Monday, 2022-05-16

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vmesonglembo[m]:  sounds like you should use a DISTRO_FEATURE but without knowing more, that's only a guess.00:25
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RPglembo[m]: A conf file as you mention or a inc file are both good ways to do that07:02
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selffhi everyone07:32
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selffi'm trying to create ssh folder and known_hosts file in recipe. based on the following path: "~/.ssh/known_hosts". i am getting error like :07:48
selffERROR: known-hosts-1.0-r0 do_package: QA Issue: known-hosts: Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package:07:48
selff  /.ssh07:48
selff  /.ssh/known_hosts07:48
selffPlease set FILES such that these items are packaged. alternative if they are unneeded, avoid installing them or delete them within do_install.07:48
selffknown-hosts: 2 installed and not shipped files. [installed-vs-shipped]07:48
selffwhy do I need to package?07:48
ptsneves*feeling bad that golang coredumps do not naturally expose Go features in gdb :(*07:50
ptsnevesselff for any file you want to include in a package you need to add it in the correct FILES_07:51
selffi did as you said, but i still get the error. am i doing wrong?
kroonJPEW, with respect to podman and sharing DL_DIR, I found "--userns=keep-id", which seems to fix things..08:01
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ptsnevesselff ${D}/.ssh/known_hosts will not install in any user's HOME directory. Actually Yocto does not know of any user at all besides root(by default). Then in the FILES you used ~ which is a placeholder for "relative to the user" which again has no meaning in the context of yocto. Is the known_hosts supposed to be for any user or do you have a08:07
ptsnevesspecific user in mind?08:07
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selffim using root user08:09
ptsnevesTry putting it here ${sysconfdir}/ssh/ssh_known_hosts08:11
ptsnevesthis will set the known hosts for all users in the board08:12
ptsnevesthink if this is what you want08:12
selffim trying to create the known host in /root/.ssh/. won't this create it in etc you said?08:14
ptsnevesno. That will create it in /root/.ssh08:17
ptsnevesif you want to do that install to ${D}/root/.ssh and in FILES_${PN} += "/root/.ssh/"08:17
selffi did as you said but i get permission error while building.
selffERROR: install: cannot create regular file '/etc/ssh/known_hosts': Permission denied08:22
ptsnevesyou did not do as i wrote :)  you missed the ${D} in the install08:30
ptsneveswhat you did is instruct yocto to install on your host machine :)08:30
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mckoangood morning08:53
LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:55
LetoThe2ndonly one day until the YPS starts, folks!08:56
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LetoThe2ndqschulz: \o09:04
paulbarkerLetoThe2nd: Looks like I've missed the ability to register for YPS but I'll hopefully be able to join the social calls on Tues & Thurs09:10
LetoThe2ndpaulbarker: missed?09:10
paulbarkerIt says "Join the waitlist" instead of going to the registration forms09:11
oberoncI am writing a bb recipe for compiling networkmanager-l2tp09:11
LetoThe2ndpaulbarker: kay.... let me know how it goes. we will find a way.09:11
oberoncthe package is available from github (
oberoncto compile this package I need to use autotools09:12
oberoncthere is only inside09:13
oberonchow do I compile it ?09:13
qschulzoberonc: inherit autotools?09:13
LetoThe2ndoberonc: usually by adding "inherit autotools" to your recipe. if it is well behaved, magic will be applied appropriately.09:14
oberoncis there an example on how to use it ?09:15
oberoncI might need to pass some parameters09:15
oberoncjust inheriting autotools doesn't seem to work09:20
oberonc"run.do_compile.1613497: 152: Syntax error: "}" unexpected"09:20
qschulzoberonc: we need more info than just "does not seem to work" if you want to be helped :)09:20
qschulzoberonc: do you have a custom do_compile task09:20
oberoncamm .. yes, and it is .. empty :-)09:21
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qschulzautootols class will set it for you, just remove it :)09:24
LetoThe2ndoberonc: usually one does not need a custom compile task, but rather extra parameters to the configure stage. and there's a variable to just drop it in.09:24
LetoThe2ndqschulz: you take?09:24
RPkanavin: AUH stats weren't bad!09:25
ernstpoof, wget is sloow...09:25
qschulzLetoThe2nd: please go ahead, fighting cameras on Linux right now :09:26
LetoThe2ndqschulz: similar thing here, fighting presentation preparations!09:26
oberoncbb file:
qschulzoberonc: your SRC_URI is wrong09:30
qschulzit should be git:// instead of https://09:30
qschulzand you need an SRCREV09:30
oberoncthe error doesnt seem to be related to fetching the source code .. no ?09:32
qschulzoberonc: look into your WORKDIR/git and I'm almost certain it's an html file you've downloaded09:33
oberoncI downloaded the file and placed it in files folder09:44
oberoncso updated bb file is:09:44
oberoncthe error now is during configure:09:45
qschulzoberonc: why?09:45
qschulzwhy can you not replace https:// with git:// in the SRC_URI?09:45
oberoncto simplify things, it is an internal-use-only anyways09:45
oberoncI did change to git:// didnt work09:46
qschulzoberonc: it's worse09:46
qschulzbecause your metadata will now contain source code09:46
qschulzdrastically increasing the size of the layer09:46
qschulzand you'll have to keep in sync the version in the filename and the version you downloaded09:46
oberoncdoesnt matter , the end result image will be the same09:46
qschulzwhereas if you use git, you literrally often have only one variable to change: SRCREV09:46
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oberoncagain, I'm passed that issue, now I have a problem configuring09:47
oberoncthis is the error:09:47
oberoncsomething to do with passing OPENSSL I believe09:48
neverpanicoberonc: Do you have a dependency on pkg-config? If not, you should. This looks like an autoconf macro that wasn't expanded because pkg-config's autoconf macro definitions were not available.09:51
oberoncnot in the bb file09:52
neverpanicTry DEPENDS += pkgconfig (or pkg-config, not sure whether yocto uses the dash or doesn't)09:52
neverpanic(oviously add the quotes, too)09:52
oberonctrying as we speak09:53
kanavinRP: yeah, you mean that most things succeeded?09:53
oberoncit's "pkgconfig" apparently09:53
RPkanavin: yes :)09:54
qschulzinherit pkgconfig09:54
kanavinRP: it's the fruits of the previous week where I went over everything and resolved particularly the failing ones09:55
kanavinso the next round only consists of 'new' updates09:55
kanavinif no one works on the fails, they tend to accumulate in the stats09:55
oberonchow do I pass parameters to autotools (configure stage) ? I was to disable gtk (no need for graphic support)09:59
qschulzoberonc: look into PACKAGECONFIG options10:02
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qschulzor just look into other recipes that are inheriting autotools and see how it's done10:02
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manuel1985Is the Yocto Project Summit 2022.05 already sold out? I wasn't aware virtual conferences can sell out. Am a bit disappointed, I meant go register.10:05
qschulzmanuel1985: there's an issue with registration, we're working on it10:05
manuel1985qschulz: Ok, glad to hear.10:06
RPkanavin: right, was just happy to see it paying off!10:06
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qschulzmanuel1985: ndec said on the mailing list the problem should be fixed by now, can you check?10:17
ndecmanuel1985: yes, please try again, and let me know if you still have problems.10:18
oberoncI cant seem to find any example on how to use PACKAGECONFIG10:19
oberoncall the results in google are related to QEMU10:19
qschulzoberonc: for an example10:22
oberoncfirst link had what I needed .. thanks10:22
manuel1985qschulz, ndec: Registration seems to work again. Can't complete it, though, because I don't have our company credit card.10:23
kanavinRP: I was tracking your progress with the dbus issue over the weekend, if you need additional help, let me know10:24
Habbieare there public recordings of the yocto summit beginners track?10:24
ndecmanuel1985: ok!10:24
kanavinRP: otherwise, I've completed a pretty awesome ride with my club mates, nice to be fit again after some uneven years
oberoncamm .. what is the correct syntax?:10:28
oberoncPACKAGECONFIG[${PN}] = "--without-gnome"10:28
qschulzoberonc: look at the enchant example10:29
qschulzwhat's in-between square brackets matters only to PACKAGECONFIG, so you can virtually name it any way you'd like10:30
qschulzit's just an option10:30
qschulzthat you can enable in PACKAGECONFIG10:30
qschulz(PACKAGECONFIG is for selecting options, PACKAGECONFIG[something] is for defining a something config option that can then be selected via PACKAGECONFIG10:30
qschulzalso, first is enable, second is disable, so starting with --without-gnome looks wrong at first glance10:31
oberoncthis is only for internal use so I dont eed all the oprtions10:33
oberoncthe first option in PACKAGECONFIG is the default ?10:33
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qschulzoberonc: there's no "default"10:34
qschulzeither the option is selected or it's not10:34
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oberonchow do you select an option ?10:34
qschulzPACKAGECONFIG = "something" PACKAGECONFIG[something] = "selected,unselected,"10:35
qschulzit's explained in the docs, if it's not clear we could always rephrase10:35
qschulzor add more examples10:35
oberoncyeah, I should definitely rtfm :-)10:37
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rburtonplease do rtfm and say if there is any part that isn't clear10:41
RPkanavin: I wasn't able to reproduce the exact failure but I found an issue so I think I'm going to fix that and see if it breaks again. Hopefully that solves the issue. I've sent patches out now10:42
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RPkanavin: glad you're getting out on the bike. I've been struggling a bit atm for 'reasons' :/10:45
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oberoncI get this error when I do bitbake:11:07
oberoncbb file:
oberoncis it because it doesnt have the executable gdbus-codegen ?11:08
oberoncI cant find in the configure options an option to disable dbus support11:11
oberoncI think nm-l2tp-pppd-service-dbus.h is auto generated from the xml file, no ?11:15
oberoncthe source doesnt contain src/nm-l2tp-pppd-service-dbus.h11:16
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ernstpcve-check broken on both master and dunfell with CVE_CHECK_CREATE_MANIFEST = 1? Do you run with that set to 0?12:12
rburtonapparently so12:15
rburtonplease file a bug, and bonus points for sending a patch to oe-selftest which breaks12:15
ernstprburton: i can send a patch to fix the bug, but i've never looked at oe-selftest...12:22
rburtona patch to fix the bug is great12:23
rburtonoe-selftest is fairly trivial, actually12:23
rburton is the current test case12:23
rburtonit's... suboptimal12:23
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ernstphmm the json stuff en cve-check seems a bit buggy generally...13:03
mrybczynernstp do you have a testcase?13:04
ernstpmrybczyn: no, just running with INHERIT += "cve-check" and default settings13:11
mrybczynernstp OE-core only or you include other layers too?13:11
ernstpI had meta-freescale also but I don't think that matters...13:13
ernstpI'm digging deeper, i've got a patch in progress!13:14
mrybczynernstp we might also have a patch13:14
ernstpthe problem is when you have MANIFEST=1 and JSON=0, there are parts in the manifest code that tries to do json but depend on the total json summary...13:14
mrybczynernstp ok thanks let me have a look, I was testing this configuration13:18
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seninhaHi, I generated an openembedded linux image with yocto, and, while booting it after GRUB, it is stuck at the "EFI stub: Loaded initrd from command line option" screen.13:24
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seninhaI'm testing the image on an intel soc, where the initialization fails. However, testing on my desktop computer, the initialization goes fine.13:24
mrybczynernstp thanks let me review it in detail13:24
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ernstpbb.plain("CVE report summary created at: %s" % link_name) should be bb.plain("CVE report summary created at: %s" % link_path) also13:25
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ernstpmrybczyn: tested with MANIFEST=1 JSON=0,  and MANIFEST=1 JSON=113:27
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ernstpor out_path to be consistent with the .txt report13:35
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mrybczynernstp will propose a slightly different patch, the CVE_CHECK_SUMMARY_INDEX_PATH is actually for JSON only. we need to retest all configurations13:47
LocutusOfBorghello, I tried BBMASK feature for sumo branch, it works really nicely, except for the fact that its using BBFILES and works only for bb and bbappend files13:54
LocutusOfBorgI'm thinking to use the same variable (and parse it) also for BBINCLUDED variable, removing "useless" .conf files from the build13:54
LocutusOfBorgI can craft a patch, do you think it can be suitable for mainline inclusion?13:55
LocutusOfBorgI see a layer such as meta-compulab, doing lots of rm -rf meta-freescale/conf/machine/foo.conf to let their version be used by yocto13:55
LocutusOfBorgI think providing a "clean" yocto way to mask such files will be a benefit for the community, WDYT?13:56
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mrybczynernstp thank you very much for investigating this issue13:58
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LetoThe2ndLocutusOfBorg: what would be such a useless configuration file? as opposed to to recipes, they are essentially pulled in tree-like. or do you just want to hack around syntax changes between releases?14:11
ernstpmrybczyn ok i'll wait a bit and see what you come up with then14:18
jclsn[m]I am getting a "remote 'g' packet is too long" error when remote debugging with gdb. Similar to this14:29
jclsn[m]It is about QEMU, but could this be related?14:29
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Saur[m]LocutusOfBorg: Rather than deleting configuration files in other layers, a higher layer (such as meta-compulab in this case) can just provide its own configuration file to suppress what a lower layer is doing. The same cannot be done for, e.g., bbappend files.14:34
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manuel1985Hi all. I want to educate myself and some of my people in a few technologies such as libusb, gstreamer, object oriented python and such. Are there any online trainings you can recommend? It's okay if it costs money.15:09
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seninhaHi, where can I set kernel config in yocto?15:17
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rburtonkhem: the python3-cbor2 upgrade is broken, can you quickly revert before it gets fixed properly?15:44
rburtoni'm hoping it's not exposed a bug in our packaging classes but i fear it has15:45
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LocutusOfBorgSaur[m], well, it doesn't cope with the fact that e.g. imx7 machines are inheriting from arm-v7 or whatever and 99% of that stuff is the same16:27
LocutusOfBorgso, better delete a couple of files rather than copy-pasting everything?16:28
LocutusOfBorgI think .inc files are the culprit here16:29
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khemrburton: yeah thanks, I have reverted16:35
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rburtonkhem: the upgrade needs bumps in oe-core, which i have working now16:36
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khemI see. how did you notice the breakage ?16:38
khemI wonder if this is something I can add to CI as well16:39
rburtonwe tried using cbor2-native in a build16:39
rburtonthe build fails, so the sysroot is empty16:39
rburtonrunning the cbor2 ptest should have found it16:39
khemyeah running ptest is another story build itself takes 12 hrs16:40
rburtonone good answer would be to have a buildhistory repo, and every build on a branch shows you the buildhistory-diff between that and current master, so you can read that and spot eg a recipe deleting itself16:40
rburtonwhen i did oe-core build review i'd look at buildhistory for every run to make sure it was what is expected16:40
rburton need to get the same in meta-arm's CI somehow too16:41
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kanavinrburton, always check akanavin/package-version-updates (and package-version-updates-later for wip stuff ;)17:22
kanavin(see my response to setuptools patch)17:24
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seninhaSo, I rebuilt the yocto linux image with some debug configs (CONFIG_EARLY_PRINTK=y, CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y, CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y) and, after loading the thing from grub, it is still stuck with the message "EFI stub: Loaded initrd from command line option" and it does not advance any further.17:40
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kergothIs there a yocto dunfell release with all of the git safe directory fixes in yet? Or did that go in after 3.1.16?18:17
kergothHmm, seems like no, will end up in 3.1.1718:17
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rburtonkanavin: ah, bah, i checked the list19:00
seninha[kernel config]: specified values did not make it into the kernel's final configuration: ... CONFIG_DEBUG_LL19:04
seninhawhy couldn't I set this config into the kernel?19:04
rburtonnormally because it depends on something else being set19:05
rburtonour config linting is more comprehensive than the plain kernel19:05
seninha CONFIG_DEBUG_LL is not available for the default architecture x86.
seninhaI need to get debugging on the early process of kernel loading. I'm stuck on a "EFI stub: Loaded initrd from command line option" screen.19:06
seninhaIts literally a black screen with only this message.19:07
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nate02I'm running into an error while trying to set up a new build from scratch it's failing on qemu-native with "ERROR: gcc cannot build an executable (is your linker broken?)"22:48
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