Friday, 2024-08-23

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Lihisit seems that if I do `devtool modify some-recipe`, it won't affect the `some-recipe-native`? If I try to `devtool modify some-recipe-native` I get "Another variant of recipe some-recipe-native is already in your workspace". Is it possible to modify both native and the non-native version at the same time?09:06
olaniLihis: Yes, as long as they don't have S = "${B}".  Go to workspace/appends/some-recipe.bbappend and add EXTERNALSRC:pn-some-recipe-native = ".../workspace/source/some-recipe" . Should be the same path as EXTERNALSRC:pn-some-recipe.  If there is a EXTERNALSRC_BUILD:pn-some-recipe variable you can't do this.  At least not in trivial cases.09:12
olaniLihis: The presence of EXTERNALSRC_BUILD typically means S == B.09:13
Lihisolani: that does the trick, thanks!09:39
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landgrafWeird issue. Two machines (AWS codebuild env and localhost). Same layers, same local.conf, no sstate cache. Codebuild fails because of one of the zip files not found (it's in the SRC_URI list of the recipe which is not built into the image), localhost one works fine. If I remove problematic recipe alltogether then build works.10:43
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RPlandgraf: how far through the tasks does the zip file make it? You probably need to work out if it is a do_fetch or do_unpack issue or something later10:48
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landgrafRP: Looks like it's fetcher: 'Unable to get checksum for emqx-viso SRC_URI entry file could not be found' is in __init__.py10:58
landgrafRP: Simple "touch" "fixes" the problem even in codebuild env so I'm lost :-/11:00
RPlandgraf: does it list out where it is looking? Is it some kind of cwd issue?11:02
landgrafRP: it does. I don't understand why it tries to get checksum of SRC_URI it's not going to unpack/build at all and why it does it only in specific environment :(11:07
landgrafmaybe it's codebuild's weirdness. I saw few already (like $HOME not set which cause connectivity_check failures)11:10
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RPlandgraf: when it parses the recipe, it constructs the hash of the tasks within the recipe. To do that it has to know about the hashes of the sources for fetch11:21
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landgrafRP: Thank you for the explanation. My problem is not in the fact it fails, but in the fact it doesn't fail in some cases :) Anyway, I will create empty zip file to make bitbake in codebuild happy. hopefully will have time to investigate it further later.11:30
landgrafRP: found it! I have added this "feature" myself :( This particular recipe has special SRC_URI handling in case if it's being build under codebuild.11:40
RPlandgraf: I don't understand enough about the issue to give a better answer :/11:40
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JaMalandgraf: what is "codebuild env"?12:40
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landgrafJaMa: AWS Codebuild.13:05
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JaMalandgraf: is it cheaper or easier to use for OE builds than normal instances?13:36
JaMaI mean does it scale well for different CI jobs from 5s linter call (which can run on a VM in a toaster) to 24 hour "bitbake world" build (which should run on beefier node or might end with OOMK after a week)13:38
landgrafJaMa: Not really, it was done before.13:38
landgrafJaMa: *before I joined the project13:39
JaMa"You just specify the location of your source code and choose your build settings, and CodeBuild will run your build scripts for compiling, testing, and packaging your code." is the marketing BS which rarely works well :)13:40
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landgrafJaMa: I cannot say I'm happy with codebuild. One of the first advices I've got then I joined the project and my build failed - RETRY, sometimes it happens :D  But codebuild is not worst thing I worked with tbh...13:46
JaMaok, thanks13:48
RPlandgraf: I really don't like advice like that :(13:50
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landgrafRP: who does...  the reason of failures was easy to fix. no retries since then :)13:54
RPJaMa: could you see if a newer setuptools resolves that ccache issue? I'm wondering if the newer release helps? I'm thinking reverting the upgrade may be an option if not...14:00
SaurRP: I am trying to figure out why AB is failing due to my systemd.bbclass change and hope you can offer some insights. I have started by trying to recreate the runtime failures. I have build core-image-full-cmline with poky-altcfg for qemux86-64 with and without my change applied, but bitbake core-image-full-cmdline:do_testimage succeeds in both cases. :(14:01
RPSaur: which PACKAGE_CLASSES did you try?14:02
RPSaur: I didn't really look into the specifics of the failures but if you're struggling to get to the bottom of them, I guess I'll need to...14:02
RPSaur: which should have reproduced it :/14:04
SaurRP: Yes, I thought so too. :(14:04
RPSaur: I'd note that the qemuarm64-alt build succeeded when all the others failed. I wonder why...14:05
RPSaur: when you apply your change, is the image rebuilding correctly? Did you try cleaning the image and retrying ?14:07
RPthat would suggest another issue if so but I'm just thinking out loud with random ideas...14:07
SaurRP: Interesting. I thought they had all failed, which is why I started with them rather than the selftests where you said some failed and some succeeded.14:07
RPSaur: Perhaps the build was still running when I reported but I'd assumed it would fail given the others14:08
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SaurRelated to the selftests, what limitations are there on what a test can change in the configuration using write_config()? E.g., my tests modify DISTRO_FEATURES, can that somehow impact other tests running at the same time?14:09
RPSaur: tests are all run in their own build directories. The main constraint is they must not delete from sstate14:11
RPSaur: we do run tests in parallel but they're in their own builddirs for selftest14:11
SaurOk, so changing DISTRO_FEATURES per test should not be a problem.14:11
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RPSaur: I guess the exception would be if the change didn't cause something to rebuild correctly14:17
RPi.e. the features change didn't change taskhashes when it should have14:17
SaurYeah, but the tests add/remove systemd and sysvinit as DISTRO_FEATURES. It should be hard for those to not cause the right sstate to be used...14:19
SaurBtw, I tried copying the file a number of time and permutating the order of the tests and then running them in parallel. Didn't give anything. :(14:22
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SaurRP: As I am not to accustomed to the AB, is there some way to see all the builds that were triggered with my change applied?14:31
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SaurRP: Interesting. I ran the selftests on a Ubuntu host now, and there they fail (my previous runs were on my Fedora host). So apparently the failures were not random, but rather affected by the host. Now to investigate why...15:02
RPSaur: if for example you have the failed build you can see a "triggered from a-full" in the top right corner. Clicking on that will show you the others15:10
RPSaur: that is good data to have and sounds like a promising lead15:11
SaurRP: Yes, now that i can repeat the problem, I expect to be able to solve it as well. :)15:12
sudipkanavin_: khem: my rpi builds are broken with the error:15:13
sudipERROR: No recipes in default available for:15:13
sudip  /src/meta-raspberrypi/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa-gl_%.bbappend15:13
sudip  /src/meta-raspberrypi/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_%.bbappend15:13
sudipHad to revert 731d9b9a5fa80376d661f487dfaf08d79999a075 in poky15:13
sudipmesa: set PV from the .inc file and not via filenames15:13
JaMasudip: see PR in meta-raspberrypi15:13
JaMaand other layers15:13
sudipahh.. ok.. thanks JaMa15:14
JaMaI had the same in 8 different layers :/15:14
sudipthanks JaMa, I will add that commit for now15:15
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SaurRP: After a selftest has failed, is the file that was used available somewhere?15:19
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RPSaur: if you're just running a single selftest you can comment out the deletion code or make it put a copy somewhere at he start of the test15:23
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khemJaMa: yeah churn nevertheless15:55
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SaurRP: Found it. Calling read without arguments is apparently a bashism. Thus the tests failed on hosts with dash as /bin/sh.16:04
JaMakhem: I've found few more buildpaths issues (which might be triggered only when multilib is used) will try to find time to send patches next week16:11
khemJaMa: yeah that would be helpful, I am looking out for fixing the AB build ATM it has been broken for too long so other things are a bit lagging w.r.t meta-openembedded16:14
RPSaur: ah, that would explain it!16:16
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khemRP: I see you have staged the piglit patches would you mind staging python3-numpy upgrade as well ? -
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moto-timoHow do I run "-c devshell" in a multiconfig? bitbake -c devshell mc:product-foo:recipe-bar doesn't seem to be working (maybe it's a pyrex issue though...) it just drops me back to the original shell, not the devshell...19:55
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RPkhem: I'm not sure we want to take the numpy upgrade for 5.1, it seems lots of software isn't ready for that yet21:24
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