Saturday, 2021-09-25

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RPjonmason: I was worried about losing that runner fix so I sent it out09:47
RPrburton: I also sent out those sorting fixes. I suspect there is a bigger underlying issue though09:48
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dagmcrHi guys, yocto-3.1.11 was supposed to be released yesterday but it didn’t. However I can see in dunfell branch 3.1.11 was already bumped earlier this month. Have the plans changed? Or testing went wrong? Thanks!10:01
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RPdagmcr: it is actually in QA atm and due to be released10:37
dagmcrRP: Great! Thanks for the info10:41
abellonikanavin: it is really weird the test passed11:25
jonmasonRP: no problem.  I was waiting for CI to finish yesterday, which took forever.
jonmasonI mostly care about it getting into meta-zephyr.  So, I'll push that patch out this morning
jonmasonI'm debating sending patches with a 0/X with a link to the gitlab CI output.  Is that worthwhile?12:04
RPjonmason: it always helps to know the testing something has had12:22
jonmasonthat boost issue on qemuarmv5 is nice to know about :/12:23
RPjonmason: I think mozjs has an issue on v5 too12:25
jonmasondouble :/12:27
jonmasonprobably best to open bugs for these, and I'll see about fixing them in the next couple of months12:28
jonmasonunless there is more urgency12:29
RPjonmason: no real urgency. I've filed two bugs12:31
RPjonmason: I also filed the poky-tiny arm one12:31
RPagain just so we have something to track12:31
RPabelloni: ^^^12:31
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jonmasonyes, I saw the poky tiny email this morning (which is why you don't read work email in bed on a weekend)12:33
RPjonmason: sorry!12:33
* RP really shouldn't be working12:33
jonmasonNo, don't get me wrong.  I was going to work on it today.  I'm just saying that I should be reading work email :)12:34
jonmasonI'm a clean plate kind of person, and wanted to get this stuff off my plate12:35
RPjonmason: I just worry at things slipping through cracks. I have echos of the os._exit discussion for qemurunner before :/12:35
jonmasonAlso, I promised someone I was going to do a blog post for arm on setting up gitlab ci.  So, I need to do a rough draft of that as well12:35
RPjonmason: I know what you mean about resolving things, I wanted the pseudo issue I was chasing yesterday sorted out12:36
RPmy fixes keep not working :/12:36
jonmasonRP: no worries.  it seems like I'm chasing bugs shaked out by gitlab ci for weeks now12:36
jonmasonoh, and I made the fun mistake of accidentally hosing my sstate hdisk mbr and had to rebuild that from scratch this week12:37
RPjonmason: how do you think I feel with the autobuilder!12:37
RPjonmason: wait until people tell you it would be so much nicer if... :)12:38
RPat least sstate is disposable I guess12:38
* RP needs to clear his sstate disk12:38
jonmasonRP: watching that video from LPC has me wanting to add stuff.  Maybe with enough poking rburton will do it ;-)12:39
jonmasonsstate is disposable, and I was able to steal from the YP sstate for a little speed-up, but it's become obvious how much I depend on it being there for fast builds12:41
RPjonmason: I invalidate mine so often it isn't funny :(12:41
jonmasonmy nightlys take about an hour to build lots of machines and run testimage on the qemus.  These are taking over 12 without an sstate being there12:42
RPIt is just the nature of the stuff I work on12:42
jonmasonyes, but you have a massive backend to help you.  I have a single desktop PC12:42
jonmasonand I need to work on getting more of my local systems in a build setup12:42
RPjonmason: I just have single local server I do my dev work on12:42
jonmasonoh jeez, then you must be waiting forever12:43
RPjonmason: it does have 80something cores12:43
RPI only ever really get to mix my changes in with other changes on the main AB12:44
jonmasonI would be fun to automate the RPC system I have to power-up some systems, then find some way to monitor the job, then shut them down12:46
RPjonmason: trivial to write a plugin to bitbake to do something when the build completes12:46
RPin fact a metadata eventhandler on BuildComplete would be enough12:47
abelloniRP: I had a look back at what was done for mozjs13:03
abellonithey used EXTRA_OECONF_append = " --disable-ion "13:03
abelloniwhich made it work on armv513:03
abelloniit was 2 years ago so it may have been fixed since then13:04
RPabelloni: handy to know. We should probably have at least some v5 testing to try and stop regressions going unnoticed13:14
RPabelloni: its lovely to see the swatbot queue clear. Not sure our AB-INT bug count will agree but...13:14
jonmasonRP: lol, that was the exact reason why I added it to our CI.  Too many unnoticed regressions in qemuarmv5.  If you add it, please let me know so I can remove it from ours.13:21
ant__jonmason, I don't have any armv5 toy anymore but I have experienced many boot issues on real hw beautifully ignored by qemu :)13:45
jonmasonant__: that is fair, but difficult to test in CI :)13:48
ant__offhand I remember gcc6>7 transition with align issues :)13:48
jonmasonarmv5 is so old, I'm not sure I could add any systems to the internal LAVA test framework13:49
jonmasonedit, ask for armv5 systems to be added...13:49
ant__ping hrw13:49
jonmasonis the RaspPi version 1 armv5?13:49
ant__no, is a developer who now has my armv4/5 zaurus13:50
ant__he promised he'll play again with it13:50
ant__bbl, must reboot, bye13:54
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RPjonmason: do your tests cover polkit?14:20
jonmasonRP: currently the minimal testimage, trying to expand to everything that is quick (and currently works)14:23
RPjonmason: quick cheat would just be to add boost and mozjs to the list of targets I guess14:25
jonmasonRP: are you referring to my CI, or are you going to add qemuarmv5 to AB?14:29
jonmasonalso, is systemtap broken in riscv or did I just find a bug (its missing from COMPATIBLE_HOST)?  I thought it was working earlier in the week14:31
RPjonmason: I don't know any more :)14:35
RPjonmason: we just upgraded the kernel so that probably broke it14:35
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jonmasonRP: no problem, I'll take a look and see if it's trivial to fix.  If so, patch will be sent.  If not, I'll open a bug.  work for you?  :)14:36
RPjonmason: riscv? we don't officially support riscv :(14:37
jonmasonboth of qemuriscv64 and 32 see it14:38
jonmasonif its a machine in poky, I'm building it.  if its qemu, then I'm running testimage14:38
jonmasonthough, no fixes for riscv will come from ym work email ;-)14:39
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perdmannHi, i cant run bitbake core-image-sato . iam on debian 11 and i get this error:
RPjonmason: well, the recipe says it doesn't support it14:40
jonmasonmaybe it was always breaking....14:42
RPIt doesn't look bad to fix...14:42
jonmasonI'm not trying to make you do more work14:43
jonmasonshouldn't you be riding a bike in a park somewhere?  ;-)14:43
RPjonmason: IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " connman systemtap"14:43
RPjonmason: you're breaking it ;-)14:43
RPjonmason: I wish I was out on the bike. Not up to it :(14:44
jonmasonI already have that line.  So, that is how I know it's missing14:48
RPjonmason: right, but the recipe specifically says it doesn't build on riscv14:48
RPso that isn't going to work14:48
jonmasonI'm seriously down the rabbit hole of trying to cover my butt for graphics issues with qemuarm ;-)14:49
jonmason"Just add a test in CI to make sure it doesn't break"14:49
RPevery time I look at some of this code I regret it14:52
jonmasonits always a race to get something done so that you can work on something else14:54
jonmasonno regrets14:54
RPjonmason: rburton would have a fit if he was looking at this bit of oeqa :/14:55
jonmasonRP: so, we show it to him on monday then?14:57
RPjonmason: tempting :)14:57
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RPbug 14575 and 14574 are probably nice easy ones if someone fancies helping15:22
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tlwoernerjonmason: i think rpi v1 is armv615:50
* tlwoerner has several armv5 things being worked on15:50
tlwoerneryes, the original rpi had an ARM1176JZF-S, ARM11 is armv6 architecture15:53
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jonmasonI'll have to dig through my pile of old arm boards and see if I have anything older than that16:56
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* RP has an arvm4 zaurus somewhere17:01
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abellonijonmason: I can probably get some recent armv5 board shipped to you if you plan to add that in a farm19:15
abellonisam9x60 was released end of 201919:17
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jonmasonabelloni: thanks for the offer.  I don't think work would allow outside boards to the LAVA farm.  If I can get something like LAVA setup here at home, then I might take you up on it.19:33
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JawsyIn a yocto build I have pulled in the meta-virtualization layer to get docker running. But with the change in the kernel config, pthread_setschedparam() has started to fail inside a thread. Any ideas? or am I in the wrong place? The meta-virtualization layer has enabled a bunch of cgroup related configs.21:40
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