Wednesday, 2023-12-27

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XogiumLetoThe2nd: hi :) it looks like in this context it might use the host perl, because ubuntu has a different version on 22.04. 5.34 vs 5.3807:35
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Xogiumit looks like I'd need to bump libscript if I wish to run arch07:44
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Xogiumerr, libxcrypt07:44
Xogiumtypoed that heh07:44
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abluXogium: Yeah, perl is in and thus may be directly used from the host.11:23
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LetoThe2ndXogium: sounds about right then.12:48
Xogiumcould I force yocto to build its own perl if I wanted to avoid that dependency from my host ?12:52
Xogiumin buildroot, you may force the build of any host-* package afaik, so that even if your host has an issue with a software required for the build, it will build its own version12:53
XogiumI'm wading through the manual at the moment and it is a LOT to learn. In a way I'm glad I did buildroot first before attempting yocto, because it reduces the load of information I have to learn at least a bit12:55
Xogiumas for the why I want to learn yocto after buildroot has been useful for me for years... Well, why not ? ;)12:56
LetoThe2ndXogium: there is the buildtools tarball, but not sure if that includes perl.12:56
XogiumI mean the other option here I suppose would be to bump that package. That mustn't be too difficult to do inside a layer, right ?12:58
Xogiumsorry, recipe ;)12:58
Xogiumlooks like you folks have already some commits to bump this in poky, but it must not have been backported to mickledore, given it's lts12:59
LetoThe2ndXogium: mickledore is not LTS, and version bumps are usually not backported anyways. plus, mickledore is end-of-life real soon too.13:15
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LetoThe2ndXogium: a version bump in a custom layer doesn't sound too complicated though, agreed.13:18
Xogiumoh, true, true. My bad13:19
XogiumI misread the table13:19
Xogiumwell if I want the layer from st, I have to use either mickledore or kirkstone atm13:20
Xogiummickledore is at least more recent ;)13:20
Xogiumthe bsp on kirkstone has got a few bugs here and there13:22
LetoThe2ndXogium: sounds about realistic.13:23
XogiumI could give a try to nanbield I suppose, but given st has a mickledore branch, I imagine that might not go over well13:23
Xogiumalso I'm blind so sorry if I sometimes misread things like that :p13:25
Xogiumyou know what, lets try nanbield just for fun and see if the perl issue is gone :D13:25
Xogiumjust with basic poky13:25
LetoThe2ndXogium: no, mixing mickledore and nanbield won't go well especially with ST13:25
Xogiumyeah, I figured so13:27
XogiumI'm a bit overwhelmed still and I don't know what I should do first, I'm still having trouble to convert my thinking from buildroot where an external tree is a bit like a yocto layer where everything is all in a single layer13:43
Xogiumso you have board defconfigs, patches for softwares, new software recipes and whatever else you want all in there13:44
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Xogiummy brain is currently like my tower atm13:50
Xogium77 load average13:50
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Xogiumwhich one of the manual explains how for example I should switch to systemd instead of sysv ?14:34
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LetoThe2ndXogium: set INIT_MANAGER = "systemd" in your DISTRO config (or local.conf until you have a distro)14:40
Xogiumhm I must have missed that14:42
Xogiumthanks :)14:44
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Xogiumcan we link programs against perl in yocto ?15:24
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Xogiumfor example, making irssi link against perl, so that one can use perl scripts15:25
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Xogiumfwiw nanbield has no issue with building, so that's a good thing at least ! I suppose mickledore is just getting quirky with arch15:38
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simonewHi, I am checking the wiki how tos at the moment. Is broken since some time, as distrodata.bbclass was removed. Is it replaced by sth or just dropped?16:17
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rtyI have a custom package that installs everything under /opt/xxx. can I change the variables like base_prefix from bitbake.conf just for the recipe
rtyI see that some variables there are 'exported'. I don't know what that implies in terms of Yocto16:23
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simonew@rty you could just put it like this in a recipe base_prefix="xyz". The effekt could be checked with bitbake -e xxx. But baseprefix is also used in many other vars. That could mean in context of your recipe e.g. export base_bindir="xyz/bin", export base_libdir="xyz/lib",  export localstatedir="xyz/var", ….. I doubt you eant this. What is the goal of this change?16:42
rtysimonew: the goal is to set SOLIBS and FILES_SOLIBSDEV as shown in , since I want to package unversioned symlinks into the main package without ignoring QA errors. however, as I understand, other variables rely on libdir etc. being set correctly, so if I understand correctly, I need to set a few prefix16:48
rtyvariables (I'm already experimenting with it) at the scope of one recipe, so that all other variables, such as libdir, point to correct locations, and other Yocto machinery (such as SOLIBS-related variables) can rely on it16:48
gmorellhmm, I'm attempting to build a recipe for an application that is build using llvm, and it's attempting to find llvm-config.cmake and I'm not quite sure how to provide it to my recipe16:49
rtygmorell: you need to set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to directory foo that contains e.g. foo/lib/cmake/llvm-config.cmake16:51
rtyor, rather, append to it16:51
simonewSo you want to include some unversioned lib into another recipe that also provides some other stuff or just the lib?16:53
rtysimonew: I want to include an unversioned symlink to recipe xxx, which provides this symlink via its underlying build system. recipe xxx provides many more files and directories (like configs, databases). everything is installed under /opt/xxx, which is treated (roughly speaking) as /usr16:56
rtypreviously, I worked around the problem by specifying FILES_SOLIBSDEV="/opt/xxx/lib/lib*${SOLIBSDEV}" and added xxx-dev to the image. this didn't cause any QA errors. however, I discovered that adding xxx-dev blows the size of the image twice its normal size (500mb to 1gb), I don't know why. maybe because it tries to package all -dev packages for xxx's dependencies. so, I'm looking for an17:00
rtyalternative solution (i.e. "packaging unversioned symlinks into the main xxx package")17:00
simonewNot sure what is the best approach here, but one idea that comes to my mind is to split the lib into an extra recipe xxx-lib and do it as suggested by the doc, then just set (R)DEPENDS as needed in the other recipe.17:08
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rtycurrently I am stuck, trying to change 'prefix' variable just for the scope of do_install:append17:13
rtysince if I set prefix for the whole recipe, compilation fails (because it cannot find a qmake makespec)17:15
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simonewNo sure, but would this not be kinda pointless in an append anyway. Lets say your do_install would be autogenerated and just call autotools_do_install  at the the end appending to it would happen autotools_do_install would already been executed. Would a prepend not be better? Anyhow I would put this library into its own recipe and then have a separate recipe for all the other stuff.17:25
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rtywhy does yocto refuse to parse lines with comments on the same line?18:54
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rtysimonew: thanks for answering my questions. I have better understing of the problem now, and a different workaround. I hope your question also gets an answer19:02
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simonewrty: What workaround do you use?20:11
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