Tuesday, 2024-05-21

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khemtlwoerner: I dont think MACHINEOVERRIDES is any special04:22
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JaMaRP: reproduced and will send v2 later today (last minute change from make to oe_runmake caused INS_BASE=${prefix} not to be repected)06:21
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RPkhem: mingw is unhappy about gcc 14: https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/89/builds/9010/steps/12/logs/stdio06:52
RPkhem: I've tried with and without that upgrade, your original older patch is now applied06:52
* RP thinks we should merge gcc 14 at this point06:53
RPjonmason, rburton: meta-arm fvp-base doesn't like gcc 14: https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/113/builds/5564/steps/12/logs/stdio06:54
RPzeddii: xen doens't like gcc 14 either: https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/typhoon/#/builders/128/builds/3210/steps/17/logs/stdio :(06:55
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sa7mfosHello, how do I specify which files that should end up in /boot on the rootfs partition? I'm looking for something like IMAGE_BOOT_FILES but for /boot directory, not the boot partition07:23
mcfrisksa7mfos: packages install files to /boot too. check which packages are installed to the rootfs and control /boot contents with that.07:29
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sa7mfo2So there is no way to specify which files that should be included in, for examle, the image file? I have to create bbappend files for each recipe?07:55
RPJaMa: thanks, glad to narrow it down to the right patch!08:07
rburtonsa7mfo2: consider /boot on the rootfs just another directory, if you're not mounting a boot partition at /boot.08:08
mcfrisksa7mfos: image recipe controls which packages are used to generate the rootfs. normal recipes (source packages) build binary packages. binary packages are used to generated images, sdk etc. see https://docs.yoctoproject.org/dev/singleindex.html#customizing-images08:09
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Guest13hi can i get some help: https://github.com/openembedded/meta-openembedded/issues/828 , related to samba and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM08:14
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JaMaRP: sorry I didn't spot it locally, my final test after last minute change built cdrtools as part of WIC dependencies, but didn't actually try to use it and I didn't re-check buildhistory diff08:27
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JaMaand FWIW I'm for merging gcc-14 and building uninative with it (I'm using locally built one), other people won't help either way with the upgrade merged in master or master-next :(08:31
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rburtonRP zeddii: can you backport 6ff09b6b8c2fb6b3edda4ffaa173153a40653067 to fix the btrfs failure08:36
JaMajonmason: rburton: meta-arm probably needs this fix for gcc-14 https://lore.kernel.org/linux-btrfs/20231221084748.10094-1-dmantipov@yandex.ru/08:36
rburtonliterally just found the same patch ^^^ :)08:37
JaMayou won this one :)08:37
rburtonnot sure why btrfs is being built...08:39
rburtonah standard kconfig08:40
rburtonso why doesn't qemu* see that?08:41
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RPJaMa: testing all combinations of all changes is hard, the failures are driving me crazy atm. I think gcc14 will go in shortly as it is probably close enough now08:47
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JaMakhem: you can drop openipmi workaround https://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded/diff/meta-networking/recipes-support/openipmi/openipmi_2.0.35.bb?h=master-next&id=35d0275efd944849f7510761df29a075923e34a9 see https://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded-contrib/commit/?h=jansa/master-gcc14&id=6fe750e0f6cd48b54c498ee88620842db057a40b09:03
qschulztlwoerner: bb.utils.contains splits by space, and OVERRIDES split by colon, so it cannot work09:08
qschulztlwoerner: what you could do is matchval if matchstr in d.getVar('MACHINEOVERRIDES').split(':') else nomatchval09:10
qschulztlwoerner: but I need to ask why you want to use bb.utils.contains on MACHINEOVERRIDES instead of using it as an OVERRIDES?09:10
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LetoThe2ndyo dudX09:33
ldywickioy xdud!09:36
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Guest59hi, is there a way to build a -dbg package for a given recipe using bitbake without using dbg-pkgs feature that forces building -dbg packages for the whole image?10:43
rburtonGuest59: just add it to your image with IMAGE_INSTALL10:43
Guest59yeah, that's one way of doing but, but I meant to install it as an optional package without rebuilding the whole image, just for development/debugging10:44
rburtonuse the package manager and just install it?10:45
Guest59so if there was some magical environment variable or bitbake switch to force it to build -dbg package manually, that would be great, but I can't find anything10:45
rburtonthey're always _built_ just not installed10:45
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qschulzGuest59: tmp/deploy/<package_class_name>/ is where you want to look at10:47
Guest59rburton: qschulz: thank you, I assumed these are only built when dpkg-pkgs is enabled, the real culprit was with how I configured package manager on the target, it wasn't aware of the debug packages10:49
qschulzGuest59: no, they are always built10:53
qschulzall packages listed in the variable PACKAGES in a recipe are built10:53
Guest59ok, thank you for your help10:54
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tlwoernerqschulz: any user can set the MACHINE_FEATURES in their config for any build/machine/etc14:43
tlwoernerbut actually implementing the feature (i.e. setting MACHINEOVERRIDES) is conditional14:43
tlwoerneri want to detect the case where the use has set a configuration (MACHINE_FEATURE) but where it can't actually be realized (MACHINEOVERRIDES) and warn them of it14:44
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khemJaMa: one less to worry about thanks. I have cherery-picked and squashed into master-next15:49
qschulztlwoerner: do_func() { bb.fatal("Not supported!") }; do_func:override() { : }15:56
qschulztlwoerner: and you just check in do_func (the leftmost) whether MACHINE_FEATURES is set15:57
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tgamblinrburton: I am told you may want/need to know that PYPI_SRC_URI is undocumented in the ref manual. Should I send a patch for that?16:27
rburtontgamblin: please do, but make it clear that most recipes won't need to set it16:28
rburtondocumentation.conf has a fragment you can start with16:28
tgamblinrburton: cool, thanks16:28
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tgamblinrburton: sent18:27
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