Wednesday, 2022-10-12

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mcfriskhi, is there a nice way to get a qemu-system-aarch64 out of yocto build to use it for running an image?06:06
mcfriskI can use qemu-system-native inside devshell, or install it to an SDK but those seem a bit tricky to automate running the image06:07
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mcfriskoh looks like work/x86_64-linux/qemu-helper-native is in the default qemu machine output, and works with poky/scripts/runqemu06:52
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dacavHi.  Question about deploy.bbclass, that I see used by some colleagues.  If my recipe {Y} DEPENDS on {X} or {X}-native, it should have the artefacts produced by {X} into the sysroot.  Using `deploy`, on the other hand, is said to beuseful "only when a recipe needs to read a file already deployed by a dependency".  Is `deploy` intended as a way to share data without polluting the sysroot perhaps?07:27
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vm1dacav: what do you mean 'way to share data'?07:39
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ykronsHi all07:45
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ykronsI have a .bbappend that mainly add a script to SRC_URI and then copy it with cp into ${D} during the do_install_append. My problem is that when I'm changing the content of the script the resulting package is not updated. I'm working with a "devtool modify <myrecipe>". Don't know if it can have an impact.07:49
ykronsI have checked the sigdata content and I have a checksum associated with my script so I have expected that any change to the script content will be detected.07:50
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ykronsDid someone know if it is linked to devtool usage, bad bbappend or other potential issues? Thanks07:51
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vm1dacav: if by data you mean all those files from do_install of the recipes in DEPENDS, and files moved to DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE by deploy.bbclass, my understanding is that use of DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE to access data from other recipes is not appropriate, there is no guarantee the files would be deployed by the time do_configure starts. Is it good to "pollute"07:54
vm1DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE with files which are not intented for deployment?07:54
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qschulzdacav: the sysroot is meant for things that make sense on a root filesystem, shared libraries, headers, binaries, etc...07:55
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qschulzdacav: a good example of when this does not necessarily make sense is for example for U-Boot, the Linux kernel, firmware for cortex-M0 side-processors, etc..08:03
LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:03
qschulzthey are still necessary though08:03
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dacavvm1: by 'shared data' I mean any artifacts.  Binaries and configuration files that would go under the regular hier(7) seem to be well suited for the sysroot.  As qschulz seems to be on the same page about, it looks to me that DEPLOYDIR / DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE are meant for stuff that must be available through the dependency graph, without being in the sysroot.08:24
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qschulzykrons: I do think that you cannot change local files from your layers when you have the recipe used in devtool08:47
qschulzykrons: you would need to re-modify your recipe with devtool08:48
qschulzbecause devtool does not trigger a re-fetch of recipe sources since it's using externalsrc directly under the hood08:48
vm1dacav: there is a danger that the artifacts are connected to certain versions of packets, I think it is better not to use DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE to share artifacts08:48
qschulzvm1: that is correct, you absolutely need to manually specify a dependcy in recipe Y task using the deployed artifacts on do_deploy:recipeX08:49
qschulzdacav: ^08:49
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vm1we've used DEPENDS and STAGING_DIR_HOST08:50
qschulzif you need the deployed artifacts from recipe X in recipe Y do_compile: in recipe Y: do_compile[depends] += "do_deploy:recipeX" (IIRC, probably worth checking)08:50
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qschulzvm1: using the sysroot for sharing the trusted-firmware-a needed for compiling u-boot for example is not that great08:51
qschulzbecause tf-a has nothing to do in the sysroot08:51
qschulzhas no reason to be in the sysroot*08:53
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ykronsqschulz: thanks for clarifications!08:58
vm1qschulz: how to guarantee that the binaries would be deployed by the time recipe is about to access them? DEPENDS doesn't give warranty binaries are deployed08:58
qschulzvm1: do_compile[depends] += "do_deploy:recipeX"08:58
qschulzrecipeX:do_deploy apaprently instead08:59
qschulz for an example for U-Boot and TF-A09:00
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inisiderhello. what can i do in situation when I have 2 recipes which produce the same libraries ( in my case it is /usr/lib/ )? How can I tell Yocto to use library from recipe that I want? Right it is using the libraries from poky's recipe. I tried to remove zlib directly using CORE_IMAGE_INSTALL_remove="zlib" but I am not sure that it helps09:14
qschulzinisider: if you recipe is entirely replacing whatever the zlib recipe produces, you can specify in your own recipe that it PROVIDES zlib and then set PREFERRED_PROVIDER_zlib = "your-recipe"09:17
qschulzbut the latter variable needs to be set in a configuration file (distro, machine,)09:17
neverpanicIf your recipe is shipping its own private copy of, you should move it into a separate directory, adjust your binaries' rpaths to find it, and set PRIVATE_LIBS = ""09:24
dacavvm1, qschulz: I don't think I get this entirely.  If I declare a dependency (Y depends on X), why can't I assume that the recipe of X populated DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE?  Also, is yocto even allowing multiple versions of the same packages? (well, unless I have two recipes with distinct names providing different versions, but that's ugly and probably wrong)09:25
dacavah sorry, I didn't see the rest of the discussion.09:26
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inisiderqschulz: I tried to use PREFERRED_PROVIDER_zlib="zlib-ng" but it looks like it is still continue to use zlib from poky. At least md5sum is different and I don't see all the files from {WORKDIR}/zlib-ng/.../image/09:30
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dacavthank you all for the clarification, I think I get it now :)09:42
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qschulzdacav: DEPENDS under the hood is something like: do_populate_sysroot[depends] += "recipeSDEPENDS:do_prepare-_ecipe_sysroot"09:48
qschulznothing else, it's just a nicer way for users to set dependencies09:48
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qschulzbut it is a depoendency of one task on another recipe's09:48
qschulzand deploy is typically NOT run before do_prepare_recipe_sysroot, so you cannot rely on do_deploy to run before do_populate_sysroot/do_compoile/whatever is executed09:49
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qschulzinisider: if something explicitly RDEPENDS on a package from the original zlib package, that's going to be an issue I think09:52
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inisiderqschulz: it looks like that. i think that a lot of packages have dependce of zlib.09:55
dacavqschulz: excellent.  I think I've read something about a deployment step that should allow bitbake to publish artifacts on the platform (e.g. via sftp).  Is that what the deploy.bbclass actually is about, or is that a completely different thing?  We don't use such workflow (not sure if we will ever)09:57
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dacavThe fact that the dependency must be stated explicitly, lets me think that the artifacts sharing is not the intended use of deploy.09:58
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qschulzdacav: deploy is for putting stuff into tmp/deploy directory10:03
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qschulzit is a way to share artifacts between recipes without going through the sysroot mechanism, which does not make sense for athings that aren't supposed to be in the rootfs10:04
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qschulzhow you publish artifacts to your users or whatever is not specific to Yocto, I don't think we have anything for this, nor is a task for Yocto/Bitbake?10:05
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dacavqschulz: I searched in the docs what I had in mind.  I saw it some time ago, so I didn't remember exactly.  It was this:
dacavit is not related with the deploy.bbclass.10:15
kayterina[m]Hello, what does it means that workdir won't exist in a build from sstate? I want to reference files from a DEPEND, is this path "${RECIPE_SYSROOT}${localstatedir}/" better  than this "${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot/var/"? The way I see it in bitbake.conf, RECIPE_SYSROOT = "${WORKDIR}/recipe-sysroot"10:16
rburtonif recipe A DEPENDS on B, but B is pulled from sstate, then it's workdir *will not exist*10:17
rburtonif you want to look at your own sysroot then use RECIPE_SYSROOT10:17
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rburtonputting files into the sysroot is the one true way to share content between recipes.  Normally /usr/include and /usr/lib and pretty much evertyhing that is shared but you can extend that per-recipe10:18
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kayterina[m]How can I force B to be pulled from sstate to see this in test?10:24
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rburtonbitbake A, rm tmp, bitbake A -C unpack10:24
rburton-Cunpack will force A to rebuild, but its dependencies will be pulled in from sstate10:25
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kayterina[m]OK, so after this, recipe A has inside its recipe-sysroot the files from B, but recipe B has no workdir10:45
inisiderqschulz: could you please explain to me what it means by unique depenecies and is it possible to overcome this issue?
kayterina[m]how could someone reference B's workdir from recipe A since workdir is local to the recipe?10:50
neverpanicYou shouldn't do this at all10:52
neverpanicIf you need files from B in recipe A, install them in sysroot or some other shared location.10:52
kayterina[m]I understand. But hypothetically, someone could have  a path like "$workdir/../recipeB/ ?10:53
kayterina[m]Yes, I suppose someone could do that, no question here.10:53
neverpanicYou could, and it would work the first time, but not for the second build when sstate caching is used, and you'll get a hard to debug build failure.10:53
neverpanicSo don't.10:53
LetoThe2ndkayterina[m]: hypothetically, you could look at what the kernel does. and practically, no, the path won't work reliably. the correct route is, as pointed out numerous times by now, to package up the things you want to share.10:54
kayterina[m]If recipe A DEPENDS on B and wants to use files from the metadata is sysroot still the way to go?10:55
LetoThe2ndkayterina[m]: "files from the metadata"10:55
LetoThe2ndplease elaborate.10:55
kayterina[m]files from recipeA/files the ones I usually include with "file://" in the SRC_URI10:56
LetoThe2ndkayterina[m]: so if two recipes actually need it - why not put it into a separate recipe that both can depend upon? it can even be a -native one to avoid the danger of shipping it accidentially.10:57
neverpanicI you want a file specified in recipe B's SRC_URI to be usable in recipe A, either package it in B (e.g. by copying it to ${D} during the build), or what LetoThe2nd says.10:58
zhmylovekayterina[m]: optionally you can prepend to FILESEXTRAPATHS of recipeA and use files from recipeB11:01
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kayterina[m]I would even put it in a .bbappend because the recipe just concats the files but it has to be seperate recipe. I will go with sysroots.11:11
LetoThe2ndwhere could a dependency chain on u-boot be hidden in core-image-minimal? it obviously does not show up in IMAGE_INSTALL11:15
rburtonLetoThe2nd: machine conf file11:16
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rburtonLetoThe2nd: eg beaglebone-yocto:11:16
rburtonPREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/bootloader ?= "u-boot"11:17
rburtonEXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS += "virtual/bootloader"11:17
LetoThe2ndrburton: ya the PREFERRED_PROVIDER also looks good11:17
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SchillerIn the Autobuilder2 Repository i see that the notifier logic is not developed yet. Is there still some way to add set reporters to specific builds or is it at the moment not possible? Do i have to adjust the scripts?12:01
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kayterina[m]When would a recipe override $base_prefix in bitbake? For my very specific needs, the difference between using ${RECIPE_SYSROOT}${localstatedir} and ${RECIPE_SYSROOT}$/var14:02
ernstpfound a nice way to integrate a Yocto SDK and VS Code cmake tools. there's a property called environmentSetupScript that was a bit hard to find14:05
ernstpSo you can write "environmentSetupScript" : "/opt/yoctosdk/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi" in ~/.local/share/CMakeTools/cmake-tools-kits.json14:06
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DennisEHello :)  Its me again, sorry for bothering you frequently.14:35
DennisEI'm new to yocto and I try to port the azure-device-update layer( from dunfell to kirkstone release. Part of that is the opentelemetry-cpp client: I try to write a recipe for that. The problem I'm facing is that cmake can't find the14:35
DennisEsubmodules that are fetched:14:35
DennisE''Could NOT find GTest (missing: GTEST_LIBRARY GTEST_INCLUDE_DIR14:35
DennisE|   GTEST_MAIN_LIBRARY)''14:35
DennisEThis is my recipe: I derived that from another recipe.14:35
DennisEHow do I show the git submodules to cmake ? I tried EXTERNALSRC but that doesnt work.14:35
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qschulzDennisE: i would try to find the cmake option to disable building the unit tests, pretty sure you don't need them :)14:58
gchampDennisE: I'm not answering your question directory but an option to avoid the issue is to not build the tests during the yocto build using something like EXTRA_OECMAKE += "BUILD_TESTING=off"14:58
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qschulzDennisE: maybe you also want to inherit pkg-config class if it's used by the project to find the dependencies (which you'll have to explicit in the DEPENDS of the reciep015:07
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moto-timoDennisE: if you decide to continue down the path of building the unit tests, you are going to need a recipe for gtest. You might look at for inspiration15:43
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moto-timobah not here anymore15:43
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