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mivond | my pi 3 running yocto with mender keeps stopping at the U-Boot prompt even though no key is pressed | 01:08 |
mivond | it's driving me crazy | 01:08 |
mivond | I can't seem to skip the prompt | 01:08 |
mivond | I've set 'setenv bootdelay 0' in boot.cmd | 01:10 |
mivond | no dice | 01:10 |
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mivond | :( | 01:24 |
m4t | is something hooked up to the console uart? | 01:26 |
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m4t | i would try disconnecting the rx pin on the pi if so. | 01:27 |
mivond | m4t: I'm pretty new to this. There aren't any pins connected on the pi | 01:28 |
m4t | oh, not sure then. sorry. | 01:28 |
mivond | is it possible that it's trying to read from serial and it thinks a key has been pressed? | 01:28 |
mivond | m4t: | 01:29 |
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m4t | well, that's what i thought could be happening but you said nothing is hooked up to the uart | 01:30 |
mivond | m4t: I am writing enable_uart=1 to config.txt | 01:31 |
m4t | not sure how that would interrupt u-boot | 01:32 |
m4t | you might try #u-boot | 01:32 |
mivond | yeah, idk | 01:32 |
mivond | #u-boot ? | 01:32 |
m4t | irc channel... | 01:32 |
mivond | k | 01:32 |
mivond | thanks | 01:32 |
m4t | np | 01:33 |
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mivond | m4t: do you think bluetooth could be interfering? | 01:35 |
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mivond | Here is what I'm seeing: https://pastebin.com/3ezrigzu | 01:39 |
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m4t | not sure, sry | 01:49 |
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mivond | ok | 01:57 |
mivond | thanks anyway | 01:57 |
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muumio | Hello! Any ideas why I'm failing to build an image for beagleboard? I cloned the poky-repo, run the oe-init-build-env -script, changed the machine to beagleboard and run bitbake core-image-base. What I got was an error about do_image_wic. | 06:13 |
muumio | ERROR: core-image-base-1.0-r0 do_image_wic: Function failed: do_image_wic (log file is located at /home/ilari/poky/build/tmp/work/beaglebone-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-base/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_image_wic.57080) | 06:14 |
muumio | ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/ilari/poky/build/tmp/work/beaglebone-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-base/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_image_wic.57080 | 06:14 |
muumio | Log data follows: | 06:14 |
muumio | | DEBUG: Executing python function set_image_size | 06:14 |
muumio | | DEBUG: Python function set_image_size finished | 06:14 |
muumio | | DEBUG: Executing shell function do_image_wic | 06:14 |
muumio | | Warning: bootloader config not specified, using defaults | 06:14 |
muumio | | Error: exec_cmd: install -m 0644 -D /home/ilari/poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/beaglebone/u-boot.img /home/ilari/poky/build/tmp/work/beaglebone-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-base/1.0-r0/deploy-core-image-base-image-complete/core-image-base-beaglebone-20170426102250/build/boot/u-boot.img returned '1' instead of 0 | 06:14 |
muumio | | Checking basic build environment... | 06:14 |
muumio | | Done. | 06:15 |
muumio | | | 06:15 |
muumio | | Creating image(s)... | 06:15 |
muumio | | | 06:15 |
muumio | | WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command. | 06:15 |
muumio | | ERROR: Function failed: do_image_wic (log file is located at /home/ilari/poky/build/tmp/work/beaglebone-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-base/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_image_wic.57080) | 06:15 |
muumio | ERROR: Task (/home/ilari/poky/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-base.bb:do_image_wic) failed with exit code '1' | 06:15 |
muumio | There is the error-message. | 06:15 |
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LetoThe2nd | muumio: looks like the wic script has some issues. is this master, or some specific revision? | 06:20 |
muumio | I'm using morty. | 06:21 |
LetoThe2nd | muumio: ok. i can try to reproduce it, but will take some time. | 06:24 |
muumio | Excellent! Thank you. | 06:24 |
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LetoThe2nd | you didn's set anything manually besides MACHINE = "beaglebone", right? | 06:25 |
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muumio | I just uncommented the #MACHINE ?= "beaglebone" -line and changed the PACKAGE_CLASSES to "package_deb" | 06:29 |
muumio | Nothing else. | 06:29 |
LetoThe2nd | ok. i just kicked off a core-image-minimal and will see. | 06:30 |
muumio | Great! | 06:31 |
hamdyaea | I still can't make work pygtk, I need to know if there is a package with pygtk as dependencies. Like this I can install the package and pygtk will be included.. | 06:37 |
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muumio | hamdyaea: Try to install python-gtk2-dev | 06:41 |
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hamdyaea | muumio: I try to replace it with python-pygobject, if it's not working I will try python-gtk2-dev | 06:47 |
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LetoThe2nd | muumio: here, the build showed no errors. :-/ | 07:27 |
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muumio | Hmm. Weird. I actually have no idea what to try next. Google knew nothing. I'm running Ubuntu 16.4 on a virtual machine but cannot imagine it has anything to do with this. | 07:30 |
LetoThe2nd | muumio: you didn't run out of memory, enough ram+disk? no earlier errors or such? | 07:30 |
muumio | No. But I get two warnings before: | 07:31 |
muumio | WARNING: libpng-native-1.6.24-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL http://distfiles.gentoo.org/distfiles/libpng-1.6.24.tar.xz, attempting MIRRORS if available | 07:31 |
muumio | WARNING: apt-native-1.2.12-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20160526T162943Z/pool/main/a/apt/apt_1.2.12.tar.xz, attempting MIRRORS if available | 07:31 |
LetoThe2nd | those should be non-critical. | 07:31 |
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muumio | That's what I thought too. | 07:32 |
LetoThe2nd | so you really, really, really did no more than 1) clone poky and checkout the morty branch 2) source oe-init-env 3) enter the build dir 4) modify conf/local.conf to MACHINE = "beaglebone" and PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_deb" 5) start the build? | 07:33 |
LetoThe2nd | no additional layers, etc? | 07:33 |
muumio | Nope. Just what you described above. | 07:34 |
LetoThe2nd | ok. what image are you trying to build? | 07:34 |
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muumio | It's the base-image. | 07:35 |
JoiF | muumio: So you haven't added any of the Mender stuff yet? | 07:35 |
LetoThe2nd | muumio: base-image? | 07:35 |
JoiF | core-image-base | 07:35 |
JoiF | (instead of core-image-minimal) | 07:36 |
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LetoThe2nd | JoiF: i would assume that too, but is it really what muumio is trying to build? | 07:36 |
JoiF | LetoThe2nd: That's what I wrote above :) | 07:36 |
JoiF | blah | 07:36 |
JoiF | HE | 07:36 |
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LetoThe2nd | JoiF: ah you're reight | 07:37 |
LetoThe2nd | ok kicked that off too | 07:37 |
muumio | I just tried with core-image-minimal as well with same results. | 07:37 |
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LetoThe2nd | muumio: what about the cpu/memory setup of your vbox? | 07:38 |
muumio | has this something to do with failure? Warning: bootloader config not specified, using defaults | 07:39 |
LetoThe2nd | muumio: yeah i suspect it has got something to do with it. but if you didn't modify anything, then whoy should it trigger only there? | 07:39 |
muumio | Good question... | 07:41 |
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LetoThe2nd | succeeds too. | 07:44 |
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RP | Currently 107 running tasks (19885 of 34001) | 08:41 |
* RP wonders if this build might actually work out | 08:41 | |
RP | (multiple TMPDIRs, DISTROS and MACHINEs) | 08:42 |
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LetoThe2nd | hehe sounds like pretty big iron | 08:43 |
zecke | :) | 08:45 |
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LetoThe2nd | is there a way to run stuff simultaneously by now? or is this more like a bibake server and stuff just got queued up? | 08:45 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: BBMULTICONFIG does make some things possible but it does have some bugs too | 08:46 |
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RP | LetoThe2nd: you can do multiple MACHINE in one build. With a small patch, different TMPDIR/DISTRO appears to work | 08:46 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: ah ok gotcha. i don't have a specific use case, just sounded interesting :) | 08:47 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: it is interesting to see what I can push this hardware too :) | 08:48 |
muumio | So, I increased VMs hd to 200G, ram was 8G which should be fine but build still fails. | 08:48 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: I think the answer is bottlenecks in bitbake itself sadly | 08:48 |
muumio | I guess I have to try with fresh clone... | 08:49 |
rburton | RP: time to dig out the algorithms book and review the scheduler etc? | 08:49 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: yeah 100 tasks is kinda impressive. some 16 socket xeon? | 08:49 |
RP | rburton: its not the scheduler, its the logging pipes to the server | 08:49 |
rburton | ah | 08:49 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: dual socket xeon (88 core) | 08:50 |
LetoThe2nd | muumio: and the git clone was really fresh? directly from git.yoctoproject.org, and directly checked out morty then? | 08:50 |
muumio | Yep. | 08:50 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: ah 2 sockets * 22 cores * 2 HT, right? | 08:50 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: right | 08:51 |
LetoThe2nd | muumio: no idea then sorry. | 08:51 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: sounds fun. :) | 08:51 |
muumio | But I'll try again and get back to it. Although, it takes few hours with VM. | 08:51 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: load avg of 250+ and its 50% idle :/ | 08:51 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: hey don't make me feel so bad with my 32way!! | 08:52 |
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RP | LetoThe2nd: you did ask ;-) | 08:52 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: the next time i ask you something, remind me to not ask you something again </SCNR> | 08:52 |
LetoThe2nd | nah just kidding. i know how you feel :) | 08:53 |
LetoThe2nd | though for the build size it might be hard to keep stuff in ram. | 08:53 |
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RP | LetoThe2nd: I'm just amazed a simple patch actually made this build combination work. its not mergeable but gives me hope about crazy things we can enable with multiconfig | 08:54 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: lets just say I doubt its using the disk ;-) | 08:54 |
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* LetoThe2nd is usually inclined to consider all the stuff we do rather crazy, so i reinterpret that as "more crazy things we can enable" | 08:54 | |
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JoiF | One of the things I have to do alongside my work with Yocto is to document how to do.. everything.. (git clone poky, layers, etc.) Now there's a bitbake-layer add command which is nice (means I can replace one of my sed-lines in the documentation with this simpler approach), but is there something now to set what the default machine should be? Currently I have a sed-line for that: sed -i "/edgerouter/aMACHINE ?= \"mud-zynq7\"" conf/local.conf | 08:56 |
LetoThe2nd | JoiF: usually people use some kind of scripting/tooling to automate that. the common thing theses days seems to be repo | 08:57 |
LetoThe2nd | JoiF: we're using a custom script, see https://github.com/LetoThe2nd/blubber | 08:58 |
LetoThe2nd | though a rewrite is certainly due some time soon. | 08:58 |
JoiF | Ahh, nice | 08:59 |
JoiF | Ok | 08:59 |
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JoiF | LetoThe2nd: Btw, you can replace your "LINEFEED" with os.linesep .. or initialise LINESEP as LINESEP = os.linesep | 09:01 |
LetoThe2nd | JoiF: the python is awful and i know it :) | 09:01 |
JoiF | LetoThe2nd: Got that from the README.md ;) | 09:01 |
ChrysD | LetoThe2nd : It's because you're not used to :D | 09:02 |
LetoThe2nd | JoiF: it was just my toy project to tinker and learn python and it kinda crept into production here. :-) i'm free to share it so if you can use bits and pieces, go ahead and have fun. | 09:02 |
JoiF | s/LINESEP/LINEFEED/g in me previous statement | 09:03 |
ChrysD | LetoThe2nd : there is already companies doing that, you can inspire from them | 09:03 |
LetoThe2nd | ChrysD: there is absolutely enough inspiration out there. the architecture for the rewrite is already in my head, its just hte time that i lack. | 09:04 |
ChrysD | LetoThe2nd : btw, nice project and have fun. | 09:05 |
LetoThe2nd | thx | 09:05 |
JoiF | Yeah, it's nice :) | 09:05 |
ChrysD | LetoThe2nd : but I disagree with the name ahahah | 09:06 |
LetoThe2nd | the name comes from the german idiom "vor sich hin blubbern" | 09:07 |
ChrysD | I understand more now ahah | 09:08 |
LetoThe2nd | because you start it, and then "blubbert es vor sich hin" | 09:09 |
ChrysD | You seems proud of the name, maybe more than the project ! | 09:10 |
RP | Its in keeping with the project naming theme :) | 09:10 |
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RP | doesn't translate brilliantly as "blubber" is quite different in English... | 09:11 |
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ChrysD | it's more than " quite " different :p | 09:11 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: i know, and the pun actually is intended (as its kinda a layer of fat around the workings of bitbake) | 09:12 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: I wondered :) | 09:12 |
LetoThe2nd | looking at the code these days i'm kinda convinced that the only thing i really got right is the name. | 09:13 |
ChrysD | LetoThe2nd : +1 | 09:14 |
LetoThe2nd | i mean, i dislike the concept and usage of repo for a reason. but TBH, for most people its a vastly superior fit than my toy script. | 09:14 |
ChrysD | Could you explain more ? | 09:15 |
LetoThe2nd | what exactly? | 09:15 |
ChrysD | Why you dislike the concept and usage of repo | 09:16 |
LetoThe2nd | my main problem with repo is that its not self contained. | 09:16 |
CTtpollard | +1 | 09:17 |
LetoThe2nd | you download a wrapper script, which then clutters your ~/bin by default | 09:17 |
LetoThe2nd | plus, its focus is on managing the state of the git clone tree. the focus of the tolling i would like is assisting the common bitbake tasks | 09:19 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: FWIW in 2.4 we are thinking about some kind of setup tool in bitbake itself | 09:20 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: yeah we were discusing stuff in berlin | 09:20 |
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RP | LetoThe2nd: right, that continued at ELC too | 09:20 |
ChrysD | Is it really a bad things that repo aren't self contained ? I consider that as supermarket which you take ingredient. But you still need to know how to cook them and the ingredients in supermarket doesn't come with tools as knife. | 09:21 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: noticed the discussion on -arch. its just that frays thing has a different use case again (setting up the initial project, not the workspace). and given the awful state of blubber i did not throw it in. | 09:22 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: so many different things people want from it :) | 09:22 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: if i had a good idea, i would gladly offer it. and a possible rewrite will certainly be out for everyone who wants to use it a again - but what i envision is .. kinda incompatible with what YÖP sees as a good code base. | 09:23 |
LetoThe2nd | ChrysD: i did not say it is bad, did i? i said "i dislike it" | 09:24 |
LetoThe2nd | completely different meaning. | 09:24 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: having some kind of standard in the core is looking sensible, I very much doubt it will work for everyone and we won't be "mandating" it, just encouraging to use where possible :) | 09:24 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: brace yourself: rewrite will be node.js and using json as config files. | 09:25 |
RP | LetoThe2nd: have fun ;-) | 09:25 |
LetoThe2nd | RP: will do :) | 09:26 |
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ChrysD | You mean rewrite of your own code ? | 09:31 |
LetoThe2nd | yes of course. | 09:33 |
zecke | I have an odd issue with doing a rootfs for a core2-32 target. I am using opkg and the opkg.conf has core2-32 | 09:36 |
zecke | I have a "kbd_2.0.4-r0.0_core2-32.ipk", it seems in the Packages file | 09:37 |
zecke | Problem 1/1: | 09:37 |
zecke | - nothing provides kbd needed by keymaps-1.0-r31.0.sysmocom_idu | 09:37 |
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zecke | http://paste.lisp.org/display/345264 is there anything obvious in it? | 09:43 |
Saur | RP: In staging.bbclass there is support for fixing up paths after restoring the files from the sstate cache. Could/should this also fixup references to tmp/hosttools? Case in hand: we have native tool written in perl. It uses autoconf to configure, an there they use AC_PATH_PROG(PERL, perl) to find the path to perl. This path is used in the shebang line of the installed tool. With Morty and earlier this worked as expected, with /usr/bin/perl ending up | 09:47 |
Saur | RP: For now I have solved it in the recipe with CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS += "ac_cv_path_PERL=${USRBINPATH}/perl" but a generic solution would be preferred. | 09:48 |
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LetoThe2nd | kanavin: "i can only see pain and suffering" ;-) | 09:57 |
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kanavin | LetoThe2nd: that's a Depeche Mode reference, sort of | 09:59 |
kanavin | they subtitled one of their records 'pain and suffering in various tempos' | 10:00 |
LetoThe2nd | i found it very poetic. | 10:00 |
LetoThe2nd | we could also play master and servant here... | 10:01 |
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JoiF | LetoThe2nd (and others), so continuing with the repo and blubber discussion: Since repo doesn't seem to support executing any automation (such as sed-ing local.conf or bblaysers.conf, etc. when it's done cloning repositories), is it considered appropriate to put yourPoky/build/conf under SCM and then have repo download that? | 10:15 |
kanavin | is there a quick way to see a list of what depends on a recipe? | 10:16 |
rburton | hm i should make pkgdataui do that | 10:17 |
rburton | black list the recipe and do a world build? :) | 10:17 |
kanavin | rburton: yeah, but quicker still ;) | 10:18 |
rburton | taskexp should be able to show you if you invoke it on world | 10:18 |
kanavin | rburton: just doing that now | 10:18 |
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rburton | ah, bb has a what-depends command | 10:19 |
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RP | Saur: it should be possible to use that, yes. SSTATE_SCAN_FILES_append = " scriptname" maybe? | 10:23 |
Saur | RP: Ok, will try that... | 10:24 |
kanavin | rburton: how do you invoke that? | 10:24 |
rburton | kanavin: bb whatdepends glib-2.0, but it crashes, obviously this hasn't been updated since the tinfoil changes | 10:25 |
kanavin | rburton: bb: command not found | 10:25 |
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rburton | kanavin: its on github | 10:29 |
zecke | okay it is a libsolv issue.. | 10:29 |
egavin | hello, just a question about curlpp | 10:30 |
Saur | RP: Adding SSTATE_SCAN_FILES += "<tool>" made no difference. The shebang line is still wrong when the tool is restored from sstate... | 10:30 |
egavin | I have added curlpp recipe to core-image-sato but appear "ERROR: curlpp not found in the base feeds" | 10:31 |
egavin | any clue about the issue? | 10:31 |
rburton | kanavin: basically bbcmd in bb needs porting to the new tinfoil still | 10:31 |
RP | Saur: is the recipe a target one or a native one? | 10:39 |
Saur | RP: A native, and after looking at sstate.bbclass I realized that SSTATE_SCAN_FILES is not used in that case... | 10:40 |
Saur | RP: Anyway, I am testing a fix for staging.bbclass now... | 10:40 |
Saur | RP: Meh. Why is EXTRA_STAGING_FIXMES used in sstate.bbclass to encode FIXMES for variaous variables, but in staging.bbclass it is hardcoded to only do the reverse for PKGDATA_DIR. Why doesn't staging.bbclass use ${EXTRA_STAGING_FIXMES}? | 10:44 |
Saur | Or am I missing something here? | 10:44 |
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RP | Saur: its all about contexts, we don't have the right data store contexts at the right times to make this work properly :( | 10:47 |
RP | Saur: was meant to be a generic mechanism which turned out I could fully make work. Its not been important enough to go back and try and fix as yet | 10:47 |
Saur | RP: Hmm, ok. | 10:47 |
RP | Saur: you're right though, hosttools isn't included in our standard paths, I should have realised that earlier :( | 10:49 |
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Saur | RP: I'll see if I can get my fix to work, now that I know about both ends of it... | 10:52 |
RP | Saur: I'd love to fix the mechanism and extend case by case rather than manipulate all hosttools paths. Last time I looked at it, I couldn't immediately see how though | 10:52 |
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YCN- | Hi guys : | 12:16 |
YCN- | I'm trying to add a driver, that I compile Ok on my labtop but when I put it in yocto it says I can't : | 12:17 |
YCN- | error: implicit declaration of function 'ioremap' [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration] | i2s = (volatile struct i2s_register *) ioremap(I2S_BASE, I2S_SIZE); // cf noob.c to validate the cast | 12:17 |
YCN- | So the question is, how do I add io opperation support on my yocto ? | 12:18 |
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ant_work | one header seems not included | 12:19 |
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diego_ | hey guys, I have a tool (U-Boot's binman: http://git.denx.de/?p=u-boot.git;a=blob;f=tools/binman/binman.py) that is failing to run because it's calling python2, but "python2" is not in the HOSTTOOLS, only "python", "python2.7" and "python3" are. http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/meta/conf/bitbake.conf#n461 Is adding python2 to HOSTTOOLS the right approach? | 12:19 |
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rburton | diego_: HOSTTOOLS_NON_FATAL, yeah | 12:23 |
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diego_ | diego_: thanks. Even if other "python" commands are in regular "HOSTTOOLS" var? | 12:25 |
diego_ | stupid me, i meant rburton | 12:27 |
rburton | yeah because not everyone has a python2 binary | 12:28 |
hamdyaea | python-pip (pip install software) ask me to update on the last yocto branch morty. Is it ok to update it ? | 12:28 |
YCN- | Yeah I know I'm missing a header but what's weird is that compilation of the driver works on my computer | 12:29 |
YCN- | that's why I'm wondering, wtf is different with yocto, and what am I missing? | 12:29 |
rburton | diego_: everyone should have a python2 binary but you can bet that some old distros don't :) | 12:30 |
rburton | diego_: oh actually if python2.7 is in the hosttools, then python2 should be safe | 12:31 |
ChrysD | hamdyaea : if you update to morty branch, be sure that everything you needed is also in morty. | 12:34 |
ChrysD | hamdyaea : don't forget that everything in your project should come from the same branch | 12:34 |
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ChrysD | hamdyaea : but if something came from a older branch and doesn't exist in the morty branch, put it into a custom layer and pray that it would work | 12:34 |
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ant_work | YCN: each recipe builds in its own sysroot | 12:36 |
ant_work | YCN: maybe that header was provided by other installed dependencies | 12:36 |
kanavin | rburton: the list of py2 dependees ain't too bad - opkg-utils, kconfig-frontends, asciidoc, mc, parted | 12:36 |
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kanavin | rburton: I'll look at what is the situation with them now | 12:37 |
YCN- | Yes I know that too ahah, I'm just wondering what's the packet that would give ioremap & co | 12:37 |
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YCN- | I've a file where I have a list with all available packets | 12:37 |
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YCN- | and when I grep "io" I don't really know which one I need... | 12:37 |
ant_work | YCN: that0s kernel stuff, linux headers | 12:37 |
YCN- | and I don't even know if they are the one | 12:38 |
YCN- | yeah so they should come with the kernel I guess | 12:38 |
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kanavin | rburton: opkg-utils in particular we can and should switch to py3 | 12:39 |
ant_work | YCN: are you building a kernel module?If not, add linux-libc-headers to DEPENDS | 12:39 |
YCN- | yes I am ^^ | 12:41 |
hamdyaea | ChrysD: when I install a software with pip install my_software. It install it and at the end it tells me that pip install must be update with the command : pip install --pip update ( I don't remember the exact words). If I do it, pip download and install itself his update. But my question is : The new version is compatible with yocto ? Maybe there is a reason that the yocto version of pip is not the last one.. | 12:41 |
ant_work | YCN-: http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.6.1/kernel-dev/kernel-dev.html#incorporating-out-of-tree-modules | 12:42 |
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diego_ | rburton: kanavin: but I assume that as long as "python2.7" is in HOSTTOOLS, "python2" should also be there, right? | 12:42 |
ant_work | YCN-, please note the incipit | 12:43 |
ant_work | "it is always preferable to work with sources integrated into the Linux kernel sources" | 12:44 |
kanavin | diego_: I think so, yes, but generally if you want python 2, use just 'python' | 12:45 |
YCN- | okay, so bicicly I should do as if my driver was mainline? | 12:45 |
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ant_work | write it as kernel patch | 12:45 |
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ant_work | and apply the patch for your MACHINE | 12:46 |
diego_ | kanavin: is that a somehow official convertion (python = python2)? | 12:46 |
diego_ | *convention | 12:46 |
ChrysD | hamdyaea : I don't know much about python + yocto. But updating pip isn't mandatory. If it works, let it works lol | 12:46 |
hamdyaea | ChrysD: Yes maybe if it works like this I must not touch it | 12:47 |
kanavin | diego_: yes, that is the official recommendation, and all distros except one use it | 12:48 |
YCN- | @ant_work , thanks I will try to see this way, both MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += "kernel-module-mymodule" and your solution didn't work, I'll try to do that as a patch | 12:48 |
kanavin | (the one exception is arch linux I think, which we can probably ignore) | 12:49 |
kanavin | diego_: I suggest you move your things to py3, or plan for it :) | 12:49 |
ant_work | YCN-, MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS is for installing it once built ;) | 12:49 |
diego_ | kanavin: it looks like "python" -> "python2" is a suggestion for the time being, but no guarantee, while "python2" should be the correct one https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/ | 12:50 |
ant_work | YCN-, to build a kernel module you have the two options: in the sources, extra | 12:50 |
YCN- | Oh okay, well as you can see I'm not yet a Yocto expert ahah | 12:50 |
ant_work | YCN-, th elinux-libc-headers are used to build stuff like mtd-utils | 12:50 |
ant_work | or other userspace progs interfacing with kernel UAPI | 12:51 |
diego_ | kanavin: "in preparation for an eventual change in the default version of Python, Python 2 only scripts should either be updated to be source compatible with Python 3 or else to use python2 in the shebang line" | 12:51 |
ant_work | YCN-, it is really specific | 12:51 |
YCN- | Okay so that's not what I want, since it's only about building a driver | 12:52 |
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diego_ | kanavin: so binman explicitly referring "python2" is the standard, and I feel adding it to HOSTTOOLS is reasonable (especially because of the "python" mess and the "python2.7" existance) | 12:53 |
kanavin | diego_: sure, but the best is to port things to py3 :) | 12:54 |
eduardas_m | hello, I have generated an SDK with cmake for cross-compilation... I am trying to use it to compile a simple program in Qt Creator for my board and get the following error: https://pastebin.com/Ny0BaGJk | 12:56 |
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diego_ | kanavin: sure, but I didn't write the tool myself :) I would be glad to do the port if only days were not 24 hours. | 12:59 |
kanavin | diego_: eventually someone will have to do it :) | 13:01 |
eduardas_m | I am using Krogoth community release for imx6 | 13:02 |
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diego_ | kanavin: initial python3 release 2008, python2.7 expected EOL 2020 http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0373/ , so someone will likely go for it in a couple of years. | 13:05 |
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ChrysD | eduardas_m : Did you follow every steps to compile using QtCreator ? | 13:08 |
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eduardas_m | ChrysD: I am not cross-compiling Qt creator itself... I am merely trying to use it to cross-compile a simple hello world cmake project for my board | 13:16 |
eduardas_m | oh sorry | 13:16 |
eduardas_m | misread | 13:16 |
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eduardas_m | qmake cross-compiling works however | 13:17 |
eduardas_m | I also seem to set the corrct cmake tool from the sdk in my kit | 13:17 |
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eduardas_m | I also export the environment variables before launching qt creator as with doing qmake cross-compilation | 13:18 |
ChrysD | eduardas_m : I know i understand | 13:21 |
ChrysD | eduardas_m : I just say that qtcreator need to be configured | 13:21 |
ChrysD | eduardas_m : Be also aware that for version above 5.6 of Qt you should specify the Qtmkspec | 13:21 |
ChrysD | eduardas_m : If you put the correct Qt version / gcc / gdb / kit / Qtmkspecs should work | 13:22 |
eduardas_m | ChrysD: this is not a Qt project although I am using Qt creator... though the kit is for Qt 5.6.2 | 13:23 |
eduardas_m | qmake builds with the kit work, so gcc / gdb/ qmake locations are set correctly | 13:24 |
eduardas_m | only cmake is giving me problems | 13:24 |
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ChrysD | eduardas_m : don't you had some problems regarding path directories ? | 13:26 |
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rburton | diego_: python should be python2, but some people (arch linux) set python as py3, which is why there's a python2 binary | 13:27 |
rburton | diego_: so using python2 is actually the preferred way because arch were stupid | 13:27 |
ChrysD | eduardas_m : sometimes it happens that when you put a library, or whatever in your project with a wrong path, it could happen... Like a space, or a bracket etc etc | 13:28 |
eduardas_m | ChrysD: yeah, that happens sometimes... still checking | 13:28 |
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ChrysD | eduardas_m : usually its the case, so double check. Could be very stupid things you know. | 13:29 |
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eduardas_m | ChrysD: this is the cmake error log: https://pastebin.com/CEaAGMS6 | 13:30 |
eduardas_m | the path for the C compiler is correct though | 13:31 |
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eduardas_m | it is as if cmake from the SDK does not understand where the correct sysroot is though same sysroot in kit settings works well with qmake projects | 13:33 |
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diego_ | rburton: that's part of the truth. The article https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0394/ has all the details. It's worth noting that "python" might move to "python3" in the future, so everything on "python2" should better be explicit about it from now on. Quoting the article "Future Changes to this Recommendation - It is anticipated that there will eventually come a time where the third party ecosystem surrounding Python 3 | 13:36 |
diego_ | is sufficiently mature for this recommendation to be updated to suggest that the python symlink refer to python3 rather than python2 . " | 13:36 |
ChrysD | eduardas_m : yeah i checked, it's weird | 13:37 |
ChrysD | eduardas_m : Run Build Command:"/opt/fsl-imx-x11/4.1.15-2.0.1/sysroots/cortexa9hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/bin/make" "cmTC_63e32/fast" /opt/fsl-imx-x11/4.1.15-2.0.1/sysroots/cortexa9hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/bin/make: 1: /opt/fsl-imx-x11/4.1.15-2.0.1/sysroots/cortexa9hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/bin/make: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") | 13:37 |
ChrysD | eduardas_m : have you put somewhere the linux-oe-g++ ? | 13:38 |
eduardas_m | ChrysD: I think it is related to this Qt Creator bug: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-16155 | 13:39 |
eduardas_m | ChrysD: yes, linux-oe-g++ is present in mkspec | 13:39 |
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ChrysD | eduardas_m : yeah seems your probleù | 13:40 |
diego_ | rburton: patch sent http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2017-April/136137.html | 13:40 |
ChrysD | eduardas_m : did you try ? | 13:41 |
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rburton | kanavin: can't wait to see the de-py2 series :) | 13:48 |
kanavin | rburton: I might wrap it up today even :D | 13:52 |
rburton | gasp | 13:53 |
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diego_ | kanavin: that's why you wanted me to port to py3, you're the Py3 paladin! | 13:59 |
kanavin | diego_: I *love* removing stuff from oe-core | 13:59 |
kanavin | diego_: py2 will be my biggest achievement yet in that department ;) | 13:59 |
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kanavin | diego_: you have a couple of years though still :) | 14:00 |
* rburton feels like the emperor admiring vader's work | 14:00 | |
rburton | kanavin is strong in the ways of removing as much as possible from oe-core | 14:00 |
rburton | exceeeellent | 14:01 |
ChrysD | lol | 14:01 |
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diego_ | kanavin: I fully endorse your quest and write Python 3 code myself. It's just that sometimes you need to use software written by others ;) | 14:03 |
ChrysD | As i'm a newbie in all of that, what's bad about oe-core ? Because it's old and it's in a mess ? | 14:04 |
kanavin | ChrysD: it needs to move with the times: new, useful recipes come, old, useless recipes go | 14:05 |
kanavin | ChrysD: py2 is well on its way to the second category | 14:05 |
ChrysD | kanavin : Yeah I understand. | 14:05 |
ChrysD | kanavin : when you say oe-core, you mean all the basic package right ? | 14:06 |
kanavin | ChrysD: I mean the recipes in this layer: http://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core/about/ | 14:07 |
eduardas_m | ChrysD: the bug report helped me... resolved by deleting default cmake configuration in kit and putting include (CMakeForceCompiler) in my CMakeLists.txt | 14:07 |
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ChrysD | eduardas_m : Cool =) | 14:07 |
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eduardas_m | as stated with the bug report this has something to do with how either cmake or yocto sdk works and not qt creator | 14:08 |
diego_ | ChrysD: have a read of https://www.openembedded.org/wiki/OpenEmbedded-Core | 14:08 |
eduardas_m | can just hope that future yocto releases will not require such a workaround | 14:08 |
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kanavin | rburton: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11181#c3 is the summary of what's left | 14:31 |
yocti | Bug 11181: enhancement, Medium+, 2.4 M1, alexander.kanavin, IN PROGRESS REVIEW , Remove Python 2 as a host tool or needing to be built for our core images | 14:31 |
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rburton | kanavin: is scons actually being ported to py3? | 15:41 |
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RP | rburton: yes, we had this discussion :) | 15:58 |
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rburton | oh missed that then | 15:59 |
rburton | genuinely surprised | 16:00 |
rburton | considering the faq goes on about py2.4 | 16:00 |
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RP | rburton: recent release notes all say 2.7 only | 16:03 |
RP | (preparing for py3) | 16:03 |
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kanavin | rburton: if you look at scons repo, they had a bunch of py3 work that happened just this month | 17:05 |
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rburton | kanavin: mind blown | 17:45 |
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