEXTEND showed up in one of the books and it was a java example.21:57
davisok many thanks21:57
Ulfalizethe latest version of the reference manual has some more information on BBCLASSEXTEND compared to earlier versions btw:
davisthank hyou21:59
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Ulfalizeif you add BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk" to a recipe for example, you'll get the foo, foo-native, and nativesdk-foo "recipes", all from the same bb file22:01
davisyou still need the inherit native, right22:04
davismy understanding is that inherit is for using a class. ie. foo.class22:04
davisand that BBCLASSEXTEND is just that. it extends a class.22:04
Ulfalizenope, you shouldn't inherit native if you're using BBCLASSEXTEND22:04
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davisso that you can built multiple targets with the same recipe.22:05
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davisthis jives with what kergoth told me earlier today22:05
Ulfalizeconceptually, it'll generate a separate version of the recipe for each class in BBCLASSEXTEND, where each version inherits that particular class22:05
davisok, one other thing I read regarding BBCLASSEXTEND22:05
davisthis is from the strief book22:05
davishe said, ~if you use BBCLASSEXTEND it builds the target first and then the class(variant?)22:06
Ulfalizeit also does some rewriting of variables for you though, that usually do The Right Thing, e.g. turning a DEPENDS on foo into a dependency on foo-nativesdk for the nativesdk version22:06
Ulfalizedavis: dunno what order things will be processed in. it shouldn't usually matter though.22:07
davisbut you make a good point22:07
davisif you use a depends, you could force the order22:07
Ulfalizedavis: think of it as a copy-paste of the recipe with inherits for each of the classes you list + some magic for dependencies and the like that usually do The Right Thing :)22:08
daviscool. i'm about to do another try with BBCLASSEXTEND and not inherit.22:08
davissee3 what happens22:08
Ulfalizethe magic dependency-rewriting stuff is handled inside meta/classes/{native,nativesdk}.bbclass btw. it only triggers when you use BBCLASSEXTEND to inherit them though.22:12
Ulfalizeand it's not important that you understand it. might be nice to know that it's there at least.22:13
davisnow I see what kergoth was trying to tell me. He gave me this line.22:13
Ulfalizeor maybe i'm just adding too much detail :P22:13
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davisi was looking through my notes trying to find how I would write the target variant variable to be dependent on the native build.22:13
davisi was thinking DEPENDS_pcmx-target = ...22:14
davisbut it looks like you specify class suffix22:14
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UlfalizeDEPENDS_class-target = "${PN}-native"  might work22:15
UlfalizePN is just the recipe name, to avoid repeating it22:15
Ulfalizenever seen a recipe depend on a variant of itself like that :S22:15
davisthis is a cmake build which generates exes which generate source. nobody sane would do this.22:16
Ulfalizemaybe you want DEPENDS_append_class-target = "${PN}-native" too. otherwise, you're overwriting any other stuff you're putting in DEPENDS.22:16
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Ulfalizeurr, " ${PN}-native"22:16
Ulfalizeneed to add the space yourself when using _append22:17
davisif had to do this, i would a) not use a generator. b)if absolutely necessary I would use an interpeter that could run on host or target .22:17
Ulfalizecan't fill the enterprise quota without generating some messy code22:18
daviscool. i saved your notes to a log. I'm going to try this simple thing before I stop for the day.22:18
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davishmm. that did not take long.22:19
davisright off the bat it fails.22:19
daviscan not install generator22:19
bluelightningnot to put too fine a point on it, but didn't we go over these exact things yesterday?22:19
davislol, pal i've been fighting this for a few weeks22:20
bluelightningsorry to hear that22:20
davisit took me at least two to get the host to build.22:20
davisits ok22:20
davisfwiw, here is what i've got up to now22:20
Ulfalizestill has both 'inherit native' and 'BBCLASSEXTEND = "native"'22:22
davisstep 1 notes alternate22:22
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a1cypherHrm.. strange problem I'm having.   I have a new yocto built kernel running on a custom board.   If I boot into the yocto built rootfs the board gets an IP address fine and it looks like its working, but its not.  If I try to ping or otherwise access the network it doesnt work.22:35
a1cypherWhen I type "route" it takes about ~20 seconds to return and then only shows me two routes that look OK, but no local route.22:35
a1cypherIf I boot up into my old rootfs built with a different tool using the new yocto kernel, it gets an IP and I can reach the outside net just fine, route returns instantly, etc..22:36
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a1cypherNow, the weird thing is that if I then boot the same kernel and the yocto root file system on the devboard I have (only the DTB is different, also has a differny ethernet PHY), it works fine22:37
frayuse rounte -n  does it return immediately?  if so, it's a name server proble (the 20 seconds bit)22:44
fraythe 20 seconds (no name server) may be the result of not being able to access the network...22:44
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a1cypherwhats weird is that if I try and renew dhcp it returns immediately and even correctly sets the nameservers in resolv.conf22:50
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a1cypherroute -n does return immediately btw22:51
nerdboyso does anyone build a bare-metal cortex-m4 toolchain/sdk with this stuff?22:52
* nerdboy not really bare-metal experienced yet...22:52
nerdboyi made one with crossdev but it's not really made to be "portable"22:53
a1cyphermaybe checkout
a1cypherthats my goto22:54
nerdboythanks, i've see a little of that22:57
nerdboybut i did want my hardened patches and config22:58
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nerdboyi want to replicate something like this =>
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nerdboyi could probably rebuild ubuntu debs23:02
nerdboyprefer something more generic23:02
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #527 of eclipse-plugin-mars is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
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