Thursday, 2024-09-05

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khemDvorkinDmitry: [depends] here is specifying inter-task dependency and its variable flag syntax, it does not allow override style syntax append/prepend/remove it does allow all other standard variable operation like =, +=03:46
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Guest51Hi, I want to know how Yocto internally cross compiles python libraries, the tools it use and whole process of how yocto cross compiles python libraries for any target board05:23
Guest51Also in general without using yocto how we can cross compile python libraries for any target board with the help of its toolchain and which tools we have to use05:24
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RPGuest51: all the code is there so you can see how it does it! :)07:05
albeuRP: I think the issue is due to a different directory layout of the layers between my machine and the build server. On my machine I have all layers next to each other in the same directory, on the buildserver the additional layers are checked out in a sub directory of the main layer. AFAICT the full path of files are used for sorting the07:05
albeufile_checksum_values array which result in the different ordering when some files come from the dependent layers.07:05
RPalbeu: I was just about to show you
RPalbeu: could you see if that hels?07:06
albeusure I'll test that. I was wondering if it might not make more sense to sort by the hash as that would also deal with duplicate basename07:08
albeuor is there some cases where there is no hash?07:08
RPalbeu: there are cases where the location of the file in the directory structure matters and needs to be accounted for (with the same hash)07:11
RPalbeu: there are ways that could still be accounted for but...07:11
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albeuRP: While we are on the sstate topic I was first thinking that the issues I'm seeing came from the fact that do_fetch (which is arch-less) depend on do_recipe_qa (which is arch specific) and opened this bug: Can this be an issue too, or am I missing something and it doesn't really matter?07:43
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RPalbeu: could you check that is the case with recent master? There were some changes recently which should have at least significantly helped with that08:34
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RPalbeu: I replied in the bug to capture that08:36
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albeuI'll see what I can do. Looking at master do_fetch still depend on do_recipe_qa so the taskhash of do_fetch will still be arch dependent08:38
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RPalbeu: why would that make it arch dependent ?08:39
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albeuThe do_fetch sstate contains the taskhash of do_recipe_qa so each arch has a different do_fetch taskhash08:40
RPalbeu: If do_recipe_qa isn't arch specific, that wouldn't be true08:40
albeuIf, but they currently are. I saw some diff that was full of arm vs x86 stuff08:41
albeuTUNE_FEATURES and a lot of other arch tunning related stuff differ08:45
RPthat might be fixable though08:46
albeuIn principle that sounds strange to have arch-less stuff depend arch-specific stuff and currently only the 'do_fetch', 'do_unpack', 'do_patch', 'do_populate_lic', 'do_preconfigure' tasks are made arch-less when the sstate is created08:48
albeuBut that shouldn't break anything, there will just be more do_fetch sstate than really needed, right?08:50
RPalbeu: it shouldn't be arch specific08:50
RPalbeu: it won't really matter since do_fetch isn't an sstate task anyway08:50
Dvergatalkhem: ahh yeah you are right08:53
Dvergatalkhem: but for now this RRECOMENDS, BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS and splitting procps-sysctl into to separate packages is sufficient08:54
albeuRP: I see, thanks for taking the time to help with this08:55
RPalbeu: makes them non-arch specific08:57
albeuBut that is for do_package_qa and do_populate_lic, not do_recipe_qa08:58
RPsorry, the message is wrong ;-)08:59
RPit fixes recipe_qa08:59
RPI'll write a proper commit message in due course, I was just trying to share it too quickly09:00
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paulbarkerHey folks, I'm seeing an unexpected yocto-check-layer failure for a BSP layer - it works with kirkstone but not scarthgap09:58
paulbarkerThe basehash for meta-ide-support:do_deploy changes when we change MACHINE, but that recipe is not marked as MACHINE-specific09:59
paulbarkerLooks like the issue was introduced by
paulbarkerDo we just need to add `PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}"` to that recipe? (even though it inherits nopackages)10:00
RPpaulbarker: the key question is whether the data that recipe writes is machine specific10:04
RPpaulbarker: nopackages isn't relevant, the question is are the environment scripts and so machine specific or not10:04
paulbarkerIt dumps the entire data dictionary10:04
RPso that is very much machine specific then10:04
paulbarkerSo, is PACKAGE_ARCH the right way to say that, even if the recipe doesn't create pacakges?10:05
paulbarkerIf so, I can send a patch10:05
RPyes, I think so10:05
paulbarkerCool, I'll test it and send a patch if it works10:06
RPalbeu: that change causes some new errors :10:11
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RPalbeu: I've pushed a new version since the dependencies were pruned a little too much :/10:28
albeuI got 98% sstate match on my test build so that helped. Just ping me if you have a new version that I can test10:31
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jstephanhello all! I am preparing my talk for YPDD in OSS24 about bblock and would like to know if there is anyone already used it?14:39
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Jones42OnkelUll_: I'm currently trying to marry image_types_verity.bbclass with genimage.bbclass to split my rootfs in two ext4-verity partitions.15:32
Jones42I was wondering why you run genimage depends on do_image_complete when it could already run after do_image_tar or do_rootfs15:33
Jones42Is there something I'm missing?15:33
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khemJones42_: do_image_complete will run after do_image so anything in IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND is also executed21:26
khemif you ran it before do_image_complete then it wont get the tweaks from IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND21:27
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