Sunday, 2024-06-02

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JaMahalstead: the sync is broken again, missing 8 commits from (from 4 days ago)11:01
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khemis this option gone in new libtool ?15:13
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halsteadJaMa: Working on this now. I may need to disable poky-buildhistory.git on the public mirrors for a bit to resolve the mirroring issues.16:57
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LetoThe2nddidn't we have some form of reproducible build stats? is non-revealing20:15
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LetoThe2ndgah ECHAN20:20
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RPkhem: seems odd as I thought I fixed the patch up correctly :/21:32
RPkhem: why aren't we seeing this with more recipes?21:32
RPhalstead: disabling buildhistory sounds best if that is breaking things21:32
RPkhem: I was trying to decide if we even need/want that patch21:34
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RPkhem: meta/classes-global/insane.bbclass:UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPT_IGNORE ?= "--enable-nls --disable-nls --disable-silent-rules --disable-dependency-tracking --with-libtool-sysroot --disable-static"21:42
RPkhem: the recipe needs to use += and I probably broke the patch21:43
RPwhich does make me wonder if we need it!21:43
halsteadRP: for now yocto-testresults is available on the California and Netherlands mirrors as well as but missing from the Quebec mirror. Working on figuring out the issue.21:45
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moto-timoHappy to finally get the RECIPE_UPDATE_EXTRA_TASKS RFC out. The failures in AUH were getting annoying.22:00
moto-timothanks to Paul E for helping me figure out how to actually do it22:00
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