Friday, 2024-08-09

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eminboydakHello, I am using Yocto to create the rootfs and the kernel provided by the board manufacturer. Wi-Fi works on the default Debian rootfs but not on the rootfs I created with Yocto. I reached out to the company about this issue, and they provided me with a kernel module file named "bcmdhd.ko" and instructed me to enable the module in Yocto. I want06:18
eminboydakto enable the "bcmdhd" module in Yocto, but I can't find the proper solution. Is there anyone here who knows how to do this?06:18
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ddeeDo you have any suggestions on how to enable gcc sanitizers in the build?06:27
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mckoaneminboydak: first of all, test if the module works on the target. Copy it on the board and load it with: insmod ./bcmdhd.ko07:30
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jclsnI just added this patch
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jclsnWorks, but when you do a systemctl status systemd-timesyncd, it still autocompletes, but then says the unit is not available. Is this normal?09:24
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mbuluthey all, i was wondering if there are any tools to help me with freezing the package SRCREV's in a distro release...?11:33
mbulutto give a bit more context, i have a bunch of recipes that build private packages and everything grows/matures as i go, so to during development of the entire thing, AUTOREV comes in handy. however for a product release we of course want reproduceability, for which AUTOREV is not the best thing to have in recipes11:36
mbuluti heard of people sticking with AUTOREV and collecting some build reports to store the actual revs that were fetched during a release build in a file but i don't really like the idea11:38
mbulutis there any tool or script i could use to freeze the AUTOREV recipes to what's latest and greatest and then commit those frozen recipes as a release on my layer?11:41
mbuluthow does poky/oe and friends deal with this? is it all hand crafted or are there any handy scripts in use i could blueprint from?11:42
BenBEmbulut: git submodules for including your layers combined with git tags do a great job. But if this is practical to use in your situation depends somewhat on how you can include the source of your packages AND how many packages you have to take care of.11:43
mbuluti'm using kas to manage layers which is effectively the same as using submodules, as the kas configuration allows specifying a layer rev to check out11:49
BenBEI have (somewhere) an image that places the list of layers+revisions into the generated image as part of the version info from some project. I can see if I can locate the place where this was done in my project (has been some time since I last looked at it).11:50
mbuluti was more concerned about freezing the layer, i.e. something like running a sed over all recipes in the layer, replacing the AUTOREV lines with specific commits and then committing/tagging those changes in the layer as a release11:50
* BenBE hasn't worked with AUTOREV yet. No luck on that front.11:51
mbulutthe number of recipes to take care of is still within the manually manageable range but still i'm reluctant to take that route. i could hack me a script but i can't imagine this to be an exotic problem and don't want to reinvent any wheels11:55
mbulutmaybe the solution is not to use AUTOREV but that would raise the question "how to override fixed revs with latest during an in-development build?"11:58
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Croftonmbulut: AUTOREV should be rearely used14:02
Croftonit will certianly never appear in part of poky14:02
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khemAUTOREV makes sense only during development, it should never leave a dev sandbox16:36
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rber__@mbulut The short answer is: Don't use AUTOREV for release builds. What you might be searching for is something like this:
rber__@mbulut buildhistory-collect-srcrev17:13
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cabazon87hey, I'm buidling custom kernel within Yocto. Once it boots, uname shows 5.15.120-yocto-standard. How can I customize that string?19:39
cabazon87would that be LINUX_VERSION_EXTENSION ?19:41
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cabazon74hi, is SRC_URI = "ssh://" still supported? Yocto is throwing 'Failed to fetch URL ...' error and I'm puzzled why.22:32
cabazon74since I can fetch it manually from the build machine using exactly same URI22:33
cabazon74also, what's the difference between ssh:// and git:// ? will ssh invoke scp and git - git clone?22:43
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