Friday, 2016-09-30

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yannwhen a change in the sysroot causes that "bitbake -c unpack -f foo; bitbake foo" creates a different .ipk (as seen through its deps in deploy/ipk), what will cause the old foo.ipk (with the old deps) to get back into deploy/ipk ?11:14
yann(working around that by bumping PR, but I'd like to understand)11:15
rburtonsounds like foo has non-deterministic dependencies and is finding more pieces it can link against in the sysroot11:18
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newguy10Hi All. I am running an qemux86-64 image . I want to enable it  for connection to internet. How can I do that?12:54
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CTtpollardnewguy10: you might have to be a bit more specific than that? Are you asking about passing network connect to it from your host machine?12:56
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newguy10CTpollard: I have installed docker in qemux86-64 using smart. So inorder to get docker images I want qemux86-64 , connect to the net. Can you tell me how  it is possible for it(qemu) to connect to net through host machine?13:03
rburtonrunqemu uses tap by default13:08
rburtonso you likely just need to set a DNS in /etc/resolv.conf13:09
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newguy10rburton:Thanks. I will look into that.13:11
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eduardas_mHello. It seems POCO library bitbake recipie was not present in FSL community BSP Fido release. I was wondering how can one conveniently find out when a certain recipie was added to Yocto? I can not see such info on the OE layers page.13:40
eduardas_mi.e. I want to find out into which yocto release the POCO libraries were included for the first time13:40
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fishey1for nativesdk packages, are they supposed to be able to depend on native (not sdk) packages? If so, what is the right way to get LDFLAGS set properly? Just append -L${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE} ?13:42
eduardas_mthe page I showed does not say: is POCO included since Jethro or Krogoth? how can I easily tell?13:43
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fishey1It seems like just adding the `-L` to link in libs from a native package isn't quite right: bitbake complains about the generated binaries lacking providers for those libraries (file-rdeps)15:14
fishey1Seems like nativesdk packages should only depend on other nativesdk packages?15:14
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fishey1If it helps, the background here is that I'm trying to get nativesdk-qt4-tools (from meta-qt4) to build15:17
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fishey1Hmm... if the -native package is using STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE and STAGING_INCDIR_NATIVE (to search for libs & includes), what would be appropriate for a nativesdk package?15:24
kergothyes, nativesdk can only depend on other nativesdk packages, and you don't need to add any -I/-L, we pass —sysroot= to the compiler and linker for you15:25
kergothas long as you're obeying our CC/LD variables and whatnot, you're fine15:26
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Ox4Good evening :)15:30
Ox4is it possible to inherit my new layer from existed one?15:30
kergoththat doesn't really make sense.15:31
kergothyou can create a new layer that depends on another layer. is that not good enough?15:31
Ox4yes, it is15:32
Ox4thank you15:33
Ox4where can I read about dependencies?15:33
kergothi'm guessing you can search either the mega manual or bitbake manual for LAYERDEPENDS15:33
Ox4great, thank you kergoth15:33
kergothbut you just set LAYERDEPENDS_yourlayername = "anotherlayername asecondlayername", where the names are what goes into BBFILE_COLLECTIONS in the different layer.conf files15:34
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seebsSomeone identified a bug in pseudo and submitted a patch to poky@. The bug, and patch, are both correct and it's merged in master.15:58
seebsSo there was a hilariously stupid bug in rename(), and I never fixed it in renameat(), which no one noticed because who would use renameat()?15:59
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seebsFor some reason, long ago, probably 2012-2013 or earlier, I concluded that tests for "existing file with the name rename wants to rename to" and "existing database entry for the file being renamed" were logically equivalent.16:00
seebsI can't really explain how I could have reached such a conclusion.16:00
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neverpanicseebs: out of curiosity, which tool did actually use openat() and uncovered tis?16:50
neverpanicBecause I've never seen openat(2) in the wild16:50
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seebsnot openat, renameat. And I don't know.17:35
seebsI know I had renameat() dummied out to abort if called for a couple of years.17:35
seebsBut we did finally hit it sometime before 2013.17:36
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mrk377Quick question:  It trying to save disk space during compiles, are there flags or options to reduce build artifacts (*.o, *.so, unnecessary images)?  All I need is the *.direct images.  Ideas?17:39
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kergothrm_work is the first step, otherwise the unpacked source trees, etc hang out during and after the build, which takes up way m ore space than a duplicated image17:40
kergothRP: wondering if the task elapsed time should be suffixed with ' elapsed'. when you're seeing the first ton of tasks going 0s/1s, it's not entirely clear what it's talking about17:42
kergothRP: uh, is it expected that there aren't task progress bars anymore? I'm no longer seeing a linux-yocto do_fetch progress bar, only an elapsed time. haven't seen a single task progress bar since is tarted this build..17:44
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kergothHmm, best way to debug a taskhash mismatch after the fact? there's no sigdata for both of them, just one18:20
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mrk377kergoth: We use a gitlab runner (*.yml file) that caches (stores) the following directories (build/cache, build/downloads, build/sstate-cache) to save time for each yocto build.  Could these directories be pruned further to save space/time while recreating environment each time or would setting up a local repository prove faster?  Just wondering what other project do.  Thx18:31
neverpanicmrk377: sstate-cache and downloads available via network and configure them as sstate mirror and premirror; bitbake will only fetch what it needs18:32
neverpanicmrk377: add a "make " in front to make the sentence parse18:33
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mrk377panic:  Thx.  looking at that now.18:38
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Ulfalizerhow does the cache/ thingy work anyway? does it hash the text in the file, reparsing it if it changes?18:52
mario-goulartmrk377: don't forget to set BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS (useful for git repositories)18:52
Ulfalizerlooks like that might be it. adding a single character to a comment gives18:54
UlfalizerParsing of 867 .bb files complete (866 cached, 1 parsed). 1318 targets, 50 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.18:54
mrk377mario: if you set BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS = "1", then will every downloaded source code package create a tar.gz that can be stored in a local repo?  Just checkin'18:56
Ulfalizermrk377: looks like it's just for git repositories18:57
Ulfalizerso that people can fetch them from the download cache instead of cloning them18:57
Ulfalizersvn repositories are cached in the download directory in other, trickier ways18:59
mario-goulartActually, bitbake implicitly creates tarballs for svn repos19:00
Ulfalizerah, yeah, had forgotten it did that too19:00
mario-goulartOr at least it used to do that.  Don't know about the current version.19:00
Ulfalizerit also stores a checkout of the repo in the download dir to help generate the tarballs19:01
Ulfalizerbut i'm a bit murky on the details19:01
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Ulfalizerbluelightning: do you know if it's correct that the metadata cache/ simply stores a hash of raw file contents and reparses files when it changes?19:06
Ulfalizerseems to work that way from some quick experimentation, but thought i'd confirm. made it seem a lot less magical to me, so i could submit a small doc. patch.19:06
bluelightningUlfalizer: there are several things in cache/, one of which is the recipe cache19:06
Ulfalizeryeah, saw some "dependency cache" in the bitbake output too19:07
fishey1I'm seeing `ERROR: local variable 'value' referenced before assignment` on my automated build machine, with only the task ( given on the next error line. Is there a way to get more information on the source of the error?19:07
bluelightningwell, AFAIK the dependency cache and the recipe cache would be the same thing19:07
Ulfalizeralright... maybe i could keep it vagueish and only mention the recipe reparsing bit19:08
fishey1like, say, a line number for something?19:08
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bluelightningfishey1: which version of the build system are you using? are you using poky or separate bitbake + oe-core?19:09
fishey1bluelightning: poky. latest master.19:10
bluelightninghmm... someone else reported this but I was unable to track down what was causing it there either19:10
fishey1well, latest from 6 hours ago19:10
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bluelightningI couldn't find *any* code where we refer to a variable "value" without first assigning it19:11
bluelightningof course it must be there somewhere...19:11
Ulfalizerfishey1: one thing you could try is 'bitbake -e openjdk-8-native' and searching for 'value' in the output. all the function bodies are listed near the end.19:14
Ulfalizerthat might find it if it's from the metadata19:14
Ulfalizermaybe \<value\> can be used to search for it as a word19:14
Ulfalizeror save it and do grep -w19:15
fishey1Ulfalizer: ok, I'll try that out.19:15
Ulfalizercould start tracing from the body of do_fetch19:15
* Ulfalizer just added some docs to the reference manual to mention that bitbake -e includes the function bodies19:16
Ulfalizerthat's pretty handy to know19:16
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Ulfalizerhmz... i wonder if the cache just looks at the access time or something like that19:50
* Ulfalizer vagueifies some more19:50
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Ulfalizerlooks like it checks mtime and file checksums19:58
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Ulfalizerin what cases would 'raise"msg")' be preferred over bb.fatal("msg")?22:40
Ulfalizerlooks like the argument to FuncFailed() was originally meant to be the name of the function, only no one uses it like that. still called 'name'. :S22:41
neverpanicDoesn't bb.fatal internally throw an exception? Is that FuncFailed or a different one?22:42
Ulfalizerit's BBHandledException(), which seems to mean "we've already shown the user the information they need, so don't show them any more"22:42
Ulfalizermaybe FuncFailed() is for functions in [pre/postfuncs] and similar, when you don't want the entire task to fail, if bb.fatal() would do that22:43
Ulfalizerthat seems weird though...22:43
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Ulfalizerlooks like something somewhere might throw a FuncFailed when you use bb.fatal() too, because you get "Function failed:" in the output, and that's what FuncFailed adds too.22:55
kergoththe *original* intent was for the function/task to error via whatever appropriate means, bb.fatal, whatever, and funcfailed was what you'd catch if you were calling exec_func/exec_task. that is, it's what those functions raise, not what metadata functions should be raising22:56
kergothit didn't end up being used that way22:56
kergothbut there's really never a reason to raise it yourself22:56
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Ulfalizerok, thanks for the clarification23:03
Ulfalizerkergoth: mind if i quote that on the OE-core mailing list?23:04
kergothfine with me23:05
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