Sunday, 2024-05-12

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tlwoernercould an override apply to a dynamic layer? i can't seem to find the magic incantation, but my understanding is conf/layers.conf is "handled differently"13:07
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RPtlwoerner: it depends when you're trying to expand the variable16:59
RPJookia: text based communication can make things harder. I just wanted to explain why your preferred solution likely wouldn't work for the project overall17:00
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Jookiathat's fair18:07
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kanavinJookia, no problem, I have some traits in that direction too. Software field attracts that kind of personality in general.18:37
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tlwoernerRP: perhaps better if i describe what i'm hoping to accomplish22:10
tlwoernerit would be great to have the contents of a dynamic layer apply iff22:11
tlwoerner1) the given layer is added to bblayers.conf22:11
tlwoerner2) a {variable|*_FEATURE|?} is enabled/true/122:12
tlwoernerif the user adds the layer to bblayers.conf but doesn't enable the flag then the dynamic layer will not be applied22:12
tlwoerner(and the user is free to create their own bbappends/etc)22:13
tlwoerneri can attain what i want if every recipe/bbapend in the dynamic layer has some sort of override logic applied to every variable22:15
tlwoernerbut it would be nice to do this once in one place, instead of everywhere22:15
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