Tuesday, 2021-07-06

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rber|resCan someone give me hint what could possibly modify a binary in a package when it's installed on the host while baking an image? In the package it's correct.05:18
rber|resAnd how to disable this magic thing ;)05:19
rber|resMore info here: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1447305:21
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rber|res@LetoThe2nd Oida05:59
LetoThe2ndyo dudx and oide!05:59
LetoThe2ndrber|res: host grod ualaub oda wos06:00
rber|res@LetoThe2nd - Ned wirkli - OeSi training ;)06:01
LetoThe2ndrber|res != reliableembedded06:02
LetoThe2ndrber|res: sog eana, pscht, geheimnis, aber eigenlich waars vui bessa sie dadn windous ei-ou-tii nemma.06:06
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mckoangood morning06:45
LetoThe2ndmckoan: howdy06:49
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mcfriskFYI: stress-ng in poky has diverged between dunfell and master. the point release update patches differ06:55
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qschulzmorning folks08:03
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perdmann_Hi, my board hangs at "Starting Kernel..." after upgrading to a newer kernel version. Is there an easy way to debug this? i sadly dont have a hardware debugger08:32
mcfriskperdmann_: serial console, that's what one needs to debug bootloader and earl kernel things08:34
mcfriskthe HW support needs to be there and it needs to be configure for SW pieces08:35
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RPJPEW: objcopy in package.bbclass08:48
perdmann_mcfrisk: is there an option for more outputs via serial console?08:51
qschulzperdmann_: earlyprintk support in the kernel probably yes, you need to enable it, configure it correctly and setup the bootloader to enable it (pass it to the kernel command line AFAIR)08:55
qschulzperdmann_: also, I had a similar issue with incompatible TF-A with a newer kernel. I updated TF-A too and then it worked better :) Don't know if it applies to your case, but just FYI08:57
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perdmann_qschulz: Trusted Firmware?09:02
qschulzperdmann_: yes09:08
qschulz4.14 kernel on i.mx8mm with 2.0 TF-A, 5.4 kernel with 2.2 TF-A (IIRC, don't remember exactly the version of the TF-A)09:09
qschulz4.14 with 2.2 TF-A and 5.4 with 2.0 TF-A didn't work09:09
qschulzkernel and TF-A coming from NXP repos09:09
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SchlumpfHi, is there any chance to tell bitbake to build only one specific target of a cmake project?12:03
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SchlumpfFound it: OECMAKE_TARGET_COMPILE12:20
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perdmann_Hi, i try to fetch some files from an SVN, but i always get this error: bb.data_smart.ExpansionError: Failure expanding variable SRCPV, expression was ${@bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d)} which triggered exception AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'13:34
perdmann_What does it mean?13:34
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qschulzperdmann_: https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky/tree/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/svn.py#n194 probably this line13:41
qschulzquick check says that you're using a "floating" revision (AUTOREV for git for example, don't know how you do it for svn)13:42
qschulzand svn probably couldn't find a revision matching the regexp (r followed by any number of digits)13:42
qschulzthat's all I can give as pointers13:43
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perdmann_What does it mean?13:52
perdmann_qschulz: thanks.13:52
perdmann_qschulz: i just need one binary file out of this SVN... (of course, binries in SVN...) So maybe i will ust the http fetcher...13:52
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perdmann_Ok, now its broken because of an = in the password.14:20
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yatesquestion on the install function used in many do_install() recipe tasks:14:21
yatesfound my rubber duckie14:22
yates"install -t dir1 dir2" will copy from dir2 to dir1?14:24
yates"install -t dir file" will copy file into to dir?14:25
yatesgrokking this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WDKTkvSqjk/14:25
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rfs613yates: the find command (line 3) generates a series of filenames.14:29
rfs613each of these gets passed to the install command, replacing the {} placeholder14:30
rfs613so it copies those files into destination ${D}$dir/$d14:30
yatesrfs613: yes, that I knew. the question is on install.14:30
yateswhere is install defined?14:30
rfs613oh, it's a standard command14:31
yatesoh! that's like a system command14:31
rfs613from coreutils14:31
yatesding! lights go on.14:31
rfs613and somewhat curiously, "install" can only copy files. It can create directories, but it won't (recursively) copy them.14:32
yatesdim lights (after a long weekend)14:32
yatesrfs613: that's why you have to embedded it into such a find ... -exec ... {} ]; command14:33
rfs613well, there are other ways ;-)14:33
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yatesyes, true14:33
yatess/have to/might/14:34
rfs613so you had a good weekend then, I take it ;-)14:35
yatesha. yes, i did, thanks rfs613. how about you?14:35
rfs613well, ours was last Thu/Fri, the weather was a bit on the cooler/wet side, but it was still enjoyable.14:36
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yatesstayed home. spent a lot of time updating my old paper on fixed-point arithmetic: http://www.digitalsignallabs.com/downloads/fp.pdf14:37
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rfs613yates: nifty. Brings back some ancient memories: http://netwinder.osuosl.org/users/a/andrewm/math/math.c14:44
rfs613(and other files in the same directory/subdirs)14:44
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yatesactually that very first statement in the description is not entirely accurate14:49
rfs613I didn't write it ;-)14:52
yatessee section 22 here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Fixed-point_arithmetic15:00
yatesi wrote that yesterday15:00
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yatesbut the library seems like a great idea. 64 bit integers sound massive to me. i worked with 16-bit and 32-bit in TMS320C54x fixed-point DSP assembly back in the day.15:05
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rfs613yates: fixed point support got added to gcc, so the need for the library kind of went away. I vaguely seem to recall that Nico tweaked this library and that possibly that's what gcc uses.15:10
yatesrfs613: interesting history.15:13
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rfs613a quick grep of the gcc source tree suggests my memory may be incorrect...15:19
yateslooking at this function in poky/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc-locale.inc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mfhy63TH8g/ ...15:26
yatesi'm trying to determine what would cause a QA error when PACKAGE_NO_GCONV = 0 but not when it is 115:27
yatesone thing is if there are other directories under ${libdir}/ than gconv15:28
rburtonJPEW: do you think we still care about running reproducible selftest for more architectures?15:28
yateseven if they were empty, would this QA error be triggered?15:28
JPEWrburton: Ya15:28
JPEWrburton: ARM would be the next one IMHO ;)15:28
rburtonthe current test just uses whatever the machine is15:29
yatess/QA error/QA issue/15:29
rburtonJPEW: i guess the easy solution is to just hardcode qemux86-64 and qemuarm6415:30
yumasiHi! I am trying to build a signed fitImage. Everything goes well, I have a signature in the final image, put u-boot fails on checking the sha256 of the configuration section of the image. Looking up with mkimage -l, I see that the "hash value" is indeed "undefined". Anyone already encountered this error before or know how to fix it?15:30
JPEWrburton: I'm confused, are you saying that it's already testing qemuarm64?15:32
rburtonit tests whatever the current machine is15:32
rburtonwhich defaults to qemux86-6415:32
JPEWrburton: Ah right. So does the AB only run the test on qemux86-64 then?15:33
rburtonWe could punt this into the 'run selftest for  arm64' bug15:33
rburtonactually might be the best idea15:33
rburtonI should retest that...15:34
JPEWrburton: Works for me :)15:34
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perdmann_Is there any way to escape charecters in variables? \ is not working for me15:42
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yatespackaging question: will a QA issue be flagged if empty subdirectories in the source exist that were not created in the destination ($(D))?15:48
yatesby inference i have determined the answer to this question is "yes" but I want to double-check15:49
smurrayyates: packaging only looks in ${D}, so I'm pretty sure the answer is no15:53
yatessmurray: it must be looking at source directories/files too in order to do this QA issue check, right?15:54
smurrayyates: no?15:55
yateshow could that possibly be true? what is it comparing to to determine there is an issue?15:55
qschulzyates: the check is done between what's in ${D} and what's in FILES_*15:56
smurrayyates: that's telling you the directory exists in ${D}, but no FILES_*15:56
qschulzif after everything's been packaged, there are still files, you get a QA Issue15:56
smurrayqschulz: sniped me ;)15:56
yatesah, ok.15:57
rburtonthe assumption is that everything that appeared in do_install should be in a package15:57
rburtonso if something gets installed but not packaged, you get that warning15:57
qschulzand IIRC, empty directories still need to be packaged. So if your target always create some directory but not always put things in it, you might need to add /some/dir/ in addition to /some/dir/my-file in FILES_*15:58
qschulzyour makefile/cmake/meson/whatever target*15:58
rburtoncorrect, empty directories are still things that need to be packaged15:58
rburtoneither package it, or don't install it15:59
yatesrburton: ok you seriously confused me with "if something gets installed but not packaged". I thought installing IS packaging. Or at least the first step, i.e., copying stuff to a staging area, which then subsequently gets packaged15:59
rburtonyeah we went through this last week16:00
rburtondo_install puts stuff into a staging area, do_package splits it up into packages16:00
rburtonpackaging is just turning the output of do_install into packages by doing what FILES_* says16:01
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yatesok let me regroup/rethink this then. thanks for the (re)clarification.16:03
rburton4.3.5.3 is do_install, is do_package16:04
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khemRP:  regarding dwarfsrcfiles, -7 errorcode could happen if it read past the filename and got really a long pathname perhaps, is it a race or can it be reproduced with some particular package17:22
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RPkhem: there is a reproducer in the bug now, I worked it out was a SIGBUS19:33
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yateswhat is the purpose of the gconv folder /usr/lib/gconv?21:08
yatesthe glib-locale recipe generates many files into it21:08
yates(mostly .so files)21:08
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