Friday, 2021-10-29

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mckoangood morning06:47
Schlumpfgood morning06:48
coldspark29[m]Good morning06:54
coldspark29[m]Is anyone experienced in signing FIT kernel images with NXP's HAB?06:54
alicefmckoan: morning :)06:56
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mckoanalicef: konnichiwa!07:04
mckoancoldspark29[m]: yes, it's quite complicated and definitely not easy. That's part of our consulting portfolio.07:04
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coldspark29[m]I guess it is also part of NXP's consulting portfolion, because the documentation is not good ^^07:09
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coldspark29[m]@mckoan So I guess I will have to figure it out myself. I think you somehow need to list the components in the csf_additional_images.txt. I am not giving up.07:10
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qschulzcoldspark29[m]: boundarydevices have a decent tutorial for imx6 (or at least had, when I implemented this 5 years ago :) )07:51
coldspark29[m]qschulz: Yeah and I got that to work for uImages. Tried signing the FIT image with the same procedure and it didn't work07:52
qschulzah my bad, misread your question.07:53
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coldspark29[m]Yeah, I by would totally use the standard U-Boot as you have advised me, but I can't do this for our legacy Android build, because Android Verified Boot needs the NXP U-Boot. I willy totally use the mainline version for the coming Yocto build though!07:55
fbreHi! I have a bitbake error on hardknott: imx-atf-2.4+git.....-r0 do_compile: oe_runmake failed07:56
fbre...Error: Invalid platform...07:57
fbreIs this a known issue?07:57
qschulzfbre: have you checked that you're using the hardknott branches for all layers you are using?07:57
qschulzif it is imx-atf from meta-imx, ask NXP07:58
qschulzif it's from meta-freescale, it's a different topic :)07:58
fbreI use meta-freescale... now checking the branches...07:58
qschulzcheck that they are up-to-date too (git pull --ff-only)07:59
coldspark29[m]qschulz: Tried that. NXP's support in their is a joke. They only post links to their documentation when being asked. Guess they only really act if you make support contracts.08:00
coldspark29[m]s/Tried that. NXP's support in their is a joke. They only post links to their documentation when being asked. Guess they only really act if you make support contracts./Tried that. NXP's support on their forum is a joke. They only post links to their documentation when being asked. Guess they only really act if you make support contracts./08:00
qschulzcoldspark29[m]: "ask NXP" was for fbre :)08:00
fbreI must say the NXP support is great. The are very helpful08:01
coldspark29[m]Ah my bad08:01
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fbrecoldspark29[m], you need a contact via Field Application Engineer08:03
coldspark29[m]fbre: It depends what you compare it too I guess. I have got much quicker and more helpful responses in no time on TI and ARM forums. Been waiting for that on NXP for a week now.08:03
coldspark29[m]fbre: How do you do that?08:04
coldspark29[m]And what does it cost?08:04
fbrecoldspark29[m] I was not the one who organized the contact in our company. But I even have contact with kernel driver developers08:06
qschulzcoldspark29[m]: yeah NXP forums aren't really helpful I have to say, a previous employer had an FAE assigned to the company so it was much easier to get answers08:10
qschulzthen you go through the support website instead of the forums and you usually get answers in the next few days (might not be a solution yet but at least it's not > /dev/null :) )08:11
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fbreIf a company starts a contract with NXP, they will send FAEs with really good support08:12
coldspark29[m]Maybe I should file a support request08:12
coldspark29[m]I always figured they would charge me for that08:12
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qschulzconsidering how expensive the SoCs are, I'd hope support is included in that :)08:13
qschulzI'm not aware of any additional cost but I was not in contact with financial dept so can't confirm08:13
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coldspark29[m]Okay, will try. Thanks08:14
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Guest55Hi, I am using an upstream Kernel (5.14.14). In do_kernel_configme it complains that "cfg/fs/vfat.scc" is not found. I understand that this check was implemented in new poky releases. But where does the fragment vfat.scc have to be and where to I get it?08:46
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fbreI updated my hardknott with "git pull --ff-only" and now I have: ppm.c undefined reference to 'dvb_dmxdev_release'  in drivers/mxc/xuvi/ppm.o      Any idea?08:59
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Guest47Can yocto compile kernel in 64 bits and user space in 32 bits?09:06
qschulzGuest47: whole userspace or some pieces of SW only?09:09
Guest47Whole user space 32 bits.09:10
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qschulzWhat comes to mind is to replace all packages with their multilib variants (lib32-<pkg> + the multilib thingy in your machine conf file)09:10
qschulzthere's probably a better way that this09:11
qschulzreplace all packages with their multilib variants in the image recipe09:11
qschulzis what I meant09:11
qschulzI'm not sure this works though, I only used to have some pieces of SW in 32b09:11
dvorkindmitrymay I define the DISTRO=... variable in mymachine.conf file in case of multiconfig?09:11
qschulzmaybe the reverse would work better? something like lib64-kernel and a lib64 multilib? just throwing ideas :)09:12
Guest47That is the approach I have been using. bitbake lib32-image. But problem then becomes with yocto sdk.09:12
qschulzdvorkindmitry: I assume this should be set in the multiconfig configuration file for your machine (not the machine conf file IIRC)09:12
Guest47Can try the reverse, i.e. 32 bit machine but bitbake kernel in lib64.09:14
qschulzI've never attempted this, don't even know if it works :) (i doubt this is actually tested :) )09:15
fbrehmm grmpf, my meta layer sets a new platform name "foo" but meta-freescale fails with "Error: invalid platform" in recipes-bsp/imx-atf/
fbregit update did not help09:16
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qschulzfbre: does your new machine have the SOC_FAMILY and MACHINEOVERRIDES correclty set09:17
qschulzalso, might need to set the platform for atf in the machine conf file or in a bbappend for the recipe09:18
qschulzthat is not an uncommon thing to do09:18
fbreWhat is actually "atf"?09:19
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Guest47qschulz what would be the way to make it pull in 64 bit kernel? PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = lib64-kernel?09:22
janvermaete[m]Could it be something is wrong with
janvermaete[m] -> Gstreamer 1.18.409:22
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janvermaete[m]But the link to the recipe isn't working anymore because the git is at 1.18.509:23
janvermaete[m]So: the updating doesn't work anymore?09:23
fbreMACHINEOVERRIDES =. "mx8:mx8m:mx8mm:foo"    is OK?09:24
fbreI don't have SOC_FAMILY set. Is that bad?09:25
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thekappehello guys ! I have a question, how can I unset a flag of the compiler during the do_compile task for a specific machine ?09:30
thekappeI've tried:  CFLAGS_<MACHINE>_remove = "-fstack-protector-strong"09:31
thekappebut inspecting the do_compile log, the flag is still set09:32
RPthekappe: did you try CFLAGS_remove_<MACHINE> ?09:33
RPthekappe: it might also need to be TARGET_CFLAGS09:33
fbreWhat does "=." mean as syntax?09:35
thekappe@RP, same result. I'll try also with TARGET_CFLAGS09:37
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qschulzfbre: atf = arm-trusted-firmware, you need it on aarch64 boards09:53
fbreah OK09:53
qschulzfbre: check how imx-atf recipe is configuring the platform for atf09:53
qschulzyou either need to patch the imx-atf recipe to do the mapping between your platform and an existing one09:54
qschulzor if your board is not too far from one that already exists in meta-freesclae, I assume that adding its machine name to your machine MACHINEOVERRIDES should help with some recipes09:54
qschulzfbre: =. =>
qschulzthekappe: which branch are you using? don't you need the new syntax instead? e.g. CFLAGS:<MACHINE>:remove ?09:56
qschulzjanvermaete[m]: If it hasn't been fixed since then, I think the layerindex isn't really up-to-date, don't know how it broke nor how to fix it sorry09:56
qschulzbut yes, it points to outdated recipes, especially for master branch (which is the default)09:57
qschulz(in the layerindex)09:57
thekappeqschulz, I'm using the brand new "thud"10:02
thekappebtw, adding TARGETS_CFLAGS and after a -c cleansstate seems it got  solved10:03
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fbreqschulz, thanx for your hints! You're always very helpful :-)11:12
dvorkindmitrywhat does this mean (bitbake with -D): "DEBUG: Found task mc:tpp-tppg2:/home/dv/workspace/ which could be accelerated"11:15
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RPdvorkindmitry: it means it was able to build it from sstate11:59
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dvorkindmitryis there the simple example of MC dependency for populate_sdk task for the image?13:23
Guest4797Any way to iterate over IMAGE_INSTALL?13:33
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banana_smoothie[Is brace expansion working in bitbake recipes? e.g. `rm /a/long/path/{foo,bar}`14:02
neverpanicIn places where things are executed by a shell, yes.14:06
smurrayI'm pretty sure that's a bashism and thus it'd be better to not use it14:09
RPbanana_smoothie[: smurray is correct, don't do that as it may run under dash14:12
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banana_smoothie[okay, thank you smurray RP14:28
banana_smoothie[* thank you neverpanic smurray RP14:29
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JaMaif someone has issues with scripts/extract-certs in android kernel builds after openssl-native was upgraded to 3, I've kind of ugly work around here:
Guest4797Can I build a 64 bit kernel on a 32 bit machine? Allowed to make lib64 multilib om 32 bit machine?15:30
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RPGuest4797: 32 bit machines are usually ram limited which limits builds a bit but the answer is yes15:47
Guest4797RP no talking about my build machines. I want to build 32 bits user space and 64 bits kernel.15:48
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RPGuest4797: definitely can be done, you'd just want the correct kernel config but I'm not sure that is documented anywhere. Also depends on whether the kernel wants libgcc and friends (as 64 bit binaries)15:50
RPit would work with multilib15:50
Guest4797RP Can you point me to an example? Do I define the machine to be 32 bits and then add lib64 to it? Or make machine 64 bits and do lib32 on image? Tried the latter but then populate_sdk becomes an issue.15:53
RPI would have suggested the latter :/15:54
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Guest4797Problem then becomes sdk breaks... The sdk produces a 64 bit sysroot for user space, but I want a 32 bit...15:56
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kergothCan you not bitbake a lib32-meta-toolchain or the like?15:59
JaMawe're using multilib like this with lib32-image-name and only the kernel is aarch64 and it's a bit ugly to maintain had to add a lot of explicit MLPREFIXes in various places16:02
Guest4797kergoth can you explain more?16:03
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Guest4797JaMa so you add MLPREFIX to IMAGE_INSTALL? What about DEPENDS?16:03
jatedevI saw a wiki edit that said dunfell's LTS period is now through April 2024, but I've seen no announcements. Any truth to this rumor?16:06
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smurrayjatedev: it was announced on one of the technical calls a few weeks back, so yes AFAIK16:20
RPjatedev: definitely true. I wish we could sort out the project advocacy side of things :(16:25
jatedev(y) This is good news for me as a user/dev16:30
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