Saturday, 2024-09-21

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yoctonRP: khem: What do you think about making the reproducible test work even in case of a partially failed build? (ie: adding "--continue" to the bitbake cmdline)12:50
yoctonThat would let us see the reproducible state even in case of an unrelated build faillure12:50
yoctonThat shouldn't change much for oe-core, that would be most beneficial for the meta-oe tests12:51
RPyocton: I'm torn on it and I think I've gone back and forth on this. The trouble is if things don't build, the reproducibile result is inaccurate12:52
yoctonInaccurate as in "We don't see reproducible state for package that don't build"?12:55
RPyocton: imagine m4-native fails and then reproducibility passes since it didn't build anything12:56
yoctonRP: I would ensure that the global build is only green for a successful build AND reproducible output12:57
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RPyocton: what about the test result value in json though?13:14
yoctonI'm not familiar with this one :-| I'll look into it13:21
yoctonRP: this? ?13:22
RPyocton: yes. These go on to form test reports13:24
RPI don't want "bad" data in the test reports either13:25
yoctonYeah me neither, I'm just trying to get more good data :)13:26
yoctonIn the json, in case a of build failure, I would put "failure" but add "same", "different", ... package list13:29
RPyocton: that could be reasonable13:58
yoctonI'll send a patch, we'll see :)13:59
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