Friday, 2022-02-11

ecdheMy vendor's u-boot recipe depends on the dtc-native package.  It works when dtc 1.4.5 is supplied (the default back in sumo.)  Then I added a recipe that requires dtc (>= 1.5.0).  When I added a recipe for dtc v1.5.0, the u-boot recipe breaks.00:08
ecdheCan I build an image that depends on two different versions of dtc-native?00:09
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landgrafRP: I can access I think it's Fetcher raising exception at which causes this07:04
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landgrafRP: oh. the test is working now. probably was not accessible yesterday for some reason :/07:07
landgrafadding second URI to ONNECTIVITY_CHECK_URIS should work  (to not rely solely on
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mckoanlandgraf: that's a frequest problem. For that reason we always add CONNECTIVITY_CHECK_URIS = "" in local.conf07:33
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mckoanAKA "frequently requested to be solved" = frequest (TM) :-D07:33
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landgrafwell. the question is "all CONNECTIVITY_CHECK_URIS should be available" or "some CONNECTIVITY_CHECK_URIS should be available". Current logic is "all", changing to "some" is easy fix in the sanity.class08:15
landgrafas far as default value now is single "" changing to "some" and "" should not affect users with default setting (or user who use "single" host) but there're may be users who relies on "all must be available"08:18
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qschulzecdhe: just create a new and put dtc-old-native in your DEPENDS08:30
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RPlandgraf: the fallout from testing that patch is fairly bad :(08:51
RPlandgraf: bitbake-selftest failures, world build failures and a bug in devtool at least (see the swat list email I sent)08:52
landgrafRP: oh. I see :(09:02
landgrafRP: Builds: None. Am I looking at the wrong place?09:22
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Rolle79I have a question specifically about the cmake recipe in openembedded-core, not sure if this is the right place to ask09:59
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qschulzRolle79: only asking the question will tell us if it's the right place to ask it :)10:00
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Rolle79So ,the default supplied toolchain OEToolchainConfig.cmake, is as I can see it generally problematic. It relates to the cached variables with the FORCE option set (CLFAGS, LDFLAGS etc). The toolchain file is re-run every time cmake re-runs, for example when we change in our local CMakeLists.txt file. Having the FORCE variable set, in combination10:06
Rolle79with using ENV() to pick up CFLAGS etc, means that if we happen to re-run cmake in a shell that no longer have the environment from Yocto sourced, the flags will suddenly be overwritten, this time with (perhaps) other and faulty flags. I get that I can just write my own toolchain file, but I wonder if there is any motivation for this. Usually,10:06
Rolle79cmake toolchain files are more explicit and looks a lot more like the environment file that is also default supplied with Yocto.10:06
Rolle79So, the default supplied toolchain OEToolchainConfig.cmake, is as I can see it generally problematic. It relates to the cached variables with the FORCE option set (CLFAGS, LDFLAGS etc). The toolchain file is re-run every time cmake re-runs, for example when we change in our local CMakeLists.txt file. Having the FORCE variable set, in combination10:06
Rolle79with using ENV() to pick up CFLAGS etc, means that if we happen to re-run cmake in a shell that no longer have the environment from Yocto sourced, the flags will suddenly be overwritten, this time with (perhaps) other and faulty flags. I get that I can just write my own toolchain file, but I wonder if there is any motivation for this. Usually,10:06
Rolle79cmake toolchain files are more explicit and looks a lot more like the environment file that is also default supplied with Yocto.10:06
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qschulzRolle79: just use bitbake -c devshell my-recipe to have everything setup correctly10:09
qschulzor build an SDK and use it?10:10
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rburtonRP: fwiw, ten of our jobs in the overnight CI failed (out of about 50)10:12
rburtonwith failure10:12
Rolle79I build an SDK and use it now, but I dont want devs to have to think about sourcing the environment file. For our initial project setup, this is done through a script, but after that I want the devs to be able to build in their native shell without dependence on env vars10:13
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jclsn[m]Is anyone else using Kitty here and also having issues with bitbake?10:14
kroonRolle79, im no cmake expert but cant you add a cmake target that just sources the env. script and then runs cmake again with the actual targets ? i did that with a make project10:15
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Rolle79The problem is that I don't know where the SDK when cmake runs, as those were picked up via env and are now lost. So i can find the env script then. It also feels like a bit of a hack10:21
Rolle79I can get around it by creating my own toolchain file, I was mostly interested in the motivation behind this10:22
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pasherringkroon, so am I not expert, but, I think you cant do that, any env changes made from within cmake will vanish as the process terminates10:26
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX10:26
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pasherringIf sourcing a script is really problematic, would sourcing it when session starts be an option?10:28
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pasherringRolle79, another option would be to patch the env script to change the shell prompt line to something more expressive. I.e., adding some PS1="\e[0;31m[\u@YoctoEnvActivated:\W]\$ \e[m " or colorize as you like10:36
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landgrafrburton: "simplified" version sent (how can I "obsolete" old patch btw? )11:45
rburtonyou you mark it as obsolete in patchworks, but i don't think anyone actually pulling the patches use that11:46
rburtonI do think we should pull a specific page instead of just / as that's 300K+ of wordpress11:47
rburtonRP: thoughts on the connectivity thread?11:47
rburtoni say we get halstead to create a tiny page on or something which is statically served11:48
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qschulzrburton: consdering that we had down times on git servers already, is it wise?11:49
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rburtonqschulz: at least if our servers go down we can talk to our admins11:50
qschulzrburton: ah wait, are you considering a Yocto wide change or just for the autobuilders?11:50
rburtonchange to oe-core11:50
rburtoneveryone of my last 10 CI pipelines failed because some of the jobs fails to ping example.com11:51
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landgrafsmall one-word static page on should be better option11:54
qschulzrburton: is it pinging or wget?11:54
rburtonthe fetcher runs on a url11:54
qschulzrburton: ping or in that case I guess11:55
rburtonthe point is to verify that the fetcher will work11:55
qschulzrburton: yeah, trying to think of a stupidly small always-on page we don't need to maintain :)11:55
rburtonso it does a https: fetch to verify certificates and proxies11:55
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qschulzrburton: with a static page :p ?11:57
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Rolle79pasherring Its not extremely problematic, just a bit annyoing11:58
Rolle79Especially as the build often succeeds anyway, but with different options set (which is not obvious if you dont compile it with high verbosity)11:58
landgrafqschulz: github is not accessible from anywhere (same as google) unfortunately :/12:06
qschulzlandgraf: it was a joke :) is probably down more often than :)12:10
rburtonfor sure :)12:10
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* landgraf remembers one day when and both went down it triggers massive downtime across all Russian ISV (they use as primary and as secondary for hearbeat so they started switching between uplinks)12:16
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RPrburton: replied13:13
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RPlandgraf: was the failures13:15
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landgrafTIL bitbake universe ...14:10
RPlandgraf: what else would be bigger than world :)14:24
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RPrburton: you used for the sdk fetch tests - should we change those?15:15
rburtonyeah i guess so15:15
RPrburton: I was trying to work out whether there were other issues in buildtools besides patchelf ones! :)15:16
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RPI wonder what it says that the fetcher tests python file is 120kb and one of the larger files in bitbake16:00
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kanavinrburton, was x32 ever used for anything except looking good in benchmarks?16:01
rburtonoh, causing engineers pain16:01
kanavinI don't mean to be rude, but it's a primary target for spring cleaning post lts16:01
rburtoni'd ping anuj/naveen now so they can have an opinion16:02
rburtonif intel doesn't care then we can just rip it out16:03
rburtonif they have a strong opinion they we know they're up when it breaks next :)16:04
rburtonthe arm version of x32 was DOA and didn't even get into glibc, fwiw16:04
kanavinrburton, the fact that mesa doesn't work on x32 is a strong indication no one actually uses it :)16:04
rburtoniirc the only known users of stuff like x32 are network appliances16:05
kanavinrburton, I'm trying to get avx support in qemu off the ground btw16:06
kanavinI posted on linkedin about it16:06
rburtongood luck16:06
smurrayJuniper might care about x32, might not hurt to ask their former TSC member or the like16:06
kanavinwe can do an 'Alex' and just send a patch that removes it16:07
kanavinthen all the beards come out of the woodworks and lynch me16:07
rburtonthe xorg approach is to silently break it and wait a couple of cycles before 'noticing'16:07
smurrayheh, given Juniper dropped their membership iirc, then they'd likely not find out until they went to do an upgrade in a year16:08
kanavinwe can also downgrade testing x32 to only non-ui images16:08
rburtonxorg managed to delete so much from xserver by realising that certain extensions either crashed on startup or refused to build16:08
rburtonkanavin: even if we keep it, that's a good idea16:09
rburtonWR would be interesting to ask too16:09
kanavinrburton, it's part of the broader theme that's been playing in my head, once lts is out, what can we remove or change.16:09
rburtonsgw: vmeson: does WR have any interest in x32?16:09
kanavinrburton, there's also ppc, mips, sato->weston16:09
kanavinany other ideas? think offensive ;)16:10
rburtonyou won't get rid of 32-bit mips in a hurry16:10
RPkanavin: x32 doesn't really hurt us that much and proves we have few assumptions in our toolchain FWIW16:15
kanavinRP: regressions on the ui side keep happening though, pango was held recently, now seatd won't build16:16
RPkanavin: I wish we had some decent way to semi automated benchmark systems16:18
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landgrafis do_fetch::prepend() valid bitbake instruction?16:21
rburtonyes, but you're prepending python code, so that's hard16:22
rburtonuse a prefunc16:22
kanavinlandgraf, yes, but already looks like a bad idea :)16:22
rburtonappend/prepend is literal string append/prepend16:22
rburtonso unless you get the indentation right, you break python code16:22
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landgrafIt explains the issue I see. thanks!16:23
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landgrafTIL: bitbake universe and [prefuncs]16:25
landgrafhow did I live without it....16:26
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RPlandgraf: I have updates for that fetcher series that fix some of the issues16:38
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RP(I updated master-next)16:40
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SaurRP: I'm not sure you can help me or that I can even describe the issue, but I'll give it a try because I've a weird problem related to the sstate cache of which I cannot make heads or tails. The other day I backported the changes I made for package.bbclass to our layers (based on Hardknott). This of course caused all RPMs to be recreated, and somewhere there something odd happened for one of the packages. Package foo (2.6.6) has an execut17:15
Saurable linked to libbar provided by the bar (2.0.3) package. Dnf now fails because it says there is no provider for which foo needs, which is fully understandable because the version that the bar package provides is I've tried following the siginfo files for foo_2.6.6:do_package_write_rpm and it eventually depends on bar_2.0.3:do_package. So how can I have a binary in foo_2.6.6 that must have been built with bar_1.x17:15
Saur.y (which provided the when everything indicates that it should have been built with bar_2.0.3 (and thus should have been linked to
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RPSaur: is hash equivalence enabled?17:16
SaurRP: Hmm, this is Hardknott based on poky so it seems it is. But we have no global hash server, only a global sstate cache.17:20
RPSaur: I would worry about that in this context :/17:20
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SaurRP: How can that lead to that the current state having a foo executable linked to paired with a libbar package that provides Even with the hash server, it should not have been possible for it to replace the hash for a bar package with with a hash for a bar package with as they most definitely would have equivavlent output.17:27
Saurwould not*17:27
RPSaur: I worry that some of the recent bugs we've found in hashequiv could allow such things to happen. It would depend exactly how the two packages depend on each other and whether it was an indirect or direct dependency17:30
SaurThe foo recipe has DEPENDS = "bar"17:30
RPso that probably shouldn't be possible17:31
RPSaur: another way this can happen is broken makefiles17:32
RPsomething reran but didn't rebuild when it should have done if you don't use clean workdirs and reuse a tmpdir a lot17:33
halsteadrburton: Easy enough to add That's backed by AWS us-west-2.17:33
RPhalstead: could you do that please and we'll tweak the urls. It is breaking things for people17:33
halsteadRP: I'm about to start making uninative again. I already tagged so I'm going to have to delete and push new tags. Will require a forced update from end users which I try to avoid.17:34
RPhalstead: right, sorry about that. It was unfortunately borken. We could just skip to a new version?17:34
halsteadRP: Your choice. Normally I'd retag and break some people's CI. Skipping to 3.6 would avoid that.17:35
halsteadOr even doing a 3.5.117:35
RPhalstead: I'm ok with retagging17:35
* qschulz closes his eyes17:36
halstead is a page now. Do we need more there?17:37
SaurRP: Hmm. But wouldn't the update from bar_1.x.y to bar_2.0.3 trigger a clean of foo?17:37
RPhalstead: should be fine, thanks17:38
RPSaur: it will not. depending on what changed it might just rerun do_compile or do_install or simply rerun do_package17:38
halsteadRP: For the new perf workers I'm going with debian 11 and almalinux 8. Does that work for you?17:38
RPhalstead: sounds good to me17:39
SaurHmm, ok. Let's see if I can recreate that by downgrading bar, rebuilding foo and then upgrading bar again. Interesting...17:39
Saur(We don't change the major version of libs very often, so it might just have been a coincidence that it happened at about the same time I updated package.bbclass...)17:41
RPrburton: landgraf: I've sent a patch to update to the above url from michael17:46
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RPjonmason, rburton: - arm ltp build hanging for ~24 hours :(17:52
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* Ch^W_ rolls up his sleeves and tries to figure out why variables defined in the distro conf are not available inside rootfs-postcommands.bbclass during do_rootfs()18:39
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SaurRP: A little follow up on my sstate cache problem. It is apparently the sstate:bar:...:2.0.3:..._populate_sysroot.tgz tar ball that contains old versions of the files (from more than two weeks ago), while the corresponding sstate:bar:...:2.0.3:..._package_write_rpm.tgz has the correct new files. So even if I rebuild foo, it still links with the old files, and dnf still fails. Thankfully a trivial whitespace change to a variable in the bar19:08
Saur recipe seems to solve the problem.19:08
SaurNow if I could only understand how this problem could be triggered by modifying package.bbclass...19:08
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ziga_I managed to detect my I2C device in the Linux. It is a touch controller "st1232". I wrote my device tree so that it put him on the appropriate I2C bus. But touchscreen does not respond when I use my finger. Is it possible that I need any library? Any kernel option maybe? Has anyone got any idea?19:17
RPSaur: identifying a pattern helps but I'm not sure what could/would cause that. Changing packaging would only cause packing to rerun, why the populate_sysroot is stale, I don't know :/19:19
rburtonRP: awesome19:22
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SaurRP: I am quite baffled by this. However, since I cannot rule out interaction by having the hash server enabled, but without having a global hash server I think we are better off disabling it (at least until we have a global server running). Is it enough to set BB_SIGNATURE_HANDLER = "OEBasicHash" in our configuration?19:25
rburtonziga_: so many questions: how is the touchscreen hooked up to the input subsystem, does evdev or libinput see it, what app are you using to see responses, etc.19:34
* rburton -> dinner19:34
ziga_@rburton Touchscreen is hooked to the system using I2C. How can I check if evdev / libinput see it?19:40
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