Saturday, 2021-07-17

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rfs613can the gitsm fetcher support different protocols for submodules?01:04
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rfs613answering myself... yes, looks like it can. But also, it seems to get confused if a submodule URL changes.02:36
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dv_anybody tried to use some rented cloud computing VMs as yocto build machines lately?08:52
dv_I have a workstation with a ryzen 2700, but its 16 threads are sometimes woefully inadequate for large builds, so I am considering that option08:53
JaMaif you build often, upgrading to newer ryzen or threadripper would be still cheaper IMHO09:00
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dvorkindmitrydunfell populate_sdk fail
rburtondv_: amazon AWS+EFS+spot instances sure are an interesting idea09:51
rber|res@dvorkindmitry: you might want to increase your RAM. (or just increase SWAP for now)10:07
dvorkindmitryrber|res, the problem occured with TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME += "-${DATE}"10:23
dvorkindmitryif I do not set this variable everything is ok. But I need SDK output file name with date10:24
rber|resAh OK10:31
rber|resSince I see an error with memory as well.10:31
rber|resThat's another problem.10:32
rber|resCan you try something like that?
dvorkindmitryrber|res, where do you see the memory error? without this variable setting I don't have such problem10:35
dvorkindmitryrber|res, sorry, what should I do with this os-release recipe?10:35
rber|resThe memory stuff is just a warning line 205 on your pastebin log.10:36
rber|resLet's first try to find out what you try to do.10:37
rber|resIf you build an SDK there is already a date/time stamp in the generated name.10:37
dvorkindmitryrber|res, no: tps-glibc-x86_64-img-tps-base-cortexa9hf-neon-tppg2-toolchain-3.1.3.sh10:37
rber|resAH sorry it's not ;)10:37
dvorkindmitrythat's what I am trying to do :)10:38
rber|resUnderstood - you want to add it10:38
dvorkindmitryIf I add DATE to DISTRO_VERSION = "3.1.3-${DATE}", it will fail on the next date build (case directory names are different on next day)10:38
rber|resIf you look at you see vardepsexclude10:39
dvorkindmitryrber|res, I see it. somebody told me If I exclude DATE from vardepexclude I'll have long builds of SDK every time10:40
rber|resIf you make your DATE a different variable with a fixed string does it work?10:41
dvorkindmitryrber|res, just for experiment?10:41
rber|resWell we can argue about how useful it is what you do later ;)10:41
rber|resLet's first see if we can get it built at all.10:41
rber|resMy first attempt would be with a fixed string and not DATE, which probably reads the current date/time10:42
rber|resIf that's the problem, then vardepexclude might help10:43
dvorkindmitryok. now I'm setting DISTRO_VERSION = "3.1.3-210716000000", SDK_VERSION = "${@d.getVar('DISTRO_VERSION')}", TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME is commented out. building.10:43
rber|resWould it be OK to build and rename it afterwards?10:44
rber|resThis would save you a lot of problems I believe.10:44
rber|resalso you might want to have a look at how it's done with images, since those have definitely a date/time stamp in there10:48
dvorkindmitryrber|res, yes. the problem is that I could forget to add timestamp and also the date is significant when customer asks questions on SDK/image problems10:54
dvorkindmitryso I need a way to see the build timestamp for image and for SDK10:54
dvorkindmitryafter they are installed10:54
dvorkindmitrywhen I set DISTRO_VERSION = "3.1.3-${DATE}" the only problem I see is "locales.../" directory DATED name build does ot corresponds to current date and it fails.10:58
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rber|resYou could just change the version number to identify which version of the SDK is used. Let me try to show you what I mean.11:04
rber|resI am talking about the DISTRO_VERSION11:05
rber|resIf you use master it's something like this: DISTRO_VERSION = 3.3+snapshot-5dce2f3da20a14c0eb5229696561b0c5f6fce54c11:06
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dvorkindmitryrber|res, that build was successfull12:00
dvorkindmitryso what is next?12:06
rber|resyou don't like this?
rber|resI mean how does a build date/time relate to the meta-data you modified?12:10
rber|resAnd actually you need it from all the layers and not a single one ;)12:10
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dvorkindmitryrber|res, I set DISTRO_VERSION = "3.1.3-210716000000"12:44
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dvorkindmitrynow building with DISTRO_VERSION = "3.1.3-${DATE}", and commented-out two variabls: #DISTRO_VERSION[vardepsexclude] = "DATE", #SDK_VERSION[vardepsexclude] = "DATE"12:44
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rber|resI would try something like MYDATE="${DATE}" and use ${MYDATE}12:51
dvorkindmitryШ цшдд екн12:53
dvorkindmitryI will try12:53
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dvorkindmitryrber|res, it works13:57
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dvorkindmitryrber|res, thank you!20:53
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