Monday, 2018-06-18

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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1085 of nightly-qa-extras is complete: Failure [failed Running Sanity Tests_7] Build details are at
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1058 of nightly-world-lsb is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1065 of nightly-mips64 is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1168 of nightly is complete: Success [build successful] Build details are at
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vishnu_nkOther than number of setscene tasks shown is there any other way to confirm the usage of SSTATE_MIRRORS?06:09
vishnu_nkCan anyone please help?06:09
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kanavin_homeRP: I'll try to fix things, but operating out of a hotel room is challenging :) I guess I can use the auh machine for builds.07:36
kanavin_homeRP: I'm now literally between jobs07:36
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RPkanavin_home: no problem, feel free to use that machine or one of the AB workers for builds08:10
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RPkanavin_home: I know the feeling on jobs, the hotel room certainly won't help though!08:11
LetoThe2ndkanavin_home: in case of emergency, i can donate an AWS instance for a couple of hours while you're between jobs08:12
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yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: How to configure which BOOST library files are included in a Yocto SDK <>08:30
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lukmaDear all,09:03
lukmaIs it possible to replace a single function defined in a bbclass file?09:03
lukmaFor example I do need to add single line in a single function in a kernel-fitimage.bbclass09:04
lukma(it is OK for me to copy 10 lines of the overiden function)09:04
lukmaI've created ./classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclassappend09:05
lukmawith the single function09:05
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boucman_worklukma: bbclassappend is not a thing... so that particular way won't work (I'm  not good enough at yocto to tell you how to do it, sorry...)09:06
lukmaThe problems is:09:07
lukma- I need to add single line09:07
rob_wis there a bitbake switch which only show me the verbose gcc compile outputs ?09:08
lukmaand I thought if there is a mechanism similar to bbappend for recipes09:08
lukmato extend the bbclass09:08
lukmawithout the need to create my own class -> like kernel-fitimage-fixed.bbclass09:08
lukmawhich would inherite the original one and the function to be replaced09:08
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bugsbunnyhi everyone. I try to add a file to the rootfs describing the image that is currently built. So I added SRC_URI and FILES to the image recipe and also a do_install() but that is never called. I fear that this is due to the "inherit core-image" and that my way isn't possible at all. Has anyone an idea?09:30
yoctiNew news from stackoverflow: Adding python internal modules ( to yocto image <> || Bitbake recipes - Simple file copy <>09:30
rburtonrob_w: log.do_compile will have the compiler output09:34
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rob_wyes i know .. that was my question to get rid of always looking at that file but getting those outpouts in my cmdline09:38
rob_wbut if thats the way , no problem09:38
rburtonrob_w: wind river linux has a patch to do that iirc09:38
rob_wits was just to ease up hunting down my compiler warnings09:38
rburtonmake them fatal :)09:39
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rob_whmm that is definitly worth a thought !09:40
rob_wmy collegues will love that ;) but then i save my time keep telling them to hunt the warnings09:41
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vladzouthHi, i am developping an application using eclipse ADT yocto. I create a yocto ADT autotools project and I am using some libraries like libxml2 but when i include some header file from this library, the yocto autotools build doesn't see them even if in my i added the library include in the CXXFLAGS and the library in LDFLAGS. Does anyone have faced this kind of issue to help me fix this?09:56
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gunnarxWhat is the process for switching maintainer on a repository at
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Crofton|workgunnarx, which one?10:36
gunnarxmeta-ivi. is the process different for different repos? ;-)10:40
gunnarxthere's a new maintainer... just wondering how to set up ssh key or whatever credentials (better than taking over the previous maintainer's credentials)10:41
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Crofton|workmostly involves talking with existing maintainees10:49
Crofton|workI'm not familiar with that one10:49
Crofton|workhalstead, should be able to help with keys10:49
Crofton|workwho is existing maintainer?10:49
gunnarxWell it's not abandoned, it's an agreed transfer.  The existing maintainer Yong-Il Yoh can confirm, we can have an email exchange for example.10:50
gunnarxHowever, granted he has not updated this for a while, only the GitHub copy.  That will change if we transfer it.10:51
gunnarxhalstead: can we sort out the remaining details via email?10:52
gunnarxBecause I need to loop in someone else also (the new maintainer, it's not me)10:53
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Crofton|workhalstead, is US west coast. He'll likely want emails with particulars. Clearly we can't transfer maintainship to random people in irc :)10:54
Crofton|workbut it sounds like everything should go smoothly10:54
gunnarx"random" :)10:54
gunnarxyes, as long as I get a contact, we'll make it work10:54
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Crofton|workI messaged his email to you10:56
gunnarxexcellent, thanks for your heop Crofton|work10:56
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bugsbunnyhmm, nobody has a clue, maybe I should try another approach: has someone an idea how I can get information about a built image into the rootfs it builds?11:39
LetoThe2ndROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND, probably.11:40
bugsbunnyusing a dedicated recipe for that purpose and include it just in that image would surely work, but the natural way imho would be to integrate that very information into the image recipe itself and getting it into the rootfs somehow11:40
bugsbunnyoh, great, thanks for that hint, LetoThe2nd, I have a look at that right away11:40
bugsbunnyLetoThe2nd: perfect, that did the trick, thanks a bunch!11:54
kanavin_homeRP: thanks, also my top priority now is finding a place to live! in Berlin that is not at all easy. once that is sorted I can think again about bug fixes and patches :)11:56
kanavin_homeLetoThe2nd: ^^^11:56
LetoThe2ndkanavin_home: good luck, then!11:57
LetoThe2ndkanavin_home: like i said, i'll be loosely around for the rest of the week, and in cases of emergency can provide AWS computing power. after that, i'm on leave for considerable time.11:57
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RPkanavin_home: that sounds like the right priority! :)12:01
LetoThe2ndabsolutely agreed.12:02
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kanavin_homeI'll keep an eye on the mailing lists, telling people what's wrong with their patches is often not complicated at all ;)12:04
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Crofton|workkanavin_home, congrats on the ove to Berlin13:02
Crofton|workI'd love to move there :)13:02
Crofton|workespceially before it became popular13:02
kanavin_homeCrofton|work: yep, rents are skyrocketing13:03
kanavin_homeCrofton|work: for various reasons the chance to move came up only now13:03
Crofton|workAll the cool people are there!13:08
kanavin_homeCrofton|work: locals are protesting against google opening an office in Berlin13:11
kanavin_homeCrofton|work: they don't mind google specifically, but more of what it represents in places like SF or London13:11
Crofton|workIf in doubt, blame Google13:11
kanavin_homespecifically that those places became playgrounds for the rich, no one can afford to own where they live, and unless you have a high salary, you cannot afford to rent either13:12
Crofton|worka global problem13:13
kanavin_homeand yet, someone still has to clean the streets and teach the kids13:13
kanavin_homeCrofton|work: nordic countries have managed to contain it, but it doesn't come cheap. I donated a full 1/3 of my salary to taxation13:13
kanavin_homein Finland13:14
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* kergoth yawns14:57
mcfriskkanavin_home: income tax is higher in germany than in finland.. be prepared15:02
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* fray didn't know though.. I thought Finland was one of the highest15:06
fray'er.. know -that-15:06
kanavin_homemcfrisk: I used the 'unofficial tax calculator' to see where we'd end up, I think the ends will meet quite ok even with one of us not working for some time15:11
JaMahow to prevent map_depends_variable from adding multilib prefix? I have busybox bbappend which adds RDEPENDS_${PN} += "/bin/bash" but I don't want /bin/bash to be prefixed as lib32-/bin/bash and if I try to use RDEPENDS_${LIB32_PREFIX}${BPN} then the original RDEPENDS_${PN} replaces it; and if I try to append with virtclass-multilib-lib32 then it's ignored even when it's in OVERRIDES15:12
kanavin_homeJaMa: I don't think you are even supposed to put binary paths in there, why can't you use a package name?15:14
JaMakanavin_home: this is intentionally /bin/bash to work around
yoctiBug 9217: normal, Medium, 2.99, Martin.Jansa, ACCEPTED , Many unsolveable QA warnings from build-deps and file-rdeps15:15
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kanavin_homeJaMa: if this can be reproduced with plain oe-core, please tell how in that bug15:22
kanavin_homeJaMa: or a minimal way to do it with meta-oe15:22
JaMait's written in the ticket already15:23
kanavin_homeJaMa: where? I am not seeing it.15:26
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JaMaaround 30th line in 2nd to last comment15:28
kanavin_home'The test case is busybox bbappend' thing? that is not plain oe-core :-)15:29
rburtonRP: kicked a new mut, should fix the drm problems and will also error out if the i586 problem happens on other arches, so i'm pretty much expecting some failures there15:29
armpitgeez, not so positive for a Monday15:29
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JaMakanavin_home: it's minimal way how to reproduce it there15:30
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armpitRP, stable/sumo-next is ready to go. clean build over weekend15:31
kanavin_homeJaMa: but it's simply not right to put /bin/bash to RDEPENDS/PROVIDES in the first place, why do you need to do that?15:31
kanavin_homeJaMa: if that is to silence the QA warnings, then you should dig deeper into why the warnings happen15:32
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JaMakanavin_home: yes, it's to silence thousands of QA warnings15:35
kanavin_homeJaMa: yep, so how can the warnings be triggered? that's the reproducer I meant15:36
rburtonJaMa, RP, kergoth: do any of you remember why we have a mktemp recipe when both busybox and coreutils have it?15:38
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rburtoni'm guessing at some point busybox mktemp was too minimal for something?15:38
rburtonthe only difference between busybox mktemp and coreutils mktemp now is --suffix15:40
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JaMakanavin_home: build e.g. libtool in TMPDIR with and without bash built before15:43
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ldtsI am trying to build a systemd service but my recipe can't find a systemd include ( I am an occasional yocto user so things might not be quite right overall. Is there anything blatantly wrong in my recipe? any suggestions/thoughts much appreciated15:45
JaMakanavin_home: in 1st case, there won't be any warning, but libtool will rdepend on proper bash (even when user wanted to use busybox as a provider) in 2nd case you'll get the QA warning
JaMakanavin_home: the work around I've sent to oe-core before fixes both these issues, but fails when we enable multilib as well (because of the lib32- prefix being applied)15:48
JaMakanavin_home: to reproduce the 2nd part (about e.g. might be more tricky with oe-core, because oe-core neither meta-oe provide alternative prebuilt virtual/*gl providers15:49
JaMakanavin_home: possibly reproducible with old vc-graphics recipe from meta-raspberrypi, but nobody is using that15:50
kanavin_homeJaMa: if you can put all of this information (about busybox/libtool issue) into a single comment in the bug, that'd be appreciated. The configuration snippet, and specific steps.15:50
JaMafwiw: anonymous python is also triggered too early to replace lib32-/bin/bash with /bin/bash15:51
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1087 of nightly-x86-64-lsb is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages Running Sanity Tests BuildImages_1] Build details are at
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1075 of nightly-ppc-lsb is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages Running Sanity Tests BuildImages_1] Build details are at
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-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1064 of nightly-mips-lsb is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages Running Sanity Tests BuildImages_1] Build details are at
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1075 of nightly-arm-lsb is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages Running Sanity Tests BuildImages_1] Build details are at
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1073 of nightly-no-x11 is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages] Build details are at
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scottrifAnyone tried to install the YP plug in for Eclipse Oxygen lately (sumo).  None of this stuff works for me16:15
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1066 of nightly-mips64 is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages Running Sanity Tests Building Toolchain Images Running SDK Sanity Tests Building Toolchain Images_1 Running SDK Sanity Tests_1] Build details are at
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kergothkhem: huh, seems interesting16:31
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VisionOvalhi, I'm trying to excute a python script to generate a custom image format in a image_type.bbclass. The python script is properly installed in recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/ but fails to load some python modules such as "from Crypto.Cipher import AES ImportError: No module named 'Crypto'". I tried to add EXTRANATIVEPATH += "python3-native" without success. ./usr/lib/python3.5/ is in16:33
VisionOvalrecipe-sysroot-native of the image. How can I get a python3-native tool to find the modules ?16:33
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RPrburton: no memory of that16:54
kergothrburton: i have no clue16:54
-YoctoAutoBuilder- build #1059 of nightly-world-lsb is complete: Failure [failed BuildImages] Build details are at
rburtonawww my build :(16:59
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dennismI built the fsl-image-gui target for an NXP imx7dsabred board I received and can boot, connect etc.  In comparing against the sample image that came on the SD card with the board though, there is substantially less functionality.  I'm having trouble finding which layers/recipes I might add in to get some of it back before I start making my own image.  Suggestions where I might find a list of software that comes on the sample SD card images?21:01
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khemdennism: you should talk to nxp support21:24
khemor may be look into fsl layers21:24
dennismI'm searching through the various fsl-image* available now.21:25
khemthe layers are here
khembut the SDKs might be different than what is published who knows21:25
dennismperhaps one of their multimedia layers is what they used for the sample sd.21:25
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