Monday, 2023-11-20

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uknucksI'm having a real hard time trying to build a kernel module in my eSDK right now, some pointers would be much appreciated. I can't reach the git clone where the mirror of linux exists that I need, but I do have the kernel-devsrc package installed. I've seen various people online claim that this is something you can manually do by running make05:04
uknuckscommands, but I think my environment script might not be setting things right cause I get compilation errors just trying to "make scripts" and it seems to be related to not being able to find stuff in the toolchain05:04
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uknucksInitially I was just kinda going off this one:
uknucksHas anyone tried this before?05:05
uknucksAlternatively, is it possible just to write a bbapend file that tells the kernel recipe to use the source that is installed by kernel-devsrc? If so, I could just use the normal kernel-module class05:07
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mckoangood morning08:10
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alessioigorHave  a nice week!08:13
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX09:07
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BylethTMPHey! How's your day going? I have a problem which I can't get rid off. I try to build a mavsdk (as a new recipe because it doesn't exist from oe index) static library as dependency to my recipe. But I get an error in the do_configure with cmake. This libs use "ExternalProject_Add()" from CMakeLists.txt. This throw error "could not resolve10:29" when cmake is trying to download extra libs. This error happens only with bitbake recipe. I can compile fine without it. I'm running on Ubuntu 22.04 with Yocto Kirkstone. Any Ideas ?10:29
Rich_1234I think it is to do with disabling network steps in the `do_configure` step. so there is do_configure[network] = "1" to allow network access in the configure step. Or set the SRC_URI in the recipe and pass it into CMAKE with the EXTRA_OECMAKE flag10:33
rburtonBylethTMP: we really encourage recipes to do all their fetching in do_fetch, so if you can fetch those repositories via SRC_URI and put them in the right place, so the configure doesn't need to go and download more sources10:36
BylethTMPI'll try both. This mavsdk lib is not mine and I not confident enough to understand all CMakeLists.txt tree there. I don't know if i download sources and put them in the right place CMake will not try to fetch them again...10:39
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rburtonBylethTMP: for mavsdk, try -DHUNTER_ENABLED=OFF10:43
rburton(in EXTRA_OECMAKE)10:43
BylethTMPrburton Already tried that, but same problem with a its dependency "mavlink"10:43
BylethTMPoops mybad10:44
BylethTMPI tried but nothing changed. I tried Rich_1234 solution which help a little bit but now i'm stuck with find_package that could not find mavlinkConfig.cmake10:45
rburtonthat's just a normal missing dependency10:45
rburtonyou need a recipe for mavlink10:45
BylethTMPyup but mavsdk fetch that i guess. i hope it'll not conflict10:46
rburtonit's not fetching it, if its doing a find_package then it probably just expects you've got it already10:47
rburtonso you need a recipe10:47
rburtonwhen you're done please make a public layer, i'm 99% sure i've seen these questions a few times in the last few months10:47
BylethTMPrburton mavsdk download mavlink with "ExternalProject_Add()"10:47
rburtonah my grep didn't find that10:47
BylethTMPreally? wait10:48
rburtonI just did
BylethTMPright here :
BylethTMPcase  sensitive got us i guess10:50
rburtonyeah, presumably10:50
rburtonoh i do like how they need to patch their own software10:50
BylethTMPwanna patch it for me ? :p10:51
rburtonthat's really classy10:51
rburton-DSUPERBUILD=OFF and write recipes for the dependencie10:52
rburtonsee how the top level cmake has 'option(SUPERBUILD "Build dependencies" ON)'10:52
rburtonmight mean writing a couple more recipes but you'll have more control and less duplication of code10:52
BylethTMPOkay, hope it'll work10:53
rburtonoh yeah you _really_ want that. it will go and presumably fail top build curl and more if you don't10:53
rburtonand openssl, and zlib.  stuff you want to use from the system, not random builds.10:54
BylethTMPSo i should create a whole layer with all dependencies ect10:55
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rburtonwell most of the deps are already in core, but yes10:56
BylethTMPgit tag used by mavsdk is a hash format. Could i use that in SRC_URI or I need to investigate ?10:56
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BylethTMPokay got it10:57
rburtonhash is best for a SRC_REV10:57
BylethTMPthx for help!10:57
rburtonusing a tag name means a network operation every parse to resolve the tag10:57
BylethTMPso i don't need to add "git://url/repo.git;tag=mytag" ? i just put the rev is SRC_REV and that's it?10:58
BylethTMPto add ";tag=mytag"* to the SRC_URI10:58
rburtonright, just SRC_REV, no need for tag=11:00
rburtoneither work, SRCREV is idiomatic11:00
BylethTMPI have to change some of CMakeLists.txt in mavsdk to get it work with dependencies as recipes, right?11:03
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rburtonlooks like just passing -DSUPERBUILD=OFF11:05
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BylethTMPOh you're right. MyBad! Thanks for the help! :)11:12
BylethTMPI'll tell you if I get it working11:12
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uknucksHey, anyone happen to see my question about kernel modules in eSDK?13:01
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rburtonsakman: our CI went green for dunfell, thanks for the qemu fixes :)13:26
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SaurRP: We updated our firmware platform to Nanbield on Friday, and yesterday one of the developers reported that he got errors when running `devtool search gcc`. And I can confirm this to be the case, also when only using poky. It is the "basehash value changed" error. It only happens for recipes in meta, which lead me to the the new :layer-core override used when setting `ERROR_QA:layer-core:append = " patch-status"`. It turns out that the15:32
Saur`FILE_LAYERNAME` variable is not set for BBCLASSEXTENDed recipes (or rather, I assume it actually changes during the build due to the resulting errors).15:32
RPSaur: ouch. That definitely isn't intended15:38
SaurNo, I figured that. I tried to figure out how the datastore for the native recipe is constructed without it going through parseRecipeVariants() at one time or another, but I haven't quite figured out how bitbake generates the datastores for the BBCALSSEXTENDed recipes yet.15:40
RPSaur: code is in iirc15:41
RPSaur: there is an inner and outer finalize function15:41
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SaurYes, but wouldn't all recipe parsing have to go through parseRecipeVariants(), which sets FILE_LAYERNAME by calling _parse_recipe(), at one time or another? I expected the variables that are set for the target recipe to propagate to the native variant, except overridden by a :class- override, or specifically changed in the native.bbclass.15:47
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Dane86Still struggling to wrap my head around BitBake properly =D17:11
Dane86If I wanted to only DISTRO_FEATURES:append for a certain image, then how would I do that?17:11
Dane86I know it must be something like DISTRO_FEATURES:append:sota = " sota systemd usrmerge" but struggling with the specifics...17:11
SaurDane86: You cannot do that. DISTRO_FEATURES are global. You cannot set them per image.17:16
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Dane86Could I do the setting in the image .bb?17:17
Dane86Or can DISTRO_FEATURES only be set in local.conf?17:17
SaurYou can set DISTRO_FEATURES in any configuration file.17:18
SaurTypically your <distro>.conf file.17:18
Dane86OK but has to be .conf, not .bb...17:19
SaurSettings in *.conf files are for all recipes, whereas *.bb are only for the specific recipe.17:19
Dane86Aha, thanks! (y) :]17:20
RPSaur: sorry I'm multitasking badly, did you have a specific question? I'd suggest filing a bug to track this btw17:20
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SaurRP: I have come as far as to determine that the problem happens in parseRecipeFile() where it fails to determine the layername for virtual variants.17:22
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SaurThis is why it is seen when using tinfoil.17:22
SaurRP: I will file a bug for it, but I'm looking into  the code to see if I can figure out a solution as well...17:27
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RPSaur: might it need to drop the "virtual:" bit from the filenames?17:39
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Saur_HomeRP: Sounds likely. I'll see what I can do...17:58
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alperakgood night everyone.18:35
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halsteadkanavin: your python 3.12 update a-full started about 2 hours before maintenance. I'm curious if it would be okay interrupt it and let it re-queue so I can move forward.19:11
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OxbefHappy Monday everyone19:16
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Joel85Moin! I enabled u-boot in my local.conf but the only u-boot file copied is boot.scr. How can I troubleshoot this?19:30
Joel85I'm building a Raspberry Pi image19:32
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kanavinhalstead, I'll cancel it now19:53
kanavinhalstead, canceled19:54
halsteadkanavin: That works too.19:54
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sakmanrburton: were you probably referring to sakoman ??19:59
sakomansakman: yes, he was :-)20:02
rburtonha, yes20:02
rburtoni only type at best two characters before hitting tab and hoping for the best :)20:03
sakmansakoman: I now know where to forward wrong mail ;P20:03
rburtonsakoman: thanks :)20:03
rburtonsakoman: i have some changes to the debuginfo test which i'm just testing locally one more time but should at least help explain what is failing. my hunch is that its taking too long to scan the deploy as its reusing an old and huge build dir.20:04
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Joel84Moin! I enabled u-boot in my local.conf but the only u-boot file copied is boot.scr. How can I troubleshoot this? I'm building a RPi image.20:19
halsteadkanavin: AB workers are available again if you would like to restart your test20:23
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sakomanrburton: thanks for working on that!  I'm happy to test whenever you've got something21:03
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rburtonsakoman: have a go of whats in poky-contrib:ross/debuginfod22:11
sakomanrburton: OK, will do!22:32
sakomanrburton: I've got an AB run queued22:45
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