Monday, 2023-02-27

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aak-rookiein RaspbianOS, "/boot/config.txt" is available at runtime but not in "meta-raspberrypi", why? can we add? if we cant add it, why cant we add it?07:39
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mckoangood morning07:49
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LetoThe2ndaak-rookie: it is available, it is automatically created during image build, maybe just /boot is not mounted08:10
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LetoThe2ndaak-rookie: the point it that it gets created based on configuration, and is not a verbatim file. see which is based on
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aak-rookieLetoThe2nd  using default "sdimage-raspberrypi.wks". boot mounted by default. am i wrong?08:16
LetoThe2ndaak-rookie: well you said it is available at runtime (i overread that), so it is probably mounted.08:17
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aak-rookieavailable at RaspbianOS, not meta-raspberrypi.08:20
LetoThe2ndaak-rookie: have you actually read what i wrote, in turn?08:21
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aak-rookieLetoThe2nd yes, thanks and sorry.08:25
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jclsnI am currently trying to bring up our bluetooth module. I have enabled the required kernel modules, am able to attach to the controller and start bluetoothd. Pairing with bluetoothctl also works, but a connection attempt from the device to others doesn't work. I could however start a successful connection attempt from my phone to the device. Any ideas what could be missing here?09:02
jclsnI am just getting a Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed09:05
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jclsnAh seems like packagegroup-tools-bluetooth was missing. I wonder why this is not included in DISTRO_FEATURES = "bluetooth"09:56
jclsnOnline it says that paplay can be used for testing the bluetooth audio sink. Which recipes provides that? aplay does only find one sink and doesn't playback via bluetooth10:12
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neverpanicjclsn: From the name I'd guess it's pulseaudio ("pa")10:19
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RPkanavin_, rburton: is bizarre. I logged into opensuse153-ty-1 and that build, sourced buildtools and ran "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH pkg-config --variable=dridriverdir dri" and it works :/10:29
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rburtonjclsn: the packagegroups only bring bits in if you use them, so your image might not have been10:31
jclsnneverpanic: pulseaudio is installed10:32
jclsnrburton: Yeah, the group is added to the default imx image, but we did not have it10:33
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rburtonRP: i *think* my changes mean the PATH fiddling can be removed anyway.  Has that repeated? Adding in that mixin to make it show the error on failure might be useful.10:33
RPrburton: we could try re-running it on that worker10:33
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RPand yes, the output would be really helpful10:34
rburtonjclsn: i'm presuming you don't literally have DISTRO_FEATURES="bluetooth"10:34
RPrburton: anything we want from that workdir before I effectively blow it away?10:34
jclsnrburton: I do, but in only adds packagegroup-base-bluetooth10:34
jclsnnot packagegroup-tools-bluetooth10:35
jclsnand I wonder why10:35
rburtonjclsn: because just because you have bluetooth enabled doesn't mean that you *always* want the tools10:35
rburtonalso if you're assigning just bluetooth to DISTRO_FEATURES then you're breaking other stuff. you should append.10:35
* RP saves and reruns10:36
RPit is effectively saying your system/software *supports* bluetooth, the image still has to say it wants to include it10:36
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jclsnrburton: Their are need for connecting for some reason10:38
jclsnWhy would anyone not want them?10:38
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jclsnSure I am appending :)10:39
rburtonjclsn: i suspect it contains a dummy agent that is needed for manual connections.  if you write a bluetooth UI, then you handle that yourself.10:39
jclsnrburton: In the end this will be handled in our Qt software I guess and I won't be needed10:40
neverpanicjclsn: My fedora says /usr/bin/paplay is in pulseaudio-utils, maybe it's a separate package generated by the pulseaudio recipe in yocto, too?10:41
jclsnneverpanic: I already looked for that but couldn't find it10:43
jclsnI also suspect that the error lies somewhere else. gstreamer or aplay should also be capable of using the bluetooth audio sink and it is not available it seems10:44
jclsngstreamer also complains about Failed to create secure directory (/home/root/.config/pulse): No such file or directory because of our readonly-rootfs I guess10:45
rburtonif you're going to have a readonly rootfs you really need read-write home directories10:45
kanavin_RP: I suspect there are other environment variables set that affect pkg-config's ability to find things on the host10:46
kanavin_            del env['PKG_CONFIG_PATH']10:46
kanavin_            del env['PKG_CONFIG_DIR']10:46
kanavin_            del env['PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR']10:46
kanavin_            del env['PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR']10:46
kanavin_the above is done by runqemu10:46
kanavin_but not by the test10:46
neverpanicjclsn: did you check pulseaudio-misc?
kanavin_RP: I think we can simply drop that snippet from the test, and perform the check from runqemu only10:47
kanavin_(the dri.pc check)10:47
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rburtonkanavin_: a lot of that is cargo-culted10:48
RPkanavin_: that could explain it. That sounds like a good plan to me :)10:48
RPrburton: fancy bringing rust into it10:49
jclsnneverpanic: The file seems to be missing indeed10:49
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jclsnHow can I install it?10:53
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jclsnpulseaudio-misc I guess10:56
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rburtonsomething else to hate: configure scripts with lots of --enable-foo options which silently turn stuff off if dependencies are not available11:33
rburtonif i said i want to turn something on, don't turn it off because a library is missing11:33
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kanavin_rburton, I'm not sure anyone is using autotools anymore outside of GNU11:41
kanavin_people did vote with their feet11:42
rburtonthere's been a lot of migration but there's still huge amounts of non-GNU autotools out there11:43
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JaMaanyone ever used EasyOS distro? I've just noticed "kirkstone" in some announcement and thought it's just coincidence, but it's actually built with OE and they upgraded from dunfell to kirkstone17:29
JaMadon't remember seeing patches from Barry Kauler on ML17:31
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zeddiisome crazy stuff on those pages.17:52
zeddiimeaning complex. just not a straight build and packagefeed for sure.17:52
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khemJaMa: nah too easy to use I guess 🙂17:59
JaMa doesn't sound easy to build :)18:00
JaMaI'm just surprised that someone unknown-to-me is trying to build something like this (but I never heard about Puppy Linux as well.. )18:01
JaMait's kind like that oe-alliance building various set-top-boxes without regularly submitting any patches back as I've mentioned in some Happy Hours a while ago18:02
JaMabut they got openssl-3.0.8 backported to kirkstone sooner than we did
JaMaheh, the struggle is real "As reported, it took four 24-hour days and three hours, a long time, but more experimenting is planned to reduce that."18:06
JaMaand I've just asked him to do firefox upgrade by himself (in meta-browser issue ticket) if he wants to use it - and now I feel bad about it18:07
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JaMaShould we add both EasyOS and Enigma2 to ?18:34
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Joel37Good evening! My yocto build does not list any devices when I run `adb devices` but Ubuntu does. Did I miss any kernel settings?19:20
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JaMaMaybe adbd isn't running like his IRC client stopped running 3 minutes ago19:43
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abelloniis it possible to redefine setup_hosttools_dir() from my own layer?21:39
RPJaMa: I think we should21:40
RPabelloni: most things are usually possible with varying degrees of ugliness21:40
JaMaRP: I've tried to guess my YP wiki password couple times until I've requested account creation (and it surprisingly didn't complain that my e-mail is already used)21:46
RPJaMa: if you struggle with the account we can likely get some help from halstead while he's awake! :)21:48
JaMait was sent for approval to someone, I'm not in rush, I can wait, I was just surprised I didn't have an account, maybe I was always just editing OE wiki not YP one21:49
JaMajust like poky-contrib permission I always thought I had (as I have access to many other OE/YP repos), until I've tried to push there :)21:50
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RPJaMa: I suspect the approver is halstead21:52
JaMaok, thanks21:52
JaMaif those bitbake tags are still comming back after a week or 2, I'll ping him about both :)21:54
RPJaMa: I realised I don't get the request but I can do it :)21:56
JaMathanks, got confirmation and could login :) - and now I have no excuse to delay those 2 projects :/21:58
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abelloniRP: I have something ugly enough ;)22:20
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