Monday, 2021-08-16

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cocoJoeGood Morning06:32
cocoJoeI am using this code from the meta-intel layer to create a install image,06:32
cocoJoec. Building the installer image06:32
cocoJoeIf you plan to install your image to your target machine, you can build a wic06:32
cocoJoebased installer image instead of default wic image. To build it, you need to06:32
cocoJoeadd below configuration to local.conf :06:32
cocoJoe  WKS_FILE = ""06:32
cocoJoe  IMAGE_FSTYPES:append = " ext4"06:33
cocoJoe  IMAGE_TYPEDEP_wic = "ext4"06:33
cocoJoe  INITRD_IMAGE_LIVE="core-image-minimal-initramfs"06:33
cocoJoe  do_image_wic[depends] += "${INITRD_IMAGE_LIVE}:do_image_complete"06:33
cocoJoe  do_rootfs[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_deploy"06:33
cocoJoe  IMAGE_BOOT_FILES:append = "\06:33
cocoJoe      ${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE} \06:33
cocoJoe      microcode.cpio \06:33
cocoJoe      ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_BASENAME}-${MACHINE}.ext4;rootfs.img \06:33
cocoJoe      ${@bb.utils.contains('EFI_PROVIDER', 'grub-efi', 'grub-efi-bootx64.efi;EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi', '', d)} \06:33
cocoJoe      ${@bb.utils.contains('EFI_PROVIDER', 'grub-efi', '${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/boot/EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg;EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg', '', d)} \06:33
cocoJoe      ${@bb.utils.contains('EFI_PROVIDER', 'systemd-boot', 'systemd-bootx64.efi;EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi', '', d)} \06:33
cocoJoe      ${@bb.utils.contains('EFI_PROVIDER', 'systemd-boot', '${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/boot/loader/loader.conf;loader/loader.conf ', '', d)} \06:33
cocoJoegive me an error, that the grub.cfg file does not exist06:33
cocoJoeI am not sure how to debug it, did the file move location, or how do I debug it?06:34
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kranzohow do i fix a broken eventloop in bitbake? oO08:05
kranzothe logs are just telling me bitbake broke08:05
kranzook my fault, bitbake-layers crashed ... bitbake just told me i failed with my multilines08:08
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wCPO"Task do_bootimg in meta-security/recipes-core/images/ depends upon non-existent task do_image_ext4 in meta-security/recipes-core/images/", is I missing something oblivious when using INITRAMFS_IMAGE = "dm-verity-image-initramfs"?09:00
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eFfeMHi, I want to analyze why yocto keeps rebuilding my opencv recipe although it did not change and neither should anything below it>09:13
eFfeMI've been checking with bitbake-diffsigs but it does not work as expected09:14
eFfeMbitbake-diffsigs -t opencv configure gives ERROR: No sigdata files found matching opencv do_configure09:14
eFfeMand if I do a bitbake-diffsigs on two different opencv configure siginfo files it tells me that the outcome of do_patch changed, but then it gives unable to find matching sigdata for with hashes ....09:16
eFfeMwhat am I doing wrong here ? Does it need an extra env var do I need to be in a specific dir?09:16
qschulzeFfeM: bitbake-diffsigs is finnicky, just use the sigdata files for do_patch and do so until you find the culprit :)09:18
eFfeMqschulz yeah, unfortunatetly that is quite a p.i.t.a.09:21
RPrburton: - kernel upgrade fallout09:22
RPjonmason: ^^^09:22
RPrburton: and thanks for the CVE msaking! :)09:26
rburtondidn't look into the qemu one yet, presuming its a cve in an archaic  module and there's no bug/patch, just a fuzz report09:27
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betchouHi guys, I try to set a Yocto CI with a shared sstate-cache and downloads. My sstate-cache is a blob on Azure.10:39
betchouAnd I can't any reuse in bitbake summaries.10:40
betchouI can get the downloads properly. Does anyone know what need to be done to get the sstate-cache found properly through the blob ?10:41
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wyreshould I add openssh to IMAGE_INSTALL besides adding ssh-server-openssh to IMAGE_FEATURES?12:04
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qschulzwyre: it depends, what do you want?12:06
wyreqschulz, well I've got ssh-server-openssh in IMAGE_FEATURES but I cannot find ssshd.service12:07
qschulzsshd@.service according to the recipe12:07
qschulzwyre: oe-pkgdata-util find-path 'ssh*.service' should be able to give you which package provides the file if it's not installed on your system12:09
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wCPOIs wic recommended over ex hddimg?12:27
wyreqschulz, I have a message saying "ERROR: Unable to find any package producing path ssh*.service"12:27
qschulzwyre: I was wondering if * could be used in the middle of a filename, seems maybe not?12:49
rburtonfind-path wants a path12:51
rburtonuse '**/ssh*.service'12:51
qschulzalways passed just a match for the filename and in the cases I tested,it worked12:53
qschulzthough I haven;'t used it on recent releases12:53
rburtonwyre: adding to the feature is enough, its just a way of adding the right package to the install list12:58
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kranzoWhat is the proper way to install systemd service contained but not installed in a cmake project? im seaarching for the proper path to append on FILES_{PN}14:31
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qschulzI assume15:03
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kranzobut isnt that only if i install the file? or to change the question a biit, where does bitbake unpack my repo because this is the only place the service file exists if its not installed right?15:05
qschulzkranzo: it unpacks it in ${S}15:07
qschulzwhich by default is ${WORKDIR}/recipename-recipeversion IIRC15:08
qschulztmp/work/<arch>/recipename/recipeversion-r0/ is WORKDIR15:08
kranzook now i got the keywords to google thanks15:09
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cocoJoeis there some place that describe the packagegroups.. this line (IMAGE_INSTALL = "packagegroup-core-boot ${CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL}") in apparently is needed otherwise the EFI/BOOT/grub.cfg file is not created15:17
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abellonicocoJoe: a packagroup is simply a meta package that will pull in other packages15:18
kranzoqschulz actually i caant find my src in the given folder? i think i miss some step in the bitbake process15:19
qschulzkranzo: what's your SRC_URI?15:19
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cocoJoeabelloni can I see what packages that is?15:20
kranzoqschulz MACHINE=raspberrypi4 bitbake project-rosready-kate -e |grep ^SRC_URI15:21
abellonicocoJoe: I guess grub-efi is what you want15:22
kranzoi think sth is wrong here :D15:23
qschulzkranzo: yeah, redirect the output of bitbake -e to a file or "less" and look for the lines above the one starting with SRC_URI to understand where things are going wrong15:25
cocoJoeabelloni it is yes, but that works without the packagesgroup in my image, it just dont create the grub.cfg locally15:31
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kranzoqschulz i found the problem, i"ve got the src in workspace (devtool modify) but this way ${S} shoudl work aas well right?15:35
qschulzit's EXTERNALSRC then15:35
qschulzand the externalsrc class sets S to that one IIRC15:36
qschulzit's what's used by devtool15:36
qschulzunder the hood15:36
qschulzwait, I think I misunderstood the question15:37
qschulzif you're asking whether you should use ${S} in recipe to locate files, the answer is yes15:37
qschulzthough it is probable that files are put in ${B} in do_compile, depends on the build system15:38
qschulzdon't remember what's happening with cmake-based recipes15:38
kranzoi wanna add something like FILES_{PN} += "${S}/startup.service"15:39
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qschulzif you have inherit systemd in your recipe (and you should), just install startup.service in ${D}/${systemd_unitdir} and there's nothing else to do IIRC15:45
qschulzFILES_ is relative to ${D}15:45
qschulzbut you don't need to modify it if you put the file in the right place15:45
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kranzoi see, just found that my install was wrong, i will reread the variable section in the ref manual, works now15:49
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kergothugh, feeling miserable, not sure if i'm sick or if my allergies are just batshit right now16:27
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paulgas if allergies weren't enough fun already -  lets do allergies in a worst-in-a-century pandemic!!16:34
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kranzoi feel exactly this16:37
kranzodone for today, thanks all16:37
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Krissohello everyone, I have a question regarding bitbakes process (worker) model - could anyone help with some specifics?16:44
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khemtlwoerner:  seems all is good with meta-fsl eh ?16:46
tlwoernerkhem: for the machines i'm interested in, yes :-)16:46
khemalimon:  yeah it depends on clang so I guess we could have done it either way16:47
tlwoernerkhem: thanks16:49
overridehey, how can I mount a wic image onto a loop device??16:49
overrideI cant seem to find a bmaptools command for it16:49
overrideNeed it to write some unittests..16:49
alimonkhem: got it, but there is a but when build with meta-oe about preferred version and duplicate recipes for android-tools-config*, my frist debugging points to usage of dynamic-layer + same versions of the -config* recipes16:50
khemit should come in iff selinux layer and clang layer are in mix and that can be adjusted with PREFERRERED_VERSION16:55
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alimonkhem: i tried without success, so something wrong is there17:19
tp43_Krisso, it is very annoying when someone asks you "can I ask you a question".17:23
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tlwoernerzeddii: ping?17:47
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tp43_Yocto output linux images and an SDK? What the heck is the SDK for. If you install linux, can't you just use the package manager to install gcc?17:49
tlwoernertp43_: you give the sdk do your software developers so they can write your device's code and use the same cross-compiler as you're using to build the image18:00
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tlwoernertp43_: your software developers don't need to know anything about bitbake or yocto, they just need the cross-compiler18:01
tp43_tlwoerner, where are the instructions for the software developers?18:01
tlwoernertp43_: back in their college/university18:01
tlwoernertp43_: you'd use the package manager to install gcc only if 1) you have the space 2) your device has enough resources to compile natively18:02
tlwoernergood luck compiling chromium natively on your embedded device (lololo haha)18:02
tp43_tlwoerner, oh see. You can  not just apt install chrome for embed devices, you need to compile them form source eh?18:03
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khemzeddii: RP seeing fetch errors on linux-yocto on master-next18:18
khemERROR: linux-yocto-5.13.9+gitAUTOINC+2b89265a0b_609a8a548c-r0 do_unpack: Unpack failure for URL: 'git://;type=kmeta;name=meta;branch=yocto-5.13;destsuffix=kernel-meta'. No up to date source found: clone directory not available or not up to date: /mnt/b/yoe/master/downloads/git2/; shallow clone not enabled18:18
tp43_Anyone have experience withe Legato? I can not figure it out. I think I lack the necessary embed systems programming skills.18:19
khemalimon: what errors do you see, I perhaps need to understand the issue a bit more18:19
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rburtonkhem: i had that with an edk2 update in the past.  i thought it was related to submodules, which wouldn't make sense with the kernel18:59
Krissotp43_ ok. so i'm seeing bitbake worker processes parented under systemd pid 1 - I launch a script for the build and that script is still there and running a bitbake command with a child pid under the bash I ran the script from. but everything else happens under a python3 bitbake rooted tree who's parent pid is 1 (systemd). I was expecting to see19:00
Krissothe worker tree under the script invocation. Is this expected? is there an option to not make the workers break away?19:00
LetoThe2ndping concerning riscv19:01
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tp43_Krisso, hmm, what did you direct that question to me I wonder? I have basic Yocto skills. I can build the emulated version and for raspberry pi. I never worried about pid's are workers.19:10
tp43_krisso, sorry, corrections: what->why did you ask me? And I never worried about pids OR workers.19:11
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RPkhem: seems strange as I'm not seeing them on master-next builds on the AB19:13
LetoThe2ndah meh.19:14
LetoThe2ndkhem:  ^^^^19:14
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alimonkhem: so add meta-clang, meta-oe and meta-selinux to a build and try to build android-tools, will fail into unable to select preferred version for config-tools, i added PREFERRED_VERSION_ variables but didn't work the bitbake takes both of android-tools-config and is unable to resolve the preferred version,19:24
manuel1985When I booted my image with runqemu, in the VM, how can I leave the graphical terminal and work on the text console?19:26
alimonkhem: for example when set PREFERRED_VERSION_android-tools = "5.%" then will fail with the other recipes (android-tools-conf) that are duplicated because internally one will be select on meta-oe and another one on meta-clang19:30
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tp43_My system has sh but not bash. How do I find where that sh is located so I can make a bash script shebang line19:42
tp43_$which sh19:42
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tp43_How can I run a bash script automatically after system startup without crontab since it is not installed and I can not install anything.19:53
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LetoThe2ndtp43_: sysvinit or systemd, whichever is around.19:57
tp43_LetoThe2nd, how do I know? I see init.d in etc that means sysvinit right?19:59
LetoThe2ndtp43_: its your image... if you don't knwo, who would?19:59
tp43_LetoThe2nd, I didnt build it20:02
tp43_LetoThe2nd, it must be systemv cause I can just do #reboot, where as with systemd you must do #systemctl reboot20:03
smurraythat's not entirely an indicator, reboot works just fine on any systemd system I've ever seen20:04
LetoThe2ndtp43_: nope, why wouldn't i be able to use reboot on a systemd distro?20:04
tp43_you can but the command is #systemctl reboot20:05
LetoThe2ndtp43_: i would start with looking at the image minfest.20:05
smurrayif ps shows pid 1 is systemd would be a surefire indicator ;)20:05
LetoThe2ndtp43_: nope. please stop spreading false information.20:05
LetoThe2ndminfest = manifest.20:05
LetoThe2ndor at pid 1 :)20:05
tp43_here ps just show sh and ps20:06
LetoThe2ndps ax20:06
LetoThe2nd(if its a full ps, ofc)20:06
tp43_yep PID 1 is init20:06
tp43_ok I am going enter reboot on my debian buster. If you are right I will be gone for a few moments.20:07
tp43_LetoThe2nd, wait no, I see, you are correct.20:07
LetoThe2ndbut again, why would i poke the running image instead of looking at the manifest?20:07
tp43_LetoThe2nd, Reboot still works, it is just not in the path.20:08
LetoThe2ndtp43_: which is a debianoid particularity.20:08
LetoThe2ndtp43_:  so please. don't randomly attribute stuff that is not obious to *you* to systemd.20:09
tp43_LetoThe2nd, yeah, there are bunch of commands not in the path with Debian Buster. You gotta do $su -20:09
tp43_LetoThe2nd, ok my bad, sorry20:09
tp43_I'm just trying to run a bash script on startup20:09
tp43_But not crontab20:09
tp43_No /etc/rc.local file either, cause I saw one link mention I could just a file there.20:10
tp43_What about in my .bashrc file for the root user. The root user is always logged in automatically to do the boot up, so would it also run those scripts. I will try right now.20:10
tp43_I do not need a shebang with .bashrc file?20:12
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tp43_No .bashrc is not what I want.20:16
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LetoThe2ndtp43_: seriously, look at any random sysv example.20:19
LetoThe2ndand with that, i bid you all a good night.20:20
tp43_LetoThe2nd, g'night20:23
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RPdl9pf, smurray: - warnings from the kernel uprev pending in core21:48
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tp43_I have rc0.d, rc1. d, ..rc5.d, rcS.d, S goes last?21:52
smurraybeen a while since I did sysvinit, but I believe S = single-user mode21:57
tp43_I heard that scripts in /etc/rc_.d are symlinks to scripts in init.d but it does not seem the case for busybox.21:57
tp43_smurray, S-Startup21:57
tp43_smurray, Cause I have in /etc/init.d/rcS and at top it says comment "This script will execute system startup ('S') scripts. So that is why I guess /etc/rcS.d stands for startup. And I guess it goes in alphabetic order. So 0, 1, ..6, S.21:59
RPtp43_: that guess isn't right as the numbers are runlevels and some of them are shutdown ;-)22:00
tp43_If I make a directory rcA.d I guess it will go after rc6.d and before rcS.d. And if I make a dir rcA.d it will run after rc6.d and before rcS.d22:00
smurraytp43_: like I said it's been a while.  Plus level S doesn't exist in most other sysvinit implementations22:00
tp43_smurray, I'm not sure. It is a a Yocto/BusyBox.22:00
tp43_smurray, Isn't yocto all using sysV?22:01
smurraytp43_: no, a lot of people build with systemd22:01
RPS runs first, then the runlevel the system is moving into22:01
tp43_RP, I do not understand you22:02
RPtp43_: Yocto lets you build a custom Linux. One of the choices is which init system you use22:02
tp43_RP, cool, I didn't realize that.22:02
smurraytp43_: in other words, the scripts in rcS.d run every time22:02
RPtp43_: In sysvinit the system runs are a particular run level and those are numbered. Single user, Multi user and shutdown are the three states I remember are run levels with numbers, I could only guess at which was which (6 was shutdown iirc)22:03
RPS is the bit common to several as startup22:03
tp43_smurray, once every boot. All the rcX.d scripts run once every boot. And rc0.d before rc1.d in order. My guess was S comes after 622:03
RPtp43_: I'm pretty sure 6 is shutdown22:04
smurraytp43_: that's not how it works.  As RP just said the scripts in rcS.d are run, then the scripts in one of the rc1.d, rc2.d, ..., rc5.d22:04
tp43_RP, my rc6.d, all scripts start with K22:04
smurraythat's because it's shutdowm, K = run the script with "stop"22:05
tp43_smurray, S goes first?22:05
RPtp43_: that also means shutdown from memory22:05
smurraytp43_: yes22:05
smurrayfor reference:
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tp43_smurray, thx for letting me know.22:07
tp43_I am just trying to start a bash script on boot up. This run level stuff is teaching me more than I want to know.22:15
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RPtp43_: if you look at /etc/init.d/rcS, it calls the scripts in /etc/rcS.d/ in order so just drop a script in there22:19
tp43_RP thx22:20
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tp43_RP It didn't work.22:48
tp43_RP, wait let me check something. Maybe permissions issue.22:48
tp43_No permissions are same as the everything else in the directories.22:49
tp43_I just have a script that does a while loop and prints the date to a file date +"%D %T" >> /home/myUsername/myDateFile.txt22:50
RPtp43_: not a lot I can say to help with that information I'm afraid22:53
RPI'd try something simple at the top of the script such as "touch /tmp/alive" to rule out other issues22:54
RPyou also didn't say what you named the script or where you put it22:54
tp43_RP, my bad. I know what you mean22:56
tp43_RP, I will change it to you advised and try it again22:57
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tp43_RP I name the script /etc/init.d/ and I created sym link, ln -s /etc/init.d/ /etc/rcS.d/S99z_date2file23:04
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tp43_RP I got it.23:13
tp43_I love you guys!23:15
tp43_It is done.23:15
tp43_Time to watch tv.23:15
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