Monday, 2022-11-28

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LetoThe2ndyo dud07:28
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mckoangood morning07:46
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hsvI'm trying to add linux spi device driver.  lsmod shows it loaded but the device file needs creating manually and then it still cannot be read.  Any ideas what i'm doing wrong please? -
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rburtonRP: nice to see modules get thrown into the hash09:47
phako[m]rburton: I stumbled upon the meta-guacamayo layer on friday - I suppose that is dead as a dodo?09:57
rburtonphako[m]: now i'm going to reminisce about what could have been10:02
phako[m]I'm sorry10:03
rburton(the app was the prototype UI for meego-tv, before it was drastically rescoped and we had to stop work on it)10:03
phako[m]wow. is really unhappy if you do not have a master branch10:05
rburtonphako[m]: ask moto-timo about that10:06
phako[m]or is it unhappy about the layer. hm10:06
rburtoni think it does have an issue with non-master10:08
RPrburton: do you think the API is right?10:08
phako[m]no its also unhappy about me having created the account after submitting it10:08
RPrburton: it looks at the dependencies but not the code itself currently. Not sure if that is the right way to go or not10:08
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Guest82Hello, I'm currently using the SDK tools to develop a c project and that works great. (VS Code / Cmake, gcc/gdb path sourced from the SDK scripts etc.) I'm now investigating options to do the same for a new Rust project. So it's not about compiling code through bitbake for the image (yet), but setting up a cross compile environment for Rust from11:02
Guest82the SDK. Would you know if there is a (documented) way to do this?11:02
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RPGuest82: which release are you using? In master we do have sdk rust tests:
RPvmeson: might want to mention that in your presentation! :)11:17
Guest82Hi RP, I'm on 4.0 Kirkstone, is that what you mean?. So far I've tried to add rust-native and cargo-native to my IMAGE_INSTALL:append but bitbake is complaining that do populate_sdk rdepends on non-existent task do_package_write_deb in ....../ so I'm guessing that's not the correct or complete way to do it.11:21
rburtonGuest82: have a look at the test case RP linked to. you can't put native stuff into an image: it wouldn't work.11:22
Guest82Thanks RP and rburton, will do!11:23
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vermaeteCould it be the PREMIRROR stuff in Yocto at master is broken?  And how to debug it?11:25
rburtonkhem: i'm blaming some changes in meta-clang for breaking our qemuarm64+clang testimage.  xorg doesn't start.  I'm glaring at the pixman change :)11:25
vermaeteI have:11:26
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rburtonvermaete: maybe? what do you mean by 'broken'11:26
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vermaetewell, it was working.  It did a sync (have air gapped network) of a lot of meta layers from the Internet.11:26
vermaeteAnd now it's not working anymore.11:33
rburtonthat's still quite vague11:33
vermaeteBut I don't really know where to start debugging.11:33
rburtonyou did a fetchall, and now a build without networking is failing?11:33
vermaeteI have in local.conf (what's still working on the release before the fetch)11:35
vermaeteINHERIT += "own-mirrors"11:35
vermaeteSOURCE_MIRROR_URL = "http://mirror"11:36
vermaeteand a normal wget from http://mirror to the download dir does work and  the bitbake that recipe is passing (once it's manually fetched).11:36
vermaeteBut if you could point in a direction where to start debugging?11:37
rburtonthe fetch log for the recipe in question will include the premirror fetch11:38
rburtonif it fails, it will say there11:38
rburtoni'm still guessing what your problem is though11:38
vermaeteOk, I can check that.  somewhere today...11:38
vermaeteIs PREMIRROR stuff somewhere in ci/cd?11:39
rburtonwhat do you mean?11:39
vermaeteOr is 'having no Internet' somewhere in the testing.11:39
vermaeteWell, is this in the regression suite (ci/cd?)11:39
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rburtonPREMIRROR is in the test suite, yes11:40
vermaeteok, that it's my problem:-)   Thanks11:41
RPGuest82: we made changes in langdale/master which improve rust sdk support FWIW11:46
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Guest82RP thanks for the suggestion, I have to stick to Kirkstone for compatibility with other layers but maybe these improvements will become available there at some point.13:14
Guest82Appending packagegroup-rust-cross-canadian-${MACHINE} to TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK in my image results in a segmentation fault build error for rust-llvm/1.59.0-r0. Hard to pin point exactly for me.13:14
RPGuest82: sadly we didn't get things fixed until after kirkstone shipped :(13:16
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LetoThe2ndRP: sounds like we need meta-lts-rust-backports... *cough*13:29
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JaMameta-lts-rust-backports-mixin-with-kirkstone :)13:33
JaMaFWIW: I've also backported newer rust from langdale to kirkstone for meta-webosose, but not due to packaging fixes13:34
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Guest82RP no worries. Trying to google for these topics already told me it's not time yet for Yocto dummies like me, I'm sure it will mature over time.13:38
Guest82LetoThe2nd, Yep would be awesome, Mender...Kirkstone lts.13:38
Guest82Sticking to C++ for now...13:38
LetoThe2ndGuest82: it actually was more like, a bit ironic ;-)13:39
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RPLetoThe2nd: well volunteered :)13:56
LetoThe2ndRP: that would be quite an experience, the un-rustiest, un-pythoniest person around to maintain a magic layer.13:59
RPLetoThe2nd: you think I know anything about rust? :)13:59
LetoThe2ndRP: at least you know YP internals and python, thats a lot more than me.14:00
Ad0is there a guide to add pregenerated host keys to openssh?14:07
Ad0is it even a good idea? boring to accept random keys from devices that are live14:07
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rburtonAd0: oe-core has a recipe for pre-generated keys for QA purposes, we don't care if the images which are built, boot once, and thrown away use the same keys14:12
JPEWRP: Hmm, you are deep in the dark arts with the inspect calls :)14:12
Ad0hehe thanks14:13
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JaMarburton: is there a reason why you're adding CVE tag and your SOB above the git patch headers? That breaks "git am" which I've noticed in
rburtoni'll try to stop, didn't realise it broke git am14:28
JaMathanks :)14:28
rburtonthe goal was to make it clear which are our tags and then a pristine commit from upstream  or whatever14:29
rburtonbut if git doesn't like that, i'll try to stop14:29
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JaMaand any idea why isn't shown in sakoman's report for kirkstone (only CVE-2022-2868 was listed), FWIW: I'll send a patch for both14:30
rburtonits already fixed14:32
rburtonsee tiffcrop-subroutines14:32
rburtonat least i spent about an hour getting lost in a maze of cve reports, merge requests, issues, and commits14:33
rburtonso i hope i didn't mark something fixed when it wasn't14:33
JaMathe fix still does apply to 4.3.0 in kirkstone (with some conflicts) the 0001-tiffcrop-subroutines-require-a-larger-buffer-fixes-2.patch is only in master with 4.4.014:34
JaMaand yes, the maze is amazing, I'm getting lost as well14:35
RPJPEW: I couldn't decide if it was my lack of python skills or not! The code just felt a bit ugly :/14:38
RPJPEW: I did conclude I could probably drop the latter stacking bit and let the normal code handle it14:38
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pasherringHello, all. I'm trying to create a custom task for a few selected recipes. I am trying to understand what are the conditions for a stamp file to be create. Any of you could share some wisdom on that regard?15:16
vmesonRP, thanks and yes there are a few things that I still have to add to my talk.15:20
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rburtonkhem: confirmed with a bisect that the meta-clang pixman change means xorg doesn't start16:27
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rburtongetting the actual log now, i guess xorg is crashing16:27
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rburtonyes, xorg is segfaulting in pixman16:34
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RPvmeson: probably also worth mentioing that rust became a toolchain feature for sdks16:41
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RPJPEW: FWIW that inspect call to getsource has 130 calls taking 0.2s16:45
JPEWRP: Ah interesting. What about the compile() call?16:46
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vmesonRP - okay17:21
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RPJPEW: As far as I can tell, the __import__ call takes around 0.006s17:39
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BrziCoHi guys, I'm creating image for RPi3 using meta-raspberrypi layer. From my colleague I recieved .dtbo file that he wants me to include in /boot/overlays folder on RPi3. I tried creating my recipe that would do that, but when i boot my RPi3 my dtbo file isn't there. Here is my recipe:17:54
BrziCoLICENSE = "MIT"17:54
BrziCoLIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"17:54
BrziCoSRC_URI = "file://mcp2515-can2.dtbo"17:54
BrziCoS = "${WORKDIR}"17:54
BrziCoinherit deploy nopackages17:54
BrziCodo_deploy() {17:54
BrziCo    install -d ${DEPLOYDIR}/${BOOTFILES_DIR_NAME}/overlays17:54
BrziCo    cp ${S}/mcp2515-can2.dtbo ${DEPLOYDIR}/${BOOTFILES_DIR_NAME}/overlays/mcp2515-can2.dtbo17:54
BrziCoaddtask deploy before do_build after do_install17:54
BrziCodo_deploy[dirs] += "${DEPLOYDIR}/${BOOTFILES_DIR_NAME}/overlays"17:55
BrziCoMy layer structure:17:55
BrziCo├── conf17:55
BrziCo│   ├── distro17:55
BrziCo│   │   └── ikm.conf17:55
BrziCo│   ├── layer.conf17:55
BrziCo│   └── machine17:55
BrziCo│       └── raspberrypi3-ikm.conf17:55
BrziCo├── COPYING.MIT17:55
BrziCo├── README17:55
BrziCo└── recipes-ikm17:55
BrziCo    ├── images17:55
BrziCo    │   └── ikm-image.bb17:55
BrziCo    └── mcp251517:55
BrziCo        ├── files17:55
BrziCo        │   └── mcp2515-can2.dtbo17:55
BrziCo        └── mcp2515_0.1.bb17:55
BrziCoI'm new by the way :D17:56
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BrziCoERROR: _exec_cmd: install -m 0644 -D /home/aleksandar/Desktop/yocto/build/tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi3-ikm/bootfiles/overlays /home/aleksandar/Desktop/yocto/build/tmp/work/raspberrypi3_ikm-poky-linux-gnueabi/ikm-image/1.0-r0/tmp-wic/boot.1/overlays returned '1' instead of 018:22
BrziCo| output: install: omitting directory '/home/aleksandar/Desktop/yocto/build/tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi3-ikm/bootfiles/overlays'18:22
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pasherringBrziCo, it is strange that the do_deploy, the command used is install -d ..., whereas the error it shows install -D, which have different behaviors. This might be a lead :)19:08
pasherringIs there a way to run "bitbake -c cleanall" only for non-native recipes?19:09
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rburtonpasherring: deleting tmp/ would be very effective20:28
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jackos888[m]Hello... (full message at <>)21:12
jackos888[m]if KERNEL_DEVICETREE="somedt.dtb", then the 2 bbwarn print the same value even after setting KERNEL_DEVICETREE=""21:13
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pasherringrburton, i see. but just too effective, hahahahaha. I'd like to keep the native goodies, but thoroughly recompile all the cross-compiled packages, for minimal effort.21:27
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rburtonpasherring: it will all come from sstate in seconds21:29
pasherringrburton, Some context: here, we use -R path/to/some/tweaking.conf to tweak our images. E.g., control some variables that would end up impacting on the cross-compiled packages. When switching between these configs, sometimes the image becomes broken in a very weird way.21:30
pasherringso, currently, the workaround we use is: if switching *.conf files, delete tmp and sstate.21:30
rburtoni can't see why deleting sstate would be needed21:31
rburtondelete tmp if you think there's some weird failure to rebuild cleanly (recipe bug, fwiw), but sstate won't be a problem21:31
rburtonunless you've found a new and exciting bug in -R21:31
rburtonhonestly, never seen it used before21:31
rburtonbut that would be easily tested in a minimal recipe21:31
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pasherringbecause the broken packages somehow get set scened (or so I think), and the issue just just stucks there21:32
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rburtonright, replicate with a minimal recipe.  if you use -R to change a config, does it correctly re-run or do the changes not actually impact the sstate hashes21:32
pasherringI see, I'll give it a try. The main concern here is that I cannot pinpoint the broken recipe (if any), the image simply gets broken. (and I'd say that an image cannot satisfy the "minimal recipe" class :P)21:34
rburtonwrite a new recipe that just prints a number21:35
rburtonor echos it to a file in a package, or something21:35
rburtonthen change that number with a -R conf file21:35
rburtonit should rerun21:35
pasherringAh, you mean that even if the -R conf never really touches the recipe's variables, it should rerun?21:39
pasherringI am under a fairly old bitbake release (rdk stuff), so, I am not sure if this is yet another corner case.21:40
pasherringBitBake Build Tool Core version 1.32.021:40
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RPpasherring: it is possible some element of the configuration isn't making it into the sstate signatures. Would be interesting to know if the sstate overlaps between the two configurations and if you can replicate the failure if you copy in matching bits from a bad build into the good one and build it from sstate22:02
pasherringRP, I think I get it. But, this is a bit out of my bitbake-fu. sstate is basically witchcraft to me.22:09
pasherringYou mean for me to run 3 builds, say C01.conf, C02.conf, C01.conf switching afterwards to C02.conf, and to collect the resulting sstate for each one of these, to understand the differences?22:09
RPpasherring: build the two configurations, then compare the sstate directories and see how much overlap there is in the hashes. If the hashes aren;t changing and the configuration is, that suggests one kind of problem22:10
RPalternatively, is some of the hashes are different and some aren't you could build the image from sstate using different mixes of the sstate which is the same, see if you can pinpoint any that breaks the image22:11
RPif the hashes are all different, sstate and the hashes aren't the problem22:12
pasherringNice! This was what I was suspecting. I'll run clean builds and see what comes out then. Thanks for the input! =)22:13
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Ad0where is the appropiate place to have a recipe copy the authorized_keys in openssh to ~/root? my own recipe or a bbappend on openssh ? seems like having a bbappend messes up the patching22:21
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Ad0couldn't do t he classic S = workdir22:34
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RPAn interesting dilemma. Bitbake wants to write out the codeparser cache and use it for the base configuration. But to load/write the cache, we need to know the variable CACHE or PERSISTENT_DIR which we can't know until the base configuration is parsed :/22:58
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RPhang on, why does cache have all this craziness in it's path name anyway?23:00
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* RP feels another deletion patch coming on23:02
RPkergoth: any thoughts on "addpylib" ?23:03
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RPWould it be really bad if bitbake assumed a cache directory of TOPDIR/cache ?23:19
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