Monday, 2023-04-03

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popeDoes someone have an idea why I get the message "Root-NFS: no NFS server address" when I try to boot my yocto with NFS root? The nfsroot is specified in the bootargs and the kernel should be built with nfs client support. The NFS kernel server is running.06:06
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mckoangood morning06:51
mckoanpope: show more details please06:52
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me28From the documentation :08:05
me28IMAGE_INSTALL: Lists out the base set of packages from which to install from the Package Feeds area.08:05
me28PACKAGE_INSTALL: The final list of packages passed to the package manager for installation into the image.08:05
me28Where is the subtle difference between both ?08:05
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mckoanme28: When working with an initial RAM filesystem (Initramfs) image, use the PACKAGE_INSTALL variable.08:10
me28OK. So the second one is for the initramfs, the first for the ("HD") image, correct ?08:11
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mckoanme28: IMAGE_INSTALL is the list of packages for any final image (except Initramfs)08:25
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me28mckoan Thanks for the clarification (if you'd know where -in the docs- I missed this info, feel free to mention a link)08:38
me28mckoan (possibly I just didn't fully understand the docs I had a look at)08:39
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RPme28: PACKAGE_INSTALL is calculated internally by the system so is IMAGE_INSTALL with things like IMAGE_FEATURES added09:00
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popemckoan: Love to, what detail are you looking for?09:27
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ameliushey, I'm trying to use a file generated by  another recipe in my recipe that need the file in its recipe-sysroot, is ther any good way to do it. I tried add the other recipe to depends, but it does not find the file.09:38
ptsnevesamelius: DEPENDS is the way to go. Where is that file being put in the sysroot, and how are you looking for it?09:43
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ptsnevesamelius: certain paths are not automatically put in the sysroot.09:54
me28RP : what you state looks contradictory to what is said in here :
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me28RP looks as if it can be set by the yocto user ?09:57
me28RP I'm referring to the "Note" paragraph09:57
me28RP looks like core-image-minimal-initramfs is a pretty special case10:00
mckoanpope: pastebin excertp of boot log and kernel command line for example10:07
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* mckoan would like to avoid to use the 'crystal ball' to answer10:08
popemckoan: What? :)10:09
popeSorry, not really familiar with these terms10:09
mckoanpope: pastebin your boot log where you see the error message10:12
RPme28: if you set it you override that mechism which is how many things work. initramfs uses that to create a specialist image10:13
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popemckoan: Like this?
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jiva_Hi, I want to patch poky layer using kas config file11:03
jiva_I am getting this error:11:03
jiva_ERROR    - Error(s) occured while validating the config file:11:04
rburtonsounds like your kas file isn't valid11:04
rburtonthere's a json schema in the kas tree, use that with a validating editor11:04
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jiva_@rburton: does patch should be ["path/to/patch"]?11:07
rburtonyou're missing a layer of abstraction. 'patches' contains a *list of patches*11:08
rburtonpatches: mypatchid: path:11:08
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ameliusptsneves: that was the problem, the dir was not part of sysroot_dirs11:17
jiva_@rburton: thankyou, it worked11:18
rburtonjiva_: i do recommend an editor that can validate schemas :)11:18
jiva_which editor does it, i use vim11:19
rburtonno doubt there's a plugin for vim, but i like vscode11:19
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mckoanpope: nfsroot=${serverip} is not properly expanded in the u-boot env11:40
mckoanpope: try with a real IP number11:41
mckoanpope: or check the value of serverip in u-boot11:43
popemckoan: value of serverip in uboot is correct, I also use it for tftpbooting the kernel11:46
popeFunny... if I set an actual ip the boot process changes, but still end with the same error... but this time it takes 100s11:48
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mckoanpope: you should pass ip= as well11:52
mckoanpope: for example : root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=${serverip}:/tftpboot/fs,v3 ip=${serverip}:
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popethe first element of ip is the local ip (target)?11:55
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popeif I use ip=dhcp and use a fix ip instead of12:12
pope.. $serverip it works12:13
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BhstalelIs this channel still active ?12:18
BhstalelI have an exiting custom layer that has some classes I was working on privately (auto init manager files handling for systemd, sysvinit, also a class for kernel module auto setup and compilation, and others ...)12:21
BhstalelAny guides about the daily meetings that happen in order to propose my work and contribute it to Poky ?12:21
rburtonBhstalel: has details for the weekly public call on tuesdays.  or just send the patches to the list for discussion.12:22
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ptsnevesHey guys. Given a recipe, what is more important in choosing the version picked by bitbake? A lower version number of a layer with higuer BBFILE_PRIORITY; or a higher version number from a lower priority BBFILE_PRIORITY layer?15:06
JaMaBBFILE_PRIORITY first, then version, then D_P unless P_V is specified which overrules all15:08
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ptsnevesJaMa: Thank you! What is D_P?15:09
JaMaerr, D_P is between BBFILE_PRIORITY and version, but not very useful anymore (as you usually cannot introduce negative D_P in your own layer, because that will usually have higher BBFILE_PRIORITY)15:10
ptsnevesOh never even came across it :O15:11
JaMait was useful in oe-classic days, not so useful now I think I've even created a ticket long time ago about it15:11
ptsneves2012! Nice!15:13
RPJaMa: when you mentioned it I was wondering if we should drop it...15:14
ptsnevesRP says " I'm going to close this as NOTABUG."15:16
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RPptsneves: it was behaving as intended and it wasn't clear how else it should behave...15:21
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ptsnevesRP: Ah i see that "verified" is a "closed" status.15:23
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JaMaRP: there are 3 recipes with D_P in meta-oe all 3 kind of valid (python3-django  2.2.28 default and 3.2.12, 4.0.2 with negative D_P) and similarly 1 of 2 versions of nginx, but I don't know how many people actually choose between these and Khem can probably get away with the highest version being the default15:25
JaMaRP: so I wouldn't mind it being dropped, I'm not using it since 2012 it seems :)15:25
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JaMain worst case people can set P_V in layer.conf if they have a layer with stable and devel recipes and maintain the preference as a set of P_Vs15:27
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RPJaMa: I guess the use was for unstable development versions? Those are unlikely to be split between layers?15:45
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JaMaRP: yes I was usually using it for unstable dev versions, the "issue" why I've created that ticket back than was when you need development version of something which exists already in e.g. oe-core15:53
RPJaMa: meta/classes-recipe/devupstream.bbclass:    d.setVar("DEFAULT_PREFERENCE", "-1")  is the core usage of it15:54
JaMaRP: if you want to provide such recipe, so that users of your layer can explicitly opt-in with P_V, but not everybody gets it by default and yocto-compatibility checker gets angry15:54
RPJaMa: right, it is all a bit messy :(15:55
RPI'd love to simplify it but not sure we'd all agree on how15:55
JaMaI agree that it's a bit messy and that simplification would be nice :)15:56
JaMafrom my POV tying BBFILE_PRIORITY with layer position in BBLAYERS (and BBPATH) would help people more than removing D_P15:57
JaMathanks to D_P not being used much it usually doesn't surprise people15:58
RPJaMa: the only way we're going to simplify will be by removing things.  I would love to remove some of the priority pieces...15:59
JaMabut bbappend, bbclass, require, recipe priority IMHO confuses even significant portion of people here in this chat (end evil BSP will use BBMASK to achieve what they are trying to do :/)15:59
JaMaagreed, I would just start by removing BBFILE_PRIORITY (and assigning it dynamicaly based on order of layers in BBLAYERS variable)16:01
JaMaour setup script "mcf" is already overriding BBFILE_PRIORITY, because the versions in layer.conf don't work in our setup (e.g. you don't want to get different layers with the same BBFILE_PRIORITY into the mix and upstream layer maintainers cannot know in which environments they will end)16:02
JaMaour BBFILE_PRIORITYs are the 2nd column in and BBLAYERS is then generated in this order as well (just reversed) followed by BBFILE_PRIORITY overrides16:04
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applepiMorning all.  I'm working on a board from a company called Xiphos, and I've got their build and my recipes all working, but I've got a patch I need to apply to the board's .dtsi file.  I'm doing all of my builds in a docker container, including the checkout and all that, so I'd like to add a recipe to my meta-mycompany layer that patches the16:45
applepixiphos kernel before it's built.  Is this possible?16:45
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JaMaapplepi: usually .bbappend for their kernel recipe should work16:51
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applepiSo just stick a .bbappend file into their meta-xiphos/recipes-kernel/linux folder?  I was IDEALLY hoping for a solution where I didn't need to touch their stuff so I could just bitbake and let everything checkout out and build, but I guess that may not be feasible.16:57
JaMano into your meta-mycompany16:58
RPJaMa: In some ways I'd like to drop layer priority but I know that has it's own set of challenges16:59
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applepiJaMa - can you explain where I would put it?  I'm a little confused how a .bbappend in my own meta layer affects another, I'm a bit of a yocto lightweight.17:07
applepiI can write my own recipes and configure stuff but that's about as far as my experience stretches and I must be googling the wrong things because I'm not seeing it17:07
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rburtonthe entire point of a bbappend is that it affects recipes in other layers :)17:14
rburtonbitbake will parse the recipe and the "append" the parse with the contents of your bbappend17:14
applepiSo their layout is meta-xiphos/recipes-kernel/linux/  would I put my bbappend in meta-xiphos/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-xiphos_#.##.bbappend?17:19
JaMano, in meta-mycompany/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-xiphos_#.##.bbappend17:20
applepioops, that's what I meant, meta-mycompany17:20
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applepiand just use a do_configure_prepend I guess?17:22
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JaMayou said patch before, patches belong to SRC_URI17:25
JaMaand do_patch will apply them automatically17:25
JaMathere are many examples of exactly this as this is probably most typical use of a .bbappend17:25
applepioohhhh, I thought I would need to add the patching to a function17:25
applepiokay cool I think I get it now17:26
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roussinm1rburton: so I got it working, nativesdk-src packages in sdk on kirkstone with this patch:, although I can't submit it upstream since mickledore is going to be the new master, we will be upgrading at some point to it...hopefully I can upstream it if changes can easily be ported to master.17:45
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rburtonroussinm1: that patch from a glance looks sensible.  rebasing and posting it for master would be much appreciated!19:16
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JaMa"There are 143 possible work days left until the final release candidates for YP 4.2 needs to be released." that many? isn't it for 4.3?19:52
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RPJaMa: that is clearly wrong as I'm building it any time now20:16
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khemJaMa: good question, with nginx I think idea was to keep both stable and mainline versions and right now stable is 1.22 and mainline is 1.23 so 1.21 should be deleted and perhaps 1.22 added if we need s LTS version20:35
khemfor django maybe upgrade to 4.2 and drop older 4.x recipes20:39
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paulgCould use a hint with systemd / PACKAGECONFIG problem.  The default systemd bb on master has:23:33
paulgPACKAGECONFIG[cryptsetup] = "-Dlibcryptsetup=true,-Dlibcryptsetup=false,cryptsetup,,cryptsetup"23:33
paulgSo I figured if I added cryptsetup to IMAGE_INSTALL, then systemd would build with =true23:34
paulgBut no - it seems to get ignored.  In both the build, and in "bitbake -e systemd" -- what am I missing?23:34
JaMaadd cryptsetup to PACKAGECONFIG variable23:36
JaMathen you don't need cryptsetup in IMAGE_INSTALL, as systemd will pull it as runtime dependency23:36
paulgok - one old post I read kinda makes a bit more sense now - I've hardly ever used PACKAGECONFIG, so no surprise it stymied me. - thanks.23:37
paulgWell, I got a sea of red from dependency loops, so I guess I know it did something... :-/23:52

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