Thursday, 2023-11-30

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mischiefis there a way to skip the 'remote tracking branch' conversion in do_kernel_checkout03:15
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mischiefit's taking about 50 seconds here and i feel like it's skippable for us03:19
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abellonikhem: but what about image.bbclass: Add glib-2.0/schemas to MULTILIBRE_ALLOW_REP ?08:02
khemdrop that08:03
khemjust take these three08:03
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Tyaku_Hi, I have two yocto image: A base image (A) and a DEV image (B) that is based on A. The B image is used to add dev tools like gdbserver etc.08:49
Tyaku_Is it possible to set "INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE = "GPLv3 GPLv3+"" only for the content of image A ?08:50
LetoThe2ndTyaku_: yup. put it into the image recipe :-)08:50
Tyaku_my god08:50
LetoThe2ndTyaku_: i wrote a little bit about it here:
Tyaku_Thanks LetoThe2nd08:52
LetoThe2ndTyaku_: have fun08:52
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Tyaku_In fact, as my image B had a require to image A, then if I set INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE it is also taken by the softwares in image B, But for the image B I don't care about licence.08:57
Tyaku_Finally this is what I am doing:08:57
Tyaku_In the main image (A), I set the INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE08:58
Tyaku_In the DEV image (B), I set WHITELIST_GPL-3.0 += "gdbserver"08:58
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LetoThe2ndrburton: possibly stupid me, but shouldn't generic-arm64 be able to run on qemu too?09:51
RPLetoThe2nd: with the firmware. I was tempted to suggest we should add that...09:55
LetoThe2ndRP: ok guess I missed some important part of the presentation then. yay for virtual events alongside daily business.09:57
RPLetoThe2nd: there is a qemu machine in meta-arm which does this10:02
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LetoThe2ndRP: gotcha, thanks!10:09
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kanavin_RP: I need a bit of help understanding how siginfo files work. If I issue:10:17
kanavin_bitbake-dumpsig /srv/autobuilder/\:perlcross-native\:aarch64-linux\:1.5\:r0\:aarch64\:11\:4b50bf02af2854a6807f0394b7b6ddba6eff35e700f596b16ecd87353591e8ed_recipe_qa.tar.zst.siginfo10:17
kanavin_I see at the end of the output:10:17
kanavin_Computed task hash is 7fb85cf7c85c19871644d6f4ce796d33710dc53f18ebd0fd837bafc4e55919a210:17
kanavin_err. Why is it not the same as the filename?10:18
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kanavin_moreover, if I check what is in 7f/b8, I see:10:30
kanavin_ ls /srv/autobuilder/\:perlcross-native\:*10:30
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kanavin_so for aarch, the sstate object is there, but the signature is not10:31
kanavin_Is this all working as expected? I find it royally confusing.10:32
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ray-sanhi, can someone point me to a recipe which provides the file "/usr/lib/dri/"? i guess, i need that to get gpu acceleration in chromium working. i'm somewhat lost10:43
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RPkanavin_: the difference would be hash equivalence10:48
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kanavin_RP: I thought so. Then it must be that printdiff interacts badly with it.10:48
RPkanavin_: I think the issue is that the new hash is only available really late so we can change the filename but not the contents10:49
kanavin_RP: I don't follow, can you explain?10:50
RPkanavin_: siginfo files should always be there for corresponding objects. The fact it isn't is probably part of the issue and a sign it is being deleted10:50
RPkanavin_: when hash equivalence is found, it "ripples" through the dependency tree. For determinism (and sanity), the hash written into the file is the computed hash, not the unihash from hash equivalence10:51
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RPI'd also note that the siginfo code that writes these files predates hash equivalence10:52
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kanavin_RP: for 4b50 hash both signature and object are there:10:54
kanavin_(buildbot-venv) pokybuild@ubuntu2204-arm-1:/srv/autobuilder/$ ls universal/4b/50/sstate\:perlcross-native\:*10:55
RPkanavin_: is that one a problem or is the issue from the other one where the siginfo is missing?10:55
kanavin_RP: I'm just collecting data points10:55
RPkanavin_: if the file is being deleted, the question will be where are we using the file but not updating it's mtime10:55
RPkanavin_: given the timings I strongly suspect deletion10:56
kanavin_RP: I have the logs from halstead now, I can check once more whether the has is there10:57
kanavin_the hash10:57
Tyaku_When I build B (which require A), then it have gdbserver and also a whitelist for it10:58
RPkanavin_: that would prove or disprove my suspicion10:59
kanavin_RP: aha: I found an entry!11:00
kanavin_[ak@fedora sstate-cleanup-logs]$ grep -ir 7fb85cf7c85c19871644d6f4ce796d33710dc53f18ebd0fd837bafc4e55919a2 *log11:00
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rburtonLetoThe2nd: yeah you want qemu-generic-arm64.  normal generic-arm64 doesn't work because qemu doesn't come with firmware, you need to build it.  that immediately removes the "generic" bit.11:01
kanavin_so it was there, and got pruned11:01
RPkanavin_: the timing sounds right too. That means we're not updating the timestamps the deletion script is using11:01
RPrburton: would firmware for qemu not be quite appropriate for that target though? Maybe as an optional thing which you can add into the build ?11:02
LetoThe2ndrburton: yeah understood. fun fact, built that and wondered why it still gave me an error. then realized that instead of tabbing i actually had typed the command, and rumqemu, well, ...11:02
rburtonRP: well that's what qemu-generic-arm64 does. it just includes the generic-arm64 machine and sets up the firmware build.11:02
Rich_1234ray-san: You will most likely have to look at your BSP vendors layer and the graphics package they have. I wanted to get gpu acceleration in chrome recently on a TI AM68 and was told they would add support for it at the end of Q1 202411:02
RPrburton: I'd still probably just include it in the one machine but I'm probably evil/wrong11:03
rburtonwe originally decided that felt very icky11:06
rburtonall hail someone added a layer for scipi to the layer index!
RPrburton: I think what would swing the balance for me is allowing plain genericarm64 to work on qemu. Not really my call though11:07
* RP wonders if we should be enabling PACKAGE_MINIDEBUGINFO as default11:08
ray-sanRich_1234: my platform is genericx86-64, so i guess, here is somewhat the right place?11:09
rburtonray-san: i'd imagine mesa, but you'd need to read the mesa documentation to determine what options you need to turn on11:10
rburtonRP: the firmware recipes are of course in meta-arm as they're arm-specific11:10
ray-sanrburton: i've turned pretty much every (sensible) option for mesa on, seems like none of the _drv_video files is built11:11
rburtonray-san: did you read the _mesa_ documentation and determine that the _recipe_ options cover what you need?11:12
ray-sanrburton: do you mean from the original package maintainers? i am trying to figure out how those files get built at my debian host system, but i'm somewhat lost, mesa seems to be a monster of a package11:13
rburton <-- part of the mesa-va-drivers subpackage on debian11:15
RPrburton: of course :/11:16
ray-sanrburton: yeah, if i try to get the sources via "apt-get source mesa-va-drivers", it downloads the mesa source tarball, so i guess at least mesa is correct11:17
rburton is where that library is built in mesa11:18
rburtonyou need to be sure you've turned on gallium+va11:18
rburtonlooks like thats a magic dependency in mesa, enabled if libva is present at build time11:19
ray-sani have this line  in my local.conf "PACKAGECONFIG:append:pn-mesa = ' gallium-llvm'"11:19
rburtonalso add 'va'11:19
ray-sanok, i try11:20
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ray-sanrburton: looks like that did it, chromium doesn't run with hardware acceleration yet, but i have to recompile it with use-vaapi11:27
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rburtoni definitely need a tip jar11:32
rburtonmoto-timo: just posted python3-validators to oe-devel but forgot to tag it as meta-python, just in case you miss it and khem leaves it to you :)11:33
rburtonif i'm going to review and fix random recipes on SO i at least want to get the recipe public11:33
ray-sana lot of stuff is rebuilt, i guess this is a good sign :D11:34
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LetoThe2ndrburton: what is the boot flow of qemu-generic-arm64? straight to kernel? I see a /boot partition, though.11:40
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rburtonLetoThe2nd: qemu - edk2 -  grub - kernel11:58
LetoThe2ndrburton: thx11:59
rburtonit emulates a systemready-sr machine using the sbsa-ref qemu machine11:59
LetoThe2ndrburton: well you can guess why i'm asking11:59
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kanavin_sbom on zeus for a medical device question: face meet palm12:48
kanavin_I hope someone can write a better answer than mine12:49
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kanavin_I have to say there's a kind of poetic justice in that12:53
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kanavin_neglect updating yocto ---> lose supplier contract because you can't provide sbom12:53
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JaMaI fear they will hack something ugly together (like the original product) to keep the customer happy (and oblivious to how ugly and wrong the sbom they supplied is)12:55
JaMaif they didn't catch any of the well known security issues in zeus, then incorrect sbom won't be noticed as well12:56
kanavin_that's why there should be an independent audit too12:57
kanavin_sbom is only good if it can be verified12:57
JaMaand with independent audit, the missing or incorrect sbom might not be the worst issue they find :)12:58
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rburtonmichaelo: i got distracted during some of your slides. what was the thing about storing the cover letter in the branch?13:18
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fraygit branch --edit-description if I remember correctly13:19
rburtonaha format-patch has cover-from-description, i never knew that13:21
rburtonyes, useful13:21
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RPrburton: you can describe all your branches! :)14:32
rburtonlol yeah right14:35
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chepHi, I'm trying to create a new fetcher based on gitsm. I created a new file my_gitsm with a class MyGitSM(GitSM) which only reimplement the `supports` method. Then I created a bbclass to add my fetcher. When I try to fetch, I got this error : FetchError("Recipe uses a floating tag/branch 'master' for repo 'XXXX' without a fixed SRCREV yet doesn't call bb.fetch2.get_srcrev() (use SRCPV in PV for OE).", None)14:53
chepin my recipe I have PV = "git_${SRCPV}"14:53
chepwhat do I miss ?14:53
JaMadid you set SRCREV as well?14:57
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Saur_Homechep: If you are using master or nanbield, the ${SRCPV}  variable has been removed. bitbake now expects to find a + in PV if it should append the SHA-1 for the package version. E.g., use `PV = "1.2.3+git"` instead.14:58
chepJaMa: no but with gitsm it works and I'm just overriding `supports`14:59
chepSaur_Home: I'm on kirkstone14:59
chepJaMa: sorry yes it is set to ${AUTOREV}15:00
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chepAnd logs are in a directory called git_\$\{SRCPV\}-r0 it's like SRCPV doesn't exist15:01
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rburtoncan i just shout out to alperak for absolutely flooding meta-oe with upgrade patches!  👏15:10
alperakrburton It's an honor to hear this from you. :) Thank you!15:11
chepIf I set a fixed SRCREV, I got the same error message…15:13
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g0hl1nhi, what would be the best/fastest way to get the "expanded" (in this case $METADATA_REVISION) DISTRO_VERSION without triggering a build and parsing it from the "Build Configuration" output? Thanks :-)15:46
kanavin_RP: I'm embarrassed to ask, but how do I make queries to hash equiv server from the command line? I.e. "I have a hash, is there an equivalent one"?15:46
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RPkanavin_: I'm not sure, I don't think bitbake-hashclient can support it. JPEW?15:48
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kanavin_JPEW, RP: if you have a bit of time, I've written my findings so far into the last two comments:
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Saur_Homeg0hl1n: Simplest is `bitbake-getvar --value DISTRO_VERSION`, but that of course uses tinfoil and thus parses the recipes if needed. However, without parsing the recipes, it would be hard to get a correct value in case it depends on other variables.15:53
JaMachep: I guess your modified fetcher is missing something, there was something like supports_srcrev function which it needs to support etc, don't remember the detail and cannot look now, but that's where I would debug the fetcher code15:54
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RPkanavin_: I don't really understand how we can get there :/15:54
kanavin_RP: I suspect (but I don't have enough knowledge) that printdiff wants 'straight' signatures, and won't follow hashequiv shortcuts the way bitbake does in a build.15:55
JPEWThe client should probably implement that15:55
JPEWBut it doesn't today15:56
JPEWI'll put it on the TODO list15:56
RPkanavin_: That is a good theory. We could add some function calls to make it "resolve" those hashes?15:56
kanavin_RP: here's a guess: something forced quilt-native to rebuild, but the output was the same and thus registered in hashequiv. perlcross-native only depends on that, and so didn't rebuild, and wait straigh to populate_sysroot15:57
kanavin_makes sense, or still doesn't hold?15:57
RPkanavin_: it can't go to populate_sysroot without running compile/install though15:58
RPkanavin_: about to get pulled into meetings :(15:59
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kanavin_RP: if perlcross-native only needs quilt-native, and quilt-native's output has not changed, then why would it want to re-run compile/install, and not just take populate_sysroot. I guess I'll try to carry on with JPEW :)16:00
RPif it just takes populate_sysroot, how does the artefact get generated though?16:00
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yoctonIs there a bug triage meeting now or it got cancelled by the Yocto summit?16:02
g0hl1nSaur_Home: thanks. That's what I've been looking for. Yes, parsing of the recipes would be needed. That's true. Thanks again :-)16:03
* JPEW needs to read the bug16:03
yocton(Nobody on the Zoom, I'll go with canceled :) )16:04
kanavin_RP First, quilt-native was built with input hash X and output A, and perlcross-native was build on top of that with input hash Y + A and output B.16:04
JPEWyocton: correct16:05
kanavin_RP Then quilt-native was rebuilt with input hash Z and same output A, thus perlcross-native would still have input hash Y + A, and thus there is no need to rebuild it, and we can take B from cache.16:05
khemabelloni: with virglrenderer upgrade patch please cherry-pick as well16:12
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rburtonI hate myself, but has anyone managed to write a Maven class?16:21
rburtonwell, yeah16:22
khemI remember a project where they were trying to replace bitbake16:23
khemwith maven so it must be a good tool16:23
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rburtonits bazel for java!16:26
rburtonmake of that what you will16:26
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khemscala guys were using it when I had to deal with scala long time ago16:27
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JPEWkanavin_: Isn't quilt-native ignored is signature calcualtions?16:30
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kanavin_JPEW, it is yes. we really need to ask hashequiv about this.16:38
JPEWOk, hang on16:38
mischiefis there a way to skip the 'remote tracking branch' conversion in do_kernel_checkout?16:40
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chepJaMa: my fetcher inherits from gitsm and do nothing more… I also tried to copy all gitsm code. I'll look for supports_srcrev, thx16:42
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JPEWkanavin_: Sent a patch to the ML and CC'd you17:03
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kanavin_JPEW, how does one use it? what is a 'method'?17:38
JPEWkanavin_: It's the mechansim used to calculate the hashes... basically a namespace. In your case, oe.sstatesig.OEOuthashBasic17:41
kanavin_JPEW, why basic, shouldnt it be OEEquivHash?17:42
kanavin_or I'm just confused17:42
JPEW*Outhash*Basic not OEBasicHash17:42
RPkanavin_: it needs to match the string used in the code in that function17:43
JPEWThe output hash calculation method is not the same as the signature generation.... they both just happen to have a "Basic" option. It's a little confusing if you don't notice that17:43
RPkanavin_: basically the hashserver has namespaces17:45
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kanavin_RP JPEW I've written into the bug what the tool says, but not sure what's the next thing I could try :-/17:59
kanavin_I mean, I could just add hashequiv disabling to the test, but we should find out the scenario that played out here18:03
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alperakIs the autotools class run autoreconf after configure, right? Is there a way to run autoreconf before configure?18:47
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alperakokay, do_configure:prepend() { autoreconf --force --install ${S} } worked.19:05
rburtonalperak: do_configure automatically runs autoreconf before configure19:29
rburtonso there's no need to do that, but some packages that don't expect to be autoreconf'd might need a little guidance19:29
alperakrburton thanks.19:31
rburtonif it spews errors pastebin them and i can have a look19:31
rburtonfor my sins i can almost read an autoconf error explosion19:31
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rburtonalperak: do_configure:prepend() { touch ${S}/ABOUT-NLS }19:35
alperakwhy is this error happening? we found the solution but I don't understand it.19:37
alperakthanks btw.19:38
rburtonmaybe we should add that to autotools.bbclass but there's only a few recipes which need it...19:38
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rburtonalperak: ok i've fixed it locally in autotools.bbclass so your workaround will be needed for a short amount of time hopefully20:14
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Rich_1234_homeAnyone have an estimate on how long `bin/bitbake-selftest` takes? Running on a pretty slow laptop21:17
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alperakgood night everyone21:27
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vmesonRich_1234_home: did it finish yet? ;-)21:39
Rich_1234_homevmeson yep :) just disabled net tests and took 273 seconds for 637 tests21:39
vmesonRich_1234_home: k and good. Let me test my shiny new Dell i7 laptop:  BB_SKIP_NETTESTS="yes" time ../../poky.git/bitbake/bin/bitbake-selftest21:42
Rich_1234_homeThis is on a tiny Starlabs starlite (not the new tablet loking one)21:43
vmesonRan 637 tests in 236.399s  -- this system maxes out one core at ~5GHz! and the test did end up turning on the fan briefly.21:46
Rich_1234_homenot bad not bad, running an Intel pentium silver @1.1ghz here 8)21:47
Rich_1234_homei'm trying to send in my first patch (maybe soon)21:48
Rich_1234_homemaybe a dumb question but if I want to patch a bitbake test, do I branch off of poky and then use the oe patch tester or just branch off bitbake21:52
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zeddiistill no timeouts21:59
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RPRich_1234: with the nettests disabled, bitbake-selftest should be fastish, particularly compared to many other tests22:29
RPkanavin_: I strongly believe we need to get to the bottom of this as real world users are going to hit this22:30
Rich_1234_homeI have a patch made, I sent myself the test email. It didn't fail the patch tester however the commit message is all in the subject header instead of in the line below. i.e. subject is "[PATCH] bitbake: tests: Fix duplicate test_underscore_override test --- Found a duplicate test, added _2 suffix to one, 74 tests now pass up from 73." How do i move22:33
Rich_1234_homethe --- part into the body?22:33
RPRich_1234: "git commit --amend" and split the lines?22:37
Rich_1234_homeRP: yeah you were right, had a --- instead of blank line. Looks like it is ready to go now 8)22:44
Rich_1234_homeOk that is now submitted (y)22:58
RPRich_1234: looks good, thanks!22:59
Rich_1234_homeRP: no worries :)23:02
Rich_1234_homebut have a good evening all, I am off23:02
RPRich_1234_home: I will put it into testing overnight :)23:03
Rich_1234_homenice :)23:03
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