Monday, 2022-01-03

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qschulzGood morning everyone, happy new year to every body :)08:08
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coldspark29[m]Is it still considered unsafe to share the sstate-cache between different boards as it says in [this old book](
coldspark29[m]* old book](
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zigaI created my own layer "meta-application" with custom distribution, machine, image... which make sure "QT5" and "boost" libraries needed by my GUI application are installed in an image that runs on Beaglebone Black. Now is the time to include my own GUI application in the image as well! I watched Joseph's videos and I know how to use "devtools" to create a more or less working recipe. What is unclear to me is where to put the repository for my12:56
zigaGUI application. I want it to be local (no GitHub, GitLab...) but should I put repository folder at the same level as "meta-application" layer, or should I put it inside the "meta-application" layer (next to the recipe and with a same name). What would be better in your opinion?12:56
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qschulzcoldspark29[m]: haven't read what you sent but sharing sstate-cache is recommended, same for the downloads directory13:53
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coldspark29[m]Everybody is still in holidays :D13:53
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qschulzziga: dont't do this, you'll regret it later on. you never have sources for a piece of SW in a build system. have your sources somewhere and then fetch it from your build system13:55
qschulzziga: why don't you want to have it local only?13:55
qschulzziga: the point being, what hapens the day you want to be able to build your SW in Buildroot too?13:56
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* RP looks at the autobuilder failures and remembers why he hates software :(14:09
zigaApplication is propietary and company does not have GIT server set up at this point. I am not the one who should set it up though. This is why currently I want to do it locally. I just need the advice on how to do it locally. Should I put application's repository folder (a) in the same folder where I already store other layers or (b) inside my layer "meta-application" (for example in a folder "meta-application/recipes-all/application" where14:12
zigarecipe is "meta-application/recipes-all/")?14:12
qschulzziga: if there's going to be a git server hosted by your company some time in the future, just have a local git repo14:14
qschulzand in your SRC_URI, have: "git:///home/ziga/project/topsecret"14:15
qschulznote that you'll need to commit every change in that directory and update SRCREV in your recipe (or use AUTOREV mechanism)14:15
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qschulzanother possibility is to use externalsrc14:15
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qschulzwhich would then point to /home/ziga/project/topsecret for example14:16
zigaIf I understand correctly option (a) is better than (b).14:16
qschulzbut I'd highly suggest not mixing up source code and build system metadata14:17
zigaSo... repository should never be part of the layer itself.14:17
qschulzthe benefit of using a local git repository is that you'll just need to change the URL to your company's git server once it's set up14:17
qschulzthe downside is that you need to commit every time for your changes14:18
qschulzfor each change*14:18
qschulznot ideal during kickstart of a project14:18
qschulzwhen you debug things quickly14:18
qschulzbut for that you also have devtool to help you14:18
zigaSo I ll just set up /home/ziga/yocto/application for application's sources and keep /home/ziga/yocto/meta-application completely separate but reference the application's sources with SRC_URI = "git:///home/ziga/yocto/application".14:20
qschulz /home/ziga/application instead of /home/ziga/yocto/application, but yes14:20
qschulzziga: you need SRCREV pointing to the commit hash you want to use and also S = "${WORKDIR}/git" in your recipe14:21
zigaOk. I understand your point. Layer should be separated from the source code. Good. This is what I needed to know.14:21
qschulzand I think you have to explicit the branch name now (good practice anyway)14:21
zigaThank you very much.14:22
qschulzso probably like git:///home/ziga/yocto/application;branch=main or something like that14:22
qschulzziga: our pleasure, good luck and come back if you have more questions :)14:22
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RPmoto-timo: If you're around and were looking for something to help with, looks like fedora35 has a setuptool issues in oe-selftest:  :/17:39
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moto-timoRP: I am around. I wonder if it's similar to what I saw on crops.17:40
moto-timoRP: nope, different. but might be related to the distutils removal work I was doing last year17:42
moto-timoRP: which is on the list to revisit soon17:42
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RPmoto-timo: I was hoping it might be a quick fix for someone who was familiar with that stuff!17:46
moto-timoRP: I honestly can't remember if I even ran the selftests -- which probably means I didn't ;)17:48
moto-timoRP: I'll take a deeper look17:48
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moto-timoRP: I think I already have a related patch... at least for scripts/buildhistory-diff17:53
RPmoto-timo: would be nice if that fixes it! :)17:55
moto-timoRP: this "should" fix it
moto-timoRP: I need to build and test the rest of those commits before sending to the ML though17:56
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moto-timoRP: the other option would be to replace the use of LooseVersion in scripts/buildhistory-diff with the bb.checkver or whatever it was fix17:58
moto-timoRP: as if you would remember what you fixed a month or more ago17:58
RPmoto-timo: now you remind me I did that I remember :)18:00
RPmoto-timo: I can try adding that patch and running a build on f35. If it does fix things it would be nice and is one less failure on the AB to worry about :)18:00
moto-timoRP: sounds like a plan. I'll start a build on that branch now locally and see how far it goes.18:01
* RP queues such a test18:01
RPmoto-timo: thanks!18:01
moto-timoRP: ha. I did run at least some self test on the nodistutils branch, but let me start fresh with this v2 branch18:03
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vdyocto mailing lists end their messages with information links such as "Unsubscribe: https://... [<email>]"18:59
vdproblem is I get false positive when querying for my name in the message body19:00
vdis there a way to turn that off?19:00
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JPEWrburton: I think I've full filled my esoteric bug quota for the week, courtesy of your Y2038 changes :)21:55
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RPJPEW: fun :)22:16
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moto-timoRP: not exhaustive but so far selftests have passed on that branch, so probably time to re-sign everything and send to the ML.22:44
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RPmoto-timo: the test build on the autobuilder passed on that test and failed on other issues in -next so I think it may help! :)22:51
moto-timoRP: that patch fixed the oescripts suite, so \o/22:51
moto-timotake every single win and celebrate it22:52
RPmoto-timo: definitely :)22:55
* moto-timo runs the full oe-selftest -a while debugging something sinister22:57
moto-timo"fly my pretties!"22:57
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