Saturday, 2024-09-28

kheminherit nopackage seems logical00:09
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DvorkinDmitryhow can I add do_compile:append for a set of machines?13:30
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DvorkinDmitrysay, I have general u-boot .bbappend and want to add my own do_compile only for machine1 and machine213:32
RPDvorkinDmitry: do_compile:append:machineA = "${MYVAR}" do_compile:append:machineB = "${MYVAR}" and set MYVAR13:33
DvorkinDmitryRP, interesting! and define MAYVAR as the bash function?13:43
RPDvorkinDmitry: yes13:44
DvorkinDmitryRP, is there any example?13:44
CroftonRP: aren't you supposed to be on vacation?13:46
RPCrofton: home now, but trying not to get involved in much until Monday13:49
CroftonGood :)13:50
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