Friday, 2022-10-28

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JaMarburton: that's better than I would expect now02:00
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mark__Hi I'm getting this error: recipes-kernel/linux-libc-headers/ [Errno 32] Broken pipe from an arm-aarch64 target with the latest meta-xilinx Kirkstone branch, I google around and found a posts reported a similar error, even at linux-libc-headers recipe, but there is no follow up/resolution. I looked into  temp dir and there is no run.do_install file. Any insights any insight would be02:24
mark__greatly appreciated02:24
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX06:31
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mckoangood morning06:37
LetoThe2ndmckoan: yo!06:39
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mthenaultHi, I am trying to install a cross package inside the sdk ( I tried to add nativesdk to BBCLASSEXTEND in the .bb and to add nativesdk-crash-cross to TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK in my local.conf.sample. This doesn't work because "nativesdk-crash-cross" is not understood by yocto. Is there a way?07:44
LetoThe2ndmthenault: isn't it the other way round? crash-cross-something?07:44
LetoThe2nd(just thinking aloud)07:45
qschulzLetoThe2nd: no, it's a prefix07:46
LetoThe2ndqschulz: ok07:46
qschulzbut it used to be a suffix :)07:47
mthenaultI'm on hardknott07:47
qschulzmthenault: why nativesdk-crash*-cross* ?07:52
qschulzyou said the recipe is called crash07:52
mthenaultIt's a cross recipe, and to build it "normaly", I do bitbake crash-cross07:52
mthenaultit has BBCLASSEXTEND = "native cross"07:55
mthenaultmy goal is to add this to the sdk. right now in jenkins I have to do clean sstate + rebuild each time + look into tmp/build/work..07:57
qschulzmthenault: I'd probably look into what gcc recipe is doing since I cannot imagine it not being part of the sdk07:57
qschulzand it's for cross compiling too07:57
mthenaulthm ok, very complicated..08:01
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qschulzmthenault: Considering that cross and nativesdk are two classextend, i'm not entirely sure it's possible to have both at the same time, so there might be some tricks used by gcc (or maybe using nativesdk isn't the way to do it)08:21
qschulzbut I've no experience in building an sdk so can't help unfortunately08:21
mthenaultyes.. gcc seems to use multiple recipes with diverse includes, I need to take a deeper look. Thanks anyway!08:23
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Habbiea talk about right now
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ykronsHello, I wonder how to manage RDEPENDS in case of multilib. One script in my app is using curl. My app is built in multilib:lib32 so my understanding is that all its dependencies will be "converted" to lib32 and installed. The apps can work with curl or lib32-curl. Shall I add curl to RDEPENDS which will install lib32-curl in the image (potentially on top of curl) or shall I add curl in the IMAGE_INSTALL only ?09:09
qschulzykrons: just have RDEPENDS have curl in it09:17
qschulzit'll pull whatever it needs, which should be lib32-curl for your lib32 app09:18
manuel__Hi all! I've got a core-image-minimal-xfce running in qemu but can't pass the mouse into qemu. Anyone any advice?09:40
manuel__My /var/log/Xorg.0.log is full of 'No input driver specified, ignoring this device'.09:42
manuel__runqemu starts qemu with '-usb -device usb-tablet'09:42
manuel__Didn't have this problems in wayland09:43
GillesMhello can I add INHERIT +="extrausers" and EXTRA_USERS-PARAMS in cusom image file ?  If i set it in local.conf it work but no in custom image ... Idea ?09:44
manuel__I'm connected to qemus serial console as well. Is there a way I can start a program in the serial console and have it's GUI drawn in Xorg?09:45
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ad__hi, on zeus, using -c populate_sdk getting this error:
ykronsqschulz: but in case my apps can run with curl or lib32-curl, I could save some space if I only install curl in the image.09:55
JaMaykrons: true multilib handling isn't ideal in some cases and explicitly using ${MLPREFIX} helps only in some cases10:00
qschulzykrons: are you doing a dlopen in your app and not using dynamic linking?10:00
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JaMaI guess his script is just calling curl binary10:01
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qschulzykrons: but otherwise, you can maybe override the DEPENDS/RDEPENDS for the multilib version to remove the automtically added MLPREFIX. e.g. DEPENDS:virtclass-multilib = "curl"10:02
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ykronsqschulz, JaMa: right, the script just uses the curl binary. The override seems to be a good option10:11
ykronsqschulz: I have done the same with bash and I get QA error because QA task detect bash scripts in my recipe and I guess it expects to found lib32-bash in the RDEPENDS. How can I fix this without disable the QA error?10:39
JaMaykrons: not easily, check
ykronsJaMa: thanks I will have a look10:45
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rburtonkanavin: can you sent a v2 of the go upgrade with ppc checksums?11:12
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rburtonkanavin: actually the dl site makes it trivial, i can rebase11:14
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mcfriskon kirkstone, seeing intermittend "groupmems command did not succeed" failures for a recipe which is pulled from sstate and doesn't do anything special. any hints on what to look for?11:44
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ldericherHas RobertBerger been around lately?11:55
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LetoThe2ndldericher: he shows up every now and then12:07
ldericherLetoThe2nd, that's good, I've missed him for a while now so I got curious :)12:09
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JPEWCan I get an AB run with master-next of meta-mingw when some one has a chance? Thanks!12:45
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JPEWRP: ty12:49
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JPEWWoah, the AB is a lot faster than the last time I looked :)13:20
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vmesonJPEW: SSDs I expect.  I assume you're talking about faster as in shorter build times?14:11
JPEWvmeson: Ya, the mingw test took a lot less time than I expected; probably a combination of SSDs and hot sstate14:13
vmesonJPEW: Yep14:13
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PayamI see building yocto takes alot of space14:44
Payamhow do you make it work on CI?14:44
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qschulzPayam: shared sstate-cache and downloads directory, get rid of everything else14:44
rburtonPayam: delete the build tree afterwards, and inherit rm_work.14:44
rburtonyou need lots of space for sstate and downloads anyway, the build tree isn't a problem if you use rm_work14:45
Payambut first time on ci14:45
JPEWPayam: It takes a long time the first time14:45
JPEWPayam: We use really large NFS share to share downloads and sstate between our CI build nodes, so each (VM in our case) node comes up "clean" with no local state from prior builds. If the build has no changes, it will restore from the NFS sstate in a few minutes14:47
PayamJPEW but where do you save those? for instance on github? can you save it as cache?14:48
JPEWPayam: No, this is all on-prem; I don't have any expirence doing Yocto builds on GitHub14:49
Payamwhat is your on-prem provider?14:50
qschulzPayam: considering how slow github workers are, I wouldn't count on using Github CI for Yocto stuff14:50
qschulzI mean, you could host your own GitHub worker14:50
rburtonwe host our own gitlab runners: some are in AWS, some on-prem14:51
rburtonboth have lots of local storage14:51
PayamI don't know how to put the yocto downloads and sshare on-prem14:52
Payamis there any manual or guides?14:52
rburtonPayam: are you trying to do yocto builds using the free runners?14:52
PayamWe have the Teams version of Github14:54
PayamCan I make one of my computers to a runner?14:54
PayamI should probably do that.14:54
PayamDo you have a good guide? I know I can search but I ask for a good source of info14:54
rburtongithub does
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michaeloqschulz: makes sense to me! This would be useful. I agree too for the bbclass suffix in the titles.16:17
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qschulzmichaelo: if only I'd remember what I said :D16:24
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khemPayam: we use gh runners with own runner at yoe distro see
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kergothOof, if the fetcher fails to create a mirror tarball, it raises an exception and runs the clean method, which wipes out the git clonedir.22:30
kergothSo we have to re-fetch because a tar -c failed? this doesn't seem right :)22:30
kergothActually, I can't help but wonder if we really should be constructing mirror tarballs within do_fetch. do_fetch should be about fetching so we can move on to other tasks. We should probably split that out and have a separate task call into build_mirror_data().22:33
kergothDoesn't seem right to have to re-run do_fetch to construct a mirror tarball if we've already fetched, even if most of it is a no-op22:33
kergothwould simplify the error handling in this case since the semantics aren't entirely clear (i guess we'd still want to fail out the task, but first verify and update the done stamp..)22:34
RPkergoth: the fetcher should just isolate the tarball creation and definitely shouldn't be calling clean :/22:37
RPkergoth: I suspect splitting it out, whilst attractive conceptually would cause a lot of different problems :(22:38
kergothI think conceptually mirror construction and population really doesn't belong in do_fetch, even if it's within the same folder. I expect you'd have to make sure you run build_mirror_data against the right urldata when mirrors are involved, though.22:40
RPkergoth: there is an element of people wanting DL_DIR to be reusable for any given build and usable as a mirror though22:46
RPI suspect we would design it differently were we starting from scratch now22:46
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