Monday, 2024-09-09

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RPJaMa: we need that update for hosts with glibc 2.4007:07
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JaMaRP: how does it fail when it's missing, I did small scarthgap build with glibc-2.40 and updated uninative and didn't notice any failures from pseudo08:53
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RPJaMa: starts linking to recent glibc symbols and not working on older glbcs from sstate08:56
RPif I remember rightly :/08:56
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ThomasRoosHi, is/will UNPACKDIR supported in Kirkstone or Scarthgap?10:56
RPThomasRoos: we don't plan to, no11:02
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ddeegit diff11:36
ddeediff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/ b/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-14.2.inc11:36
ddeeindex f05484cfc0..22dc5322cb 10064411:36
ddee--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-14.2.inc11:36
ddee+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-14.2.inc11:37
ddee@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ EXTRA_OECONF_INITIAL = "\11:37
ddee     --without-isl \11:37
ddee     --disable-libssp \11:37
ddee "11:37
ddee+EXTRA_OECONF += " --enable-libsanitizer"11:37
ddee CVE_STATUS[CVE-2021-37322] = "cpe-incorrect: Is a binutils 2.26 issue, not gcc"11:37
ddee CVE_STATUS[CVE-2023-4039] = "fixed-version: Fixed from version 14.0+"11:37
ddeeMACHINE ??= "qemux86-64"11:37
ddeeIMAGE_INSTALL:append = " gcc g++ binutils libgcc libgcc-dev libstdc++ libstdc++-dev libstdc++-staticdev nfs-export-root libc-mtrace gdb gdbserver openssh openssl libasan liblsan libtsan libubsan libasan-dev liblsan-dev libtsan-dev libubsan-dev expect autoconf automake"11:37
ddeeIMAGE_FEATURES:append = " debug-tweaks"11:37
ddeePlease review the changes and let me know if any further modifications are needed to  enable sanitizers to the build.11:37
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khemtlwoerner:I imagine thats when compiling gn ? if so yeah libstdc++ is needed but for chromium we build libcxx-native which should be used19:45
khemtlwoerner:hmmm libstdc++-12-dev so it seems you are on some old ubuntu where defauly gcc is some arcane version and then you might have installed gcc-12 as an alternative if so then yeah you are missing that bit19:47
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