Friday, 2023-01-20

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LetoThe2ndyo dudX07:34
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RPlandgraf: do you happen to know how to allow target-sdk-provides-dummy (which provides perl) to replace a dependency some recipe has on perl >= 5.36.0, I'm a bit unclear on how to make the version piece work08:37
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RPlandgraf: it does seem to be an rpm specific issue08:38
RPlandgraf: just wondered if you had any insight! :)08:38
phako[m]Failed to load the xcbgen Python package! - shouldn't that come from some native package?08:38
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phako[m]ah. found a patch foir libxcb that I am possibly missing.08:48
landgrafRP: I don't know. Never touched sdk part but I can take a look :)08:49
landgrafRP: I'm on CC list of this bug looks like I'm interested in.08:50
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alexis-lothoreHi. I am about to send a v2 for some autobuilder tooling upgrade patchset (, but contrary to v1, it will affect multiple repositories (yocto-autobuilder-helper for the core of patchset, yocto-autobuilder2 for09:07
alexis-lothorechanging name of called script from yocto-autobuilder-helper, and poky for minor documentation update regarding the first two). I searched on doc/wiki about how I am supposed to send  those 3 linked patchset, mut maybe I missed the info : is it ok to send three separate patch mails, each one mentioning the previous ?09:07
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landgrafRP: Shouldn't something similar be done for ipk/dep ?09:30
RPlandgraf: they don't need that, the code works as is iirc09:34
RPlandgraf: it could be there is some absolute path present which breaks things, what I then don't understand is why removing the perl version constraint would make it work09:40
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landgrafRP: I'll take a look at this bug if you don't mind (well, I'm on it already :-) )09:47
RPlandgraf: I don't mind at all! I got so far with it but I'm not sure where from here09:48
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RPlandgraf: just to be clearer about the above patch, rpm has internal magic for dependencies on specific files which simply isn't present for ipk/deb, they don't have that mechanism at all09:53
RPlandgraf: we run rpmdeps and generate some extra info so our deb/ipk dependencies are more like rpms but not everything is the same09:53
landgrafRP: yes, it does most of this magic features are disabled in oe iirc10:02
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RPlandgraf: we do that we as we run rpmdeps separately ourselves and filter it, then all the backends have the same data10:14
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ptsnevesqschulz: yes. I corrected it locally but only now updated. Would this be acceptable?10:40
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RPlandgraf: it is possible my debugging was flawed, I may have been debugging the wrong thing :(11:11
landgrafRP: I will take it then. As well as two other bugs Tim mentioned.11:14
RPlandgraf: somewhere part way through testing I think rpm was switched for ipk packaging :(11:15
RPlandgraf: thanks, I suspect the challenge here is going to be working out the best way to do this all the package managers agree on11:16
landgrafRP: np.  I was going to look for interesting bugs to solve anyway.11:18
RPlandgraf: I updated the comments just to show my earlier ones are flawed11:21
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qschulzptsneves: send it for review and see :)11:59
qschulzwith proper commit log, explaining why this was needed :)12:00
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wkawkaCan I make an append uding bbappend file to change something in inc file?12:28
wkawkaCan I make an append using bbappend file to change something in inc file?12:28
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ptsneveswkawka: yes, there is no difference where the metadata came from12:28
wkawkaso assuming I have files:, and how should I name a bbappend file to append to the inc dile?12:31
ptsnevesyou do not bbapend to the inc but to the recipe. So for your case you need 2 bbappends12:32
ptsnevesif you want to bbappend for both target and native12:32
wkawkaOh so it is like that, thanks12:32
ptsnevesmaybe the other part of the idea is that you do not bbappend any .inc file, only bb* files12:33
rburtonwkawka: ideally, you don't have a native recipe, just do the native specific pieces with overrdes in the main recipe12:34
wkawkaYes, i just needed to fix SRC_URI path which is common for them in .inc file12:39
rburtonRP: that pkgconfig bug, i presume you mean buildtools-tarball-extended (as normal has no pkgconfig)12:49
RPrburton: yes12:51
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RPrburton: sorry, I did mean that12:51
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rburtonjust checking i didnt get the wrong end of the stick :)12:52
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rburtonand again i wish that sh had a "list all available paths for a binary" so I can run the one that isn't first13:10
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rburtonRP: can i use a non-posix but dash/bash option in the sdk environment script? :)13:17
rburton"command -p" is 'find the binary using a hardcoded path, not $PATH'13:18
rburtonso runs the host pkgconfig easily13:18
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RPrburton: it makes me a little nervous given all the places it could end up used, not sure13:35
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RPrburton: which -a pkg-config btw13:36
rburtonyeah, but can't rely on that13:39
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RPzeddii: you're tempting me to reply asking about spaces vs tabs14:29
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mcfriskis patch Friday a thing? maybe it should be..14:46
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kergothrburton: couldn't you roll your own PATH traversal? if [ -x $pathcomponent/yourbinary ]; then...15:07
kergothmight not be perfect, but in a pinch..15:07
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RPmcfrisk: I'm a bit torn on your patchset, I'm worried it will make runqemu a bit too chatty. That is useful during debugging like the issue you had but sometimes not so much day to day15:21
moto-timolandgraf: thank you for taking a look. I wonder if this worked differently with rpm5/smartpm vs. rpm4/dnf now?15:22
moto-timolandgraf: that switch happened back in ~2017 poky d4efcded26706f50f8ca98d76df2b349ed1f179215:23
moto-timolandgraf: or in that time frame anyway15:23
mcfriskRP: I prefer my builds and CI chatty over nice and quite and not possible to debug..15:23
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RPmcfrisk: do you always run with bitbake -DDDv then?15:24
Guest84Hello, I kindly ask for some guidelines on the topic of splitting the rootfs into several partitions15:24
Guest84We are working on a SOC and the provider has released to us a Yocto baseline. Their approach to rootfs split is to create several Image recipes, each image recipe will create a partition image(.ubi file).15:24
Guest84The architecture team requires to have 3 partitions:15:24
Guest841- The usual rootfs contents, with FOSS utilities, init, etc15:24
Guest842- A partition to store executable apprlications and shared libs from dev team A15:24
Guest843- A partition to store executables and libs for dev team B15:24
Guest84I think the usage of separated Image recipes is not ok. It is creating issues like dupplicated files and also complicating SDK generation15:24
RPmcfrisk: too much output means the user misses things they need to see :/15:24
mcfriskRP: bitbake is nice and quiet, the task output needs to have a lot of data when things go wrong..15:25
RPmcfrisk: well, I disagree :/15:25
RPThere needs to be a balance15:25
Guest84I think it would be better to install all in a single image recipe and split this image in the end15:25
Guest84Is there a recomended approach to this? I know there is a tool called WIC but Im not sure if it fits my use case. I have not researched in dept15:27
mcfriskThis time I was just lucky to have reproducible deadlock. for sure debug output can be reduced. I actually reduced it quite a bit. the ssh run() output is in logs only once. the boot logs are quite important to be there when things go wrong15:28
ptsnevesGuest84: what do you expect to get from splitting things into partitions?15:38
Guest84For instance, some recipes would install their files under /partition2, others will install under /partition315:40
ptsnevesyes but what advantages does that provide you at the system level15:40
kergothDo we have a doc outlining the process to diagnose sstate manifest not found messages, especially with allarch involved?15:41
Guest84ok, to be honest, I dont do this choices.15:41
Guest84But my guess is that it will generate smaller sw update packages15:41
Guest84since the root partition will probably remain mostly unchaged in time15:42
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Guest84while probably only partition2 or 3 will be updated15:42
ptsnevesok that sounds maybe fair but then you need to ensure compatibility with themselves. You start to manage a distribution. I think the rootfs is probably small enough to not be worth. You can use RAUC and mini-images to manage partitions and deployment. That is how i would do but it is a complex setup15:44
Guest84ok, thanks will read about it15:46
Guest84is it WIC out of the scope of my use case?15:46
ptsnevesit would be in scope, but as an alternative to RAUC. RAUC is more complicated but solves problems you will no doubt face when going with partition swapping. So at least read about RAUC to make the decision.15:50
ptsnevesthat is my PoV of course15:51
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landgrafmoto-timo: it worked differently. in 2017 it was failing even with package_rpm :)16:56
moto-timolandgraf: heh. so it was an "improvement"16:56
landgrafmoto-timo: currently rpm works but ipk fails16:57
landgrafmoto-timo: So rpm was improved )16:57
moto-timolandgraf: and deb16:57
moto-timolandgraf: but I suspect if we can figure out a sane fix for ipk, deb will also work16:58
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landgrafRP: "funny fact" opkg with internal solver works fine while livsolv doesn't :-/16:58
landgrafmoto-timo: I hope so...17:00
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RPlandgraf: ouch :/17:01
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* RP realises that he never got back to trying to improve the datastore code after the override syntax changes17:15
moto-timoit's been busy since then ;)17:15
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landgrafRP: My fault it fails with internal solver too (IMAGE_INSTALL+="" should be banned from local.conf :( . It masks so many issues if used)17:51
landgraf(I know it's documented in the reference manual)17:51
RPlandgraf: I would love to change things so that didn't do that17:53
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landgrafRP: "conflics:" tag doesn't work if architecture of the packages differs (in our case perl is cortexa57 and target-sdk-provides-dummy is arch: sdk_provides_dummy_target) it means package_rpm is even more broken than ipk :-/18:32
landgrafin other words "conflics" does nothing in target-sdk-provides-dummy18:33
landgrafand they're parallel installable because dummy doesn't contain any files for actual conflict18:33
landgrafat least it explains why rpm works...18:34
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khemJaMa: yeah we need to address LFS64 symbols in binutils perhaps I will look into it post 2.40 merge19:14
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khemRP: I am seeing a native package reuse issue - is not uniformly available on all build hosts, so if a native package is built on say debian  and reused on fedora37 builder we run into issues like | mtp-hotplug -w > 69-libmtp.hwdb19:38
khem| mtp-hotplug: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:38
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khemperhaps building statically solves it19:41
khembut its a thorny problem19:41
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khemI see that none of AB nodes running fedora-like distros have libatomic package installed, perhaps that will be a good thing to improve the sstate use across builders20:00
khemhalstead: any thoughts ^^20:00
halsteadkhem: I suppose that's the best setup. Then we can be sure we use the library we build instead of the host's. Yeah ?20:03
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khemI think if you install it on all redhat like devices we should be good too20:13
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halsteadkhem: It's easy enough to add to all those workers but doesn't that cover up potential problems?20:50
khemperhaps yes20:51
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RPkhem: I think we need to fix the build21:44
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landgrafI should have read SDK section of the YP docs before...21:54
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khemRP: in what way should build be fixed ?22:09
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RPkhem: can we put a copy of libatomic into uninative?22:25
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khemlibatomic is part of gcc22:31
RPkhem: we already put libgcc into uninative22:31
khemI see that libusb tries to find who provides __atomic_fetch_add_4 during configure and on non-fedora hosts it says checking for library containing __atomic_fetch_add_4... -latomic22:31
khembut on fedora it says checking for library containing __atomic_fetch_add_4... no22:32
khemsimply adding libatomic to pre-requisites might be simpler IMO22:33
landgrafRP: maybe stupid question but... Is IMAGE_INSTALL supposed to work for customising of the SDK ?
RPlibusb for the target? changing depending on the host? :/22:34
RPlandgraf: it would influence bitbake xxx-image -c populate_sdk22:35
landgrafoh image22:35
landgraf:-/ too much sdk for me today22:35
landgrafRP Thanks22:35
khemRP:  no, its when libusb-native is built on fedora or non-fedora builders22:35
RPkhem: can we just force the config off in the native case?22:36
khemRP: somehow libatomic1 is installed on all hosts but fedora-like ones22:36
khemRP: question is not about libusb but its a common autoconf check22:36
khemwe can handle libusb now that we know whats going on22:37
RPkhem: right, but we can't make every recipe depend on libatomic from gcc22:37
RPkhem: we can put libatomic into uninative so anything reusing sstate can find it though22:37
khemRP: I also question the default fedora installs why they dont have it22:40
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RPkhem: if we've managed to have autobuilders without it, it clearly can not be present in some situations so we need to handle that22:41
khemit seems its a deliberate in fedora22:46
RPkhem: we could also just put a sanity scan of native binaries to error if libatomic is found?23:02
khemhmmm yeah, technically libatomic should not be needed on arches we use to build ( x86_64, aarch64 ppc64 )23:02
khemgcc has builtins23:03
khemso fedora is not entirely wrong23:03
khemmultlib might be another story 🙂23:04
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