Monday, 2024-04-22

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DvorkinDmitrySDK includes kernel sources + other dependencies. I try to load the SDK ENV then "cd SDKTARGETPATH/usr/src/kernel/ && make modules_prepare", but got "yaml.h" not found, althrough yaml.h is there, in SDKTARGETPATH/usr/include/. What should I do to fix it?01:15
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qschulzhalstead: interesting choice. I would have thought everyone would like to have http->https redirected always. Don't likey-likey the red colors/broken locks in my address space, and i'm too lazy to type https:// in front of my URLs on colleagues' PCs :)08:48
qschulzbut if this is a deliberate choice, I personally do not have much against it rather than "would prefer otherwise", which doesn't apply to me because of HTTPS-only feature of Firefox I have enabled08:49
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dvergatalhi is there some proper way within bitbake or oe-core to verify version like e.g. parse_version from packaging.version ?09:30
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bhstalelHas anyone seen this error before ?09:37
bhstalelpoky/bitbake/lib/bb/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=50>09:37
bhstalel  return True09:37
qschulzdvergatal: what do you want to do (the actual use case)?09:37
dvergatalqschulz: to verify versions and do if else09:37
dvergatalqschulz: meaning that I have a python function in which I want to call some part of the code if version defined elsewhere is lower than expected and run other code if version is higher09:40
qschulzdvergatal: you cannot access the data from one recipe from within another recipe, so if your plan is to do something in recipe A based on the version of recipe B, that won't work09:41
dvergatalqschulz: no it is not in recipe but in bbclass and i do not want to compare recipe versions09:42
dvergatalqschulz: I do not plan to do what you have described09:43
qschulzdvergatal: still not sure to understand what you want to do, but the recipe version should be PV09:44
qschulzit may store a little bit more than the version in the filename, or may be entirely different if git is used09:45
dvergatalechh I check DISTRO_VERSION variable and I want to do something if I will change it09:46
landgrafdvergatal: as qschulz mentioned it depends on "somewhere" where the version is defined09:46
qschulzdvergatal: you can read DISTRO_VERSION from anywhere, provided you change it only from the distro conf file (or any other conf file that is used as part of your build, but distro conf file is where it makes the most sense)09:47
landgrafdvergatal: you can do it in your python function. ver = d.getVar("DISTRO_VERSION"); if ver > X: do_something()09:47
dvergatallandgraf: yes this is what I wanted to do but I wanted to use this parse_version from packaging.version and thought that maybe there is something already like it in bitbake09:48
qschulzdvergatal: I don't remember exaclty if I used it in the past or not but vercmp from bb.09:48
qschulzbb.utils may be useful;09:49
landgrafdvergatal: there're few files which provided some functions like that09:49
landgrafdvergatal: check them out09:49
dvergatalok thx a lot09:49
bhstalelThe full error:09:49
bhstalelERROR: Failed to spawn fakeroot worker to run /.../layers/poky/meta/recipes-kernel/linux-libc-headers/ [Errno 32] Broken pipe09:49
bhstalelWARNING: /..../layers/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=50>09:49
bhstalel  return True09:49
bhstalelAnyone has an idea ?09:49
dvergatalqschulz: yeah there it is thx09:49
dvergatalthx :D09:50
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fullstopIs it possible to use yocto to create an ext4 file system which is not a full system?13:58
fullstopThat is, let's say that I wanted to create a partition which will be mounted at /app but it does not include the C runtime, init system, etc.13:58
fullstopI could delete a ton of stuff in a postprocess command I suppose.14:00
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yoctonfullstop: IIRC you can install your app in /app and tell wic to make an ext4 image file with just that.14:11
fullstopyocton: will that remove the contents of /app from the rootfs image?14:12
fullstopIf so, that is exactly what I want.14:12
yoctonyou may need to exclude /app from the "main" wic file14:13
fullstopI will look into this.  Thanks, yocton.14:13
yocton look for --exclude-path14:14
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fullstopexcluding works great.  Including, not so much.  I ended up with a partition containing the entire rootfs (including /app)15:27
fullstopPerhaps I need to make my own wic plugin.15:29
qschulzfullstop: pretty sure this is supported just fine in wic15:30
fullstopHow can I exclude everything except for /app ?15:31
fullstopdo I need to --exclude-path /usr --exclude-path /lib ?15:32
qschulzfullstop: shouldn't it just be "part /app" ?15:32
fullstopqschulz: what is the source, though?  rootfs?15:33
qschulzI guess so?15:33
qschulzIIRC we allow to have the /boot directory in a different partition via some variables, so I think wic should have some support for that15:34
fullstopThis is what I end up for that partition when I do that:
qschulzbut I may be misremembering15:34
fullstopI'm using a NXP bsp, so maybe this is supported post mickeldore15:35
qschulzmickledore EOL already :)15:36
fullstopin this case, "part app" /app has the contents and "part /" /app is empty.15:36
fullstopqschulz: I understand, my hands are tied there.15:36
qschulzfullstop: part /app not part app, but looking into the plugins now15:37
qschulzplugins/source/ seems to be the one I was talking about15:37
qschulzso maybe not that well integrated for anything outside of /boot directory :)15:38
fullstopThat explains the behavior at least.  :-)15:38
qschulzfullstop: sorry, not much more input from me on that topic :/15:47
fullstopno worries, I appreciate your input.15:47
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halsteadqschulz: At one point I did enable global redirects from http -> https. I received complaints from people because it broke their CI system.16:00
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halsteadkanavin: May I interrupt for reboots?16:07
yoctonfullstop: maybe the tests can help you :
yoctonfullstop: some look like what you are trying to do and did run successfully at some point16:11
qschulzhalstead: while you're here, the dark theme (I assume) on cgit is broken16:11
qschulzI have white background but white font as well :)16:11
halsteadqschulz: It looks like the link to the dark theme was removed as well.16:12
yoctonqschulz: kwown bug
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qschulzyocton: thanks for the pointer, will wait therefore :)16:16
qschulzcan always just highlight the text whenever I want to read something specifically anyway16:17
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DvorkinDmitrySDK includes kernel sources + other dependencies. I try to load the SDK ENV then "cd SDKTARGETPATH/usr/src/kernel/ && make modules_prepare", but got "yaml.h" not found, althrough yaml.h is there, in SDKTARGETPATH/usr/include/. What should I do to fix it?16:36
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rburtonDvorkinDmitry: does it actually need _host_ yaml?16:42
DvorkinDmitryrburton, I saw this recommendation from STM, but I'm sure it should see the include files from SDK itself16:43
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yudjinnon kirkstone, i have a modem that activates and connects using ModemManager, but NetworkManager never sees it; how can I debug this?16:50
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vvnhi there -- what do you guys recommend for modem connectivity?19:00
arielmrmxoo i read "modern"19:00
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yudjinnvvn: ModemManager is the standard, and NetworkManager handles the ppp stream on top of it19:08
yudjinnunless you're running iwd or smth19:08
vvnok, I see that the 3g machine feature installs ofono. How would that compare to modemmanager?19:18
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rfs613scarthcap seems to ship gcc 13.2 currently (oe-core/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc)... will this be updated to 13.3 when that version releases?20:14
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vmesonrfs613: Yes, we'll, update to gcc-13.3 when it's released.20:16
rfs613ok thanks!20:17
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halsteadkanavin: Nevermind. I let it finish.20:57
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