Friday, 2024-07-05

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khemRP:I see you probably missed the case for musl/mips/ppc/clang if you ignore them then yes you can pretty much drop some of them. but if you want to test I would say test it on musl/ppc/mips3203:41
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RPabelloni: needs a bug and looks rather weird :( (clock skew)09:19
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RPkhem: Right, we'd have to target them specifically. The question is whether anyone is using musl/clang on mips/ppc ?10:20
RPkhem: we need to get these upstream if they still apply. Two of the patches look connected10:20
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Guest36Hi, is there a simple way to build all recipes in a layer?13:04
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rburtonGuest36: you can use bitbake-layers to list all recipes in a layer, and then use that list to make a packagegroup or just a big bitbake call13:10
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jonmasonI know it's EOLed but hardknott is broken in bmap-tools13:50
jonmasonERROR: bmap-tools-native-3.6+gitAUTOINC+c0673962a8-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Unable to find revision c0673962a8ec1624b5189dc1d24f33fe4f06785a in branch master even from upstream13:50
jonmasontrivial to fix, but I'm guessing it wouldn't be taken13:50
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RPjonmason: there are a few issues like that :(14:06
jonmasonRP: if I submitted patches to fix, would they be taken or ignored?14:07
jonmasonI mostly want my CI to be green, but I know rburton will say it's madness and I should run away14:08
RPjonmason: I'd be advised not to take them due to the optics and the inability to test properly14:08
jonmasonfair enough14:08
RPit also sets a dangerous sign that patches can go in14:08
jonmasonyes, it is the right decision but it's like an itch I wanna scratch14:09
RPI find that hard too14:09
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Guest36rburton Thanks, I was maintaining a hand-written package group but building it didn't run the package_qa tasks, I will go with bitbake-layers+ big bitbake call, Thanks again!14:20
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marexjonmason: could you override SRCREV:pn-... in local.conf to fix that up locally ?14:23
marexjonmason: or in site.conf ?14:23
jonmasonmarex: we probably don't want to fix/workaround it in our layer for the same "perceived support" argument.  I'm sure Ross with give a heavyhanded nack if I tried that14:25
marexjonmason: local.conf ... not layers14:25
marexjonmason: to keep the necromancy contained14:26
jonmasonmarex: this is for CI, I don't actually care about it working for me specically14:26
jonmasonerr. specifically14:27
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rburtonjonmason: just stop building hardknott, think of the planet15:57
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Jones42So it seems like the fitImage is signed twice: once in kernel-fitimage.bbclass (fitimage_assemble()), and then again in uboot-sign.bbclass (concat_dtb()). What's the reason behind that?17:36
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zelgomerhow do i :remove a pattern with a space in it?22:23
Saur_Home2zelgomer: :remove only works with words, so it cannot be used to remove a string containing spaces.22:26
zelgomerso say some vendor's layer has a bbappend that uses an anonymous python function to append "foo bar" to a variable. i want to :remove "foo bar" and replace it with "foo baz". what do i do?22:27
Saur_Home2zelgomer: In that situation, you would probably have to resort to using an anonymous python function of your own.22:28
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