Sunday, 2024-07-14

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ceneblockHi everyone!19:39
ceneblock  I'm trying to do a `bitbake --continue -v core-image-full-cmdline` with a pretty basic configuration for beagle bone black.19:39
ceneblock  On Kirkstone, I'm having trouble building dbus, openssh, cronie, and nfs-utils.19:39
ceneblock  They all say that either useradd or groupadd are failing. When inspecting the log file and running the flock command, it is saying that the commands aren't found in $PATH.19:39
ceneblock  Since these are vanilla recipes, I'm a bit confused on how or why they would be failing.19:39
ceneblock  Any ideas on what might be going on?19:39
ceneblock  I've tried removing build/tmp, build/cache, build/sstate-cache, and even the source packages. I have had successful builds in the past, but I've forgotten everything, so I'm trying to relearn from scratch.19:39
ceneblock  recipe log file:
ceneblock  local.conf:
ceneblock  bblayers.conf:
ceneblock  bitbake log:
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yoctonceneblock: Maybe the unsupported host distro? "WARNING: Host distribution "opensusetumbleweed-20240613" has not been validated with this version of the build system; you may possibly experience unexpected failures. It is recommended that you use a tested distribution."20:02
yoctonHmmm maybe not, useradd is not a HOSTTOOLS (tools to be provided by the host distro)20:07
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yoctonMaybe something pseudo related?20:12
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yoctonceneblock: anyway, a tested distro is (really) recommended. You can use a CROPS container is test that easely
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