Friday, 2023-04-14

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LetoThe2ndyo dudX06:40
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mckoangood morning06:48
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TRO[m]Hi, is there a way to rerun oe-selftest without deleting the build-st dir? For dev purpose...07:58
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kanavinTRO[m], oe-selftest -h08:25
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TRO[m]yes, I did read that first - now also the wiki, but I did identify the only might correct parameter is -K to "Keep the test build directory even if all tests pass", but that also will give that error: " already exists, aborting"09:04
kanavinTRO[m], you can rename the existing build-st dir to something else. I thought you wanted to keep it after successful oe-selftest.09:06
kanavinwhat's the use case for reusing build-st?09:09
TRO[m]Trying to fix that bug: and to not want to wait 30min till it crash again... Just want to get faster in fixing bugs :D09:11
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RPTRO[m]: the best way would be just to tweak the code to reuse the directory. We don't have an option for it as we can't gurantee what state a given build directory would be in and we had a lot of odd test failures as a result09:31
kanavinTRO[m], you can make it faster by setting sstate cache somewhere where it would be shared between build and build-st09:33
RPkanavin: we should find a way to allow sharing of sstate by default for this :/. I think the code tries but it isn't perfect09:35
TRO[m]@RP: @kanavin: thank you!09:35
kanavinRP: indeed, oe-selftest could first check where the cache is in the main build, then set build-st to use that09:36
RPkanavin: I think it does work but only if you set SSTATE_DIR directly, not with the default path09:38
RPkanavin: it might be "as simple" as checking if it is a variable path and then pointing at the parent if so09:39
RPTRO[m]: perhaps improving this might be a good step, I did talk a little with megan about some of the challenges you've had :/09:43
RPTRO[m]: I was going to mention in triage yesterday but you had to drop :(09:43
TRO[m]Yes, as said I will have more time next week.09:44
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RPTRO[m]: in meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/ you'll see a setup_builddir() function. I'd accept a patch which sets SSTATE_DIR in there to match the parent09:46
TRO[m]ok, will look into that09:47
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RPTRO[m]: let me know if it looks problematic and I can take a look. I agree we should fix this to make it easier for people to be productive12:06
RPWe really need to improve hash equiv serve with this too12:07
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TRO[m]Currently testing - if it's safe to assume that nobody modified the SSTATE_DIR in the parent. We could simply set the build-st to the default of the parent.12:20
TRO[m]that did help:
TRO[m]brought the test down from 30 to 3 minutes!12:23
RPTRO[m]: sadly it won't be safe to assume that, we make this work on the autobuilder by setting to a common directory in the parent!12:25
RPTRO[m]: nice testing time impovement though :D12:26
RPTRO[m]: maybe check if that directory already exists? or read the value from the parent build?12:26
TRO[m]hmm. you mean parsing parent local.conf or how do I get that var in that environment - I mean it's not an env var...12:28
RPTRO[m]: I'd check if the example in that code, bblayers = subprocess.check_output("bitbake-getvar --value BBLAYERS") is looking in the current builddir or the new one12:30
RPTRO[m]: if it is the old builddir we could use that. If it is the new one, I'm then not sure what to do12:30
TRO[m]ok, will try. thank you!12:31
* RP is having a day where he feels overwhelmed with too many things to do and therefore gets nothing done :(12:38
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TRO[m]*sorry for this ;)13:02
TRO[m]But this: bblayers = subprocess.check_output("bitbake-getvar --value BBLAYERS") will end with command not found, I'm trying to get the SSTATE_DIR var by tinfoil - does this make sense? This is giving me the new build-st sstate-dir var?13:02
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RPTRO[m]: where in the function are you running that? You need to run it before it changes os.environ13:13
RPTRO[m]: it isn't failing when it runs it currently I assume so it should work13:13
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RPTRO[m]: you're not what I'm struggling with, this is an easier thing :D13:14
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TRO[m]yes, that was it - works! :)13:26
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Guest76Hi all. I am new to yocto and I am trying to get a recipe for python FastAPI and its dependencies (starlette). There doesn't seem to be one on openembedded index yet but it looks like yet but it seems someone may have submitted a patch to add a recipe before: Can13:48
Guest76anyone point me to where I would find this recipe and the starlette one it references?13:48
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LetoThe2ndGuest76: if you read the title, then you might notice the 3/3, which means its the third of three patches in a series. scroll down, there is the thread tree, and the other two mails are 1/3 and 2/313:54
Guest76Thank you LetoThe2nd my bad!13:56
LetoThe2ndGuest76: have fun!13:57
Guest76LetoThe2nd thanks also for your useful live streams on youtube, I am still learning and they have been helpful!13:58
LetoThe2ndglad to hear! unfortunately a bit outdated now, need to make new ones. hopefully soon.13:58
RPlandgraf: which bug did you put the libgcc/python comment into? I'm struggling to find it :/14:27
frayLetoThe2nd: still planning to do them on twitch?14:28
LetoThe2ndfray: yup14:29
meego_quick question: it's not possible to have conditional class inheritance in recipes, correct? i was hoping to remove gsettings from a recipe's PACKAGECONFIG but this little guy also inhertits gsettings.bbclass, which ends up breaking during postinst14:30
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LetoThe2ndit always was a lot of fun, but finding good time is complicated.14:30
RPmeego_: it is technically possible but fraught with potential problems as it means immediate expansion of variables14:32
meego_RP: oh that's dangerous. OK thanks for sparing me the bruises. I'll just leave it as it is.14:34
RPTRO[m]: patches look good thanks!14:40
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roussinmIs mickledore branch stable enough to be used experimentally until release?14:54
kanavinRP: I'm pushing towards being enabled by default
kanavin(bumping the minimum kernel needs to be separately assessed, and is reverted for now)14:56
RPkanavin: I've kind of been waiting for the new autoconf for this as it changes a lot too14:58
RProussinm: it passed QA and is mainly waiting on release notes at this point14:58
roussinmRP: amazing thanks.14:59
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kanavinRP: glibc is something of a mess with y2038. I didn't inspect much of it, but for example its wrapper for ppoll (which is timestamp-sensitive) seems to use 32 bit syscall if time_t fits into 32 bits, and 64 bits otherwise. But if you configure it with 'minimum kernel at least 5.1' then it always uses the 64 bit versions, which seems more reassuring to me.15:01
RPkanavin: presumably they do know what they're doing but I must admit for YP usage, I'd prefer to have it 64 bit everywhere15:02
RPkanavin: glibc does need to support older binaries15:02
kanavinRP: that's why as an experiment I bumped OLDEST_KERNEL via
kanavinRP: this caused strace and lttng-tools ptests to regress though, which means none of the desktop distros do this, we're the first :-(15:03
kanavinor no one runs on 32 bit platforms anymore except yocto :)15:03
RPkanavin: I guess they both try and intercept the older calls15:04
kanavinRP: no, they regressed even without enabling, just from OLDEST_KERNEL change - glibc enables 'new features' if you do that15:04
kanavingotta run!15:04
RPkanavin: ah, "fun". I doubt people test with such a new old kernel yet15:05
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kanavinRP: I just checked, fedora rawhide sets old kernel to 3.2 - same as yocto15:08
kanavinRP: it's a bit wasteful, glibc puts in support for all those new and improved kernel APIs, and no one's enabling that15:08
kanavin----> out15:08
RPkanavin: that isn't quite how it works, at least as I understand it. If you compile a new binary, it should use the newer glibc apis. The oldest kernel piece is whether the older compat code is present or not15:12
* RP just mentioning that for later when you're back :)15:13
landgrafRP: one of the AB INT ones. I should be CCed15:14
landgrafRP: I'm not in the CC list because of conflict with editing Randy did... anyway here is the bug
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RPlandgraf: thanks, I don't know why I couldn't find that :/15:34
kanavinRP: my understanding is that OLDEST_KERNEL controls which kernel APIs glibc would use, specifically that it would avoid using things introduced in newer kernels than that setting.15:37
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kanavinRP: check examples guarded by __LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION here:;a=blob;f=sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/kernel-features.h15:38
RPkanavin: I think it can user newer APIs, it would just have fallbacks15:39
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RPkanavin: I doubt the code is optimised for all cases though15:40
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applepiSo I'm working on a yocto image for aarch64, but I have a recipe I absolutely *have* to compile for m32/arm.  I've tried bitbaking it as lib32-$RECIPENAME, which seems to almost work, as it calls the right vendor supplied arm compiler, however it fails when it hits a file that #include's <stdint.h>..  it hits a file that just #include_next's18:47
applepi<stdint.h>, and it can't seem to find next.  I'm a little confused on how to proceed, any suggestions?18:47
applepiIf I go look under work/armv7ahf-neon-xiphosmllib32-linux/lib32-recipename/version#/, there are three places I can find stdint.h.  The one that # include_next 's is under ./recipe-sysroot-native, the other two are under lib32-recipe-sysroot18:57
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zwelch_hi all, I've got a RPi (kirkstone) image using u-boot and mender that is working for me, but it will not boot if I disable the UART console.  I found a reference that this is a known issue:   Any idea what might be causing this?19:25
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LetoThe2ndzwelch_: without really knowing, just asking the rubberduck way: "disableing the UART, how?"19:55
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zwelch_LetoThe2nd: disabled with `ENABLE_UART = "0"`.....  I just found a blog post ( with this little gem of wisdom: "The enable_uart setting is required because U-Boot assumes the VideoCore firmware is configured to use the mini UART (rather than PL011) for the serial console. Without this, U-Boot will not boot at all."20:01
LetoThe2ndzwelch_: yay one more time for using a chip that was designed for a PVR to run the modern world.20:03
zwelch_I'm not going to try to fight it.  Our images can live with the UART enabled.  I just was following best practice of locking down our production images as much as possible, so everything worked fine for our testing image and only failed in production.20:04
LetoThe2ndzwelch_: yeah, that would have caught me too. fully agreed.20:05
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osteoblast22[m]Is there something in yocto/oe similar to `filetool` in tinycore linux21:40
osteoblast22[m]Basically i want to create yocto image where every write to disk is volatile and in some sort of an overlay21:40
osteoblast22[m]but i also want to be able to run some command which will save the writes and persist the changes for next reboot21:40
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osteoblast22[m]in tinycore linux there is a tool called filetool which when invoked will create a backup of specifc files that you specify to be persisted, this created backup will be overlayed on next boot21:41
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