Wednesday, 2022-11-02

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PhoenixMageIs it possible to have multiple bbappend files and have them apply depending on machine type?01:22
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khemthe content inside the bbappend can be applied per machine by using machine overrides in the functions and variable assignments etc.01:38
moto-timoPhoenixMage: it is better perhaps to use one bbappend but use the machine overrides01:39
khembbappends are generic01:39
PhoenixMageI am trying to understand overrides but just not grokking it01:40
moto-timoLook at something like
PhoenixMageHow could I set the SRC_URI in the bbappends based on the machine type of rock-pi-3a? Something like SRC_URI:rock-pi-3a ?01:42
moto-timothe :append:tegra194 will only apply if tegra194 is in MACHINEOVERRIDES
moto-timoyes, if that is a valid machine name01:45
moto-timoyou probably want SRC_URI:append:rock-pi-3a (paraphrasing off the top of my head)01:45
moto-timoIn regular language that means "append the SRC_URI variable if the machine override 'rock-pi-3a' is present"01:46
PhoenixMagemoto-timo: I want to overwrite as I need to switch from mainline u-boot to the rockchip fork because the SBC isnt in mainline yet01:47
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moto-timoProbably ask tlwoerner for rockchip specific stuff01:49
PhoenixMagethanks moto-timo. tlwoerner let me know when you are free for a chat :)01:50
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tlwoernerPhoenixMage: the meta-rockchip on is for running upstream, mainline code on a rockchip02:19
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tlwoernerPhoenixMage: if you're interested in running all the vendor forks and closed things then i recommend trying
PhoenixMagetlwoerner: I would prefer not to run vendor forks, but kinda stuck with rock-3a as no mainline yet02:21
PhoenixMageI will check out that fork though02:21
tlwoernerPhoenixMage: yes, i have the rock-3a too, and my rock5 model B showed up the other day (haven't had a chance to play with either yet)02:22
tlwoernerbut rockchip is fairly good (all things considered) at getting upstream support eventually so... fingers crossed :-)02:23
PhoenixMagetlwoerner: I literally just paid for my Rock 5b about 15 min ago, hoping to have it in the week02:23
PhoenixMageI think there is mainline kernel support for the rk3568 isnt there?02:24
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PhoenixMageSeems a lot of the mainline push comes from the armbian ppl02:25
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tlwoernerPhoenixMage: huh, looks like there is. i thought i checked recently. looks like the kernel has support, but not U-Boot02:29
PhoenixMagetlwoerner: Yeah thats why I started messing with meta-rockchip, keep the mainline kernel but override u-boot to use the vendor one until mainline is done. Will make it easier to just switch it to mainline u-boot when available02:32
tlwoernerPhoenixMage: sounds good02:32
tlwoernerPhoenixMage: is your plan to use rkdeveloptool to load the vendor U-Boot spi flash?02:36
PhoenixMageOne thing at a time lol02:36
PhoenixMageI havent got a plan :p I am fairly new to all this embedded stuff02:36
PhoenixMageAnd I dont use SPI on my 4b's either02:36
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PhoenixMageI am confused, the radxa u-boot is using an old Makefile, the target u-boot-initial-env which is used by the mainline build is missing, thats fine I patch it in because it is just a call to an existing target "u-boot.bin". Patched in, can see the new target but the new target cant see the old one when I run yocto, if I do it manually its fine...06:03
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mckoangood morning07:54
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:21
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zwhalehow can we enable/disable trace features such as ftrace in my yocto build? And is it enabled or disabled by default?08:54
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zwhaleqschulz I don't know what o/ means :)09:27
zwhaleapparently I've asked a dumb question haha09:28
qschulzzwhale: the o is the head, the / is the arm, it's basically waving at someone09:28
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qschulzcould be used in different contexts, but it's a way to say "hi" or also "me" (like raising your hand when someone asks "who does/thinks <smth>"09:29
zwhaleqschulz ah cool, I got to learn these things one day :)09:29
zwhalegetting too old to keep up with these things09:29
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qschulzI think it's pretty old IRC "slang"? at least it's not new I think09:31
RPqschulz: I just thought you must have a cat :)09:31
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qschulzRP: and now I'm wondering how you came up with this thought? What's the context?09:33
RPqschulz: random characters from people have often been their cat wandering over the keyboard09:33
qschulzRP: as far as I know, the hair on my shirt aren't visible over IRC. Am I spied on? Is the cover on the webcam on09:34
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qschulzRP: hehe, she just rests on my arm so it makes it difficult to move the mouse or type with two hands. Sometimes she scratches her head against the ctrl key (edge of the keyboard) or play with the noisy space bar09:35
qschulzbut she has never sent anything yet09:35
qschulz(I also don't work enough from home for this to happen)09:35
RPqschulz: I think the're all different, I do have a friend who had to get a second keyboard for the cat to lie on so they could work though! :)09:36
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kanavinthis may help too
RPkanavin: quite surprised at the price of that as a piece of perspex! :)09:53
qschulzRP: "difficult" to make yourself and you only need it once, it's not going to be obsolete or a better version out next year :)09:57
qschulzRP: and if your cat is picky and needs the same keyboard to be fooled, it can get expensive quite fast :D09:58
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RPqschulz: not hard to do if you have a heat gun. I suspect my definition of difficult is a bit odd though!10:01
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qschulzRP: some people find screwing difficult :)10:10
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rburtonis Vyacheslav Yurkov on irc?11:49
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JaMaI assume rust changes built fine on autobuilder, but is anyone else seeing "error[E0405]: cannot find trait `FnOnce` in this scope" build failures with today's oe-core? seeing it in python3-bcrypt python3-cryptography and some other recipes13:19
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tlwoernerRP: pair programming... with a cat (lol)14:07
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Guest13Hi, what could be the reason why the syslog file is created too late? Almost 2 minutes after the operating system is booted, syslog file is created in /var/log.14:10
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PayamHi I am not so experience in Yocto. but my team have two repositories. One for the yocto build itself with the layers and one for the apps and so on.15:15
Payamso everytime they add an app they build the whole yocto project15:16
Payamthis is a yocto based agl.15:16
PayamI though that people first build AgL and then add the apps like in any linux distro15:16
Payamam I wrong?15:16
LetoThe2ndPayam: yes and no. yes, you always build the full system, not just the apps. no, you don't always start from scratch but use a sstate15:17
Payamys I know.15:18
Payambut idid not know that you build the whole system15:18
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LetoThe2ndPayam: there are variations, like using package management on the device and such, but in general, you build images.15:19
Payamhmm that is interesting.15:19
LetoThe2ndlike i said, you can look into package management or other techniques. but it really depends on your use case/workflow then.15:20
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RPJaMa: autobuilder seemed ok :/16:52
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tlwoernerRP: one of the questions that i kept asking yesterday regarding the dummy package for the sdk was why were bash and perl being installed despite the existance of the dummy package17:14
tlwoernerbut i think i see where i went wrong17:14
tlwoernerRP: the dummy package is to prevent those tools from being installed into the *target* sysroot (?)17:15
RPtlwoerner: it depends on the package17:15
tlwoerneri kept looking in the host-native sysroot and they were always there then was scratching my head as to why17:15
RPtlwoerner: we have host and target ones17:15
tlwoernerhost-dummy and target-dummy?17:16
tlwoerneri thought it was a noarch dummy17:16
RPmeta/recipes-core/meta/ vs meta/recipes-core/meta/nativesdk-buildtools-perl-dummy.bb17:16
tlwoernernot to mention meta/recipes-core/meta/nativesdk-sdk-provides-dummy.bb17:21
tlwoernera "fix" that i came up with is to remove the RCONFLICTS line from meta/recipes-core/meta/dummy-sdk-package.inc17:22
tlwoernerdo dummy packages and "real" packages need to conflict?17:22
tlwoernerif the user explicitly asks for perl to be installed, the underlying package system will happily install one then say it's already installed the second time17:23
RPtlwoerner: if you want perl, you probably need a dummy recipe which doesn't provide it17:23
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rburtonRP: cross your fingers
RPrburton: nice, will do :D17:27
LetoThe2ndi've got a build where tar falls over "unexpected EOF" during packaging systemd on dunfell. does that ring a bell, anybody?17:35
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rburtondisk full?17:39
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khemcould be race17:43
LetoThe2ndrburton: nope.17:43
LetoThe2ndkhem: can you elaborate?17:43
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khemdoes it happen all the time ?17:45
LetoThe2ndkhem: yes, reproducible.17:45
khemand which tool is throwing that error do you know ?17:46
LetoThe2ndkhem: tar it seems to be17:46
rburtonwhat task?17:52
mischiefhow do i disable gdbm in perl?18:02
mischiefi'd think it would be PACKAGECONFIG = "", but PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS is still populated with the PACKAGECONFIG conf arguments by base.bbclass18:03
rburtondepends where you're setting PACKAGECONFIG18:03
mischiefin a bbappend18:04
rburtonthen your bbappend isn't being applied18:04
rburton"bitbake-getvar -r perl PACKAGECONFIG" will prove that18:05
mischiefit is though, i see it set to "" in bitbake -e18:05
mischiefgdbm is blacklisted because it is gpl 3.18:06
rburtonoh fun, perl changed again18:06
rburtoni don't think we have an explicit test for this18:07
rburtonwhat yocto release?18:07
mischiefwe set INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE to remove GPL-3.0 which gdbm appears to be18:08
mischief(and use meta-gplv2, for better or worse)18:08
rburtonmight be worth trying "bitbake perl -C unpack" to verify that this isn't perl being terrible at rebuilds, as kirkstone might not have the always-build-from-clean commit18:09
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mischiefit seems to me that the issue might be base.bbclass setting PACKAGECONFIG_CONFARGS to -Ui_db -Ui_gdbm even though PACKAGECONFIG was cleared. why is that?18:10
rburtonthose are the 'disable' values18:10
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mischiefoh, duh.18:11
mischiefis there a way to avoid perl being built for the target at all? we don't actually have it in our rootfs..18:12
rburtonyou *could* figure out why its being pulled into the dependency tree and disable it.  setting INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE in the image recipe instead of globally is a better way to do it, fwiw.18:13
rburtontypically you don't care if you build perl locally with gpl3 bits, you care if they get shipped.18:14
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rburtonthe dependency could be via a test case in a ptest recipe that you're not installing18:14
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mischiefthat does seem like a good approach, it is sometimes handy to have eg gdb in developer builds and not production builds18:14
rburtonjust move the assignment to the image recipe that you care doesn't have any gpl3 code in18:15
mischiefah, i did disable ptest recently, but that was only on the main branch and not my kirkstone integration branch :(18:16
mischiefi guess i need to rebase again18:16
rburtonreminder that you should *always* make your own distro if you're using yocto in production, don't use poky and fiddle it.  make your own distro with your own DISTRO_FEATURES.  if you don't want ptest then you can not enable it in the first place.  ditto stuff like vulkan.18:18
mischiefweird, do_package_qa passed for perl this time.18:19
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JaMaRP: one of my builds was also a bit more successful, except buildpaths QA check, will investigate18:34
JaMaWARNING: python3-bcrypt-4.0.0-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: File /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bcrypt/ in package python3-bcrypt contains reference to TMPDIR [buildpaths]18:34
JaMaWARNING: python3-cryptography-38.0.1-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: File /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/ in package python3-cryptography contains reference to TMPDIR [buildpaths]18:34
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vvnhi there -- how does bitbake deal with concurrent builds on the same machine? i.e. multiple devs building images19:17
JPEWvvn: They need to use separate TMPDIR19:18
JPEWvvn: probably even separate build dirs19:18
vvnI'm ok with that, but I19:19
vvnbut I'm wondering what happens in terms of core usage19:19
vvni.e. if 2 people build an imagine including, let's say, qtwebengine :)19:19
JPEWYou might look at the new PSI support that was added, but otherwise they just both run oblivious to each other19:20
vvnI'm asking because I think bitbake checks the number of core when it starts, so by default it'll use all of them (or N-1 core). Then if a second user starts a bitbake instance, not sure what happens19:20
JPEWIt's just asking the hardware, it's not checking how many cores are "used" or not19:23
JPEWe.g. the current CPU load doesn't affect that query19:24
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LetoThe2ndrburton: turns out $coworker had this: addtask mymagic after do_install before do_populate_sysroot19:58
LetoThe2ndseems to cause the problem, had him change it to a do_install:append and is supposedly fine now.19:59
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khemLetoThe2nd: is it regarding the tar issue ?21:39
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RPJaMa: I've not see those :/22:08
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JaMaRP: I see them only with qemuarm64, but not with qemux86-6422:14
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