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wyre | qschulz, no, it doesn't work either with the actual recipe 😥 https://bpa.st/T6UA | 06:43 |
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qschulz | wyre: did you remove the devtool workspace before running this command? | 08:00 |
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wyre | qschulz, not sure where's that workspace located, I've run multiple times `devtool reset <recipe>` for different recipes or even `devtool reset --all`, but can't get info about any folder regarding some workspace | 08:20 |
wyre | not sure if this folder is actually build/workspace | 08:20 |
ernstp | I could reproduce my apparmor host contamination on a clean setup so I filed a bug about it: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14900 | 08:24 |
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ernstp | happens both on kirkstone and dunfell but not on master | 08:24 |
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qschulz | ernstp: it'd be awesome if you could figure out which commit(s) exactly fixed it so we can backport them? | 08:28 |
ernstp | all pseudo stuff have been backported afaict... | 08:32 |
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wyre | qschulz, according to this ... https://docs.yoctoproject.org/ref-manual/devtool-reference.html shouldn't I first add a recipe to the workspace? maybe that's because the modify command doesn't work properly ... but still not sure if this workspace is located at build/workspace and if removing this folder would be enough 🤔 | 08:34 |
qschulz | wyre: devtool modify adds the recipe to the workspace | 08:36 |
qschulz | but if you already have something in there, it does not work very well (though the error would probably be something else?) | 08:36 |
qschulz | wyre: the other issue is that devtool is not working well with overrides for the SRC_URI | 08:36 |
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wyre | hmm, I see, so do you think may I remove that build/workspace folder? | 08:37 |
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ernstp | armin kuster here on irc? | 08:44 |
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qschulz | wyre: devtool status will return the paths to the workspace of each recipe | 08:57 |
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landgraf | RP: did I say "I like RPM" yesterday? It was not me :-D (fix and test has been sent anyway) | 09:28 |
landgraf | glob handling in rpm is just a mess :-/ and it will be changed again soon | 09:28 |
abelloni | I don't recall you said "like" ;) | 09:29 |
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Guest79 | Hi. I'm working with Dunfell. I'm putting together an SDK for a new platform I need to support (armv7-a). The SDK is missing stdarg.h in the native sysroot - I only have it in the target sysroot. All my other SDKs have stdarg.h for both native and target sysroots. I have no idea where to start looking in my configs to fix this. Any | 14:06 |
Guest79 | pointers would be appreciated. | 14:06 |
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qschulz | Guest79: find out which native recipe is installing this stdarg.h | 14:36 |
qschulz | check the native recipe is added to the SDK for your new platform | 14:36 |
qschulz | if it is, check in the native recipe if the file is created/installed for this platform/architecture | 14:36 |
qschulz | if it is, check it's installed in a directory from SYSROOT_DIRS | 14:36 |
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Guest79 | @qshulz Thanks. I have nativesdk-gcc added to TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK. I've verified that it is built as part of the populate_sdk command. I'm rebuilding now and will check your last suggestion when done. | 15:25 |
Xagen | is there a way to do a do_install that's different for nativesdk? | 15:29 |
Saur[m] | Xagen: Sure. Do you want it to be completely separate from the target install, or just add to it? | 15:30 |
Xagen | Saur[m]: just add to it | 15:30 |
Saur[m] | Xagen: Then use: `do_install:append:class-nativesdk() {` | 15:31 |
Xagen | i'm guessing you just drop the append if you want to override it for nativesdk | 15:31 |
Saur[m] | (Assuming you are using a newer version of OE, otherwise replace the colons with underscores.) | 15:32 |
Saur[m] | Yes | 15:32 |
Xagen | awesome, thanks! | 15:32 |
Guest79 | qschulz - go figure. I did a 'bitbake nativesdk-gcc -c cleanall' and then a 'bitbake core-image-minimal -c populate_sdk' and now stdarg.h is showing up in both target and native sysroots. I changed nothing else. Hmmm. | 15:34 |
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khem | RP:after recent rust rework, target run fails to build with clang. https://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Details/668721/ this seems that its hardcoding linking with libstdc++ somewhere | 15:42 |
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adams[1] | I am running a python script using a bb file which depends on https://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/branch/master/recipes/?q=elftools being there but I am getting this "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'elftools" | 19:40 |
adams[1] | How can I add dependency to this elftools? | 19:40 |
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RP | khem: rust didn't build for the target at all previously so it is an improvement ;-) | 19:42 |
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Guest8 | hi, im trying to use k3s without the recipe as our system is not systemd based. I saw that a redependency is k3s-cni. where can i find info on this recipe? | 19:48 |
Guest8 | dependency* | 19:48 |
Guest8 | https://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-virtualization/tree/recipes-containers/k3s/k3s_git.bb | 19:49 |
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vmeson | Guest8: Do you know about the layer index? https://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/recipe/165819/ | 20:15 |
vmeson | I'm a dinosaur so I havent played with k8s or k3s but I think the dependency is on cni: https://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/recipe/72514/ | 20:16 |
vmeson | ah: I'm wrong: RDEPENDS:${PN} = "k3s-cni ..." | 20:17 |
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mischief | hey all. wondering if it is possible to build a musl binary for a machine/distro which already uses glibc. or would we need a separate one? | 21:57 |
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