Monday, 2022-07-11

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LetoThe2nd yo dudX06:46
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mckoangood morning06:59
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wkawkaGood morning07:01
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rburtonrohieb: so the problem is that the bitbake worker running menuconfig isn't actually attached to your terminal09:45
rburtonrohieb: if you use tmux then you can explicitly set the terminal to "start a new tmux window in the existing tmux session" but maybe screen doesn't do that.  lib/oe/ is where you'd improve the screen support so it started a new window in an existing session09:46
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mckoanis there a keyword to generate an uncompressed kernel in uImage format? KERNEL_IMAGETYPE is not the right one.09:53
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Guest68Hi - where's the best place to ask about a problem with bitbake's gitsm handling for a complex git submodule repo?10:16
rburtonGuest68: here10:17
Guest68Okay... a customer has a complex proprietary repo that works fine using git submodule update --init --recursive but dies strangely with bitbake and a gitsm:// source url while checking out the submodules10:19
Guest68There are a total of 57 submodules from the toplevel repo, as deep as 4 submodule levels down, with a worst path depth of 10 levels10:20
qschulz"dies strangely"?10:21
qschulzit would help if you had some error message and even better if logs of some sort10:22
Guest68Yes sorry got to collect them, I assumed I would be writing a mailing list, it's coming10:22
Guest68After being able to check out a couple of dozen repos it chokes on one complaining that "Bad owner or permissions on /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/50-redhat.conf"10:23
qschulzGuest68: mailing list is fine too :)10:23
Guest68That file is unchanged and still works fine, it's root:root 64410:24
Guest68Which mailing list?10:24
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Guest68I'm going to guess bitbake-devel and write it up there.  Thanks for your help.10:33
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td79we are seeing errors:12:37
td79do_populate_spec: Error contacting Hash Equivalence Server unix:///PATHTOBUILD/build/builds/yoctobuild/hashserve.sock: [Errno 2] No such file or directory12:37
td79Can you help me with debugging? What can be happening here?12:37
RPtd79: I have a suspicion that means you reached your process max open file count12:38
RPtd79: try increasing it with ulimit -n12:38
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RPtd79: we're still trying to work out why it breaks12:38
td79Could be it, because for some recipes it's working correctly12:38
td79I will try it, thanks12:38
RPtd79: how many cores on your system?12:39
RPor what is your BB_NUMBER_THREADS I guess?12:39
td7924 and 56, we are not limiting BB_NUMBER_THREADS12:40
RPtd79: Thanks, I'd just trying to collect data points. We're not sure why it seems to be doing this for some group of people only (which includes me)12:41
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mateuszmar2in the presentation:13:02
mateuszmar2on slide 19 it says to add BB_LOGCONFIG += “log.json” to local.conf13:02
mateuszmar2"+" character will cause FileNotFoundError because it will look for " log.json" instead of "log.json":13:02
mateuszmar2FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ' log.json'13:02
mateuszmar2Could someone correct this in the presentation?13:02
rburtonJPEW: ^^^13:03
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whuang0389Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to generate the license paragraph (instead of license name) of the recipes? Like the text that usually states "Permission is hereby granted blah blah blah"13:21
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qschulzwhuang0389: you have support for NO_GENERIC_LICENSE IIRC13:23
qschulzwhich is the name to a file in the source directory13:23
qschulzso if you generate the file before it's used by the license mechanism.. maybe?13:24
qschulzbut also.. not sure this is legally wise13:24
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landgrafJaMa: I've reported the issue we discussed: looks like it's there for ages and recent change just highlighted it13:24
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landgrafRP: ^ openssh-sftp-server + IMAGE_FEATURES += "ptest" conflicts with dropbear  :(13:26
v0nhi there -- I'm inheriting systemd in a recipe as usual but now bitbake throws an error about Postinstall scriptlets failed. "If the intention is to defer them to first boot, then please place them into pkg_postinst_ontarget:${PN} ().". Did something changed with the systemd class? I never seen that behavior before13:28
rburtonRP: so autobuilder-help sets the SDK to i686 by default and then apparently randomly sets it to x86-64 in many builder jobs.  the actual bitbake.conf just defaults to a native SDK for the build host, but that is a lot newer than the logic in config.json.  shall I just rip out 99% of the SDKMACHINE assignments and let them just use the host? I can't see any issues right now.13:29
qschulzv0n: I assume you do a check on whether ${D} is present13:29
qschulzI think we have a check right now13:29
whuang0389qschulz sorry im a little confused about how a NO_GENERIC_LICENSE would affect the generation of the license paragraph. (I might not be explaing this right haha). I see in my deploy folder a license.manifest which just includes package/recipe name/version/ and license (example MIT, GPLv2, etc..). Was wondering if beneath the license name if Yocto13:29
whuang0389can also generate the associated license parapraph  as well13:29
rburtonRP: obviously the mingw tests need an explicit SDKMACHINE13:29
rburtonwhuang0389: generate license packages and iirc you get the full texts13:29
rburtonthe manifest is a manifest13:29
whuang0389ah i see thx! ill look into that13:30
rburtonwhuang0389: is a tool i wrote to review license texts and might be useful if you want something specific, but you're not saying what your actual need is so it's hard to know13:30
v0nqschulz: my do_install:append:mydistro installs the ${BPN}.service in ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/${BPN}.service and FILES:${PN}:append:mydistro is set to " ${systemd_system_unitdir}/${BPN}.service"13:31
v0nI don't do anything special with ${D} myself13:31
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qschulzwhuang0389: I went one step too far, don't need NO_GENERIC_LICENSE, just editing/generating the file you mention in LIC_FILES_CHKSUM might be enough.. though... you also need to provide a checksum, so I don't know how thils will work out13:32
qschulzv0n: any postinstall script by any chance in the recipe, or any of the class, bbappend, .inc files it includes?13:32
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qschulzv0n: actually it just means that your pkgpostinst script failed, you need to check why first13:34
qschulzv0n: the whole error message should have "Details of the failure are in" and then the path to the logs13:35
v0nqschulz: this is the recipe I'm bbappending in order to inherit systemd and add my own qt-kiosk-browser.service unit file: (no postinstall script)13:35
v0nqschulz: checking the log file13:36
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v0nqschulz: no explicit message, only qt-kiosk-browser.postinst returned 1, marking as unpacked only, configuration required on target.13:39
rburtonv0n: read-only rootfs?13:47
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v0nrburton: I didn't add this image feature13:49
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v0nqschulz: rburton: There's also "Deferring to first boot via 'exit 1' is no longer supported." is there something I should override maybe?14:17
qschulzv0n: I don't think so, it's just that postinst scripts running at build time shouldn't fail14:18
v0nI agree14:18
qschulzbefore we used to fail them on purpose so they would run on the device at first boot14:18
ptsneves@RP I am trying to remove the DL_DIR default for localpaths but i am baffled at what is the purpose of local.localpaths at all. Can be removed?14:21
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RPptsneves: no, we have to check not only where we found a source but also where we searched for it14:30
RPptsneves: if something is inserted into an earlier location in the search path we need to know about it14:30
ptsneves@RP so do you mean that a file can be found in multiple places? What about places we searched but did not find anything, what is the reasons for this in terms of getting a list for checksums?14:32
ptsneves@RP get_file_checksums is the only user of localpaths and in turn it is only used in do_fetch[file-checksums] = "${@bb.fetch.get_checksum_file_list(d)}"14:33
RPptsneves: no, I don't mean it can be found in multiple places14:33
RPptsneves: you'll have see the tash hashes which handle all the input to a given task14:33
RPptsneves: the data in bitbake's cache also has to know which file locations were searched but a file was not found. This is so that bitbake knows when it has to reparse a given recipe14:34
RPso if you add a new file somewhere else in FILESPATH, the task checksums update as it triggers a reparse14:35
ptsneves@RP but right now bitbake knows that, because it is FILESPATH14:35
RPptsneves: how do you think it knows that though? The answer is this function14:35
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ptsneves@RP ok, so it confirms my understanding. In this diff i still use the FILESPATH but bypass the adding of the searched paths to checksum list. This removes multiple file existence checks. It also paves the way to remove localpaths completely. It also makes get_checksum_file_list a method of the Local fetcher, which seems appropriate14:47
ptsneveslet me know if this is reasonabe14:47
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RPptsneves: Please don't move it to the local fetcher only15:06
RPptsneves: that breaks eta/classes/base.bbclass:do_fetch[file-checksums] = "${@bb.fetch.get_checksum_file_list(d)}"15:06
RPptsneves: it also makes it hard to review any other change buried in there15:06
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RPptsneves: it is public *generic* API as it stands today, local only is an implementation detail15:07
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ptsneves@RP All right no problem. I was thinking of changing the meta/classes/base.bblclass but i guess this would be tricky regarding poky due to bitbake being decoupled from oe. Ok Let me move things back.15:11
ptsneves@RP is this easier to understand and acceptable?15:12
ptsneves(disregard the test still being in Local.local)15:12
RPptsneves: for loop is still missing? :/15:14
ptsnevesno. bb.utils.which loops over the paths of FILESPATH15:15
RPptsneves: it doesn't loop over the entries in SRC_URI though?15:15
ptsneves@RP for u in fetch.urls:15:16
ptsnevesfetch.urls is populated when Fetch takes []15:16
RPptsneves: oh, I see, you're inlining localpaths15:16
ptsnevesskipping an extra loop15:17
ptsnevesand skipping adding searched paths that did not have the file15:18
RPptsneves: we cannot skip those though. The : False bits in there are really really important15:21
ptsneves@RP ok so i am out of my depth in understanding the code. Why are a list of non existing paths important for checksumming?15:23
v0nhow can I print the postinstall scriptlet of a package?15:25
rburtonv0n: its in pkgdata, so you can use oe-pkgdata-util.15:29
rburtonv0n: makes it easier if you fancy testing my brand new tool15:29
v0nrburton: you don't have a layer providing this host tool yet? ^^15:33
rburtonwhy would it be in a layer?15:34
rburtonmy goal is to have it pip-installable15:34
v0nrburton: because it's a development tool for the project like bitbake, so I imagine having it bundle as part of my project rather than an host tool?15:36
rburtonlayers can't add paths to $PATH, so unless you want to do ../path/to/meta-pkgexp/pkgexp every time, it sucks15:37
v0nyeah that's the same for bitbake15:40
v0nhum ok so shows me pkg_postinst as bitbake -e qt-kiosk-browser did, but it doesn't tell me what exited 115:43
rburtonsure it just shows you the script, not the output15:44
rburtonthe rootfs log for the image has the execution15:44
v0nlog.do_rootfs doesn't tell me more15:47
v0nrburton: nice UI btw15:50
acki_When building a component in yocto via cmake it will be invoked like this: "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr"15:51
acki_however, the component is not really installed in this location at cmake build & install time15:51
acki_how does yocto does this?15:52
rburtonthat would be a bug in the cmakelists then15:52
rburtonor do you mean how does it get into some staging path and not tried to install in /usr on the host?15:52
rburtonthat would be setting DESTDIR in the do_install task15:52
acki_yes how it is not installed in the host system?15:53
acki_but the cmake build it looks like it is installing on the host15:53
rburtonback to "your cmake file is broken" then15:53
rburtonthe cmake class sets DESTDIR, which cmake respects15:53
rburtonif it isn't respected, then the cmakelists.txt is buggy15:54
acki_I will try it out15:55
acki_this seems to be the answer15:55
rburtonuse the standard cmake pieces to install files, and it just works15:57
RPptsneves: sorry, I'm trying to reply but handle meetings too15:59
RPptsneves: that "file-checksums" flag is really important to other pieces of bitbake. In particular it helps decide when a recipe needs to be reparsed, i.e. it controls cache information15:59
RPptsneves: if you insert a new file with a new checksum into FILESPATH, it needs to reparse and the tasks need to change checksum16:00
RPi.e. the recipe needs to rebuild with the new file16:00
RPTo make this work you need to know "where it looked but didn't find" files16:00
v0nrburton: ho, could the error be because my service as Alias=display-manager.service in the [Install] section and this result in adding a symlink not included in FILES:${PN}?16:03
rburtonv0n: maybe?16:05
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acki_rburton: is the install folder always "/usr"?16:27
rburtonno, it's ${prefix}, which is typically /usr16:28
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Xageni've been working on migrating our image from dunfell to kirkstone, and i'm down to the sdk itself at the end (thank goodness)17:04
Xagenhowever, it's complaining about some conflicts17:04
Xageni have linux-firmware and gcc excluded from the package17:05
Xagenand it's complaining about linux-firmware-dev, and gcc-dev17:05
Xageni tried adding gcc-dev to PACKAGE_EXCLUDE, but that didn't seem to work17:06
Xagenthe error looks like this:17:07
Xagen Problem 1: package linux-firmware-dev-1:20220411-r0.noarch requires linux-firmware = 1:20220411-r0, but none of the providers can be installed17:07
Xagen  - conflicting requests17:07
Xagen  - package linux-firmware-1:20220411-r0.noarch is filtered out by exclude filtering17:07
Xagenthe gcc one is pretty much the same, just with gcc and gcc-dev17:07
Xagenany suggestions on how to get around this?17:08
Xagenit does suggest (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages), but i feel like that's not intended to be a permanent solution17:09
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gpandersWhat is the proper way to tell bitbake to ignore a network sstate cache for a given recipe?17:55
gpanderscontext: the gcc-cross recipe has different output when the FORTRAN variable is set (it builds gfortran). But the network sstate cache I'm using does not include gfortran, so even though I have FORTRAN set it keeps pulling down the prebuilt from the cache and gfortran isn't available in the package output17:57
gpandersit would be nice if changing FORTRAN changed the recipe signature such that bitbake would not try and use the network sstate cache version, but that does not seem to be happening. I'm trying to figure out how to make it do that17:58
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gpandersI've tried creating a gcc-cross_%.bbappend file with 'do_configure[vardeps] = "FORTRAN"' (also with do_populate_sysroot, do_package, do_compile, etc.) but that doesn't seem to have any effect, it still uses setscene from the network cache18:02
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berosetI'm new to using devtool and I'm having problems.18:07
berosetI did a `devtool modify asteroid-launcher` which worked.18:08
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berosetThen `devtool build asteroid-launcher` which failed.18:09
berosetIt says "Exception: bb.fetch2.FetchError: Fetcher failure: Recipe uses a floating tag/branch without a fixed SRCREV yet doesn't call bb.fetch2.get_srcrev() (use SRCPV in PV for OE)."18:09
Xagenberoset: just add the SRCREV to your recipe instead of using a tag18:10
berosetBut I'm confused because I already have SRCPV in PV.  :18:10
berosetSRCREV = "${AUTOREV}"18:10
berosetPR = "r1"18:10
berosetPV = "+git${SRCPV}"18:10
Xagenberoset: all i can tell you is i removed the tag from my SRC_URI, and added the commit as the SRCREV and the problem went away for my recipes that were complaining18:12
berosetXagen: So use the specific commit instead of "${AUTOREV}"?18:13
Xagenberoset: basically. i just see what the commit was when that tag was made and use that instead18:14
berosetTrying that now.  Thanks!18:15
berosetI changed the lines to these:18:19
berosetSRCREV = "2e0048a"18:19
berosetPR = "r1"18:20
berosetPV = "+git2e0048a"18:20
berosetBut it's still making the same complaint.18:20
berosetThere is a branch, but no tag specified in the SRC_URI.18:21
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Xagennot sure then, that was the case for all of my recipes that were complaining18:22
Xagenit was SRC_URI = "...;tag=..."18:22
Xagenand i just removed the tag and added SRCREV18:22
JaMaberoset: SRCREV needs to be full-length sha18:25
JaMaberoset: see
XagenJaMa: good call on that, i was doing that already18:25
berosetJaMa:  Ah!  Thank you.18:25
Xagendidn't know it was a requirement though18:25
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berosetSuccess!!  Thanks very much Xagen and JaMa!18:29
berosetAfter I get this working, maybe I'll poke around in the `devtool` source to see if we might provide a more informative and useful error message.18:30
JaMait's unfortunate that SRCREV can be used for sha as well as tag/branch name and then it's difficult to distinguish if the used value is fixed sha or just a tag name which looks like sha (unfortunate people can have a tag name which happens to be 40 characters long and consisting only of [0-9a-f])18:30
acki_rburton: what other install folder exist there?18:31
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acki_except "/usr"?18:31
XagenJaMa: why the move away from tags anyhow?18:31
Xagentags are supposed to remain static once made, though admittedly you can change them18:32
JaMaXagen: tags can be changed without bitbake fetcher noticing the change (and still building the older version)18:32
Xagenso it was really just to explicitly tell it what to check out so there's no confusion18:33
JaMaXagen: that's why bitbake will always maps them to fixed sha with git ls-remote (and can cache the results which risk of building wrong sha after tag is moved)18:33
Xagengood to know18:33
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JaMaand doing ls-remote everytime prevents you to build without network access and adds additional parsing time18:35
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berosetThis project uses `SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}"` for a large number of subcomponents.  Is that poor practice?  Should we be using sha?18:38
frayyes you should use shas and not autorev.18:43
frayin my case, we've got automated programs to update the recipes as part of our CI loop18:44
JaMadepends, AUTOREV is still useful for development, but obviously terrible for reproducible build, good practise is to have recipes with known-to-work fixed SRCREVs and then some .inc file which sets SRCREV to AUTOREV for recipes with active develpment (which will be included only in the builds which really want latest-greatest)18:44
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rburtonacki_: /usr is common, yes18:55
berosetThanks all, for the insights on the use of AUTOREV.19:01
rfs613JaMa: is there some clever trick to controlling the include of such *.inc files, short of editing the .bb ?19:27
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v0nrburton: a faulty line in the .service file cause the systemctl call to (silently) fail... Fixed now.19:40
paulgsilently fail.  Nice.19:48
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Xagenhow do you know what name to add to PACKAGE_EXCLUDE? i have gcc in it, and it complains about gcc-dev needing gcc.20:14
Xagenbut adding gcc-dev makes it complain about the name not matching anything20:14
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rburtonv0n: bonus points for filing a bug and/or patching the systemctl so it doesn't do that. the one that runs at image time is our stub implementation20:29
rburtonsomewhere I have a branch where I was experimenting with a systemd-native recipe that just built a systemctl20:29
hushmoneywhy do all of the files in my rootfs.squashfs have a timestamp of unix epoch?20:33
rburtonmost likely because reproducible builds is using that as the fallback timestamp20:34
hushmoneyoh right, reproducible build. any way to override that? cronie ends up never reading anything from /etc/cron.d because it thinks nothing has changed since unix time 020:36
rburtonit should be a recent date, but maybe the logic went bad in your setup, or you've set REPRODUCIBLE_TIMESTAMP_ROOTFS to 0?20:36
rburtoneasy way to verify: put tar in your IMAGE_FSTYPE and see if that has the same 1970 timestamps. if it does, then it's reproducible builds, otherwise its the squashfs generation going wrong20:37
hushmoneyhmm, no the tar has a march 2018 timestamp20:38
hushmoneyif i manually execute the mksquashfs command it has that same march 2018 timestamp20:38
landgrafcore-image-weston adds ssh-server-dropbear feature which breaks ptest-pkgs :-/ not fun20:46
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berosetIs it required to do `undeploy-target` between successive `deploy-target` calls for `devtool`?21:08
berosetIn other words, can I do multiple "deploy" steps and still have some assurance that "undeploy" will work correctly?21:09
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piwakawakahi - quick question (I hope). I'm using PetaLinux w/ Yocto and there is a recipe "petalinux-initramfs-image", which for some reason is breaking - in particular, whatever calls the rm_work task is creating a FIFO first, which then seems to end up being deleted in the do_rm_work main loop, which then causes a file not found error after22:10
piwakawakado_rm_work has completed and an attempt to delete the FIFO fails. Yet if I add petalinux-initramfs-image to RM_WORK_EXCLUDE then this FIFO isn't created, nor is it deleted (and thus the build works). My question is - what is creating this FIFO in the temp/ dir and what could possibly be causing it to be inadvertently deleted? There's nothing in the22:10
piwakawakapetalinux-initramfs-image recipe I can see that would do this explicitly:
piwakawakaThe error is essentially: ERROR: petalinux-initramfs-image-1.0-r0 do_rm_work: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '.../build/tmp/work/zynqmp_generic-xilinx-linux/petalinux-initramfs-image/1.0-r0/temp/fifo.59670'22:11
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tombsHi all, I am having trouble with PREFERRED/REQUIRED_VERSION on Kirkstone:23:29
tombsI set "PREFERRED_VERSION_tegra-bootfiles = "32.7.1-AB" in but it does not seem to have any effect (REQUIRED_VERSION likewise appears to be ignored)23:29
tombs$ bitbake -s myimage | grep tegra-bootfiles23:29
tombstegra-bootfiles                               :32.7.1-FLAT-r023:29
tombsany idea what I am doing wrong?23:29
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