Friday, 2023-04-28

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froooksHello. I learning yocto. As a test project I trying to create custom layer that builds one cmake project and build pipeline that builds images for several raspberry pi versions.01:07
froooksI able to build test image already.01:07
froooksNow I looking good example of "production-ready" way to store and execute custom layers and build configurations.01:07
froooksCan someone provide github link or smth like this?01:07
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Entei[m]Trying to get llvm and clang package installed. Not using clang as the toolchain, just making it available as a package.  There seem to be already built recipes. In the core (meta), there's recipe for `llvm`, but it throws error saying nothing PROVIDES 'llvm'. incompatible with host riscv64-unknown-linux05:25
Entei[m]Tried `clang` from meta-clang layer, but that too throws bunch of errors in `do_configure` stage.05:25
Entei[m]Anyone been able to get llvm in riscv64 based images?05:25
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Entei[m]PS: I just checked the `` recipe. In there, `COMPATIBLE_HOST:riscv64 = "null"` has been assigned. Could someone provide context on this?05:42
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX06:17
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TRO[m]froooks: this one I like.06:57
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rburtonkhem: ^^^ Entei[m] above08:48
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\dev\icehow to access settings in project-spec/configs/config in bitbacke script (e.g. CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_HOSTNAME or CONFIG_YOCTO_MACHINE_NAME)?10:02
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LetoThe2ndcan you please rephrase, or explain your actual goal?10:10
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\dev\iceLetoThe2nd: I want to make  /etc/hwrevision file with format like "my-board 0.1.0" as swupdate software expects10:14
\dev\iceand this info lives in this file as CONFIG_...10:15
\dev\icealso same info apears in /etc/petalinux/version and /etc/petalinux/product so it should be accesable10:16
LetoThe2nd"lives in this file as CONFIG_" is the point where you're losing me. Recipes can access their own variables, and global ones. So you'd write a recipe like that does this. In the do_compile or do_install task, you can then create /etc/hwrevision as needed. For finding out where the petalinux information comes from, I'd consult oe-pkgdata-util to find the corresponding recipe and inspect it.10:18
\dev\iceyes, i'm doing recipe and tryied to access those vars in do_install() like `echo "${CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_FW_VERSION}" > ${D}${sysconfdir}/sw-versions`. will read about oe-pkgdata-util10:22
LetoThe2ndif I had to guess, then the variables are either derived or not global. CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_FW_VERSION definitely doesn't ring a bell for me, probably is something board/set up specific.10:24
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\dev\iceCONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_FW_VERSION from what I see in google is petalinux specific10:41
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\dev\iceseems did the trick:
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Entei[m]<rburton> "khem: ^^^ Entei above" <- I don't remember where I read about the progress on riscv, but I thought `llvm` was working since 2019?11:52
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rburtonyou'd have to wait for khem to wake up, but you can try just removing that line and seeing what breaks11:56
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Ad0are there any known issues with raspberry pi 3b+ and yocto? my image works on 3B but not on a newer 3B+, but it should basically be the same device. weird13:11
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LetoThe2ndAd0: what would the expression "works" mean? "not sit on a couch all day?"13:34
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Ad0I use mender as well so it might impact things. but the story is that I built an image with machine raspberry pi 3, and my image works on a 3B but not 3B+. it flashes green 4 times, then 7 fast times13:34
Ad0so it means it can't read my image at all13:35
Ad0but a standard raspberry pi distro works13:35
LetoThe2ndAd0: it might indeed impact things, especially if an update is involved.13:35
Ad0it's a fresh image13:35
Ad0using dunfell13:35
LetoThe2ndAd0: and nothing on serial?13:36
Ad0it's like it can't read the microsd, the same microsd works in a 3B no problem13:36
LetoThe2ndAd0: hm. the raspi integration actually doesn't bring any invasive patching or so13:37
Ad0I did a git pull on meta-raspberrypi and there's nothing new13:37
Ad0at least on dunfell13:38
LetoThe2ndAd0: care to give kirkstone a try?13:38
Ad0that would involve massive work I am afraid13:38
Ad0I mean it's been around for a while it should work in dunfell13:39
LetoThe2ndAd0: why? not including any of your applications, just the base poky+oe+mender stack. I just don't have 3B and 3B+ around so I can't test it, sorry.13:39
Ad0I have lots of other stuff included that takes an eternity to build13:40
Ad0and kernel config + patches for some drivers, but those are not relevant at this stage13:40
Ad0it's just weird that it can't read the boot files and produce some kind of output13:41
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Ad0it was start*.elf13:46
Ad0it got further at least lol13:47
Ad0oh maaaaaaaan what a headache13:48
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Ad0not even sure where those files come from13:56
Ad0if they are downloaded and cached, they are closed sourced blobs13:56
Ad0I guess I have to reset it somehow13:57
LetoThe2ndAd0: wipe tmp14:03
Ad0if I do that I am looking for hours of building and running out of memory b/c of rust14:05
Ad0can't I completely clean the image recipe or something ?14:05
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LetoThe2ndAd0: no, almost everything will be coming directly from sstate14:09
LetoThe2ndAd0: if you don't believe me, then just rename it to tmp-glibc-old and give it a try14:09
Ad0ok so I am not looking at a brutal recompilation? :D14:10
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LetoThe2ndno. and if you never tried full recompilations then you're basically in trouble anyways because there is certainly something hidden in your build that you can't reproduce.14:11
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Ad0ok thanks14:19
Ad0I've done recompilations when switching between yocto distros and other stuff14:25
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Ad0after removing tmp, the image itself seems to be corrupt, or I am extremely unlucky with my flashing ..14:47
yudjinn[m]asking again, since it got buried: So I'm a little stuck with something. I want to semver my images so that "major" changes only happen if there was a rebuild of specific major packages (libc, kernel, etc). I keep my MAJOR version stored as a var in so anything building artifacts also tags them appropriately. Is there any way to effectively say "if X is rebuilt, make sure MAJOR == OLD_MAJOR ? I plan on making OLD_MAJOR roll with a14:50
yudjinn[m]CI job, so it should always be up to date, Im just not sure how to handle this. I thought taskdepends may help but I dont have much experience and assumed there has to be a more used method, and this cant be the first time this problem arose14:50
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Ad0hm same result. must be old / bad boot files as a part of it15:05
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khemEntei: if you have meta-riscv added everything should work we have clang for target working with rv32 and rv64 both17:37
khemand I advise to use master branch for best results17:37
khembut dunfell and kirkstone should work ok too17:37
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rburtonkhem: does the clang/llvm recipe still need the exclusions then?17:56
Entei[m]khem I don't see any files related to llvm in meta-riscv.18:15
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nerdboyarg, i have this qt recipe that builds/installs fine unless i try setting -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON and then it refuses to install/package anything19:32
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nerdboythis works but no shared libs ->
nerdboynot a clue how to force that install after setting EXTRA_OECMAKE += "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON"19:38
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