Tuesday, 2024-09-03

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qschulzdid the date of the YP Dev Day at ELCE change from Friday to Thursday? I swear I thought it was Friday initially?08:50
RPqschulz: I don't remember it changing09:17
qschulzRP: welp, apparently dreaming about it doesn't change the reality, how sad09:18
RPqschulz: it would be nice if that approach worked more often :)09:32
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RPJaMa: FWIW I'm thinking the RFC bitbake.conf change might be ok to merge10:31
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ben76Hello! I'm currently trying to get a Node project built onto an image. I'm using the NPM shrinkwrap fetcher to fetch the packages, and I can see them downloaded in downloads/npm2. Looks like these aren't accessible to npm in the recipe though. How can I get these packages so I can build a Node executable? Thanks11:49
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JaMaRP: I hope it is, but didn't want to be blamed for not testing some combination which might fail on AB :)13:08
JaMawill run world with at least our layers later (hopefully combined with some other sstate invalidating change as well as the rebuild takes over 24 hours)13:09
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RPJaMa: I put it in for testing on both the current AB and the new one to compare results14:01
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khemJones42__: depends upon where its needed if its something you need in post do_install tasks then it wont exist when build is using sstate artifacts, best case is to make it part of some native tool recipe which then u-boot can depend on and use it from native sysroot16:31
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