Friday, 2024-04-19

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c-thalerhi.can anybody tell me if parsing of "internal" conf files like "bitbake.conf" is handled differently than parsing the "layer.conf" in layers? it seems that variables in "include" and "require" statements are not expanded in "layer.conf" files.08:39
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LetoThe2ndc-thaler: its the layer.conf ones that are specially treated IIRC.09:06
LetoThe2ndpointers anybody why  make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'arch/arm/boot/dts/vexpress-v2p-ca9.dtb'.  Stop falls over on scarthgap? I have KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "vexpress-v2p-ca9.dtb", and in the dev shell "make dtbs" happily builds that one.09:12
rburtoncambrian_invader: the host libc headers are used09:13
rburtoncambrian_invader: which is why i blame either your host missing headers entirely (unlikely), or a broken recipe (more likely)09:13
KanjiMonsterLetoThe2nd: which kernel version? a recent 6.x release moved arm trees into vendored subtrees, so you might need to update KERNEL_DEVICETREE value09:38
c-thalerthanks LetoThe2nd09:49
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Guest12[  299.900969] systemd-sysv-generator[1680]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrack-failover' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.10:33
Guest12[  301.680600] systemd-sysv-generator[1693]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrackd' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.10:33
Guest12[  301.708284] systemd-sysv-generator[1693]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrack-failover' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.10:33
Guest12[  303.514671] systemd-sysv-generator[1706]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrackd' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.10:33
Guest12[  303.540600] systemd-sysv-generator[1706]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrack-failover' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.10:33
Guest12[  305.309256] systemd-sysv-generator[1719]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrackd' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.10:33
Guest12any idea how to fix this?10:33
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Guest12[  299.900969] systemd-sysv-generator[1680]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrack-failover' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.13:54
Guest12[  301.680600] systemd-sysv-generator[1693]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrackd' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.13:54
Guest12[  301.708284] systemd-sysv-generator[1693]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrack-failover' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.13:54
Guest12[  303.514671] systemd-sysv-generator[1706]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrackd' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.13:54
Guest12[  303.540600] systemd-sysv-generator[1706]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrack-failover' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.13:54
Guest12[  305.309256] systemd-sysv-generator[1719]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/conntrackd' lacks a native systemd unit file. Automatically generating a unit file for compatibility. Please update package to include a native systemd unit file, in order to make it more safe and robust.13:54
Guest12 Any idea what could cause this?13:54
JaMastop pasting walls of text, isn't it obvious from the message?13:54
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JaMaand it's not specific to #yocto, any distro with recent systemd will shows these for sysV services, so either provide native systemd services or drop the sysv scripts from your image13:56
Guest12JaMa if it was obvious, I wasn't asking :)13:57
JaMayou've repeated the same message 12 times (just with different filenames and timestamps), so I could assume that you might be lacking something else as well.13:59
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rfs613"Starting with the 1.4.4 release, conntrackd includes integration with systemd(1) to use an unit file of Type=notify and watchdog support."14:16
rfs613so most likely, the work is already done...14:16
JaMathe repo doesn't have native systemd service files AFAIK, the integration with systemd was only in the code, but maybe I've overlooked something
Guest12Welp I'm not even sure where that package comes from. All I did was migrate to "kirkstone". In dunfell / zeus-next, I get no warnings14:21
Guest12migrate my layers* to kirkstone14:22
Guest12my INIT_MANAGER="systemd"14:22
rfs613JaMa: hmm perhaps... you'd think they'd include it in the repo, or somewhere nearby, avoid every user making their own... but I don't use it myself so I haven't really looked14:22
JaMaI don't use it as well14:23
rfs613Guest12: if this is the only issue you have when switching from dunfel to kirkstone, then consider youself lucky ;-)14:23
rfs613it's only warning, you can ignore it, and if it bugs you, then the fix is to create a systemd unit file... for which there are lots of websites and tutorials, it is not yocto specific, as already was mentioned14:24
JaMaand if you don't know what contrack is then most likely you can just remove them from the image as mentioned before14:24
rfs613i was just about to write something like that14:25
Tofe archlinux is shipping its own systemd service14:26
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JaMawhich wasn't updated in 9 years, that's probably why it doesn't have Type=notify mentioned in conntrackd systemd commit14:28
JaMa/usr/portage/net-firewall/conntrack-tools/files/conntrackd.service from gentoo looks better14:29
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cambrian_invaderrburton: ok, so are there any examples of recipes which do this right15:19
rburtoncambrian_invader: can you share the recipe that is breaking?15:19
cambrian_invader's U-Boot15:20
rburtoncambrian_invader: sounds like your host machine is missing glibc-dev or similar15:20
cambrian_invaderI can compile U-Boot just fine outside of yocto :)15:21
cambrian_invaderthe cause of course that sys/types.h is missing from the recipe's native sysroot15:21
rburtoncambrian_invader: can you replicate with literally git clone, cd poky; . oe-init-build-env; MACHINE=qemuarm bitbake u-boot15:21
cambrian_invaderbut the problem I am trying to solve is that the recipe is using the host's libraries as a fallback when they are missing from the native sysroot15:22
cambrian_invaderso to reproduce I'd have to revert
rburtonis the fail in a host or target compile15:23
cambrian_invaderI'm not sure what you mean15:23
rburtonwhat compiler is being used15:23
cambrian_invaderthe problem is if you don't have the above patch and you don't have gnutls installed, then the recipe fails15:23
cambrian_invaderbut if you do have gnutls installed it succeeds15:23
rburtonyou should file a bug with actual logs and what you know15:24
cambrian_invaderyeah probably...15:24
rburtoninstead of half discussions with people over days on irc which can be hard to track15:24
cambrian_invaderI thought it would be a quick patch15:24
cambrian_invaderbut my initial attempt did not work15:24
rburtonit might be, but i'm also doing my actual job, so you said something about sys/types.h yesterday and again today and not a huge amount more15:25
rburtonif its a native compile the the host glibc is used (you said glibc-native yesterday), but if its a target compile then the target glibc should be in the sysroot and that - obviously - has sys/types.h15:25
rburtonplease file a bug if you think you've found a bug15:25
cambrian_invaderit's a host compile in a target recipe15:27
rburtonby gnutls installed do you mean having gnutls/gnutls-dev installed on the build machine?15:29
rburtoni've never had that installed, so the question is why has that not broken for me15:34
rburtonif you can replicate with just poky on any supported release branch then please do file a bug.  host contamination needs to be fixed15:35
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