Friday, 2024-03-22

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* vvn is confused between meta-imx and meta-freescale for the imx8ulp-lpddr4-evk01:06
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marexit seems the upstream linux kernel support for mx8ulp is just poor too, sigh01:40
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rboxi tried playing around with 8ulp before it went public01:41
rboxit was such a cluster01:41
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marexrbox: foxtrot ?02:20
marexrbox: the hardware looks OKish though02:20
marexrbox: and it seems mx9 will contain some of the IPs too02:20
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khemmarex: yes04:34
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX08:06
mckoanLetoThe2nd: hello08:14
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qschulzdoes a shell task exit as soon as one of the command fails? (i.e. like if set -e was set?)09:55
qschulzIt seems like it, but it surprised me, is this something "new" (happened on kirkstone for me just now)?09:55
RPqschulz: I don't remember it changing.09:58
qschulzRP: does this mean it always was the case? (might have been, but I guess all shell commands I wrote in tasks couldn't fail (e.g. cp -f, mkdir -p, sed, etc...)09:58
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qschulzRP: AHAH! PEBKAC :) I stole some part of kernel-yocto.bbclass into my kernel recipes... but I didn't add surround the tasks with set +e set -e like zeddii did :) SO it fails on my recipe and very likely not in any recipe that inherits kernel-yocto :)10:08
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zhmyloveHey Gods! Is there any way to inherit bbclass for several recipes? INHERIT:pn-bash obviously won't work. Writing several bbappends looks scary10:52
rburtonbbappends are trivial, so do that10:58
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zhmyloverburton: I have to setup 100+ inherits :( It'd be better to create a single file with some overrides than create 100+ files with a single line... Or there is no way to do it besides bbappend?11:43
rburtondare i ask what this new class is actually doing?11:44
zhmyloverburton: it runs source code static analysis (Svace / PVS studio) for several components I'm interested in. So currently I'm looking for the way to specify a list of those components11:46
landgrafzhmylove: include maybe?11:46
rburtonglobal inherit, opt-in with a variable assignment, assign that in the distro with overrides11:46
zhmylovelandgraf: is it possible to make include on a recipe-name basis? I have to include it into, for instance, bash as well and I don't want to touch bash recipe11:47
zhmyloverburton: yes, but global inherit will invalidate all the remote sstate caches :(11:49
rburtononly if you put it in the wrong place in the depenency tree11:49
zhmylovewhat do you mean? Global inherit would change sstate sig for all tasks, for instance, for all native recipes. Right?11:50
rburtonit depends how your analyser works.  some analysers don't  compile code but replace the compiler, some you submit the code to11:51
rburtona simple inherit won't invaldate the entire sstate, changing the dependencies will.  so just put the analysis tasks on another dependency chain.11:52
zhmyloveI see. Unfortunately the bbclass appends DEPENDS to make analyzer available during build. Also it replaces oe_runmake_call(), so inheriting such a class should definitely touch sstate sig. Is there any way to replace functions programmaticaly on parsing phase using anonymouse python() block?11:58
rburtonadd to depends using the anon py. and why are you replacing the make call?12:00
rburtonfwiw, the coverity scanner i wrote some time ago mostly worked by looking at a variable, and if it was set adding a DEPENDS and wrapper scripts to PATH12:00
zhmyloverburton: thanks! As far as I can see, most of coverity's stuff is enabled from anon python. But JFYI PATH is being prepended unconditionally on line 114.12:03
rburtonthats not my class, but someone elses :)12:03
zhmyloveAhh, I see. Anyways, thanks a lot!12:04
rburtonif you can do the scan outside of a compile then you're good - a usual build can have it disabled and use sstate, an analysis build doesn't matter if it can't reuse sstate because the point is that it scans the sources anyway12:05
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JaMaif it's separate task, then you don't even need anon python right you can add the tool in do_foo[depends] += "too.do_populate_sysroot"12:15
rburtonyeah if you can isolate it entirely12:15
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LetoThe2ndhm, how to get rid of a COMPATIBLE_MACHINE statement in a machine configuration? recipes are easy, by appends.12:28
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LetoThe2ndor do I really have to create a subsequent machine conf that pulls in the original and sets the variable?12:30
qschulzLetoThe2nd: COMPATIBLE_MACHINE are recipe-specific, so not sure to understand the question/usecase?12:30
qschulzLetoThe2nd: ah, I see the "issue" now12:30
qschulzyou have machineb that is a variant of machinea and you want machineb to match machinea OVERRIDES/COMPATIBLE_MACHINE12:31
qschulzso you don't have to go through all recipes? is that correct?12:31
LetoThe2ndqschulz: not exactly. but wait, guess I'm up to something.12:32
qschulzLetoThe2nd: if I was correct in my assumption, you.d need
qschulzto be done before **any** include or require statement12:35
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LetoThe2ndqschulz: I was thinking along wrong lines. sorry for the noise!12:44
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qschulzLetoThe2nd: it's okay, I had an opportunity to show that I know something :D12:47
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LetoThe2ndqschulz: yay!12:49
LetoThe2ndbut still. so the offending line is this:
LetoThe2ndit is already in an append, so its processed really late. how to tell bitbake that its fine, and it shall go ahead?12:49
qschulzCOMPATIBLE_MACHINE:raspberrypi5:forcevariable = "(raspberrypi5)" ?12:54
qschulzanything with another override after :raspberrypi5 would work I assume12:55
qschulzprovided it matches what's inside OVERRIDES :)12:56
qschulzLetoThe2nd: ^12:56
LetoThe2ndqschulz: thanks, force variable did the trick. its just a preliminary build so I'm kinda okay with sticking such things into local.conf for now ;-)12:58
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rm5248I'm trying to build an esdk for my board but it keeps failing.  Specifically one of my recipes continues to fail in the do_fetch phase fails with exit code 'setscene ignore_tasks'.  I can't figure out why it's trying to fetch because when I do 'bitbake <recipe>' it doesn't do anything(since it is already built).  Any ideas as to what I can check to debug/fix?14:02
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JPEWmoto-timo: Poetry was useful back in the day, I just dislike it a lot now that python packaging has come along14:29
moto-timoJPEW: exactly. Just like `flit` was handy for a bit, but `hatch` has really changed the playing field.14:29
moto-timobless the `pypa` folks for _eventually_ getting to very good solutions. Software is hard.14:30
JPEWSoftware is hard14:30
moto-timoThis is the Way.14:30
JPEWThe most expensive nothing ever made!14:30
moto-timoFor anyone wanting to start new Python projects, I recommend only `hatch` and `maturin`.14:31
JPEWYa, hatch is great. I haven't tried maturin14:31
moto-timoJPEW: `maturin` is for when you need to mix and match Rust and Python (either direction).14:33
moto-timoJPEW: so if you are writing C extensions, you may want to visit Rust extensions instead.14:33
JPEWI try to avoid doing that14:34
moto-timoJPEW: thanks for the work. This is a very welcome improvment.14:35
moto-timocontext for everyone:
qschulzmoto-timo: on that topic, did you get the pypi credentials from intel to be able to push?14:39
moto-timoqschulz: Intel has nothing to do with the project anymore. When we are ready to push, we will do it with our own credentials. Complete package take over.14:39
moto-timo_friendly_ take over14:40
qschulzdon't you need access to the pypi repo to be able to take over the package name??14:40
qschulz that what made me think of this14:41
qschulzso i should have said "ownership" of the pypi package instead of "Credentials" :)14:42
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gchamphi all, does anyone have tips on auto enabling user systemd service? seems like systemd.bbclass can only enable system services at build time. I was looking into systemctl preset-all, but it enables services in /home/<user/.config rather than /usr/lib/..14:54
moto-timoqschulz: baby steps my friend15:10
moto-timoI absolutely want to eradicate any mention of Python 2 support before we push anything new. We just barely got CI working again thanks to JPEW.15:11
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qschulzmoto-timo: let's hope whenever you need the permission on pypi the people who set this up at Intel still are there :)15:20
JPEWqschulz: It's not on pypi15:20
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qschulzJPEW: well, that makes everything easier then... should have checked before complaining :)15:21
JPEWqschulz: :D I'd like to put it on PyPi and drop the debian packages so users can just pip install it15:22
JPEWWe'll see15:22
qschulz(BTW, happy to see maintainership is being taken over)15:22
qschulz(the timing was quite funny, we just migrated our user manuals to use bmap instead of the ol' dd :) )15:22
landgrafgchamp: I've been looking for the same functionality since yesterday...15:22
landgrafgchamp: doesn't seem to be supported out of the box15:23
qschulzJPEW: distro packages are nice, especially when Debian started to forbid python3 -m pip install without a venv15:23
JPEWqschulz: Ya, fair15:23
gchamplandgraf: yeah, I think im gonna fall back on do_install:append() { ln ... } for now since I only have 2 services to enable. not very scalable though15:28
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landgrafgchamp: or improve it a bit, put into systemd.bbclass and send a patch :) I was doing this but then hit two different but related issues. :-/15:33
JPEWmoto-timo: Well, I didn't _entirely_ eliminate Python 2, but I got some of the main ones15:34
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moto-timoJPEW: heh, I am just trying to create issues to track the ideas in my head. Even though sometimes it takes as much time to create the issue as edit the file. lol15:35
JPEWI didn't fix the distro packaging, so it's still valid15:36
JPEWAlso, we should excise `six` from the codebase15:36
JPEWSo still valid I think15:36
* moto-timo 's bar for excellence in issues is much lower than my bar for excellence in commits.15:37
moto-timoYeah. Six, 2to3, anything like that. That is why I created the issue to track it. I refuse to continue to push updates that support Python 2. NOPE. Stop abusing the dead.15:37
* moto-timo didn't check pypi either :)15:40
* moto-timo never completed getting started as a Debian packager... and is not very good at GPG/PGP key maintenance. This would imply knowing the password to unlock my card for my original air gapped root cert. lol15:41
moto-timola la la15:41
moto-timoJPEW is a busy beaver today. Many thanks!15:43
JPEWmoto-timo: I had a little free time this morning15:43
JPEWAnd it bothered me :)15:43
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moto-timojust waiting for the CI to finish and I'll merge it.15:59
rburtonqschulz: huh i thought i made our python forbid pip without venv too16:00
qschulzrburton: mm?16:01
rburtoni can't find the patch anymore16:01
qschulzrburton: I don't get why i'm highlighted and what "our python" in your sentence refers to :|16:02
rburton<qschulz> JPEG: distro packages are nice, especially when Debian started to forbid python3 -m pip install without a venv16:03
rburtoni was saying that i thought i made our py do the same, but maybe i failed to post the patch16:03
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leftyHi all, I'm playing around with devtool with MACHINE=beaglebone-yocto. When I do a "devtool modify linux-yocto", my workspace source tree ends up on branch v6.1/standard/beaglebone, and git immediately tells me that my branch and origin/v6.1/standard/beaglebone have diverged, and I'm in the middle of a rebase. As a result, if I make any16:11
leftymodifications, I'm unable to do a "devtool finish" since it tells me I'm in the middle of a git am or a git apply. Any ideas on how to work around this?16:11
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* landgraf should work in QA with my "bug attractive karma" .Reported 3 new bugs today. Hopefully RP will not kill me next Thursday :-/16:14
landgrafonly one of them looks more or less important though16:15
rburtonlandgraf: you can just own them to balance it out ;)16:17
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RPlandgraf: bugs should be filed. I did take a look and disagree one of them is a bug though ;-)16:20
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landgrafRP: the one with nonexisting user I guess. That one is weird and I don't like it either.  I'll close it  :)16:26
RPlandgraf: fair enough. I don't think we've ever claimed to support that scenario16:29
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landgrafright. it's valid for "traditional distros".16:32
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RPlandgraf: agreed. We don't always match them :)16:37
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jwinarskFor building a rust cdylib in scarthgap I'm needing to add this to get rid of the tmp path warning.17:04
jwinarskdo_configure:prepend() {17:04
jwinarsk    export RUSTFLAGS="-C ${DEBUG_FLAGS}"17:04
jwinarskSeems this should be in poky/meta/classes-recipe/rust.bbclass, no?17:04
khemRP: those are warnings about packages which dont have SRC_URIs perhaps ?17:10
khemRP: I am seeing this error on AB with master-next -
khemits happening for couple of days17:10
jwinarskit's the qa warning about tmp path being in the binary17:11
jwinarskfor relative symbols17:11
RPkhem: that is the known spdx bug that JPEW has17:14
jwinarskcool thx17:14
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khemyeah tmp path issue in meta-oe recipes is there, its getting fixed but all is not done.17:29
khemwe had 100s of recipes to begin with and now I think the number has come down significantly17:29
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yudjinnhello, how can I make a PACKAGECONFIG that depends on another? i.e. I have `PACKAGECONFIG = app1 app2 library` and `PACKAGECONFIG[app1]` requires library17:54
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rburtonyudjinn: you put a comment explaining the dependency.  the documentation explains how packageconfig works, there's no dependencies between them18:29
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jwinarskkhem: good to know I'm not alone there :)19:58
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moto-timoif anyone using meta-java has any in-house test cases you run on your images, please consider commenting on or sending something to the mailing list20:25
moto-timoWe really need to get some run-time testing going to make CI trustworthy.20:25
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