Thursday, 2023-02-23

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mckoangood morning07:55
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX & mckoan08:04
mcfrisk_Are rust and crates usable on kirkstone or should I give up and update to newer releases or master branch?08:09
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piiehey there, I'm kind of confused, how openssl project reacts on pushing a fix for a mem-leak. Would be happy to get any opinion on how Matt / I acted:
JaMamcfrisk_: depends on what you need, I had to backport newer rust version from langdale and to generate SRC_URI with cargo-update-recipe-crates.bbclass I'm preparing recipes in mickledore (and then using them in kirkstone)08:14
JaMapiie: sounds strange, so those 23 lines in sslapitest.c weren't for you?08:16
piieJaMa: first I just pushed a on line fix with the free() call08:19
JaMatheir policy on what is and isn't trivial very clear and they expain why08:19
piieand this was kind of refused without a test case. which is fine08:20
JaMaand I'm not a lawyer as well, so I agree it's annoying and strange, but they might be just very careful as it's openssl after all08:20
piieso I copy&pasted the test case as Matt was saying.  And now the change isn't trivial anymore08:20
mcfrisk_JaMa: well my need is meta-security master branch and parsec-service, and just hit build failures on kirkstone. it looks like there are floating dependencies to something so I'm wondering if there are major problems with cargo/rust on kirkstone which are fixed in master..08:21
piieJaMa: what I don't get is, I found a bug in the openssl and provided a oneline fix. So I'd expect the openssl project is more than interested to fix this instead of requesting a test case to make the change non-trivial to get personal data from somebody...08:24
JaMapiie: understood, many people would just sign the CLA, so maybe they just expected you to do the same08:26
kanavinmcfrisk_, you should set up master builds and have be the primary integration point for your product development anyway08:28
piieJaMa: obviously. Thanks for sharing your view08:28
kanavinmcfrisk_, you'll generate far more interest if you can demonstrate the issue on master, and if the issue on master isn't happening, you can bisect to the point where it was fixed08:30
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JaMaangry lawyer might be more dangerous than mem-leak :/08:31
mcfrisk_kanavin: I'm doing that as well... just wondering if rust and cargo support in kirkstone and master are in "working" state. There were no changes to meta-security master branch parsec-service recipe but it fails to build now with "error: failed to run custom build command for `tss-esapi v7.1.0`", at least with kirkstone poky, meta-openembedded, meta-arm...08:31
landgrafJaMa: bad lawyer (as well as  layer :-) ) might be dangerous too08:32
piieJaMa: oh, that's a point.  haven't looked at it from that angle08:32
piiethen I hope they're not doing same thing for more serious bugs08:32
kanavinmcfrisk_, it's seen quite a lot of activity since kirkstone, so master is working, and as for kirkstone I simply don't care. If you want me to care, show the problem on master.08:33
piieluckily my finding for the openssl CVE-2021-3449 was able to be fixed really with a one-liner ;)08:33
kanavinpiie, I'm with upstream on this one. You have to sign a CLA.08:35
piiekanavin: no, I can't08:35
kanavinpiie, if you can't then you shouldn't be contributing to openssl or take work duties that require you to. Go and explain this to your manager.08:36
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piiekanavin: this is indeed the point. I have clear ok from my company to work on openssl and contribute. but I cannot sign privately on the CLA and to get company signing the CCLA is ongoing since months (you know, big companies and legalities)08:39
kanavinpiie, that I can understand and agree with (not willing to sign a CLA privately). Still it's a problem of your company, not openssl's.08:40
piiekanavin: they could have applied the one-line fix, I provided in first place08:41
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kanavinpiie, if upstream asks you to sign a CLA, it's best not to argue that they shouldn't. you're just going to alienate the maintainers, and you want a healthy relationship with them.08:42
kanavinsame goes for providing extra tests or generally addressing review concerns. It's ok to ask for clarity if you don't understand the review, it's not ok to question the review itself.08:43
piiethanks, good points, helps me to understand their view better. Although it's not matching my picture of how open source development was intended in first place08:45
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kanavinpiie, I do agree that CLAs are not in the spirit of open source at all, and if your company publishes code, you should push hard to make it CLA-free project, or say that you're not doing it if CLAs are required.08:46
kanavinon the other hand, some important pieces like openssl, python, or qt are all asking for CLAs, so it's hard to avoid them as a contributor.08:46
kanavinI've even heard ridiculous positions like 'we do not allow our engineers to contributeto 3rd party projects if CLA is involved, but all our code must be published only with a CLA requirement for contributors'08:47
piieyes, understood.  Thanks again, this really helped and I need some time to rethink my way of working in such constellations08:47
kanavinpiie, yocto is completely CLA free :-)08:48
piiekanavin: so far I haven't found a bug in here ;)08:49
kanavinbecause we're awesome08:49
piie... and I'm not so deeply into yocto (yet) :D08:50
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Joel71Good day folks! I would like WIC to create fixed-size partitions, e.g 3.5gb. I'm also using --source=rootfs. What I get as a result is 3.5gb partitions (per lsblk) with the filesystem sized to rootfs with just whatever extra space I allow in yocto settings. How can I tell the filesystem to use the free space in the partition?09:49
Joel71So `--fixed-size=3500` does not seem to affect my rootfs. If I do `--size=3500` then that's just added on top of the size of rootfs.09:51
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Joel71This is the right combo `--fixed-size 3600 --fsoptions "x-systemd.growfs"` which makes the fs grow to available block device size.10:02
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LetoThe2ndI've stumbled across a recipe that uses both ${localstatedir}/lib and ${libdir}. am i correct that the former is incorrect, the latter is correct, but on a non-multilib build they will usually match?10:04
landgrafLetoThe2nd: isn't localstatedir == /var ?10:05
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LetoThe2ndlandgraf: yup. hm. something is really wrong in this recipe.10:08
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Entei[m]For RISCV64 image, I downloaded the `meta-riscv` layer. and successfully built a core image. However the built image is with compressed instruction set enabled. I am required to build the image without compressed  ISA.... (full message at <>)10:45
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LetoThe2ndEntei[m]: look at the tunes that are used. and please try to adjust your matrix client so it doesn't put half of your message behind links. i've looked those up two or three times now, but i find it quite annoying.11:05
Entei[m]LetoThe2nd: Sorry I am using the basic Element client11:07
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LocutusOfBorghello, question: I need to use meta-iotedge with hardknott, but layer is compatible only with dunfell11:37
LocutusOfBorgI added OVERRIDES = "meta-iotedge"11:37
LocutusOfBorgLAYERSERIES_COMPAT_meta-iotedge += "hardknott"11:37
LocutusOfBorgin my layer with higher priority BBFILE_PRIORITY_custom = "97"11:38
LocutusOfBorgERROR: Layer meta-iotedge is not compatible with the core layer which only supports these series: hardknott (layer is compatible with dunfell)11:38
LocutusOfBorgstill getting this error11:38
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LocutusOfBorg(of course I added the bbappend in my layer to make it compatible with hardknott, but I don't want to touch meta-iotedge to just add one "hardknott" word)11:38
LocutusOfBorgI'm struggling with this documentation
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LocutusOfBorgI also have BBFILES_DYNAMIC with my fixes11:41
LocutusOfBorg    meta-iotedge:${LAYERDIR}/dynamic-layers/meta-iotedge/*/*/*.bb \11:41
LocutusOfBorg    meta-iotedge:${LAYERDIR}/dynamic-layers/meta-iotedge/*/*/*.bbappend \11:41
LocutusOfBorgand they work correctly11:41
* derRichard wonders what's the best way to have linux's CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR set to the build output of the linux-firmware recipe11:42
qschulzderRichard: you're not supposed to do this11:42
qschulzderRichard: either (ab)use SYSROOT_DIRS to make linux-firmware available in the kernel's sysroot11:42
JaMaLocutusOfBorg: that's not how LAYERSERIES_COMPAT works, see meta-qt5-compat which was in meta-webosose11:42
LocutusOfBorgJaMa, I tried, but I didn't really understand it11:43
qschulzderRichard: or use do_deploy mechanism and the deploy directory to exchange data (look at how U-Boot is getting BL31 from tf-a for example)11:43
derRichardqschulz: ah, that way i can keep CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR set to /lib/firmware/?11:43
LocutusOfBorgcommit 1d580dd473e0d5d6b2a0734858334573213fb45511:43
LocutusOfBorgAuthor: Martin Jansa <>11:43
LocutusOfBorgDate:   Fri Sep 28 06:02:40 2018 +000011:43
LocutusOfBorgthis is the commit I checked :)11:43
qschulzderRichard: probably not, you'll likely need STAGING_DIR in front I think11:44
qschulzmaybe the paths are properly set for it to look into STAGING_DIR but I don't know enough :/11:45
derRichardok. so i still have to set CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR at build time then. unless there is already a way. or am i the first guy that want to use CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE? (having firmware blobs directly in the kernel image)11:45
LocutusOfBorgI'm creating a meta-iotedge-compat11:45
LocutusOfBorglets see11:45
* qschulz shrugs at derRichard11:46
JaMaLocutusOfBorg: you need to add it layer.conf of a layer which is parsed before meta-iotedge (later in BBLAYERS order)11:48
JaMaLocutusOfBorg: but even better, don't use meta-iotedge, see
JaMathey didn't merge my PR to support newer OE in 3 years11:49
LocutusOfBorgJaMa, the customer wants it...11:50
JaMaeven after I've signed CLA..11:50
LocutusOfBorgI'm patching it in customer layer11:50
JaMaThen at least point that customer to so that he is aware what he is getting into11:51
LocutusOfBorgJaMa, they pay me to do the maintaining work for them :)11:51
LocutusOfBorgsince the github project sucks, they pay me to make it build with custom patches11:51
LocutusOfBorgsad story I know11:51
LocutusOfBorgJaMa, the customer even answered to that specific issue LOL11:52
JaMaI've even fixed their CI FFS :)11:53
LocutusOfBorgbtw thanks! changing the order in bblayers.conf worked :/11:55
LocutusOfBorgthanks a lot!11:56
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derRichardqschulz: the trick with SYSROOT_DIRS worked. thx!13:09
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Entei[m]<LetoThe2nd> "Entei: look at the tunes that..." <- So I tinkered around a bit, found the file tunes file you mentioned. Tried making my own machine conf, which kept failing. so far now I just changed the `DEFAULTTUNE = "riscv64nc"`, Should that be enough?15:55
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DvorkinDmitryI'm building 5.10 kernel with Dunfell. Dunfell lacks the gcc-plugins. What methd is better? 1) to add patch for kernel.bbclass for gcc-plugins 2) to add something into my kernel recipe ? 3) to switch off gcc-plugins in my kernel (I try, but i don't see how), 4) use Kirkstone16:05
rburton(4) because newer==better, if that's an option16:05
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qschulzDvorkinDmitry: fc2b9f7f99b993ec19d7f962f4e06ec70a5313ca in poky16:09
qschulzmaybe candidate for a backport?16:09
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khemRP: I am at a loss for the buildtools tarball issue I posted about the latest findings -
khemsecondly, time to time I am seeing a checklayer failure in meta-oe builds like this one -
khemthe error says -... (full message at <>)16:16
khemit does not happen all the time, so I guess its also related to certain hosts I assume16:16
RPkhem: I was having a look at it. I think that libzstd was built against a newer libc system or against our uninative and the one in buildtools is too old. I was going to see if a newer buildtools helps the issue16:21
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khemactually let me fill you in a bit, libzstd is built from libzstd-native which gdb brings in as dependency16:23
khemfor a reproducer I copied it over16:23
RPkhem: I played with your reproducer :)16:23
RPkhem: sadly a newer buildtools does not help :(16:24
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DvorkinDmitryqschulz, thanks!16:24
khemRP: yeah, perhaps new-dt-binding patch I sent for binutils might help if its playing games with rpath16:25
qschulzDvorkinDmitry: obviously not tested, just found this to be an interesting commit, maybe there's more to backport :)16:25
khembut I am not sure16:25
khemJaMa: hmmm :))16:25
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RPkhem: I ran the failing testcase under strace and it isn't good news16:26
khemRP: we could add -pthread to cmdline but that will link libpthread with binaries which dont need it as well16:26
khemah good16:26
DvorkinDmitryqschulz, is this commit in Dunfell?16:26
RPkhem: [pid 3557923] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib64/iscsi/", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)16:26
RP[pid 3557923] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/local/oe-sdk-hardcoded-buildpath/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/lib64/", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)16:26
RP[pid 3557923] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/local/oe-sdk-hardcoded-buildpath/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/lib64/", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)16:26
RP[pid 3557923] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/local/lib64/", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)16:26
khemI did look at the RUNPATHs in they did not look out of sorts to me16:27
khemRP: ah so the build time paths are still being looked at and not beeing relocated after buildtools tarball gets installed to new location I guess ?16:28
RPkhem: that is my guess16:28
qschulzDvorkinDmitry: no, hardknott, the first release to support linux-yocto 5.1016:28
khemlooks like that16:28
khemhave you thought about using GCC_EXEC_PREFIX env var in SDK16:30
khemthat can sort these sort of relocation issues16:30
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tlwoernerhow can i test oe-core's master-next when it says i need bitbake 2.3.1?16:31
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rburtonbitbake's master commit right now is "bump to version 2.3.1"16:32
tlwoerneri just had to wait until morning16:32
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rburtonkhem: llvm sets -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release. Is this because the default is a full-debug build which is really slow, or to not generate loads of debug symbols, or something else?  I've a patch which makes the default RelWithDebug and I'm wondering what llvm and friends should do.16:39
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khemrburton: purely for speeding up builds16:40
kheminfact RelWithDebug is a better compromize if it works16:41
rburtoni'll see what it does :)16:41
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khemproblem with debug info is that its humongous in size16:42
rburtonyeah that was my thought for llvm16:42
khemand not many will debug it16:42
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rburtonhm i wonder if we should do release builds for native16:43
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RPtlwoerner: that patch was in bitbake master-next FWIW17:09
RPrburton: debug was horribly slow and huge17:10
rburtonyeah llvm-native does appear to be taking longer :)17:10
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roussinmrburton: About yesterday illegal instruction problem,  I tried running gdb on qemu to find which intruction it was emitting an SIGILL, but gdb frames shows qemu-x86_64 and not really what has been executed. gdb stops at suspend/abort which is too far.17:19
rburtonyeah that won't help, but qemu itself should be saying what the illegal instruction is17:20
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rburtonRP: hm just learnt some stuff and now i'm more confused by cmake than i was before17:23
JaMaCMake surely has some CMP policy to make you even more confused again17:25
JaMatheir backwards compatibility is nice and PIA at the same time17:26
roussinmrburton: qemu: uncaught target signal 4 (Illegal instruction) - core dumped that's pretty much the error I got.17:26
RPkhem: if I copy sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/etc/ to sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/etc/etc/ in buildtools, things work17:26
rburtonJaMa: if you don't set a build type then you get no build type so you don't get any bonus flags to the flags we already set, but we already pass -g -O2 in cflags anyway so release vs debug is meaningless as release mostly sets -O3 and debug mostly sets -g.17:28
rburtonso setting release doesn't stop it building vast amounts of debug code17:28
rburtonah no our native cflags don't have -g in by default17:30
rburtongod i hate building stuff sometimes17:30
RPrburton: I think we reasoned target debug was good, the tools, less useful in general17:31
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RPkhem: the problem is this patch:
RPkhem: need to drop the /etc17:53
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RPkhem: patch on the list17:56
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roussinmrburton: I'm trying to add debug symbols to qemu-x86_64 but when they get  to the recipe-sysroot-native they always get stripped. Even with: INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP = "1"17:58
Entei[m]Hey I tried making the `DEFAULTTUNE = "riscvq4nc"` in `meta/conf/machine/include/riscv/arch-riscv`. However my built image still comes with compressed instruction flag....17:58
Entei[m]Anyone got solutions to getting an image without compressed ISA?17:58
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BrianMcKeeHello. I'm trying to create a u-boot_%.bbappend file and I can see that it's being ignored.18:04 (skipped):18:04
BrianMcKee  .../distro/build_cyclone/../meta-mycyc/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot_%.bbappend18:04
BrianMcKeeI googled around and found that this can happen if COMPATIBLE_MACHINE is not set, but I can't find anywhere to set that variable for u-boot. I was wondering if there could be another reason the bbappend could be skipped?18:04
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khemRP: ah cool18:25
BrianMcKeeYesterday I asked some questions and got logged off, so I may have missed replies. Is there a yocto forum I could ask questions on so I wouldn't lose replies?18:29
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roussinmrburton: well I pretty much gave up on debugging this, upgraded the qemu recipe and now it works, sooooo success I guess...19:01
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khemEntei: riscvq4nc is not a valid tune in meta-riscv so you need to describe where you define it19:22
khemone of the valid tunes in oe-core is riscv64nc do you use that ?19:24
khemBrianMcKee: might have it19:29
khembut if you use matrix bridge then it should be in your element clients history even if you have closed the app19:30
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\dev\iceis it good or bad practise to place files not just files/some.conf but files/etc/some.conf?19:47
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khemwell, its upto you what you want under files/ bitbake will have to be told about the dir structure under it when you use those files20:17
khemI personally dont like deep dir structures20:17
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rburtonroussinm: upgrading and testing it was probably easier  :) you don't need debug symbols of qemu anyway, you want to get the backtrace from the app its running to identify what instruction was failing20:30
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