Friday, 2024-05-31

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qschulztlwoerner: I for sure can work on rebasing :)08:21
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qschulztlwoerner: are you interested in backporting it to scarthgap too?08:27
kilobyte_chOk, I have debugged my gitsm:// issue further. I think I know the issue now. The commit hash of the submodule is not present in any branch. Thus it fails to check it out. But the commit is present on the git server. Is there a way to tell Yocto that it should clone the whole Git Repository (and whole Git Repository of the submodule) before checkout?08:34
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kilobyte_chThis is the issue on git level. I let yocto clone the submodule repo. When tinkering with it manually I can checkout branches which are contained in a branch, but can't checkout ones NOT contained in a branch:
RPkilobyte_ch: there is a fetcher option to disable the branch checks iirc08:38
RPbusybox as a project looks a little worrying :/08:42
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XogiumRP: because it hasn't been updated in over a year ?09:00
RPXogium: yes09:01
XogiumI agree09:01
Xogiumfew bad CVEs in there isn't it09:01
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RPIt is sad to see those kinds of signs09:04
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RPzeddii: is xen do_compile failing, seemingly with master-next of meta-virt according to the config11:59
RPzeddii: arm64 and arm but not x8612:00
zeddiiHmm. I did build it. let me see if i did arm64 in that test12:01
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mrybczynRP the VEX work is coming today. Three patches for oe-core just went out, I'll be sending a message with an overview and a link to the repo for the tool shortly13:10
mrybczynRP RFC of course, there are a few things to sort out still, but my questions will be easier to ask when people can see the code :)13:11
RPmrybczyn: sounds great, definitely the right thing to do!13:11
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RPmrybczyn: did you have some questions to ask based on the patches?13:49
mrybczynRP yes but I'm typing the "cover letter" :)13:50
RPmrybczyn: fair enough, I just had a read of the patches and wondered :)13:52
RPmrybczyn: patch 3 can probably just merge?13:52
mrybczynRP you're a fast reader then :)13:52
RPmrybczyn: I read a lot of patches!13:52
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mrybczynRP We have an issue with the kernel CVEs, we will merge when it is confirmed that this patch isn't part of the cause13:53
mrybczynRP the kernel CVEs from the new CNA are a nice test case...13:53
mrybczynRP but they parse really well13:53
RPmrybczyn: parsing well is cool. I feel I don't have enough info on the rest to comment yet!"13:58
RPJPEW: any idea on timeout errors: ?14:03
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JPEWIs the server overloaded?14:04
RPJPEW: I don't know14:04
RPhalstead: happen to be around and able to check?14:04
RPJPEW: certainly looks like multiple clients suddenly had issues14:05
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RyanEatmonI'm having some build issues with go and the latest UNPACKDIR stuff.  Any rules for what we are supposed to do for those recipes?15:28
RPRyanEatmon: there is a destsuffix you need to add to the src_uris15:34
RyanEatmonYeah, I'm just seeing that.  Trying it now.15:35
RPRyanEatmon: bonus points if you can send the docs patch for that15:35
RyanEatmonWhere is the docs repo?  I might just do that.15:36
RyanEatmonNever looked into the docs source stuff before.15:37
RPRyanEatmon: is a related example15:37
RyanEatmonGotcha.  I'll take a look and send something in.15:38
qschulzI think I found a bug in the package dependency mechanism but I don't really know how to formulate it15:44
qschulzI'm on master15:45
qschulzI have a reproducer with as a base15:45
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qschulzmodify the FILES for the mali-csffw-license to try to add LICENSE instead of LICENCE (S instead of C)15:46
qschulzthe former doesn't exist, the latter does15:46
qschulzso now, the -license package should basically be empty15:46
qschulzfirst... I don't think ALLOW_EMPTY is set anywhere for that package, so I don't see any warning about an empty package15:46
qschulzsecond, I have -arch108 RDEPENDS on -license15:47
qschulzif I IMAGE_INSTALL the -arch108 package, the build passes but the packages aren't actually installed15:47
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qschulzwell the content of -arch108 package is for sure not in the image15:48
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RPzeddii: second autobuilder confirmed there is some arm/arm64 gcc 14 looking glitch left15:55
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RyanEatmonRP Do you just want the update for the migration guide? or the changes for the classes.rst and variables.rst as well?15:58
RPRyanEatmon: both if they make sense please. The migration guide can point at the main docs if it makes sense to15:59
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halsteadRP: I'm just getting started. I can try looking up historic load levels and enable them if it's not already tracked.16:04
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RPhalstead: thanks, I just wanted to mentioned it as it happened just in case. Still not sure why we ran into that then :/16:12
zeddiiRP: I just pushed something to master-next for Xen.16:13
JaMazeddii: why is a fix for gcc-14 OE specific? :)16:14
zeddiibecause it shut up the QA warning16:15
zeddiiand I have zero intent to send it upstream.16:15
JaMaI would use Pending in such case (to avoid needing to distinguish the really Inappropriate from others) :)16:16
zeddiithat's fair. I can tweak it to that.16:16
JaManot just because of me16:17
zeddiinaw. it'16:17
zeddiiit's good feedback. I Was just doing it quickly and should have searched more for a better state16:17
JaMawe should add TooLazyRightNow state :)16:18
zeddii+1 !16:18
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JaMato distinguish upstreamable .patch files which are good adapts for good samaritan janitor to send them upstream16:18
* zeddii tweaked it to this:16:19
zeddiiUpstream-Status: Pending [the xen folks understand the code and the right fix .. I don't]16:19
RPkhem: libtool upgrade to 2.5.0 test patch in master-next16:20
RPwe got a few patches merged which is nice16:20
JaMahehe, that's how I often feel and then the horor when I realize that my temporary fix is better than what our developers came with internally :)16:21
zeddii:) imposter syndrom is real16:22
khemRP: I hope its not a train wreck for packages16:22
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khemJaMa:which patch are you talking about ?16:26
RPkhem: only one way to find out...16:27
RPkhem: you might want to try and sort out the 0008 clang patch with upstream libtool16:27
JaMaicu, boost, gstreamer update in the same "batch" of updates already made enough work for next weekend :)16:28
khemRP: I see that your master-next branch is carry a patch to gcc for supporting libc++, that looks good to me btw.16:29
RPkhem: I'm nervous about that one16:29
RPI did merge the new libc-headers and kernel updates16:30
khemJaMa, zeddii : this is GCC's static analyser in action, its finding a real bug there, passing a negative array index, so the parent function should be checked IMO, returning 0th element for all negative array indices might get by the static analyser but bug still might manifest16:33
zeddiiyah, that's what my commit message said :)16:34
zeddiibut it's not a bug I'm going to fix, I mentioned it to the AMD xen folks, but I'm not in the business of fixing xen or being able to test that.16:34
RPheh in libtool 2.5.0 I was the third most prolific commit author!16:37
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zeddiistreet cred16:46
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RPzeddii: but libtool :/ !16:47
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RPkhem: were those performance issues resolved btw? I added an attempted fix at that profiling traceback17:06
halsteadJPEW: there's no indication in resource graphs that the hashserv was overloaded in the last 12 hours. I'm checking logs next.17:10
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JPEWRP, halstead: Those errors are all where the connection gets established, so it would _seem_ to be some sort of infrastructure related problem; either the server is too busy to handle the requests, or something along the way is silently rejecting the connection18:08
JPEWLet me see what the timeout for the connection is18:09
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JPEWIt's 10 seconds. Looks like TCP has no timeout at all (other than the natural timeout for establishing a connection, which is usually pretty long IIRC).18:14
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halsteadJPEW: I don't see the issue at this log level. Probably hitting a connection limit on the reverse proxy18:40
JPEWhalstead: That was my guess. Does the reverse proxy do the TLS termination also?18:40
halsteadJPEW: yes. Right now it's nginx doing both.18:44
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halsteadThere really is nothing weird in the logs at that time. A few scripted attacked before and after but nothing that should have caused timeouts.19:18
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RPzeddii: green meta-virt with -next now :)21:07
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