Thursday, 2021-02-18

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vdlanyone using kas without poky?05:27
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* vdl found how to do it.05:57
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linumsI know it is not really a yocto issue, but I ask it, if anyone has any clue06:44
linumsso I compiled a sysv based os06:44
linumsand i have this weird stuff, that if I call "service --status-all", then as it almost finishes the status report, every service shuts down, and I'm left alone with a working kernel, but no service at all06:46
thekappeHello there !! I have a question, does anybody know how to add udevadm to a yocto (thud) image ?06:48
dwagenkthekappe what is your value for VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_dev_manager ?06:58
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dwagenkIf it is udev or systemd you should be all set.07:01
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thekappedwagenk, thanks07:03
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:37
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mckoangood morning07:43
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medaliyouhey folks , so i m bitbaking an image , containing layers which contains recipes for kernel 4.14.149 , so some kernel modules (drivers) have patch files , when building a new kernel09:25
medaliyouthose patches are failing to apply09:25
medaliyouwhat canĀ  i do to work it around ?09:26
qschulzmedaliyou: patch the patches :)\09:42
qschulzmedaliyou: IMO the easiest is to clone the git repo, apply the patches already present in the recipe, then try to apply yours one by one and fix the potential conflicts09:43
qschulzbut, I'm used to work with the kernel so I might biased when I say "easiest" :/09:43
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medaliyouyeah you did LOL , i ll try to apply the old patches but they are targeting a 4.14 kernel & i m migrating to 5.409:58
medaliyouit will be a pain in the a$$09:58
qschulzmedaliyou: can't you just migrate your Yocto layers first, then migrate your kernel?10:00
qschulzthey don't have to be done in one go (the order does not matter usually)10:01
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LyghtnoxHi everyone10:10
LyghtnoxI'm trying to build yocto for a raspberry pi 2 but I get an error I can't solve:10:10
LyghtnoxException: Exception: KeyError: 'getpwuid(): uid not found: 1000'10:10
LyghtnoxPath ./package/etc/motd is owned by uid 1000, gid 1000, which doesn't match any user/group on target. This may be due to host contamination.10:10
LyghtnoxAny ideas?10:10
qschulzLyghtnox: out of the blue, you used cp with preserved ownership instead of install in a do_install task in one of your recipes?10:14
qschulzLyghtnox: is it one of your recipes?10:15
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LyghtnoxThis is not one of my recipe10:17
LyghtnoxI followed the Quick start instructions from here:
qschulzLyghtnox: which recipe is failing? did you make sure all of your layers are on branches named the same? Are you building on a compatible desktop distro for the release you're targetting?\10:20
LyghtnoxHere is the complete error:
LyghtnoxYes I used the gatesgarth branch for everything10:24
LyghtnoxAs for the last question, how can I check that?10:24
kayterinaare you on arch linux?10:27
kayterinabecause I switched to an ubuntu for yocto because it the manual said is supported10:29
LyghtnoxYes I'm using arch at the moment. I wanted to give it a try but I might setup a Ubuntu VM if I can't make it work.10:31
qschulzLyghtnox: garmin/pyrex for containers to build yocto stuff10:42
qschulzHaven't used it but at least a handful of people do10:42
LyghtnoxThis looks great! I'll test that thanks!10:44
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medaliyouhow to solveĀ  systemd error do_install11:12
medaliyouRPATH changes at install time disabled11:13
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qschulzhalstead: good (early) morning, Firefox complains there is no https for, don't know if it's expired or if there was even ever one?11:50
qschulz(I have (is it default now?) HTTPS-Only mode enabled)11:50
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wertigonOk, so I have almost perfected my debug image vs my production-ready image, now I need to neuter a specific kernel option for debug image only.11:52
wertigonIs there an easy way to do this from the image recipe, or do I need to create a new kernel package for this?11:53
qschulznew kernel package11:55
qschulzrecipe data is local11:55
qschulzso you cannot modify a recipe from another one11:55
qschulzwertigon: at one point you might want to consider going for a debug distro instead of hacking around image recipes11:56
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wertigonqschulz: Yeah, true, but now they want everything but ONE_THING (tm) :)12:08
wertigonIf I've understood it correctly I should be able to just do include(
LetoThe2ndand how would that iamge select the kernel, as it cannot set it as provider?12:13
LetoThe2ndseriously, thats stupid.12:13
LetoThe2ndif at all even you would end up with all of the image being built against the distro kernel, and the debug kernel being pulled in as (R)DEPENDS or such... which just gives me the creeps.12:14
qschulzwertigon: which option is it?12:15
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qschulzis it something you can build as a module?12:15
qschulzin which case, you always enable it in your defconfig, and then just add the kernel-module-<whatever> to your debug image only12:16
LetoThe2ndqschulz: ++ very good idea.12:17
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wertigonqschulz: The CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM12:34
wertigonAs a module would be a great option too12:35
wertigonI can also just disable this specific option at compile time and build it :)12:36
wertigonMore work, but in this case maybe that is what is for the best?12:37
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wertigonI think my problem here is that I see far too many nails for my hammer12:38
wertigonI need to start working more with my chisel, screwdriver and possibly drill :)12:39
LetoThe2ndwertigon: if that can be built as a module then qschulz' approach is perfect. straight and simple.12:44
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wertigonLetoThe2nd: Yep, already do that with a few other options, I'll double check, but if there is a handful of options I can just write a simple pre-compilation script that changes the appropriate option12:53
wertigonI think doing that and then git reset is easier :)12:54
wertigonAs long as it is documented *somewhere*12:54
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LetoThe2ndi really don't get what makes people avoid debug distros. most behave like they would spread some infection.12:57
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qschulzwertigon: how would this pre-compilation script be selected then? it has to be from within the kernel recipe13:02
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LetoThe2ndqschulz: i fear he's talking about a manual process. like "you want a debug image? here, its only those tiny 18 steps you need to do, totally not error prone, nothing has ever failed. and best, all without a debug distro!"13:03
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kyanresbtw, do we have to create a TOPDIR/TMPDIR for each combo of distro and machine ?13:05
qschulzkyanres: not sure to understand? distro and machines are already clearly separated in TMPDIR13:07
LetoThe2ndkyanres: for building, no. but you can't set multiples in local.conf, so you would either have to resort to passing via ENV or changing local.conf between builds.13:07
kyanresqschulz, Well, I don't know where I got that information, but I tought I had to create a TMPDIR for each machine.13:15
kyanresactually, in
kyanresSuggested practice dictates that you do not overlap the temporary directories used during the builds13:15
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LetoThe2ndkyanres: a multiconf build is something completely different.13:17
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LetoThe2ndkyanres: and it certainly doesn't hurt to use multiple TMPDIRs, but for building several combinations sequentially, it at least shouldn't be problematic to stick with one (for standard usecases/environments)13:18
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kyanresoh? different from having several TOPDIR and calling oe-init-build-env ? how so ?13:19
LetoThe2ndno multiple environments. thats not what we were talking about.13:20
LetoThe2ndkyanres: for building, no. but you can't set multiples in local.conf, so you would either have to resort to passing via ENV or changing local.conf between builds.13:20
LetoThe2ndthats what i wrote.13:20
LetoThe2ndso you could do MACHINE=machine1 DISTRO=distro1 bitbake my-image. and once that is finished, you do MACHINE=machine2 DISTRO=distro1 bitbake my-image13:21
LetoThe2ndand so on, and so on. but sharing TMPDIR between several build environments, nope, don't do that.13:22
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LetoThe2ndbut in the end its mostly cosmetic anyways, or depending on your workflow. this won't save diskspace or time noticeably, thats all in sstate.13:24
kyanresby build environment, you mean TOPDIR ? version of bitbake ?13:25
LetoThe2ndbuild environment == the directory that you create by oe-init-build-env.13:25
LetoThe2ndi guess that equivalates to TOPDIR, but i've never noticed anyone using that expression.13:26
kyanresokay. yeah I wouldn't dare go that far13:26
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medaliyousystemd do compile13:28
medaliyouRPATH changes at install time disabled13:28
medaliyouMmedaliyouĀ 14:27:17and its a meson_do_install13:28
medaliyouin the do_install()13:28
medaliyouWelcome to freenode. To protect the13:28
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wertigonLetoThe2nd, qschulz: Yep, manual for now - sometimes it's better to do stuff for hand :)13:29
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wertigonBut I agree it's the least ideal solution13:29
wertigonIdea is you call the script, build the image, run git reset13:29
qschulzwertigon: assume users are dumb and will either forget or do weird things.13:30
qschulzand you need to maintain this script13:31
* LetoThe2nd shrugs13:31
LetoThe2ndi think that way is outright stupid. but hey, its not mie to support it, so go go go.13:31
medaliyoucan i get some help please13:31
medaliyouwhy systemd: do_compile() crasher13:31
LetoThe2ndmedaliyou: sorry, but we are not responsible for support upon request. if you've got a problem that somebody knows something about, then that person will answer. if not, then its bad luck, but still not our problem.13:32
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medaliyouyou re right, helping is optionalĀ (y) (y)13:33
LetoThe2ndmedaliyou: as systemd happily builds on hundreds of systems and thousand of combinations in poky each day, i'd guess hte problem is yours alone. strip the build down, isolate, reproduce. good luck.13:33
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ptsnevesHey all. Do you know of any nice way to build multiple gcc runtimes in the same build?13:34
qschulzptsneves: 1) copy the recipes 2) change slightly the name of the second recipe so that it does not match the first 3) profit13:34
LetoThe2ndqschulz: 3) change the slight name changes to something funny but completely pointless, like, and superduper_4.3.2bb13:36
mcfriskI like the profit part13:36
ptsnevesqschulzĀ  yeah that is what I do with userspace recipes but gcc-runtime sounds trickier. Is is safe to have the runtime of GCC9 built with GCC10, so that GCC9 can use it?13:36
LetoThe2nd4) profit and hanve fun13:36
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mcfrisksorry, step 4) is "run away and never look back"13:37
ptsneveseeheh yeah the profit and never look back part have a tendency of catching me in the back :D13:37
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LetoThe2ndmcfrisk: nope, seriously. if the asker does that we can all have profit in laughing on him/her.13:38
mcfriskptsneves: didn't run fast and far enough13:38
LetoThe2ndso i think thats an outright awesome way!13:38
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wertigon@qschulz: Probably, yeah. Not a good solution but it's this or having to spend 4 hours cursing at the screen...13:44
wertigonMaybe a new distro is the way to go soon though13:44
qschulzwertigon: cp poky.conf conf/layer/opky-debug.conf13:44
medaliyouāÆ cat systemd_%.bbappend13:44
medaliyoudo_install_append() {13:44
medaliyouĀ  Ā  rm ${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/
LetoThe2ndmedaliyou: sure! its a neat trick we use to make sure the caps lock keys of poky users are tested.13:45
ptsnevesmedaliyou an error?13:45
ptsnevesLetoThe2nd :D :D :D13:45
medaliyouyeah when i commented th rm ... line13:46
qschulzmedaliyou: ask the one who wrote the bbappend.13:46
medaliyoubitbake systemd finally passed13:46
wertigonmedaliyou: seems to disable automatic startup of tty1 service.13:46
qschulzmedaliyou: there are no bbappend for systemd in official layers AFAICT13:46
ptsnevesoh sorry i saw mv and not rm :D13:46
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LetoThe2ndmedaliyou: seriously: go pester those folks who provided you layers that give trouble.13:47
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medaliyoui'm just doing a 6 months internship for my end of studies project, i m working with a company that hired a freelancer to create their linux for imx board13:49
LetoThe2ndmedaliyou: then tell your supervisor that the stuff is outdated, you're having troubles, whatever. but essentially you're demanding that people here help you fixing stuff for free, that the company is being cheap on. or is that some opensource,openhardware project we can all profit on?13:51
LetoThe2ndmedaliyou: opinions may of course differ. but that is mine, and i am speaking just for myself here (that needs to be clear, my opinion is neither representative of this channel nor the YP)13:52
mcfriskmedaliyou: bitbake -e systemd, then inspect the output and figure out where this bbappend is and change it. there are endless possibilities to shoot oneself to foot with yocto and bitbake. we talk here of upstream yocto, if you add custom layers we can't really help except provide general guidance13:52
LetoThe2ndmcfrisk: s/foot/brains/g13:52
medaliyouMy task is to optimize boot time, and i didn't even get a build work to flash the image to the IMXĀ  board yet. IĀ  m just trying to learn & improve myself here, and i only ask you huys when i got stuck after long search time. And yeah that project seems so outdated and it is not open source .13:54
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LetoThe2ndmedaliyou: well then i kinda feel sorry for you, and i wish you good luck. but i probably won't be of much help because i'm not going to work for free for that company (which i would basically do then)13:56
mcfriskmedaliyou: you need to start by reproducing your compamny build, we can't help that here. general guidance, then run systemd-analyze and look what takes long and why. also look at bootloader and kernel. generic linux guides help: 2nd google hit is
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intera91good afternoon,13:59
medaliyouyou ve already offred me much help , thank you a lot guys14:01
intera91am working with branch warrior (open-amd) and I was wondering wht is th esafest way to upgrade the version of mosquitto which is pulled as part of openembedded as our software requires 1.6.12 and openembedded/meta-networking/recipes-connectivity/mosquitto pulls 1.5.814:01
qschulzintera91: new recipe?14:01
LetoThe2ndcopied recipe?14:02
intera91resarted from scrtch as bsp is AMD v100014:02
intera91qschulz:ĀĀ  mentions that gatesgarth pulls 1.6.12 but warrior pulls 1.5.814:05
qschulzintera91: then backport it?14:05
intera91qschulz: indeedĀ  my intention but what is the safest way to do that14:05
qschulzintera91: ???? just download the recipe and the patches it rquires?14:06
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intera91i'll giove thatĀ  a try but the recipe uses ${PV} as version, how is that value initialised?14:07
qschulzfrom the filename of the recipe14:09
dl9pfHow can I inject DL_DIR and SSTATE_DIR or MIRROR into oe-selftest ?14:09
qschulzthere's really nothing more than getting the files from a new layer in most cases. No changes involved. If it does not compile, only then you dig deeper14:10
RPdl9pf: If you set then in your build dir in advance it should reuse them14:10
dl9pfthe dir where the toplevel project is ... ok14:11
dl9pflooking at the SDE now14:11
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RPdl9pf: want me to trim down your other patch and queue it?14:13
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dl9pfi can split it ... sec ...14:20
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RPdl9pf: thanks, can get that one in the queue :)14:27
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kergothAnyone thought about trying to detect unused variables, if limited by file? i.e. a recipe level linter, iterate over the lines of the file and its appends and identify which of those weren't present in the final result for those variables, and checksum the tasks to identify which vars were unused in those, to potentially detect possible typos?15:01
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ptsneveskergoth yes, but if the variable is exported you have no way of knowing if it is used by any script in the task for example, so you would need to limit it to bitbake vars correct?15:07
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kergothptsneves: yeah, it'd have to have limitations to avoid a ridiculous number of warnings, but at least if you typo SRC_URI as SRC_URO or something it'd warn you :)15:15
ptsnevesyeah, in that direction i would say it would really help 40% of the cases of newbies being confused15:17
ptsnevesso maybe starting by a typo detector would be nice15:18
ptsneveslike a string distance of something not known to the parse output to a given variable.15:18
qschulzI think we could have a look at all variables in tasks' sigdata?15:22
JPEWThere's a *lot* of variables that are unused from e.g. bitbake.conf15:23
JPEWYou might want to limit it to only variables defined in the current bb file, but I think know that would require parsing with variable tracking information (maybe?), which we don't normally do15:25
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ptsneveswell all the info we need should be available from bitbake -e <recipe>15:30
ptsnevesas it says wehre the variables are set15:30
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zbodekHi, I have a question regarding contributing patches15:34
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zbodekI have a patch for poky: meta/recipes-sato/webkit/, from what I understand I should post it to openembedded-core?15:35
qschulzyup, poky/meta is openembedded-core15:36
zbodekMy patch is against dunfell, should I post it as a patch on-top of dunfell-next?15:37
zeddiizbodek. if it is version specific, you'd send it against dunfell (commenting that it is already fixed in master due to a newer version), or you must send it against master first and ask for a backport to dunfell.15:38
ayoungAnyone tried running toaster on other-than-ubuntu lately?  I tried on Centos8 and got an error right off the bat.15:38
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zbodekzeddii: thanks. I don't think it is fixed in the latest version. I'm only using dunfell and from what I see master only has package version bumped up. I will try to build master and see what's happening15:45
zeddiiyah. that's the trick with LTS. There's an extra hoop to jump through on fixes, since the project has a master first policy. Otherwise, the branches would diverge and have completely different sets of issues.15:47
zeddiithanks for the extra effort!15:47
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yannis there any known problem between ccache and meta-arm-toolchain ?  On the kernel I'm seeing scripts/Kconfig.include:40: linker 'ccache aarch64-shadow-linux-ld.bfd    --sysroot=.../recipe-sysroot' not found (which I did not have before starting to switch from the vendor meta-rockchip to the meta-arm-based one)15:50
yann(and without too much surprise, disabling ccache does work)15:50
rburtonmeta-arm-toolchain isn't used unless you select it15:50
JPEWptsneves: Ya the variable tracking information isn't normally collected when parsing recipes (it's enabled when you run bitbake -e), possibly as a performance optimization?15:53
yannat least meta-rockchip requires the meta-arm layer, which in turn requires meta-arm-toolchain15:59
yannI admit I have another change that can't be ruled out so fast: I upgraded the poky layer to 3.2.2rc116:00
yannoh and that's not the end of the problems, as I'm now hitting ".../arch/arm64/boot/fitImage: No such file or directory"16:00
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yannI'd' better split that upgrade in two :)16:01
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rburtonyann: its a layer dependency as firmware needs the binary compilers, but adding meta-arm-toolchain doesn't change anything out of the box16:05
rburtonI'd definitely split your changes into two :)16:05
yannis it really useful to have a layer dependency for something that's not used out of the box ?16:06
rburtonit is used out of the box if you build trusted-firmware-a16:06
halsteadqschulz, We've only had a cert for is an old cname record. Do you need to use that domain name?16:07
yannyeah, I was overly optimistic trying to avoid doing 2 full rebuilds - I'll take my time :)16:07
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rburtonRP JPEW was anyone looking at the watchdog reprod failure?  stupid irc client can't search and i'm sure I saw that come up16:14
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qschulzhalstead: not really no, my browsing history is full of them though :D can we redirect to is there a reason for keeping cgit?16:17
RPrburton: I think I fixed that didn't I?16:17
rburtonah yes so you did16:18
rburtoni was just doing a bit of triage on the pending swat list16:18
halsteadqschulz: I'm not sure. I'll make it a redirect though.16:18
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eduardashello, what is the best way to build two different kernels for same machine in the same build directory16:19
eduardasI need one with integrated initramfs for testing and one without for final raw NAND UBI image generation16:20
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kyanreshalstead, qschulz, if you search "" in, all the "Repository" URLs say git, but their web repo and tree actually point to cgit16:22
halsteadkyanres: oh. I could change that before making the redirect.16:24
qschulzkyanres: thanks, was wondering where I got the links from :D16:27
qschulzeduardas: two different distros then16:28
eduardasqschulz: but two different distros means two build directories, no?16:30
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kyanres eduardas: as I was taught recently ;), you can >> MACHINE=machine1 DISTRO=distro1 bitbake my-image. and once that is finished, you do MACHINE=machine2 DISTRO=distro1 bitbake my-image16:38
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kyanreser. distro2 for the second command16:40
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thekappehello guys ! I've three network interfaces and I want to have therir names be unique16:47
thekappeso that eth0 always refer to eth@xxxxxx16:47
thekappeand eth1 refers to eth@yyyyy16:48
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thekappehow can I do that in Yocto ?16:48
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yannrburton: at least it's not the update to 3.2.2 which breaks the kernel build :)16:52
rburtonthekappe: write the udev/systemd/whatever rules, and put them in a package, and put the package in your image16:53
RPrburton: ah, thanks. Would you want to reply to this swat email?16:57
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eduardaskyanres: thank you. I was not aware of that possibility.17:02
thekapperburton, thanks, I'll look into that17:02
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eduardaskyanres: I have taken a closer look at the Yocto documentation. Isn't multiconfig what I should really want for my usecase?17:29
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kyanreseduardas: erm, maybe ? I'd say both ways allow to build with different distros, but take note that I'm new17:59
kyanresanyone else has infos about that ?17:59
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bandito_embeddedHi guys, I have a question. I'm new to yocto and I want to use an external toolchain to build my image. I'm using arm-linux from ARM so not sourcery, nor linaro. Is there a way to do it ?18:01
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smurrayRP: just curious, has anyone expressed interest in a recipe for the split out xwayland yet?18:03
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RPsmurray: not seen it18:05
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smurrayRP: they're pulling it out of xorg since it's the only part people plan to use going forward with wayland, rc is out now:
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rburtonsmurray: patches welcome :)18:36
smurrayrburton: heh, indeed.  I might take a crack at it after I get a couple more CVE fixes for dunfell squared away18:43
rburtonthat does kind of encourage the effort to move away from xorg18:47
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smurrayrburton: yeah.  I'd not be surprised to see e.g. Fedora not ship xorg at all in 2022/202318:56
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JPEWIt's annoyingly hard to find a simple embedded focus wayland compositor... lipstick is *really* close, but it uses Qt :(18:57
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eduardasIt seems to me that if I just put my multiconfig directory into my template directory, these files do not get copied over when using the TEMPLATECONF variable with the oe-init-build-env script19:16
eduardasCan one even copy over multiconfig config files from template directory when using TEMPLATECONF?19:17
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vdlI'm still trying to fix the compilation of systemd with importd support. I've added support for glib and apparmor so now I have all Run-time dependencies found, but the compilation still fails19:24
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vdlmeson-log.txt still shows a bench of "Program foo found: NO", should all of them be added to the image as a dependency as well?19:25
JPEWvdl: No, they need to be in `DEPENDS`19:28
JPEWvdl: Either directly or through `PACKAGECONFIG`19:29
JPEWeduardas: I don't know if that works.... it might be easier just to put the multiconfigs in a layer?19:29
eduardasJPEW: my multiconfig files are in a layer, in the same directory I store my templates for distro + machine combinations. Not sure what you mean19:30
eduardasJPEW: I have a meta-mylayer/conf/templates/setupA and meta-mylayer/conf/templates/setupB19:31
JPEWeduardas: If you put them in meta-mylayer/conf/multiconfig/mc.conf bitbake should be able to find them19:32
eduardasTEMPLATECONF="${PWD}/sources/meta-mylayer/conf/templates/setupA/" . ./sources/poky/oe-init-build-env build19:32
eduardasThis is how I usually setup my build directory19:32
eduardasJPEW: will try it. I was putting them under /sources/meta-mylayer/conf/templates/setupA/multiconfig19:33
eduardasI need multiconfig only for one of my setups19:34
eduardasIf I do it your way, this will become universal for all setups?19:34
JPEWeduardas: correct19:34
eduardasseems kinda inflexible19:34
JPEWeduardas: Depends on what you are going for I suppose :)19:35
vdlJPEW: I see, things like kmod can be added both as PACKAGECONFIG or a DEPENDS package. What's the best approach to fix compilation issue like this? PACKAGECONFIG first?19:35
vdlAlso finding which package provides which function is tricky19:36
eduardasI'd really like there to be a way to specify the entirety of the build directory config directory contents in one place. That kind of would seem more obvious, at least for me.19:36
JPEWvdl: Ya, you actually only need the recipe (.bb file), not the package19:37
JPEWvdl: You would put it in PACKAGECONFIG if the dependency is tied to an optional PACKAGECONFIG, DEPENDS if it's needed all the time19:37
eduardasOne can always do custom setup scripts, but I'd really like to avoid those.19:37
JPEWeduardas: I'm not a huge fan of TEMPLATECONF because it doesn't update after the first time. e.g. if person A updates the template, there is no way for person B to get the update (or even know they need one without looking at the history) unless they delete what they currently have19:39
eduardasJPEW: yeah, good point. My colleagues have already stumbled on that one as it is non-obvious.19:40
JPEWeduardas: We wrote this to try an solve the "product management" problem:
eduardasthough because BBMULTICONFIG won't be defined for all local.conf.sample files, I guess what you suggested should be fine19:41
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eduardasJPEW: really interesting. haven't heard about it, so really useful to know19:42
eduardasJPEW: does this have overlap from a functionality perspective like siemens kas ?19:43
vdlJPEW: so I've fixed the "Run-time dependency X found: NO" error, I'm looking at the "Program X found: NO" errors, should I worry about the "Compiler for C supports arguments -WX: NO" errors? how to tackle this?19:43
vdl(explicitly "-Wno-error=#warnings -Werror=#warnings" and "-Wno-string-plus-int -Wstring-plus-int")19:44
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JPEWeduardas: Probably overlaps with kas19:49
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JPEWvdl: Probably don't need to worry about the compiler argument checks19:54
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vdleduardas: I'm not using it but kas supports specifying multiconfig, if that's needed. (otherwise 2 kas files are often just fine)20:04
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eduardasvdl: thanks. good to know too20:06
linumsI've build an os with nft, and I can not set the network tables up20:06
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om26erI posted this in #poky, now posting here.20:07
vdleduardas: since configuration format version 5 to be precise:
linumsit says that "prerouting" can not be processes, since "No such file or directory"20:07
linumswhat am I missing from the os?20:07
om26erApparmor build started to fail for us on dunfell branch. It was working fine yesterday, so some change broke that (and it's definitely not our change)20:08
om26erhere are the logs
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om26erarmpit is that something you are aware of ? (looking at meta-security, it seems you wrote the Apparmor recipe)20:09
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linumsis it ok, that nftables package does not contain the nftables service script for SysV20:21
vdlJPEW: my systemd-importd compilation failure is down to this, not sure what to tackle next:
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om26erok, I have reported
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JPEWvdl: Which one is the fatal error?21:01
vdlJPEW: I cannot tell, that meson-log.txt isn't very explicit21:02
vdlJPEW: I meant the "fatal" line is this...21:03
vdl" ERROR: Problem encountered: importd support was requested, but dependencies are not available"...21:04
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JPEWvdl: Hmm, you may need to log at the file and figure out which dependencies are actually required21:06
JPEWvdl: Or maybe diff the log file with and without importd support21:06
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linumsI have some basic question21:23
linumswhere are the init files from?21:23
linumsI can't find in any log file, where it is downloaded21:23
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RPdl9pf: Did you make any progress?21:45
RPsmurray: interesting. Its something we'd want a recipe for21:46
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dl9pfi got it coded, but selftest still runs locally21:53
dl9pfwaiting for result21:53
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RPdl9pf: fair enough, sounds promising! :)22:04
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RPzeddii: can you spot any race that would explain ?22:55
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