Friday, 2022-08-12

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OxbefI had a quick question about the eSDK if anyone knows. I have a repo that contains layers and non-layer content. I need to have that non-layer content in my SDK because the recipes depend on it, but I don't see a built-in way to do that. (populate_sdk_ext just copies layers from what's in BBLAYERS variable). Is there a "nice" way to copy that02:22
Oxbefcontent into my SDK using something like TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK or POPULATE_SDK_POST_TARGET_COMMAND or something along those lines?02:22
OxbefAny help on this is appreciated, thanks02:22
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Guest82Hello all,06:52
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Guest82While trying to build u-boot-imx-2022.04 I'm running into a RAM limit on my machine (32G). I have tried setting BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE both to 2 and I do see in htop that this indeed seems to limit the CPU usage, but still if I only bitbake u-boot the RAM is running out. Would you know if I can change settings, or have to go out and06:54
Guest82get me some 64G worth of RAM?06:54
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OxbefGuest82 You definitely don't need 64GB just to compile U-Boot... What's the error message you're getting, if any?07:18
Guest82Oxbef: meta-freescale/recipes-bsp/u-boot/ failed with exit code '137'07:19
Guest82I can also visually see the RAM filling up in htop during the build.07:19
OxbefAnd you set BB_NUMBER_THREADS & PARALLEL_MAKE in your local.conf or elsewhere?07:22
Guest82in local.conf07:22
stuomyou can always try to increase swap to see if it solves the problem, before upgrading physical RAM07:23
OxbefDid you set it as BB_NUMBER_THREADS = 207:24
OxbefBB_NUMBER_THREADS = "2"07:24
Guest82BB_NUMBER_THREADS = "2"07:24
Guest82PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j 2"07:24
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Guest82stuom: Ok let me check that out. Currently it is set at 2G.07:25
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qschulzOxbef: this non-layer content, can't you make a recipe for it? is this non-layer content not under some software control mechanism like git/svn/whatever?07:30
Oxbefqschulz: Funny story... no my hands are sort of tied here. I ended up pulling some of it out (what I could) and making a recipe. For the rest, I have to get feedback from my team. They have a bunch of automation built around the repo structure that will break if I mess with it07:31
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Oxbef@qschulz: I'll just have to push that and move on. Ideally everything in a layer is stored in that layer or referenced in some source control by the recipe07:33
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qschulzernstp: I like using kwargs for string.format function so it's a bit more explicit while reading the string what is going where07:42
qschulzi.e. 'cpe:2.3:a:{}:{}:{}:*:*:*:*:*:*:*'.format(vendor, product, version) could be 'cpe:2.3:a:{vendor}:{product}:{version}:*:*:*:*:*:*:*'.format(vendor=vendor, product=product, version=version)07:44
qschulzlimits the possible mistakes when migrating away from f strings07:44
ernstpqschulz: the line just got so long, it didn't look pretty :-)07:49
qschulzernstp: hehe07:54
LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:05
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Guest82stuom: Increased swap to 16G, could compile a couple of minutes longer with two cores but also filling up gradually and crashing. It does indeed feel like baking only u-boot should not need that much and something is out of whack.08:10
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OxbefGuest82: Just a sanity check, but when you run "bitbake <image> -e" to get your environment, you see those variables set to what you expect, right? I'm at a loss08:22
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Guest82Oxbef: Yes indeed those variables are set correctly checking with -e. I'm currently doing a clean build of the whole thing on 2 cores to see if there is a warning that I've missed. Might take a while since I'm used to 24 cores...08:50
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GuestNewhi all, after migration to head of kirkstone branch the build is stuck on python3-wheel install with : python -m installer: error: unrecognized arguments: --interpreter /home/path/python3-wheel/0.37.1-r0/dist/wheel-0.37.1-py3-none-any.whl. ANy tips to solve that ?10:37
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ernstpqschulz: I can't send a v2 right now though, git send-email doesn't work everywhere..12:18
qschulzernstp: it was just a suggestion, v1 could be merged as is I guess12:19
ernstpqschulz: well see if anyone else has a strong opinion :-)12:20
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roussinmI remember seeing a tool to navigate the dependency graph with the terminal, and not a gui. It looked like the taskdep gui, but in the terminal. I tried ncurses, but it doesn't seems to work. It errors out weirdly.13:35
roussinmI can't seems to find it in bitbake, maybe it was an experiment that never merged?13:36
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roussinmOh, it was called: taskexp_cli,
roussinmI guess it never made it in:
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LetoThe2ndssh k14:12
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qschulzroot@k password:14:18
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HarmHey, I was wondering whether there are any guidelines about when to create a .patch file and when to just copy a raw file into the source tree. I currently have a BSP layer with a Linux .dts file which needs to be placed in the correct directory in the source.16:21
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qschulzHarm: to compile it you probably will need to edit the Makefile of the directory where you'll put your dts no?16:39
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Harmqschulz: no, I think Yocto does that with KERNEL_DEVICETREE?16:43
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qschulzHarm: have you tried? I see that it's calling make <dtb> for each specified KERNEL_DEVICETREE16:46
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qschulzbut if you don't have the make target, it wont do anything?16:46
Harmqschulz: yeah, I have tried and it works. I did not try compiling by hand, only through Yocto16:49
HarmAnyway, that is not the point. I just wonder if there is any best practice here. On one hand I can see that creating a .patch to just add the file is easier with devtool, as it creates a commit and you can track changes with git locally. On the other hand, when the dts is a plain file it is easier to read outside a 'devtool modify ' environment16:58
qschulzHarm: It was part of the point, if you need a patch for the makefile, there's no point in keeping it outside since you already need a patch17:03
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qschulzHarm: in any case, I personally very much prefer to have things pertaining to the same project in the same git repo17:03
HarmAh yeah17:03
qschulzso, your DTS for the kernel, in the kernel tree17:04
qschulzsince it's also very likely the DTS won't be the only thing you'll change in the kernel17:04
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vvnhi there -- I have a file ti-sgx-ddk-um_%.bbappend ( to extend, but I get "Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package: /etc". Any idea what's wrong here?17:06
Harmqschulz: a dts feels a bit in between code and config to me. Since, if I understand correctly, it is unusual to put the defconfig as a .patch in the Yocto layer17:07
qschulzHarm: I've seen and used everything already17:08
qschulzdefconfig in kernel tree, defconfig in Yocto layer, defconfig + config fragment in Yocto17:08
Harmqschulz: so there is no real best practice here yet?17:09
qschulzthis is less of an issue for ARM32 boards since they have defconfigs in the kernel tree17:09
qschulzbut just a generic one for ARM6417:10
qschulzno idea what we're supposed to do17:10
qschulz(I mean even outside of Yocto itself.. how am I supposed to give a defconfig to users for my board?)17:10
HarmI do see specific files for arm64 boards, I.e. tesla fsd-evb.dts17:13
qschulzHarm: in your local tree yes, not upstream17:13
qschulzcustom tree*17:13
qschulzvvn: interesting, I don't see where the issue would be17:13
qschulzdo you have the issue without your bbappend?17:13
qschulzif you have the issue only with your bbappend, I guess there might be something happening in the systemd.bbclass17:13
qschulzHarm: I meant defconfigs17:15
vvnqschulz: no I build fine without my bbappend. The package skips only an /etc/init.d/rc.pvr script, so I wanted to provide a proper service unit to please systemd-sysv-generator17:15
qschulzHarm: vs
Harmqschulz: ah yeah sorry17:15
qschulzvvn: can you rebuild without the intherit systemd?17:17
qschulzjust to see if it passes the build17:17
qschulzvvn: I want to understand what's happening, but if you don't, just add FILES:${PN} +=  "${sysconfdir}/" to your bbappend17:18
vvnqschulz: I've changed the bbappend for this and it works:
qschulzvvn: pretty sure you'll need to inherit systemd again now otherwise you'll have some issues with your unit17:24
qschulznot starting for example at boot17:24
qschulzif you add it back in, I guess it fails again17:25
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khemRP: we need to generate new uninative tarballs with glibc 2.3619:29
khemsome distros e.g. arch are already on 2.3619:29
khemwhich will need it19:29
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ptsnevesIs anybody having issues with python3-jinja2_3.1.2 native and python3-markupsafe?20:00
ptsneves", line 264, in __init__20:00
ptsneves|     match =
ptsneves| TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object20:00
ptsneves| ERROR: 'python3 bdist_wheel ' execution failed.20:00
ptsnevesfor example20:00
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RPkhem: it is being worked on21:10
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ptsnevesok aparently a -c cleanall "fixed" the issue i had. seems related21:20
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vvnqschulz: no it works fine with a manual symlink. The fact is many cryptic systemd units are doing that ;)21:36
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adams[1]ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'binutils' (but /xyz/meta/recipes-kernel/perf/ DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)23:16
adams[1]binutils was skipped: it has incompatible license(s): GPL-3.0-only23:16
adams[1]wondering how to fix this?23:16
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