Thursday, 2022-07-28

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TokamakI struggle with understanding the workflow to update / fixup broken patches.  specifically I have a patch failing 1 of 2 hunks.  Considering there are many meta layers all applying patches to u-boot, what is the correct yocto way to update patches?  quilt?  something else?03:00
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX06:40
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mckoangood morning, hi LetoThe2nd06:41
LetoThe2ndyo mckoan06:42
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kanavinTokamak, you need to describe what you are trying to do exactly06:52
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michafrburton: I tried printing out my compile command. Apparently the PKGCONFIG part gets ignored.07:59
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SeZenkerHi, is it somehow possible to build the kernel (and uboot) using a different toolchain than for the rootfs (user space) within the same image build?08:04
LetoThe2ndSeZenker: its only software, anything is possible. but what is the usecase?08:06
SeZenkerMy use case is, that I have a pretty old version of uboot which doesnt work/boot with a recent version of gcc08:06
SeZenkerBut for the user space I like to make use of C++17/20 features08:07
LetoThe2ndSeZenker: technically you could probably do it as a multiconfig build, and inject the binaries versus a cross-dependency08:11
SeZenkerok, thanks, I will take a look into this topic08:12
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abelloniI4m trying to have a python3 module in ASSUME_PROVIDED and obviously, this doesn't work as-is because python3-natvie is not able to find the module08:59
abellonianyone ever managed to do that?08:59
abellonito be clear, I'm trying to add python3-cryptography-native there to avoide the dependency on rust09:00
kanavinabelloni, you are not clear :)09:01
abelloniwell, I have:09:01
abelloniASSUME_PROVIDED += "python3-native-runtime python3-cryptography-native"09:01
abelloniI end up with ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cryptography'09:01
kanavinissued by?09:02
kanavinno, which binary specifically issues that error?09:02
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rburtonabelloni: it's probably still running python3-native's binary, which won't search on the host09:11
abellonithat was my assumption and why I added python3-native-runtime09:12
rburtonis this the optee in meta-arm, or another fork?09:12
rburtonpython3native.bbclass does PYTHON="${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/python3-native/python3"09:13
rburtonso you'll need to override that back to the host python09:13
rburtonthis is a terrible idea, just so you know09:13
abelloniit is optee-os-stm32mp09:13
rburtonalmost as bad as python3-cryptography using rust09:13
abelloniwell, it is for a training lab09:14
abelloniso I don't care to much09:14
abellonibut at the same time, this is going to be difficult to explain why we do that09:14
abellonimaybe I should just have rust in ASSUME_PROVIDED09:15
rburtonpretty sure there's a layer which has compatible recipes that fetch the binary rusts09:17
abelloniyeah, this is also what BR does09:19
rburtonswapping rust for the binaries is much easier than using host python09:20
rburtonnot sure how well it tracks changes in yocto though09:20
rburtonah it has its own cargo class09:22
rburtonthis needs to be rebuilt09:22
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abellonirburton: and it doesn't handle -native09:59
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kriiveSorry folks for the noob question, how do I use openssh as SSH server in Yocto, does the debug-tweaks image feature conflict with it?10:16
LetoThe2ndkriive: it should not10:23
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imuguruzaHi there, I am trying to compile an image using kirkstone (4.0.2). rust-llvm compilation fails. I have searched  around, with little success...Does my machine require the instalation of any dependency, apart from the ones that appears in the requirements sections in yocto manual?10:40
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qschulzimuguruza: could you give us the logs? it's a bit difficult to guess what could be going wrong10:43
imuguruzayeap one sec10:43
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qschulzimuguruza: if not one line or two, please use a pastebin10:49
imuguruzaI will try to paste it to pastebin10:49
imuguruzathe complete log10:49
imuguruzaI am trying to see which one it is10:50
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imuguruzafinally I have pasted the error output from bitbake instead of the log itself10:53
qschulzI think khem is one of the people the most involved in llvm/clang support in Yocto, so maybe he'll know?10:55
JaMaRP: some 2007 archeology do you remember why TOOLCHAIN_OPTIONS starts with space (instead of using space before ${TOOLCHAIN_OPTIONS} in variables which use that)?10:55
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RPJaMa: probably so if was empty the value was unchanged. I suspect it was more a convention than a requirement10:56
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JaMaok, I'll send some RFC patch changing that (as some places use it with space already added) and it looks more strange to me now when it's almost always set to sysroot10:59
RPJaMa: I do kind of disagree though since the space is really part of the addition, not the original underlying variable :/11:03
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JaMaRP: ok, I don't have strong opinion on that, just noticed when trying to fix ltp to build with ld-is-gold again after Ross's change to respect LD (top 3 commits in
imuguruza@khem any idea what could be the source of the problem? Thanks11:16
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Saur[m]imuguruza: Based on the error messages, it looks as if the contents of the `/home/alor/yocto_ws/build/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/rust-llvm-native/1.59.0-r0/rustc-1.59.0-src/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Bitcode/Reader/BitcodeReader.cpp` file is not what it should be. It seems to be corrupt. Have you tried doing `bitbake rust-llvm-native -c clean`?11:24
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imuguruzalet me try....11:28
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RPJaMa: I am a bit worried that changing that now would break external layers where there isn't a space too :/12:20
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JaMaRP: true, that's why it's just RFC, I've checked meta-oe OK, meta-virtualization (1 issue from 10 uses of this variable), meta-arm (1 issue), meta-raspberrypi OK, meta-clang (couple issues)12:24
RPJaMa: I think your ltp patch breaks if the RFC patch isn't present and will also conflict with a patch in master-next :/12:25
JaMaRP: it should work without RFC patch and it's based on the patch in master-next (as mentioned bellow --)12:26
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RPJaMa: ah, great, thanks. Sorry, I somehow didn't see that line12:28
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JaMano problem :) I would definitely overlook it as well12:29
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vvnhi there -- I've set REPRODUCIBLE_TIMESTAMP_ROOTFS = "" in my distro conf, but I still end up with a weird default value of 20180309123456 instead of the content of BUILDNAME in /etc/version. Am I using it wrong?12:34
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vvnCode 18 I guess. Shouldn't we default REPRODUCIBLE_TIMESTAMP_ROOTFS to "" by the way in bitbake.conf?12:41
imuguruzayes it works Saur[m]12:42
imuguruzacould be something related to the compilation order?12:42
Guest8770should "devtool modify binutils-cross" work? Mine tells me unable to find any recipe file12:46
JaMayou need to append -arch, e.g. binutils-cross-arm12:47
Guest8770JaMa ah thanks12:49
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* RP has just reproduced and worked out the musl llvm-config failure13:31
RPIt is x86 (i.e. build arch specific) and is because llvm-config finds the target libstdc++ which isn't quite able to work with the host's glibc it was compiled for13:32
JPEWRP: Close enough to look right but not actually functional?13:33
rburtonRP: always useful to experiment with a different architecture to make sure that can't happen :)13:34
LetoThe2ndrburton: like.... compiling on a ppc32?13:35
RPJPEW: right. The linker did abort but if they were all a different arch it would just skip them and work13:35
rburtonLetoThe2nd: i meant machine=qemuarm64 but sure, whatever floats your boat13:35
RPrburton: other arches just work as the linker skips the,!13:35
rburtoneven better13:35
RPrburton: note the AB only tests two musl x86 targets13:36
rburtonwe should change that13:36
LetoThe2ndrburton: hehe yeah I usually do actually recommend the same, to build for qemuarm64 or qemuriscv64 by default.13:36
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kanavinRP: thanks for merging the SDK bits :)13:54
kanavinRP: I'm slowly warming up to the oe-setup idea btw13:56
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RPkanavin: I haven't really had time to participate in the threads as much as I perhaps need to. It is a hard problem and one I've never had the time to focus on as much as it needs13:58
vvnCan two image recipes install two different package versions, or does this choice has to be made necessarily by the distro?13:58
rburtonthe image won't be able to control what version of the eg library gets built14:00
kanavinRP: I'm working on a new revision of the layer setup tooling, one which no longer will be marked as RFC (as it will have all needed selftests, and no issues that are known to me :)14:00
RPkanavin: I need to find time to properly review the patches14:00
rburtonvvn: if you have parallel installable libraries then it's common to put the abi version in the filename, eg gtk3 gtk414:00
vvnrburton: so you're saying that IMAGE_INSTALL cannot specify a version-suffixed package name, correct?14:00
rburtonvvn: it won't have any impact on what version bitbake picks, no14:01
vvnI see14:01
kanavinvvn, it can, but the version needs to be in the name of the package, so you need to to have two different recipes14:02
vvnrburton: so in order to provide a dev image (using latest master from a few project), one has to tweak the distro or provide a -dev distro variant, correct?14:02
rburtonprior art, albeit very stale in poky.conf vs poky-bleeding.conf14:03
rburtonsee also devupstream.bbclass14:03
vvnkanavin: that's what rburton said yes, which is in fact a different package, not a different version (from bitbake's POV)14:03
JPEWAs part of the SPDX build profile work, I'm attempting to the describe the various "levels" of "builds" we have as an example so that hopefully SPDX 3.0 will be able to express what we do as part of builds. I've drawn a diagram that attempts to capture all the things that are relevant to various build steps: . Any comments are appreciated14:03
JPEW^^ RP sgw rburton (and anyone else interested)14:04
vvnrburton: it will be two distros then, to have a clean way to provide the latest version to developers14:05
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vvnThe more I use OE, the more I realize that images are more of a dev/poc thing rather that being that useful in prod. In prod you'll likely have your base image and one or more distros.14:07
vvni.e. 1 image and 1+ distro rather than the opposite14:08
RPJPEW: at a quick look it seems reasonable to me14:09
kanavinvvn, images are collections of packages, if you can differentiate products with just different packages, you do not need different distros14:10
kanavinvvn, there's an enormous overhead in adding a distro14:10
kanavinyou basically double the load on both your infra, and your QA14:11
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vvnkanavin: that is right. That's why I preferred to have multiple images instead of distro. But I struggle to provide a clean dev alternative that developpers can quickly enable...14:13
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kanavinvvn, but why specifically do you need two versions?14:13
rburtonif you need a 'dev image' with git HEAD builds then a dev distro is the easy solution14:13
vvnor like for gtk3/gtk4, I should duplicate the app recipe to have foo and foo-dev packages14:13
rburtonjust make it include the main distro so you get 99% reuse14:13
vvnrburton: true, that seems intuitive, but as kanavin correctly pointed out, this requires a bit of infra to split DEPLOY_DIR, suffix DISTRO in IMAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX or BUILDNAME and so on14:16
vvnnot unfeasible though, just preventing collision when hosting the builds14:17
rburtonjust host them in different directories or something.14:17
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vvnsomething like DEPLOY_DIR .= "-${DISTRO}"14:18
rburtonI presume you're not hosting *directly* from your build tree14:19
vvnrburton: I stage the content of DEPLOY_DIR internally then a subset of these files are hosted somewhere else for factory/prod/updates etc.14:21
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rburtonif you need local files to be namespaced then just set TMPDIR14:21
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vvnrburton: you don't even bother tweaking DEPLOY_DIR then, just something like TCLIBCAPPEND = "" and TMPDIR .= "-${DISTRO}"14:27
rburtonyeah that works14:27
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vmesonYP bug review if interested:
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wkawkahi, during build i got an error14:50
wkawka`BlockingIOError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable`14:50
wkawkaCan be something messed up with my build or is it the docker or machine fault14:51
wkawkaI'm running it on a VM on github workflow so I don't have access there unfortunately14:51
khem@imuguruza whats your host distro ? I think your host compiler is finicky, means its newer perhaps that what 1.59 expects15:18
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ptsneves@RP @rburton just saw that the maintainer of ganesha also maintains libnsl
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ptsnevesah nevermind. I got confused15:24
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rburtonptsneves, RP: oh so the solution if they're not exclusive15:28
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rburtonntirpc installs files in a different prefix15:29
rburtonerm, filename prefix15:29
rburton /usr/include/ntirpc/ and libntirpc.so15:29
rburtonso there's not a circular dependency, it's just annoying that we build two tirpc implementations15:29
rburtonRP: you're right, the absolute path thing does explode dramatically!15:31
rburtonmore than i was expecting, to be honest15:31
RPrburton: you must have known it'd be bad for me to shelve it! :)15:31
rburtonthough i expect making flex always write basename would solve a fair chunk of them15:31
RPrburton: I'm hoping there may be some easy fix15:32
rburtona lot of files are parsers from various things15:32
RPrburton: right, if that would fix a load that is promising. I didn't really start to look into it15:32
rburtonthought i'd kick a build during triage15:32
rburtoni'll let it finish and save the log for another day15:32
RPrburton: you've spotted a pattern at least, I didn't get that far15:33
ptsnevesrburton: ok. maybe i got it due to setting PROVIDES="libtirpc" on the ntirpc. Good news and thanks15:33
rburtonyeah, don't do that :)15:33
RPvmeson: I realised the rust prefix mapping was getting lost for rust itself. Lets hope this works better when I fix that15:34
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vvnis there a mechanism to fetch package from a private pipy repo?18:14
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Xagenvvn: i suppose you could do something similar to what the pypi.bbclass is doing, and just point it to your own private server18:26
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Xageni have a recipe that i can use bitbake to build18:49
Xagenbut the image that has it as a requirement can't find it18:49
Xagenand other recipes say nothing provides it18:50
Xagenany thoughts?18:50
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RPvmeson: success in that we're now down to two buildpath warnings20:31
RPmusl also built20:31
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vvnCan a foo package ship udev rules, or is it preferred to have a dedicated udev-rules-foo package?21:04
vvn(asking because I see a few udev-rules-* packages)21:06
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vmesonRP - yay!21:27
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